hey friends me jenni here and i'mreally excited to share with you this game i made called blue balls it'sbasically set in a 3d low poly world that i modeled myself while streaminglive on twitch so i'm just gonna press play and show you what it's all about. starts outdoors here with a beautifulstarry night ahead above but the real action starts when you enter jenni'sexotic live adult entertainment. got the red carpet as soon as you walkthrough the door the timer starts and you have to get as many pumpkins as youcan before the time is up. basically this club here i started to make so itcould become part of an asset package for anyone to
use in their own creations but ieventually wanted to do something with it myself. this curtain is pretty coolit's cloth physics that i learned how to use and the game was developedentirely here in unity, while i did the modeling in 3d max. this stage right hereis optional doesn't have to be a strip club but this this particular game has astage with a pole so i thought that was pretty funny. we even got these chibi girls to walk up on stage, two sometimes. they'llwalk into each other but they don't want to get too close to us the first-personcontroller, so i'm learning how to do c# programming so writing thescripts is kind of new for me so we
actually programmed these girls towander around aimlessly and then to avoid walking too close to me. sometimes they do get too close to each other so yeah the club here we got an entire barthat i made we can actually walk over here behind the bar and check out allthese different bottles that i made from scratch. these are supposed to bewine bottles these are supposed to be whiskey champagne on the bottom thenthey got little glasses here martini glasses and stuff booya so yeah you can actually hop up on tothe stage yourself but don't try this in a real strip club because it'll probablyget you kicked out haven't even gotten
to the bathroom yet oh no we're gonnahave to try harder friends i mean that little sound effect therefore the endscreen and i learned how to do these cute little buttons here where you cancheck the credits and these are clickable links that take you to my sidemy site rushing games who's the one they taught me how to 3d model and do unityand then this is the musician who i found on newgrounds ironically his songis called blue balls and i was originally checking to see if anyoneelse had used that name for a game but it turns out that there was only just asong that was named blue balls but it was funny because the musician in hisdescription said specifically that it
sounded like if sonic made a porno and iwas looking for some cheesy porno music to go with this game alright so you cansee that cool light effect on the blue ball it's kind of like a cool effectthat you can see on the walls sorry let's tank this time let's try toactually get it get all the pumpkins so you can see what happens when you winonce in a while the curtain gets a little funny so don't mind that i'mstill just learning this is actually the first game that i made almost entirelyby myself in the past i've gotten to submit some game assets or voice actingfor other people's games but yeah so this one i did all the art except forthe pumpkins those i got from the unity
asset store and the song i didn't dothat part but everything else i did myself while i was streaming on twitchputting this project together two different people helped me with my codeso shout out the two guys that helped me yeah on separate occasions i had ineeded some help and like my partner miran was busy sosome friends on twitch that were helping me yeah so here's the bathroom friends ithought that this was really cool over here because i learned how to doreflection probes so this is supposed to be a mirror but it doesn't have ourreflection because we don't actually have a body attached to the camera herebut reflection probes basically take
like a 360 photo of the environmentthat's around it and then it'll do the reflection on metallic surfaces likethese doors and these two eyelets these toilets are way shinier than necessarybut i thought they looked too cool not to include they're super shiny and likechrome chromatic toilets so no killer wears the ones that we missed oh godokay we might have to play a third time i don't know where those last threepumpkins were that we missed but we'll speed run the run at this time hey allright friends well hopefully if anyone happens to see this video or noticethese games online that you will find the inspiration to play them and if youdo then to leave a comment with some
constructive feedback of course anydevelopers dream is to how people play their game but also for me i like tolearn and if you see any ways that i can improve this game or ideas for thefuture of this game or others then let me know this like i only put together inthe last month or so like three or four weeks to make this so actually i hadn'teven decided that i was going to release it as anything until just a couple daysago so the scripting and stuff pretty much made all within the last coupledays all right let's see here almost only five more pumpkins we wonhey yeah well that's pretty much it friendswe made the end screens we got the
immersive experience of going through 3dstripclub i could to actually share with you someof my 3d models and hopefully a some someday like maybe a let's player willdecide to play it on their channel not just me but a good thing i'm both anaspiring game developer and a let's players so yeah so that's pretty much italso i guess i'll show you the sites where you can play it blue ballsyou can find it on gamejolt which is one of my favorite sites both gamejolt and itch.io, you can suggest a donation so i was amazed when i saw that severaldifferent people opted to give me the dollar donation here on gamejolt. 21people played it but 67 people viewed it
only one person decided to rate it soyou can see that um sometimes people you know they might look at it they mightplay it but slim chances that they'll bother to rate it so i'm glad that whenpeople do that then i don't know helps me learn here's a little speed model /time-lapse video from one of the live streams i did on twitch where you cansee me modeling the stripclub so if anyone decided that they wanted to usethis low poly in my club asset it does not have to be a strip club but i wantedto make it you know usable in case anyone wanted to make a bar some sort oflike bar scene or whatever yes let's pretty much hit friends thiswas just like in the middle of the
production here it looks a lot differentnow of course but yeah so there's there that and then i'll show you onnewgrounds one of my other favorite sites last time i loaded a game that imade on both new grounds and gamejolt was when i made my to flash dress-upgames all way back in 2014 so since then i feellike i've learned into the whole lot and for one thing i'm not using flashanymore i'm using unity of course 777 views here on newgrounds and on thissite it's really cool to see people do you actually leave more feedback so wehad like a handful of responses that i got to read and reflect on and writeback to the people they took the time to
respond on there so yeah same thing andthen of course it's on h dot io so this is the other site that it's on i hadn'tever loaded the game on here before so i feel like it's maybe a little bit lesspopular on this particular site but yeah it's really cool to see like theanalytics and stuff but anyway friends that's pretty much it i just wanted tofinally share with you what i've been up to you lately of course i have a patreonpage where i've been making updates more regularly and sharing the process withpeople that have made it clear that they want to know what i'm up to and that'sjust jenni nexus on patreon and of course i'll leave links to where you canplay this game or find the song that was
in the game i'll leave all that in thedescription box below and stuff and of course my twitch channel where iactually stream almost every day now so hopefully i'll stay in touch and iappreciate your watching the video and hopefully playing the game and in thefuture i look forward to developing for also android mobile games and also vrbecause you may or may not have noticed about a year ago i did an unboxing videoof the htc vive that we got and my partner is working on his first vr gameand eventually i'll be doing the same and when i get a new computer hopefullythen i'll be doing some more live streams vr games as well so thanks somuch for watching and i'll catch you
next time bye