Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018

badezimmer rote wand

badezimmer rote wand

many personal reports of paranormal encountersstart off as relatively mild at first, gradually becoming more intense until reaching the pointof actual danger. in other words, flickering lights, runningfaucets, and missing items were often precursors to hauntings that, in these cases, becamefar more sinister. 15. “the night stalker”: this woman claimsthat she would go to bed at night only to be woken up by strange noises and left withthe unshakeable feeling that she was not alone. when she sets up a camera to record some evidence,she finds this bizarre footage the next day. imagine watching yourself trying to sleepwhile this figure haunts your dreams.

at one point the supposed phantom appearsto be lunging at her. she says that she believe she was still awakeduring this point and remembers seeing nothing. only when the contrast on the video was enhanceddid anything become visible. 14. “the ghost pusher”: this footage comesfrom india, where a woman is seen cleaning up at a sink. suddenly a dark figure appears behind herand gives her a hard shove from behind. she turns around only to find the room emptyand hurries away. 13.

“the mirror”: a security camera recordsa woman as she sits in a dance studio with her back to the mirror. suddenly her reflection turns around and standsat her menacingly. the woman continues on her daily routine andsimply walks away, completely unaware of the danger behind her. if this video is real, then i can only imaginewhat would have happened if she had walked towards it instead. 12. “the light sensitive ghost”: this videocomes from another country, but you don’t

have to know the language to understand what’sgoing on. a group of kids appear to have broken intosome type of amusement park late at night and now they are now exploring the area. they are commenting on the various piecesof equipment when they come across a large replica of a woman that makes them fall silent. she is very pale with an expression of surpriseand displeasure, almost as if she can see them and knows what they are up to. they move their flashlight over its eyes andthe tall figure blinks once at them. the scared group goes off running and latersubmits their amateur footage to the local

news. it’s then loaded onto youtube soon after. 11. “ghost grabbed”: a man is walking downa hallway with both hands in his pockets when something suddenly materializes in front ofhim. the shadowy mass shoves him to the groundand drags him across the floor by his ankle with all of its strength. it suddenly disappears and he scrambles tohis feet and runs away at full-speed. the youtube community seems split as to whetheror not the surveillance video left behind

is fake or real. 10. “barry can’t breathe”: according toa team of ghost hunters, this house in san pedro, california has long been haunted bypoltergeists who like open cupboards, throw plates, change television channels, and lingerin certain rooms until a mother and her two children felt uncomfortable enough to leave. a lot of the events happened before the ghosthunters became involved, and therefore were never recorded, but it wasn’t uncommon forred liquid to drip from the walls of this haunted home for no explainable reason.

here is a quick clip of this happening inreal time before the team’s very eyes. eventually the ghosts drive the mother andher children out of the home, and the ghost hunters volunteer to stay there and investigatefor several months. one day they hear three loud snapping noisescoming from the attic and send a man named barry to investigate. as he later recalls, something was up therewaiting for them. barry comes back down distraught and confused,now missing his glasses. some kind of cord is wrapped around his neck,and he insists that something had tried to choke him upstairs in the attic.

the investigation was called off not longafter out of a concern for the team’s personal safety. 9. “the dining room”: a man claims that hekeeps experiencing paranormal activity in his dining room and nowhere else he feelsunsafe and decides to leave a camera running in the dining room to see what goes on whenhe’s not around. nothing happens for a while, but then somethingcomes along in the window that looks questionable. this is the zoomed in version. a tiny face appears to peek out at them fromthe glass panel on the bottom right before

darting out of sight. you can’t really make out any of its features,but notice how some orbs float by shortly before this happens. it’s hard to tell if it’s a paranormalcreature or just a small animal, but i wouldn’t want to be left alone in the house to findout. 8. “the apartment haunting”: a youtuber namedjoseph chansuolme [“chan-sue-olm”] is absolutely positive that a ghost has beenplaying tricks on him, so he sets up a camera to record his apartment at night, since that’swhen the majority of his otherworldly interactions

have occurred. it’s past one in the morning when orbs beginto dash wildly overhead like fireflies. then something turns on the bathroom lightsand puts the faucet on full blast. soon the door shuts by itself, and maybe it’sjust me, but i think i hear a really weird noise after it closes, kind of like a sigh. listen to this and let me know if you hearit, too. so anyway joseph wakes up after a while andhe hears the sink running. he immediately checks all around his bathroomonly to find it’s completely empty. it’s important to note that i didn’t seeany editing cuts between when the sink turned

on and when he checked the room. if this is a fake, it’s very convincing. here’s another video of the sink on a differentnight, this time taken in front of a mirror to show that no one was around. joseph eventually moved away before the paranormaltampering could escalate into something more dangerous. 7. “alcatraz”: a man is walking around theinfamous alcatraz when he picks up two possible paranormal encounters.

i’ll start with the weirdest one first. he is inspecting a row of holding cells whena loud voice seems to call out to him with a single question. it sounds to me as if the deep voice is askingone simple word: “why”. the second possible encounter occurs as heis entering another part of the prison. listen to this strange and haunting laugh. this one has a fairly reasonable explanation. alcatraz is on an island, so maybe this wasa bird call echoing off of the prison’s walls.

i can’t tell for sure, so let me know whatyou think about these two events. 6. “the sleep watcher”: after multiple nightsof getting no sleep and experiencing a deep sense of dread, this person sets up multiplecameras to record exactly what happens to them at night. when they check out the cameras the next day,they find this strange encounter. a faint shadow appears to linger above themfor a moment before fading away. it has an unnatural shape and almost seemsto reach out at them. this video could be fake because this personwas sleeping with their lights on, which is

strange. but then again, maybe they were just tryingto make sure there was plenty of light to catch the ghost on video. some people have even suggested that thisperson was having an out of body experience during rem sleep. 5. “the museum curse”: museum maintenanceworkers in manchester [“man-ches-ter”], england were very suprised when this ancientegyptian statue began moving by itself. it would always shift in its display casewhen they aren’t looking, and when they

put it back in its spot, it would just moveagain on its own later. after determining that this was not some kindof prank, the museum workers became extremely curious and set up a camera. they were stunned to find the 4-thousand yearold statue gradually moving in a perfect circle completely by itself on camera. scientists studied this video extensivelyand eventually concluded that vibrations from foot traffic and nearby buses were causingthe small figurine to shift in place. however, museum workers note that this figurehas been a part of their collection for 80 years, and it has never moved before, so thisreason is not exactly foolproof.

also, none of the other museum artifacts haveever displayed this kind of behavior, which has led many youtubers to believe that thisexplanation is merely a coverup for the paranormal truth, and possibly a dangerous curse. 4. “billy’s dinner”: a child is left alonefor just a moment, but still long enough for her to have a possible conversation with aghost. look across from her at the wrapped silverwarein front of the glass and watch what it does as she speaks. the silverware moves all by itself shortlyafter she reminds an invisible person that

it is not their dinner. she could be talking to an imaginary friend,but that doesn’t explain how the object moved without being touched. the ghost appears to leave her alone afterthis brief interaction and she happily resumes eating as if nothing happened. exactly what it was planning to do to theirfood could be anyone’s guess. 3. “the red possession”: a woman appearsto be obviously distressed and possibly possessed as she coughs up red liquid during a ritualexorcism.

she coughs and gags until the front of hershirt is covered in a crimson liquid bubbling forth from her mouth. she spits out the red liquid out again andagain. the man chants over her and jumps up and downwith her until she stops speaking in tongues and appears to calm down. the audience claps and the video ends. 2. “the stairway”: this cctv footage showsa young woman hurrying down a flight of steps only to find something waiting for her atthe bottom of the stairwell.

the shadowy figure turns towards her and ifyou look closely, you can almost make out the circular white outline of a face. she bolts away and the apparition quicklypursues. if this video is real, then nobody knows whathappened next or if she even survived. before we get to number 1, if you've everbeen curious as to what i look like in real life, then follow me on instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt,with underscores instead of spaces. i also have twitter @yt_chills where i postvideo updates. i'd really appreciate it if you followed meand feel free to send me a dm if you have a questions or suggestions.

if you’d like to see more of these videosin the future, then hit that subscribe button because i upload a new video every thursday. 1. “the haunting of paige”: this video wassupposedly recorded by an unlucky couple who have been experiencing a rash of dangerousparanormal encounters. the paranormal specialist they were seeingsuggested that they record every moment inside of the house for evidence. the couple is arguing about how inconvenientthis is when suddenly something bad happens to paige.

the door slams shut, and when the boyfriendrips the door open, this is what he sees the poltergeist doing to her. the cameraman is slammed to the ground byan invisible force as paige rides up a wall. she hangs suspended on the ceiling and thenfall into the bathtub. she stares vacantly ahead with no emotionin her eyes as her boyfriend tries to comfort her. it is unclear if she ever recovered, or whather mental state is like now. thanks for checking out this video. be sure to subscribe because i upload a newvideo every thursday.

or if you're still not convinced, here aresome of my other videos that i think you'd like. enjoy!

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