
the legend of slender man has many differentorigins, but it always involves a long-limbed faceless creature with a penchant for businesssuits and eating kids. though just an internet urban legend, mostof the people on this list say they thought he was just a myth until they saw him up close. . . 12. two friends are making a random video on atrampoline somewhere out in the countryside. they appear to be all alone until a tall strangerin a business suit steps out from behind a shed and leers at them. the two friends quickly bolt in the oppositedirection and we don’t get to see what happens
next, so it’s hard to say if this was aprank or not. one thing i noticed was how slender man’shead comes up to the roof of the shed. this places him at about seven or eight feettall, which is about the same size as the legends say. then again, i guess it could have been a friendstanding on something to give themselves more height. 11. a student is doing some schoolwork on hiscomputer when somebody comes in and starts recording.
they have a short conversation that’s interruptedby a large figure standing in the darkened doorway behind them. the creature’s head almost touches the ceilingand its arms are so gigantic and long that they don’t even fully fit in the cameraframe. its arms look long enough to pluck them fromthe couch and drag them to their doom. fortunately for them, the two friends getaway just in time and take off. they glance back up for a moment only to findslender man silently regarding them from the top of the stairs. now that you’ve seen this video, i’m eagerto hear if you think this was a real slender
man sighting or just someone in a really goodcostume. 10. i’m not sure where this short video comesfrom, but it’s probably somewhere in europe since they are driving on the left side ofthe road. the driver is traveling at a decent rate ofspeed when suddenly slender man descends upon them. it could just be a weird camera angle, butslender man looks extremely tall and lanky here. his limbs almost look too long to belong toa person.
he looks roughly half as tall as the lightpost he’s standing next to, so to me this is either a mannequin or the real thing. 9. a youtuber named travisandrewbarker and hisbrother were watching the movie titanic one day when his brother noticed someone in thebackground who looked completely out of place. travis wasn’t sure if his brother was justmessing with him, but as it turns out, he was telling the truth after all. i honestly can’t say that i have seen thismovie that many times, so i’m not sure how legitimate this sighting is.
if you are familiar with the movie and recognizethis scene, then please let me know what is going on here and explain who this mysteriousbackground character is. if nobody can come forward with details, thenthis very well may be the first slender man spotting in a hollywood movie. 8. a youtuber named loth van hears a knock at4:30 in the morning. this has been going on for a quite a whileand he’s finally had enough, so he grabs his camera and heads out. he films the outside scenery for a bit andcatches nothing but crickets chirping under
a night sky, or so he thinks . . . he looks at the video later and notices asmall white face peering back at him from the shadows. loth van is now convinced that this is proofof how slender man stalks him and haunts his dreams at night. i’m curious as to whether or not you thinksomeone was really there or if this all sounds made up. 7. a youtuber named scaredy cat thinks he sawa tall stranger rummaging around his property,
so he goes into his house and grabs a phoneto record with. he cautiously makes his way back to wherehe last spotted the intruder and it isn’t long before he finds him again. actually, this time it looks like scaredycat is the one who is discovered instead of the other way around. a humanoid creature appears to be staringdirectly at him while remaining completely motionless. scaredy cat goes running down the street screamingfor his life. his reaction sounds pretty genuine, but i’mstill not sure if this was a real sighting
or not. it almost looks like a mannequin that someonecould have put out there as a joke. maybe it could even a impersonator runningaround pretending to be the real thing. it just doesn’t seem to be the right heightto be slender man, though some legends say that the creature can change its height atwill. 6. this deer is eating some corn when suddenlyit looks up as if something is approaching. the camera jumps ahead and barely managescatches this strange fleeting movement on the right side of the screen.
this shadowy figure has everyone talking aboutthe possibility of slender man, who apparently has been rumored to be in this forest foryears. it kind of looks like it might be wearinga business suit and has an all-white head completely devoid of all features, but it’shard to tell for sure. 5. a youtuber named frostbitten looks out hiswindow one evening and sees what he thinks is slender man peering up at him from below. you can see it much better when he moves awayfrom the screen door. i do see what he’s talking about and sodo some other viewers in the comments section.
i can’t tell for sure, but it looks somethingwith a pale head and long arms might be looking up at him. i can’t really make out if it’s wearinga suit or standing behind the tree. then again, maybe this humanlike shape issimply light reflecting off of the woods. let me know if you can see what frostbittenis talking about and if you agree with him 4. imagine going out for a relaxing day on thebeach and seeing this mysterious figure walking just a couple of miles away. this tall man with a bright white head andall-black clothes walks towards the water
as if nothing is out of the ordinary. i will add that this area looks pretty lonelyand there’s really no reason for anybody to dress up like slender man as a prank here. it’s too bad the person filming wasn’table to get any closer, though i can certainly respect their desire to keep as much spaceas possible. 3. this surveillance footage looks like it wastaken on an academic campus of some sort. the security camera is glitching out and skippingframes, which is supposed to be a clear indication that slender man is near.
look closely here and you can see a transparentfigure in the upper left. then, without warning, a tall figure is suddenlylooming over a young boy. slender man yanks the boy high into the airby both arms and then the video quickly cuts off. i noticed in the bottom right corner thatthis camera was marked “camera 01â€, but i wasn’t able to find footage from any ofthe other cameras. if somebody recognizes this location, thenmaybe we can do some more precise investigating and get to the bottom of this mysterious sighting. 2.
a group of friends are recording themselveslifting weights and basically just joking around in a small gym. the situation suddenly becomes very seriouswhen one of them leaves the room and then comes rushing back to bang on the glass forhelp. a tentacle like appendage seems to wrap aroundtheir friend’s waist and pulls him away. the group goes outside and searches for theirfriend nathan, but he has vanished. then another friend goes missing too. the two survivors run back into the buildingto talk about what just happened. one of them is in complete denial and thinksthat they are simply being pranked.
they are talking about whether this is reallyhappening or not when suddenly their worst fears are confirmed. while there is a strong possibility that thiscould be cgi, the uploader has not come out and said that this was a short film. instead they insist it’s real. most of the people in the comments sectionagree that this is authentic, but i’d definitely like to hear what you think. before we get to number 1, my name is chillsand i hope you’re enjoying my narration. if you’re curious about what i look likein real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt
and tap that follow button to find out. i’m currently doing a super poll on my instagram,if you believe ghosts are real, then go to my most recent photo, and tap the like button. if you don’t, dm me saying why. when you’re done come right back to thisvideo to find out the number 1 entry. chills merch is now available and i’m giftingviewers who spend over $100 with a 100% free “foot lettuce†t-shirt to show my appreciation. this offer won’t last forever so get yoursby visiting chillsmerch.com. also follow me on twitter @yt_chills becausethat’s where i post video updates.
it's a proven fact that generosity makes youa happier person, so if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button and the bellbeside it then thank you. this way you'll be notified of the new videowe upload every thursday. 1. two friends are riding around in the countrywhen they come across an old house that gives off a strange feeling. they have nothing better to do so they decideto investigate the old wooden structure in search of adventure. they are still outside of the house when theircamera starts to mess up, a clear sign that
slender man is near. they don’t think much of the electronicdisturbance and continue to poke around the perimeter. eventually they find a doorless entrance andstep inside, and that’s when things go terribly wrong. something bad seems to have wrecked this house. it’s trashed from the inside and a partof it has collapsed in ruins. they aren’t in there for long before theydecide they’ve seen enough and want to leave. but when they go for the exit, something goesfor them.
slender man reaches for them and the soundcuts out on the camera as they scramble for a different exit. they barely make it out alive. according to many believers, this still frameis the closest anyone’s ever come to capturing slender man’s true form.