Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018

deko lila weiß

deko lila weiß

hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to subnautica! -shouts with passion- i've got a problem i'm about to die *laughs* my water content is too far low and i don't know if im gonna to be able to recover it... i might be able to recover it if i can get a fish that's gonna be able to give me some god damn water. -weird-ish voice- preferably like a bladder fish orshs maybe one of these bad boys.

bladder fish, come here! i bet if i eat you i get some water. noooooo!?!? noooooo!?!? i'm gonna die... i'm dyi-i'm dying-i'm dying-i'm gonna-here here-is how i die..i'll die-i-i -here i'm dead! i'm dead now! this is me being dead! dead is me!

ha, ha, ha, haaa! welp, there-ua fff-fucking goddamit! at least-gahhh!! gahh! fuck! i lost a whole hell of a lot i lost more than i was willing to lose. but that's okay at least i still have my ion crystals. and at least, i'm back in my base.

so, you know, you can kind of look at the positive things in life. i'm gonna let "red icorn" take care of the ion crystals and i'm gonna keep this disinfected water -weird accent- on me! at all times... and hopefully not die. but welcome back, i have to do a thing! i have to build some more -deep voice- lockers. okay, so i have 3 new names on the locker. the first being 'don le ngu' who said "finally!..." "you got the p.r.a.w.n. suit, no hacks."

which i've been very proud of, i've done *nothing* to cheat in this game, period and it has been such an enjoyable experience. except for all the dying and the being terrified of the ocean parts that kinda sucked but that's okay. next up is 'keith seeley' who wanted to know exactly how many times i blew up my sea moth and the answer is zero! i did not none!! it's the same sea moth that i built i wouldn't want to have to go out and build another one because i am lazy and i hope to keep everything that i have intact.

and then, 'charr' who had some really interesting insight into the lore of this, so apparently, we all know about the degassi, but 10 years ago is when the degassi mysteriously vanished while trying to make a slingshot maneuver around this very planet. which is exactly what the aurora was trying to do, as well. and apparently the aliens don't know the difference between a slingshot maneuver and someone trying to land on the planet... and supposedly, if you take a look at your hands... and i dunno if these are going to be able to show the hands

but if you take a look at your hands, anything that gets on this planet, is a disease. like, literally infected by a disease that is only on this planet and that is why the planet is quarantined. it's not something that's so profound as like the curse of existence literally that gun is there to be like "hey, don't fucking come on this planet!" "it is under quarantine, you will die! this is for your own good!" it is apparently something that kills absolutely everything it touches... but that doesn't explain why the biology of this planet is so vibrant... that's what charr says so i don't know if that's a hundred percent accurate, it sounds accurate but

it's just fascinating to think there's such a viral and strain of disease that these aliens are doing everything they can, to make sure it never leaves. so anyway, that is as far as i go on the lore of it. next up i have to make this p.r.a.w.n. suit and in order to be able to do that, i need aluminum oxide, i need plasteel, aero gel, and lubricant. now, the only complicated thing is the plasteel, but that's actually not too bad because even though i got robbed of my lithium...i have one diamond in there, that's nice to know... i'm pretty sure i have enough to be able to make more plasteel. so, plasteel is just a combination of a titanium ingot and lithium, so i just need a butt-load of titanuim and then lithium, and then i need a spore sac, and i need aluminium oxide crystals.

now, aluminium oxide crystals, i buliiiiiiiiieeeevvve...i'm not a hundred percent sure on this one but i'm pretty sure that they are down south. and by "down south" i mean really down south like, r.e.a.l.l.y down south. so, what i'mma do is i'mma put away anything that i absolutely don't need i need to put up my keep calm poster because it's frickin adorable. ..boop, boop boop.... put dat there, get my p.r.a.w.n. suit poster dere. aaaaaaannnnd a-boop!... awwwwww that's nice, i like that. i got decorations, i'm a decorator. i'm one that likes keep-sakes because i'm so fricking alone

and i desperately cling onto anything that's gonna keep me in contact with the human species. *inhales intensively* i'm gonna diiiiiiiiiiiie! aww but maybe i'm not, aww what a cute kitty.... so, what i need is i need to go down... ...into... the depthsssss god damn it! my sea moth is all the way over fucking there god damn it where's my god damn sea glide? urbanstrts, yeah you got my sea glide, gimmie my god damn sea glide we're gonna fucking glide here

i know, god damn it i died, i'm an idiot... alright go- gotta go pick up my sea moth from the impound looot. and then i'm gonna go get aluminium oxide crystals and then i should be able to make the p.r.a.w.n. suit right away. and thankfully, there's a whole butt-load of things to mine out by the aurora so it wasn't too bad of an idea, to keep my base there. but eventually i'll move it out to get closer to other places that i need to go. okay! we got my sea moth, i'mma head back to base, i'm gonna drop off my sea glide, and hopefully we're gonna be able to explore the deepest darkest regions that we can at this moment. we can only go 300 meters down, but that's enough to be able to explore the purple caves

and maybe... ...find that other underwater base because there is an underwater base down that area?, i just don't know if it's in those caves right there...they may be in another one? but i'm not well versed in the new geology of this planet. but we'll get there soon enough, it's all about learning and exploring and having fun as we do it. right?! and not dying! hopefully not dying is gonna be good! i mi-i might as well grab this, you know, this all this fucking titanium here

because i'm gonna need a whole bunch of ya before i get back eventually. so i might as well drop all this scrap off and then be able to build what i need to build. alright, just gonna drop some shit off. *weird noise* uh-bloop bloopbloopbloop aaand gonna put you back in urbanstrts. alright, that should be everything that i neeeed. ♪on the way again♪ ♪don't hit my base you fucking bitch♪

♪i'm on the road again!♪ ♪don't go no where no bitch i'm gonna hit ya!♪ aww ok habooski oh, also i wanna hit up my uh, i wanna hit up the life pod real quick because apparently there are messages waiting for me in that life pod. now, i don't know what these messages are gonna say, and i don't know what they're gonna mean for me but they probably are gonna be interesting. ah good! i think they finally made this stationary.

alright, up we go. hello. communications relay: playing message *reads the message from life pod seventeen* i don't know who lafette is and i don't know where your coordinates are, but let's take a gander. okay your's is- oh! it's over there alright then well thats the only message that i've got and its pretty new so. i'll gi-i'll give it a look, but i've got other things to do i don't know who will be trying to get in

it could be something big, but, judging by his not panic nature i'm assuming it something not entirely huge unless it's just one of the bitey things over here but given that it's new, it may have been something new that was trying to get in, i have no idea oh! apparently i have a new message okay they keep giving me messages when i'm not in, why can't they call when i'm there? oh shit

oh sshit oh sssshit was that always there? oh, hello ok well, something got in apparently man i don't even kno- hey! heyheyheyhey! hey! hey! hey! hey! hey! you spastic piece of shit! whooh!

woah! stop freaking out! hey! hey wrooong wroong! you are much faster than you used to be holy shit thoose thing used to be fa- like slow and docile there's a data pad in there that i wanna get

ok data download anything else in here? *a sea monster roars* ok ye yeah i get it i get it you wanna eat me i get it everybody else does i get it here we go *reads what's written above* well, i'm guessing that when he went outside he found a face full of death

and now i'm about to find a face full of death because the sun is setting. but what is this? unknown technology? a still-suit? oh, cool. that is the thing i believe that will recycles water. which is gonna be very good i always enjoy drinking my own piss. i always enjoy a nice refreshing glass o' piss! really soothes my soul. i see another scan-able... ♪dibidi di bu ba du ba di du getting the fuck back in my ship now♪

♪holy shit we're going away♪ ok, is that about everything? ooo, hello are you going down- you're down to the purple caves aren't you? ooooooh that's scary helloooooo hi! my name is markiplier! am i welcome in this wonderland of purple hell?! i bet nooooot! who's got a worm in ya? which one of ya got a friendly worm? oh-ho-ho everyday is a new chance to experience hell.

am i in the right place for aluminium oxide? *reads the message above* well, fuck you then. seems like it's just going to be gold and lithium, which doesn't exactly help me. stop it, not worth it. i'm hearing a lot of roarin' and- ow- and i came down here to get away from all the roarin' i don't appreciate none of that. well, it seems like i might be in the wrong place because i'm not seeing what nee- oh, that's a big'n that's a big'n!

that's a big one! cos that's a small one! that's a big boy! what's that guy so- ohh. ugh! *confused muttering* i don't think-- uaah! i'm pretty sure... i'm pretty sure something's wrong, um, going on there!

tha-tha-tha-that ain't right, that that's not right, there's something wrong there if there is an underwater base here, man they were fucked in the head because who would put an-- oh my god. there's an underwater base! who did this?! who was fucked up enough to build one down here? eugh!

moon pool! moon pool! *slightly more aggressive* moon pool! moon pool! so what i'm gonna do, actually, i'm going to change out this, put this down here, put this on, re-breather it should help me not lose as much oxygen as i have been

which should allow me to explore this place without getting horribly fubbernucked. here we go. scanner at the ready! *muttering* what is that? nothing. whole lotta nothing? "drooper stinger"? i don't want the drooper--oh! water filtration! hell yes! *sea monster noise* stop screaming at me! okay, we got water filtration, which is gonna be good

no thank you, no thank you, no thank you, no thank you. *shushing noises* okay, pda! "bed 1"? hell yeah! hoh! a double bedder! for eventually when i have friends?? i'll be able to have them sleep next to me! so i can watch them when they sleep. okay, goodbye. i'm outta here, i'm outta oxygen.

oh, shit. oh, shit, oh shi- i just want to grab this, okay, got that, that was it! i'm outta here, i'm out, i'm out, i'm out, i'm out, i'm out! goddamn it get the fuck down! *squeal* i'm out! i'm out, baby! i'm outtie! outtie, outtie, outtie! what is that? is there light? oh, that's my light. is that my light? that's my light. hee! hee hee! okay!

we got that! shit fuck. okay, something happened, we've been di- hey, hey! what the fuck? what the f- what the fu- *accented* what the fi-uck? what the fi-uck? what the fi-uck? okay, everybody shut the fi-uck up! i'm not happy with what's going on here! also, you big droopy bitch! i hate you!

*normal voice, reading* hello, big guy. *resumes reading* well, i mean, they're not wrong! they're actually quite right! because apparently there is a research station even farther down below. it's just fascinating to hear the story about these people that were here from the degassi,

which is the ship that crashed ten years ago! like, ten years. i mean obviously, these people, are probably long dead. because if, you know, if, if the elements didn't kill them, then they killed each other, because obviously they weren't getting along! and if they're not getting along and there's no cooperation

then there's definitely not going to be a way that they're gonna survive. hello! where are we now? oh! we're at where i built a base before, i think. or i used to build a base, anyway. so what i need to do, now, is i need to look up where the aluminum oxide is because i have not found any and i'm not going to end this episode without a prawn suit!

so i'm gonna find that right now. i know where it is now! it's in the grand reef! and so where the grand reef is actually to the south of here, or at least in the ass-end of the aurora. i don't know if imma gonna be able to get down far enough, to get to the grand reef, because my limit is 300 meters, and i can only dive so far down and i do not have um... my sea glider to be able to get some extra distance as i go down but maybe i'll be able to go down far enough

but i'm not one-hundred percent sure... i just really want that aluminum oxide so, i'll be back if i know i can get it i'll have an answer for you either way. ooo, i think this is it is that aluminum oxide? or is that just chorus? dame it! i'll take you.

wheres the aluminum oxide?! where the illuminati?! where is it?! i'm taking you with me! you're gonna tell me what's my entree is! oh, their it is. ok, thank you! imma take this anyway... alright. so, i can get aluminum oxide. i definitely want every single can.

but i just can't go that deep in getting it. *carin say's something* that's ok carin! i appreciate your concern but me and my friend here wow. wow. woah. woah. look at it's shadow! holy shit! that's weird... ok. me and my friend hear are gonna get all the aluminum oxide that we need and i'm pretty sure we need... at least like four more... should be safe... ooo, i found the mother-load! ok. kaboshkey! kaboshkey! all man, it's a prethua!

by the, the vents. oh jeez that's hot! bonke. i'm just gonna get them all. i mean, the more the merrier! i'm not really wow! wow! wow! ow! ow! ow! ahh! it's toasty! ahh! my buns! my buns! ok. so i have nine. that should be more than enough. i'm gonna get this one more just because it's standing out at me. ok. but the other good thing is that i also got the recipe for the moon pool which means whichever base i build next, i'm not gonna do this by the aurora,

i'm just gonna, this is gonna be, the p.r.a.w.n is gonna me the last thing i build by the aurora, and then after that i'm gonna build a new base, and then from their i will build a moon pool on top of it it would probably be closer to the a, the inactive lava zone entrance which would mean that i would have a better launching pad to the next phase so, imma go take care of that but right now i also need to get some more titanium. so, i just need to get the lubricant and then i need to get a spore sac of some sort. i think the spore sac was in the carvas's here... so, i might be able to find something but i need a bunch of, this to be able to get enough lube. *weird sounds*

lube me up baby! lube me hard! every day's a good day to get lubey! let's see if i can fine me a sac. uh, anybody see a sac around here?! a nice hefty, juicy, tasty sac. any'ole sac will do! sorry... any sac! i'm not biased when it comes to my sacs, i'll literately take anything. ooo, ahh, oh, that looks like a tasty sac. and i know i've got an other one of these back at home so i think that's all i need. and then i should be able to make my p.r.a.w.n

i don't know what i would be able to make after the p.r.a.w.n i have no fucking idea. but i'll have it and that's good. alright. now let's make my lubey. *pretends to tip hat* my lubey. ok, one plasteel ingot, the sun is setting but that doesn't matter because i'm gonna have everything that i need. and then the motor vehicle bay should be able to do all that unless i'm not, awe no! oh, no! i'm not gonna have enough power! uuuuck,! really? really? really? oh, really. and then my spotlight is taking up even more power. what a bag of dick!

god dammit i can't. i literally can't. *sounds like micky mouse* what a sack of shit! *micky noise* *sounds normal* can i make a bioreactor? cuz i got a lot of biological material. oh, i got half of the stuff for a bioreactor! well, eat my chode! i gotta wait till day... maybe if i shine a flashlight on this it'll give me some power... ha. let their be power! is it working?! i'm gonna deconstruct this sack of shit cuz it's not any good for me. *weird sounds* can i have all this back? thank you! ok! it is now the following day and we're starting to get power. so, i just need to make the aero gel and then i'll be good!

i've also put another panel so hopefully i'll get some more power a little more quickly... i need a little more power to keep me warm at night... and then i'll disassemble everything and then move it. ok, but now i should i have everything that i need right? i-i got absolutely everything. i'm pretty sure, i'm pretty sure this is gonna be it! *weird sound* o oh, oh god. sorry jeffrey, billy, sam, marge, and marshol. i don't know what i'm doing.*made a sound* yes! boom! oh, yes! *reads the message above* wow. hey! i didn't even see ya build it! good job boys. hello! limitless power you say?! *mask a sound* oh, yes, thank you. so, can i mine?! ooo, punch. punch! pownch! pownch! pounce!! pounce! pounce! pounce! *more pounce!* *accented* i'm pouncing as hard as i can pownch!

this is not m-ining it! what the fuck?! hear you. i'm gonna pownch you! here. you want to get pownched? pownch! pownch! pownch! come back hear and get pownched! oh,shit... i sqweched him... he got sqwe- oh, no he's alive. come hear and get pownched! pownch! pownch! fucking don't run from my pownches! you bitch! right fine. well apparently i don't have the uh.. i don't have the drill... well shit. well a bunch of bag of dicks. i don't have what i need for that. great. wonderful. i 've got a p.r.a.w.n suit but no upgrade ability. oooooh, boy! i gotta build me a moon pool to be able to do that! ok. but either way i got a mission for me in the next episode and i know what i'm gonna be doing. the p.r.a.w.n suit can go down to nine-hundred meters and that's without the pressure compensater. it could go all the way down to twelve-hundred with a pressure compensater.

so, with that i could technically go down as far as i need to but i would like to be able to build an other base which is gonna take a lot of doing but i think i could do it i just need to build a cyclops, store all my stuff from this base, maneuver it somewhere else, and then build another one. we'll see about that in the next episode! thank you everybody so much for watching! as always! see you, in the next video! buh-bye!!! * outro music*

deko lila weiß Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
