Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2018

deko lila grau

deko lila grau

the tallest trees in the world are redwoods which tower above the ground in california these trees can easily reach heights of 300 feet among the redwoods a tree named hyperion tops them all standing at 380 feet hyperion also shares its name with the titan god of heavenly lights coming in 2nd for the world's tallest trees is helios standing at 374 feet and for the bronze medal we have another redwood called icarus at 371 feet high interesting names now the widest tree that we know of is called el arbol del tule in santa maria, del tule mexico

this tree has a circumference of 164 feet and it dwarfs the town church by a large amount you the largest tree by volume and not height or circumference is a sequoia called general sherman 275 feet tall with a circumference of nearly a hundred and three feet now these are just some of the world's tallest trees that are standing today needless to say the sizes of some of earth's remaining trees are absolutely mind-blowing and the thing is they used to be much bigger here's an article about an australian mountain ash from 1872

the tallest tree ever measured was not a sequoia but a type of eucalyptus in australian hardwood tree in 1872 forester, william ferguson spotted an extremely tall mountain ash near the watts river, victoria, australia purportedly he was 132 point six meters or 435 feet tall around that time multiple specimens of 140 meters tall were reported in victoria, mainland, australia we cannot check these measurements anymore all these trees have been logged mountain ash was and is an important construction material in australia this brings me to my next point do the trees of the world get bigger and bigger the further we go back in history we have some records of men cutting down extremely large trees in mass quantities

if trees of this magnitude were cut down by men in the eighteen and early 1900s then that begs the question have we cut down even bigger trees before that we don't know, but we do know that men love mindlessly taking out trees like there's no tomorrow was there once a time when trees were unimaginable in size and they reached high up into the heavens, maybe this is true the tree grew and was strong and the height thereof reached unto heaven and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth here the bible says tree and i think this is referring only to the world's tree also known as the tree of life located at the center of the world and that would be the north pole in depictions of the norse cosmology the tree of life each raziel is growing from the center of a mountain here's a passage from the book of enoch kinda talking about that and

from there i went to the middle of the earth and saw a blessed well watered place which had branches which remained alive and sprouted from a tree which had been cut down and there i saw a holy mountain and under the mountain to the east of it there was water and it flowed towards the south and in the midst of the trees that of life in that place where on the lord rests when he goes up into paradise and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance and adorned more than every existing thing and on all sides it is informed gold looking and the million and fire lichen covers all and it has produced from all fruits

its roots is in the garden at the earth's end is eden mythologies from all over the earth plane reference a tree or sometimes a mountain there instead sometimes both at once as we have just seen with the depiction of yggdrasil maybe humongous trees used to be the norm we are told that natural landmarks like the devil's tower are made by lava cooling in that shape and that the lava dries up into neat little hexagonal columns but when you look into how basalt columns are formed you will not be able to watch how they are formed instead

we are told to just believe that basalt columns are the result of lava cooling down and cracking into hexagonal columns on its own but when we look at how lava actually works it never dries like that it oozes chaotically before cooling down and drying in a random manner it's merely circumstantial no one has ever witnessed basalt columns form therefore the official explanation is very much up for debate so is the devil's tower in ancient tree stump are there more of these kind of structures the answer is yes

everything that we have ever been taught is up for debate being that we've been taught mostly lies when it comes to where we come from who we are what our purpose is and where we live? our true history has been changed rearranged rewritten and hidden from us this video is a joint effort between myself, oh deedee rosette and two awesome gentleman named shadi and cracker we hope to bring forth food for thought intriguing ideas and even new information for those that have already been researching this topic including recently uncovered free masonic books from lebanon that seemed to support all this so with all that said, i'll pass it off to rosette be sure to subscribe to her channel as well

thanks, oh didi being awake is not all bad yes, it's scary at first knowing our government is not our friend that the world really is run by psychopaths who follow lucifer but there is a good side to this knowing too and that is connecting with light kind people who want to help change the world for the better people like oh didi cracker and now our new friend shadi he has a passion for getting the truth out and has a special perspective. he wanted to share it is regarding his homeland of lebanon and the giant cedars

in getting to know shadi i discovered that his first name is arabic for singer which reminds me of jacob in jacob's ladder? his name was jacob singer jacob was a christ character in that movie singer as in messenger, and i can't help to make the connection to our friend. oh dd literally being a singer of truth with his raps exposing the ball line and everything else regarding the new world order makes you think do we truly pick our names or are we given our names? birth names or pseudonyms, it doesn't matter

the name has a resonance that fits that person and they are that name and yes, like jacob here exposing 9/11 shadi and oh deedee are here to also expose the ones behind 9/11 notice jacob sees with his right eye. he is of the right of the good now we can't do a series called ancient tree research project without discussing the giant cedars of lebanon this is the one place on earth that is known for its giant trees these same giant trees come up in the bible in 47 verses why what is so special about these trees? are they hiding some more truths in plain sight?

let's take a look at some of the evidence now let's locate lebanon geographically so we get a feel for the land lebanon is nestled between israel on its southern border and syria on both its north and east and just over the waters of the mediterranean is its closest western neighbor the island nation of cyprus notice cyprus the neighboring island country - lebanon can indicate cypresses in the tree and cyprus has fragrant wood just as a cedar tree does this is a picture of an ancient cypress tree cedar trees are part of the cypress family of conifers or pines also indicating a connection to the pine needle gland

could cyprus actually be an ancient giant cypress stump. that is sticking up out of the water is an island speaking of cypress cypress is visible with the naked eye on a clear day from the highest point in lebanon which is called hell others it peaks at 3083 metres above sea level these mountains had covered in snow during the wintertime except for a place called artnet tesota this is said to be a special place where noah planted a special seed right after the flood remember also that lebanon is part of the ancient land of canaan known as the promised land in the bible kanan consisted of lebanon syria jordan and israel and was also known as phoenicia

now lebanon has a unique flag there's a giant cedar on the lebanese flag a giant cedar of life cedar ced ar is fanatically the same as cedar se e de ar and what is a giant cedar of life? the tree of life is

this giant cedar symbolic of the tree of life in the center of our world does this imply a connection to the tree at the center with the giant cedars of lebanon i? would say absolutely the tree is green green is the color of the heart chakra on a hot, ah and the heart is in the center of our chest just like the tree of life is in the center of our world so the green tree is the heart the green chakra could also represent the albick which translates to in your heart the albick is a town north of lebanon just behind the others it is famous for its giant structure known as the temple of jupiter

the cornerstones of the earlier temple have been found to weigh over 100 tons and the retaining wall modelers weigh about 300 to 900 tons each these blocks and the others are known today as the bell big stones and have been the subject of much debate study and conjecture over how they were moved and arranged alexander the great conquered by albick in 334 bce he named the heliopolis as in the city of the sun the name still in use in 64 bce and pompey the great an extra region of phoenicia 4-ohm this was still the designation for the city in 15 bce when the city became a colony of the roman empire alexander the great was a giant so was pompeii, which is how they got great in their name

and the masons call their new world order project their great work their giant work and remember george bush senior went by may gog the giant at skull and bones and hear from his son straight from the horse's mouth gog and magog are at work in the middle east the biblical prophecies are being fulfilled this confrontation is willed by god who wants to use his conflict to erase his people's enemies before a new age begins? but the god that george bush is talking about there is lucifer. all right. that's his god

back to the flag it is on a white background now what's interesting is that when looking up the etymology? for lebanon we find that it originates from the phoenician route levan, which means white so lebanon is implied in the coating the white background means lebanon remember also, noah's white dove a symbol for peace the white is flanked by two bars of red red is the color representing christ? christ is red blooded as are we

the ones against christ the anti christ are blue blue blooded like the blue bloods the royal elite blue is the color of the star of david on the israeli flag? and we know the star of david is an occultic symbol consisting of two triangles one pointing up one pointing down each triangle has three sides so three and three is 33 the number of the masons, and we know the masons worship lucifer so if the israeli flag is a masonic flag and the masons worship lucifer. what does that tell us about israel? and two bars of red to show the heaven and earth connection like we have in norse mythology

with asgard the garden above or heaven and midgard the middle garden or earth the only two realms with gardens the only two realms with the red connection the two realms with the red connection earth which is an anagram for heart and heaven an anagram for a haven or earth haven the sanctuary above the giant cedars are mentioned forty-seven times in the bible that's an awful lot of times now we know these trees were giant by particular passages in the bible in ezekiel 31 3 we read

behold assyria was a cedar in lebanon with beautiful branches and forest shade and very high and its top was among the clouds the cedars were among the clouds they have to be pretty tall to be that high in psalms 8010 it states the mountains were covered with its shadow and the cedars of god with its boughs so the cedars were taller and bigger than the mountains they shadowed the mountains giant cedars saed ers

and notice, what kind of man is associated with these majestic treaties in psalms 92 12 we read the righteous man will flourish like the palm tree he will grow like a cedar in lebanon remember jesus was god's right-hand man of the right of good of god and how does a cedar grow? tall and strong bigger than the mountains reaching among the clouds tall and strong like shah, dee's grandpa who stood almost 8 feet tall and so was his brother very hard-working men who worked with fruit trees their whole lives down in quinnie bind

the men of lebanon take after the trees tall trees tall men tall men as opposed to giant men there is a difference between a man seed of adam who grew tall and strong and the nephilim whose offspring were of enormous size? in deuteronomy 3:11 it states that king augs bed steed was nine cubits in length and four cubits in width which is 13 and a half feet by six feet according to the standard cubit of a man? so king aag

was approximately 13 feet tall if his bed was just a little more than that and at 13 feet would make him over twice as tall as what is generally considered a tall man at six feet in addition the book of giants which was found among the dead sea scrolls was also called the lost book of king of bashan so six feet and eight feet like sha dee's grandpa would be considered tall men while king ogg at 13 feet was a giant so it's on the flag it's in the bible where else can we find the giant cedars how about in the landscape? the big mountain is called a ladders which means the seder in arabic it is the landscape and part of everyday life in the oldest maronite christian towns and villages?

which surround the mountain? the valley or al where donalbain is arabic for your valley of the holy saints or the holy valley the mountains and the values provide excellent climate for growing the most beautiful fruit and vegetables from apples and olives to pears and cherries now why would a civilization dating centuries ago name a mountain after a tree? it wouldn't make sense unless the mountain was a tree a giant tree that has been cut down these cut portion starts at 1,800 metres above sea level, which would be equivalent of a 60-story building

that is just at the base notice how this cut portion is already among the clouds as mentioned in and throughout easy pure the mountain is also home to point tree forests and sayla tree forests which is called as a rub which translates to the cedars of god and observe how the mountain looks separate from the floor ella res isn't a continuous mount of rock and dirt that slopes to the ground instead lra's extends downwards like you see on tree roots at the base of a tree this also has a flat top or mesa

mesa meaning table table of the giants in nature with erosion from wind and rain you would not get a level top like a table top you would get an irregular and rough pattern where rock becomes loose and gives way so a flat top implies some form of cutting or sawing the coloration is also similar to a tree trunk and can be distinguished from the plain below this is a view from above notice how clear clean and blue the sky is notice how flat and level it is these photos are from my village in hustling

hustling is a phoenician term for fortress and the town truly is a fortress because we are the oldest christian village in all of lebanon and we have defended ourselves from invaders for 6,000 years the phoenicians invented the alphabet and were known as kings of the sea they dominate a travel as they used cedar trees to craft boats and ships this was because the cedar tree has survived the snowy winters and the salty summers this tree was durable to the salty oceans all over the world they traveled to egypt and africa down to the mediterranean and even all the way to australia

they were experts in trade and maintain peace with many different cultures the phoenicians were known as a purple people to other cultures in the word unnerving or the value of the holy saints you can see the caves that the christians hidden during the invasion of the ottoman empire we have monasteries here that were built in the 1600s so over 400 years ago my uncles have worked in them and have first-hand knowledge of drawing and bones being discovered in their musica until the church came and took them away doesn't that sound familiar like whenever they discovered joint bones in the us a team from the smithsonian group comes by and holds them away

never to be seen by the public again smith sounion smith is code for mason both the church and the smithsonian's are hoarders of true knowledge of our world sharing the same allegiance let's take a look inside the monastery of akasha upon entering the monastery, i immediately get goosebumps this monastery is home to many saints hermits and monks from all over the world ancient paintings writings and drawings are well preserved. he wrigley message still take place in the church today this is a black slab from the roof of the cave he has a painting on it, which looks familiar does it remind you of anything?

to me it looks like the beginning of the seed like cedar seed of life symbol he also looks like the cross-section of a pomegranate fruit could this be where they got the real star of david from from the bottom of a ripe pomegranate fruit and here is the actual tomb where the giant bones were found notice the tiny and only entrance this for so that he could defend himself from trespassers in the value of anti-shah my grandparents and ancestors used to grow fruit and vegetables for 60 plus years before establishing a home in hustling the valley is called uglisha and in arabic catholic, mass we sing this as an opening hymn, and i am pretty sure he from this monastery

this is a day service for my farm in the weather fruits of our labor in under b can you see how the veins in the leaves are like the lines on our skin like on my hand here now what's interesting too is a similarity between words that we have in the area for example a town across from has rune is called eden eh d. en which phonetically is the same as eden ee d en as in the garden of eden? now although it appears from the brilliant research of the god culture in studying the book of jubilees that the garden is in the land of a fear which is modern-day philippines the connection is still as profound as a giant cedar is to the tree of life and

in the same general area of fear shows up on the map as well please check out the god cultures channel on youtube for more information on this. i'll leave a link below now we have another phonetically similar word in kaneesha hadisha ka d is h a which is very close to kadosh? ka do sh as in knight kadosh the 30th degree in albert pike's morals and dogma the term kadosh is derived from the hebrew word which means holy or consecrated

so knight kadosh would be holy night they consider the night. holy where lucifer rains knights templar for templars of the night as well night kadosh is abbreviation is kk kk in numerology is 22 22 is a number of christ's of his journey here on earth. he served by the luciferians making christ lucifer in the tarot the masons followed the gnostic writings of the kabbalah night kadosh night kabbalah

just a note here kadosh sounds like it might be related to the kardashians or the kardashians kk kim kardashian khloe kardashian the kaykai's this is probably why these vile creatures are pushed into the news every day is a symbol for the kk the kardashians are likely candidates to be transsexual in androgynous like the freemasons coveted battle goat khloe kim kourtney or kk k 11 plus 11 plus 11 equals 33 and we can't help but notice that kk k are the initials of the klu klux klan founded by

albert pike the head mason and writer of morals and dogma from the chapter of night kadosh the ghosts of the dead templars haunt the vatican and disturbed the slumbers of the paralyzed papacy which dreading the dead shriek out its? excommunications and impotent anathemas against the living it is a declaration of war and was needed to arouse apathy and inertness to action it at length became a menace for the church and society

when a rich and dissolute order initiated in the mysterious doctrines of the kabbalah seems disposed to turn against legitimate authority the conservative principle of hierarchy and threatened the entire world with an immense revolution the templars whose history is so imperfectly known were those terrible conspirators this rebuilding formerly predicted by the judy izing mystics of earlier ages had become the secret dream of the patriarchs of the orient

the temple of solomon rebuilt and consecrated to the catholic worship would become in effect the metropolis of the universe the east would prevail over the west and the patriarchs of constantinople would possess themselves of the papal power? trump pence trumpets and notice, they're both wearing blue ties blue ties for israel

blue is the color of lucifer and they make sure to have the christ must tree that looks like a cedar on trump's, right behind trump, it looks like a mountain landscape with little cedars peeking over his left shoulder on the left behind pants we have the flag in a pyramid shape the stars are laying sideways, so they have the appearance of pentagrams with the two points at the top of each and it's taught by an eagle or phoenix symbol of the masons it's kind of like their version of the tree behind pence man-made as opposed to god made another random thought about pagan christmas is that it is centered around trees and decorating them in materialistic rubbish

while hiding the true essence of trees and the true nature power and purpose of them in our world the christmas tree with the slot on top or the northern star is a representation of our old world the decorations are meant to be the fruit and that gives under the tree i meant to be the blessings of life to provide food and shelter for all life on earth the trees then grow for it for self-defense here every single aspect of a tree from the roots to the back to the vines and the leaves and right down to the fruit all hold deep sacred and special healing powers for the human body and the entire environment that the tree is surrounded in i totally agree

many say it's a pagan symbol and make it bad but it was usurped and made that way originally was a symbol of our blessings however one thing people should be aware of we should use live trees trees with their roots intact not cut trees cut trees represent the giant trees that they cut so by having cut trees in our homes at christmas has us unwittingly giving our blessings to this hordak live trees trees that we should plant after christmas add

beautiful trees to our plane instead of subtracting them from it like the forest of lebanon which only covers thirteen percent of the land in present day there are 41 mentions of trees in the book of enoch. here's one of the more fascinating ones this is from the book of enoch chapter 32 and after these fragrant odors as i looked towards the north over the mountains i saw seven mountains full of choice nard and fragrant trees and cinnamon and pepper and thence i went over the summits of all the mountains far towards the east of the earth and passed above the erythraean sea and went far from it and passed over the angel zou tal and i came to the garden of righteousness and

from the far-off trees were numerous these trees and great two trees were there very great beautiful and glorious and magnificent in the tree of knowledge whose holy fruit. they eat and know great wisdom that tree is in height like the fir and its leaves are like those of the carob tree and it's fruit is like the clusters of the vine very beautiful and the fragrance of the tree penetrates afar then i said how beautiful is this tree and how attractive is its look? then raphael the holy angel who was with me answered me and said

this is the tree of wisdom of which thy father in olden years and thy age and mother? who were before thee have eaten and they learnt wisdom and their eyes were open and? they knew that they were naked and they were driven out of the garden notice how similar the tree looks to the tower card in the tarot deck at the bottom of which looks like a tree notice the base is among the clouds just like l. arez looks like this base and is among the clouds with trump still in mind look at the next picture it's trump tower

trump tower is the tower of babel? replacing the tree of life man-made tower as opposed to cedars s ee d ers gods towers let's continue with the kadosh quote sword and trowel the templars insignia concealed themselves as brethren masons the trowel of the templars is quadruple and the triangular plates of it are arranged in the form of a cross making the kabbalistic pentacle known by the name of the cross of the east thus the order of the knights of the temple was at its very origin devoted to the cause of? opposition to the tiara rome and the crown of kings and the apostate of cabbalistic

gnosticism was vested in its cheese so the cross of the east is a symbol of kabbalistic gnosticism notice crowley's cross of the east - is right and what is written next to it? baphomet remember that word it will come up again shortly and here with the sovereign commander of the masons with his cross of the east on his fez notice a tenth of this photo it is purple phoenician purple we continue

to acquire influence and wealth then to intrigue and it need to fight to establish the johan it-- or gnostic and kabbalistic dogma where the object and means proposed to the initiated brethren the papacy in the rival monarchies. they said to them all sold and bought in these days became corrupt and tomorrow perhaps will destroy each other all that will become the heritage of the temple the world will soon come to us for its sovereigns and pontiff's we shall constitute the equilibrium of the universe and be rulers over the masters of the world

did you catch that and they will be rulers over the masters of the world? the templars like all other secret orders and associations had two doctrines one concealed and reserved for the masters which was johan ism the other public which was roman catholic thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant hence freemasonry bogle vulgarly imagined to have a gun with the dionysian architects or the german stone workers

adopted st. john the evangelist as one of its patrons associating with him in order not to arouse the suspicions of rome saint john the baptist and thus covertly proclaiming itself the child of the kabbalah a nessun ism as seen ism together and wherever in the higher degrees to two colors white and black are inject to position the two principles of zoroaster and mains are alluded to it is absurd to suppose the men in intellect adored a monstrous idol called baphomet or recognize my home at as an inspired prophet

the symbols of the wise always become the idols of the ignorant multitude remember crowley's baphomet we see how the cross of the east represents cabbalistic gnosticism and we see here also how the masons covertly worship, john the baptist and tried to associate him with the kabbalah and as seen ism here is a masonic inspired version of john the baptist with him doing the as above so below notice one foot up one foot down sitting on a throne with the sceptre in his hand and

naked except for a cloth draped over his privates just like in this next picture which looks eerily similar to the statue of mason george washington doing the same pose and dressed the same way which looks eerily similar to their baphomet doing the same pose and dress the same way so we can see just from the one painting of john the baptist that they are usurping him using him to promote gnosticism remember this is from night kadosh straight from morals and dogma straight from the masons own writings and

donald trump is a mason i'll leave a link to his appearance on the jimmy fallon show where he has to go through his humiliation ritual to move up in freemasonry, and you'll notice he holds up his thumbs and index fingers forming two owls l in numerology is three so holding two up. he's making the 33 of masonry so they tell us they worship john the baptist and what's interesting is that john the baptist lived in qumran in further reading in night kadosh the legend of osiris was revised and adopted to symbolize the destruction of the order and the resurrection of quorum slain in the body of the temple of quorum, abha

the master as the martyr or fidelity of obligation of truth and consequence prophesized the restoration to life of the buried association so they associate qu room with osiris and we notice how phonetically similar qumran is to quorum we are in the land of the phoenicians, no less the dead sea scrolls were found in caves in qumran the essenes did not live in qumran they lived above and gety on the southwest shore of the dead sea with five villages in between there were no gnostic texts found with the dead sea scrolls the

s scenes were gnostics as we just read straight from the masons writings. they were not even mentioned in the bible the gnostic texts were found in alexandria egypt nowhere near qumran and notice how similar the place where the scrolls were found are to a modern-day cedar trees base

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