tiling works in a bathroom. phase 2tiling works: fixing the tiles before commencement of tiling works check: tile grade sorting, work size if the collection is not rectified,production date, shade, abrasion resistance and collection name. tiling works start from planningand drawing the tiles setting according to the design. it's important to choose the adhesive suitable for the substrate,onto which the tiles are to be fixed. in atlas portfolio there are cement-based adhesives of class c1, or for difficult substrates of class c2,commonly called flexible. additionally, adhesives of class s1 can be distinguished.
these are all plus line adhesives,characterised by high deformability. deformability s1 is the permissible deflection of the set adhesive due to strains between the tile and the substrate, therefore the adhesive transfers limited deflection,without damaging the cladding. adhesive atlas plus is characterised by deformability class s1and high adhesion therefore it can be also used on difficult substrates, such as osb panels, plasterboards, old tiles,terraces, balconies and faã§ades, as well as floor and wall heating systems. in order to prepare the mortar pour the material from the baginto a container with water, in proportions 1 kg of dry mix for ca. 320 ml of water,
and then mix using a drill with a mixer until homogenous. the dispersed adhesive should be left to rest for 5 minutesand then remixed in order to fully disperse the chemicals. the adhesive can be used up to 5 hours from mixing. the consumption depends on the tile size,substrate evenness and adhesive layer thickness. adhesive atlas plus is characterised by reduced slip,therefore enables fixing tiles with no support and allows to start fixing at any wall point. it is advised to start from the penultimate row,unless we are sure the ceiling line holds level. the adhesive should be applied onto the substratewith a smooth steel trowel, and then distributed evenly and shaped, possibly in one, preferably vertical direction, with a notched trowel.
the adhesive is applied onto the substrate andthe tile placed and pressed well in order to get maximum contact surface. in case of large size tiles, uneven tiles or substrates,substrates of low absorptiveness, the substrate as well as the tile should be floated with the adhesive. after the application onto the substrate,the adhesive retains its properties for ca. 30 minutes. the position of a tile can be adjusted delicatelywithin 10 minutes after it is pressed. in tiling from top to bottom the tile distancersare used for the joint thickness control only. if in the design there are facings vulnerable to discolouration,the white cement - based atlas plus white adhesive should be used. in proportions 1 kg of dry mix for ca. 270 ml of water, the dispersed adhesive should be left to rest for 5 minutesand then remixed.
adhesive atlas plus white, due to use of white cement, does not discolour the facings such as glass mosaics and decors, natural stone or glazed gres-porcelain. it works perfectly also on difficult substratessuch as osb panels, plasterboards, old tiles, terraces, balconies and faã§ades,as well as floor and wall heating systems. it's important that the wall surface is finishedin a singles work cycle, the same day. tiling from the bottom starts with the skirting board installationand fixing the penultimate tile row. use the tile distancers to mark the joints thickness and support the tiles. similarly to tiling from the top it is advisedto apply the same day the last bottom tile row. mosaic in sheets should be applied onto even substrates.
apply a thin layer of the adhesivewith a notched trowel of notch size 4-6 mm. in case of fixing mosaics and tiles onto the same surface, the differencein mosaic thickness should be levelled with proper adhesive thickness, applying it onto the substrate as well as the mosaic sheets. before fixing the tiles onto the floor the waterproof insulationwoder w in minimum two coats should be applied. the next stage is the tile distribution setting. for fixing large size tiles the pourable adhesiveatlas plus mega is recommended. it ensures perfect filling of space under a tiles. this adhesive can be used with thickness from 4 up to 20 mm,therefore it levels the substrate and fixes the tiles at the same time. it is characterised by deformability class s1and very high adhesion,
therefore it can be used also on difficult substratessuch as osb panels, plasterboards, old tiles, terraces, balconies and faã§ades as well as floor heating systems. in proportions 1 kg of dry mix for ca. 220 ml of water, for pourable adhesivesthe trowels with semicircular notches should be used. after placing the tiles onto the surface with adhesive,move delicately the tile, pressing and vibrating in all directions at the same time. this way the adhesive spreads and we are surethat fills the whole space under the tile. consideration should be given to howthe adhesive fully fills the space under the tile when spreading. it's particularly important in cases when the surfacesare vulnerable to thermal and mechanical deformations.
the next phase of works can start after adhesive setting,not earlier than after 24 hours, and in case of fast-setting products,not earlier than after 4 hours. after fixing the tiles and adhesive settingwe can start the next phase of works, which is grout and silicone application.