hello, rita is well back on the perfect refugein today's video 22 good habits to put immediately in practice every day to havethe bathroom always clean and tidy. empty the bathroom tub every dayto avoid the formation of unpleasant odors and to immediately have a feeling of cleanlinesswith a new bag in the basket maybe biodegradable.dry the walls and doors of the shower immediately after having done it with the squeegee and you will forgetto clean it. simple and fast, it's a tip what do i give you in all the videos? yes, it's true, notdo you want to hear it more? write to me in the comments, yes i'm doing it, enough!if you want to reuse the shower towel before putting it back to wash dry 15minutes in the dryer.
if there is a fan or an aspirator in the bathroomturn it on whenever you enter and turn it off when you go out, this will always help to keepa good air recirculation or open the window especially after taking a shower and keep itopen for 30 minutes. every day it is better to make small gesturescleaning, just use a wipe and throws or a scottex soaked in detergent.when you brush your teeth, keep your face close at the sink to avoid splashing the mirror.in my opinion it is a very nice idea that to use a lining in the bathroom to storecreams or even bijoux. and how do you remove the toothpaste that falls on thesink when we brush our teeth? with the finger!switch a vacuum cleaner or swiffer all
the days on the bathroom floor to collecthair, and you can leave up to three cloths cleaned in the swiffer embedded so soto have it ready immediately. when you trick you, do it in front of the mirroron the sink so you can quickly rinse all make-up residues.even water so dirty when you see water on the floor dry it immediately and stay onmat after the shower until the feet do not they will be completely dry.keep the things you all use at your fingertips the days for personal hygiene the cosmeticsmaybe on some nice trays or baskets in so as not to have to open each time before and afterdrawers. establish a home for everything and put it backimmediately everything right immediately after using it,
also exploits the vertical space maybeattaching hooks to furniture doors. keep detergents and cloths in the bathroomyou will need them for the flash cleaning. do not leave the shower mat onfloor after using it, shake it out of the window and hang it or the hooktowels or a shower. leave the wipes for hands rolled upin a nice bin next to the sink. dry the faucet and the sink every timeafter use. leave clean towels always availablein the bathroom for a quick restoration. avoid leaving dirty items on the floorbut keep a basket for the dirty stuff always available in the bathroom.there are times when we do not have our own
time for cleaning and then if you have two bathroomstry to use one only. a very useful idea is to usea cutlery tray to divide things into drawers. using a soap dispenser will help youkeep your shelf always clean.