Donnerstag, 18. März 2021

wie kann man maulwürfe vertreiben

wie kann man maulwürfe vertreiben

the cans e the hills music? aft i remember that once they send us from from mexico to canada united states to another co-worker to raise a individual

now we have here for the thunder mobilization was there for three days that were the three days of torture that we are giving you until more we receive the call in chaca who told us that there was deliver custody were not pleasant we had to give him nothing dream and he's

changed to give it to another partner and they were going to be the transfer to the border and transfer it to mexico during that time he was here nothing else was to keep the law and not we know that it has happened to majors although have paid money that there was although have paid said that they had die there are no borders for the long nor

mexico neither united states nor colombia costa rica el salvador can not buy everything do police do customs and immigration how difficult is it to put the dose of the drug good one people i'm going to tell 20 years of my life twenty years of my life dedicated to

poster drug trafficking service serving them with these hands to torture and kill people the function of a hit man is to end a person immediately either by means of a musical bullet a blow so accurate that he will not feel more than that the way that never with a hit man is a professional does not

what makes any impersonator hired it's a target car we drive and you have to kill him an imitator sixth scudetto the car when an assassin works in a objective they handle this is the goal are two very simple ways makes a circle here where the car plate or make a circle in the free sentence in the prison goal is that is a

hitman others are limited the assassins have no need to make people suffer because people suffers from the moment he knows that what they are following and the hit man never never is going on publishing is someone who is always among people and it is related between people and can be both can

be in a park playing baseball with your children how can you be in a board has a town hall in a residence a city he knows how to treat himself knows how to dress himself knows to manage itself knows speaks has education that's why it cost the narco to do it from small and pay him for that he pays for be always in these places and be able to

make the antilles we are in high school one a person we invite you to invite us to a party and us and schubert and that is so soft that we could take we could have fun and apart from that we could have money we could have a car he said like what do i have to do nothing else from that car the

school melo deliveries in the morning when you leave school i you are going to give me my step again and then i'm going to give you another car and then to use all week i'm going to fill you the whole week tank of gas the weekend you lend me what bring to the step that the other car lent

and he pays you and this is not here you have a house here is worth girls who are going to to be able to help can not be used to be at ease you can live to your actions then we were four people men what we did and mom missed him so much that the rooster i did not know how to handle and the world are to handle i did not have license and in half an hour they got me

a license i never found out that the type of drug i was passing i knew that when the car passed by, loaded i did not know nor share nor where i was like the drug when they made me the tank i assumed it does not matter the pond gasoline but if for three years and today people in total are photo

we survived that and we were comfortable the second stage felix no longer depended from my dad what i could was i i brought my clothes to my converse tennis i remember when i bought ribã³ will cost 180 waves and now the only thing we could new to both school controls and everyone told him he qualified for i'll moon you so i have a lot

courage all mothers have a sense all they know what happens with each one of their children maybe he does not say it but he does not feel she and here i was the black sheep of the family?" she really cares so much for me that a day in a family

i'm not talking about my older sister we sit at a family table numerous thirteen people have presented a penny each of the brothers all all they all call me the fault my mom is sick because of you but more to do a pact very well and now more is sick because you do what was

making a realization that everything goes he realized that i tell you more he realizes what are you doing doing this the last time he spoke with my sister and my son other components or we send you to army uu i laughed assembling armies yes no, i also told them that i do not know

worry i'm going to fix this situation two days it was enough for me fence in the fourth semester of the university when that happened in two days by means of relatives and acquaintances. i managed to enter to make a career police when one enters and one request to bathroom requirements within

all the requirements the first be of age the majority of the second primer released third almost always that they were married the fourth anti lock how to use drugs the fifth physical exam i was not of legal age therefore he had no booklet released on antidoping does not make it unique that happens

all this was the physical when i arrived with the person in charge of academy tells me there are some problems with which can not be here but i have not been recommended not to have lost everything but in favor of stop consume drugs if you are not married our problem is not you have your book released

you're going to go to the garrison to talk to such a person so that they release you as cadet in the academy they give 50% of the salary that normal people earn but for me he gives me the money that i they sent by month of the step that will be well i had money sent us drug money and send them to say women that we did during the nights

of guard in the canarinha to the salons fields and shooting fields are not worth cars parking outside and guards we continue to his guards with 100 dollars and one gram of coca cola we're going to let us go out to the students at seven in the afternoon and we returned at 5:30 in the morning to the 5 30 and the 5 45 545 are having

whistle had to get up 550 had have to be trained and know the flag i was clear he was never arrested for - "what? having my schedules knew schedules for bathe to take food for physical education classes bathe again food classes this included formal shooting classes

of arrest pursuit detection of drug detection of stolen cars criminal psychology but what is it that was giving me everything this when they pay me they are paying for people that late that early they were going to recruit us nobody will pay and we would pay what they were paying 0 to a training

unfortunately the academies in mã©xico both of police of special mole the investigative police the military police and the army have served for the narco to use them to all these people as their employees that's why every person who passed he is recruited by an academy in the arch

easily the narco does not battle teach it only a weapon does not battle in teach him to drive a new car battle to teach it how to monitor not battle on how to read some plates no struggle to teach it physically as see a person and do not forget the face not to carve in that if you wear a follow up on someone if you get lost in

a street you have to be prepared to know where to turn or what others vehicles use finished on training of the academy graduated of the recording has a selection it they graduate 200 of their 200 elements the state of chihuahua is large

today there were great players and i ma da chihuahua parral camargo delicias ojinaga confuse with sound durango of those 250 items are already paid by the narco or 150 elements are going to distribute in all places of all the state but 50 elements 25 35 chihuahua without comparing without knowing anything make a distribution in such a way that

when they were offered to pass drug in both sound durango coahuila the entrances to the state without there an element that was already committed to them to be able easily circulate many many times the official units of the police to transport the drug

there were other times that the only thing had to do is discount the star and say this drug are already coming decide to go through what will happen when marijuana is handled is so brazen the way to transport it i think this his arm this is a pick up who come are hooked

this rumor that carries those boxes marijuana in the expansion throughout the city ​​as if it were a simple next of boxes of materials is not even spoken of one or two or three or four it is talking about 30 40 50 tons they do have to store city in the recruitment they make in the academy

of those 50 to say so elements almost every they make a function a part is dedicated to take care of safe houses another part is dedicated to monitoring those who they are watching other part is dedicated to raise people who owe money or who already he changed sides another part is dedicated to executing people

another part is dedicated on land as that the presidency and these are the states in mexico ps it was made that every state has a governor but i can assure you that i can not assure you that the president be intruded on everything but the people who has below him does have control

over them and they are already bought by tuesday is also so there are safe houses around mexico and i could tell you that the border what is nogales tijuana which is up towns small towns and mã¡laga there are houses where both the judiciary federal as the rulers

if still the secretariat of governance that would be the strong arm of the president of the republic have knowledge that there are people in each one nor two nor three nor four there are more than three hundred or four hundred people now i can not tell you either what to be exactly tell you the names is difficult you can not meet everyone at work

and in the middle he took health that day by day there are around 40 to 50 up to 100 scare kidnappings say what is what i can tell you that the society only alive are you going to find about five or six others you will never find it if all those security houses they have knowledge

i can not tell you that in this kind of houses where there are about 38 people 80 people there are police units here taking care of this street this street and the police unit because they they are paying for protection so that this is not removed in the place where they have taken out by jose in

cities he is seen because the dea the fbi have been pushing the government of mexico to take out but the reality of things is because they they know that in those places there are informants from them in these places in these places there are people who worked of informants from them and that were left there...

fogade an important fact that the informants of the bea de la dea no longer it's not good at home because they already they have a chief they have a chip that before it was not used and now all the informants who has the dea in mexico he has a lot and although he bury them the problem that later for them is that they will locate them quickly for a

satellite system they use in a gps that you see the world very little an audience is the person to whom he's going slow he's watched from three four days earlier for that they use a couple of people that is more eyes for three or four days and the personality kees are going to be here

over here watching not always at what time it goes to that now focuses on who puts where are you going for almost a full week follow the routine the days to where it is directed they put their eyes and at the same time have supports of two other units these units are not cars

particular units units police with a common citizen to a part and the turn and i stayed behind him are the patrol with their prophets a logo all never any moment to think what is going to be kidnapped lifted because the police is to serve the community and

protect the current police not is to raise anyone what that person never thinks is that they from that are in the chain are already bought and has a function specificity: the day you are going to act, notice is given to first retire from all this sector the units that walk fences

first thing and people are not warned which is the one that walks in the units we are talking about what is done directly to the director of the police or a call to the board of ten of the morning at 10 45 to all his personal and concentrated i do not want policemen in the street we are going to working

comes out this person has the car or two identical cars patrols identical that are not advertising but they are identical and the sutran their work is follow the goal and get paid there are times when the goal is not it's going to stop when it's a person where blow malandro that knows that the tv is not has stopped by the good

the gala for the statuette yes yes separates us for that are five vehicles the vehicles are in this form one two three four or five the eyes the samples of all those vehicles more a single vehicle is the one that goes to execute lift if the patrol does not he manages to stop he is going to close his way

it does not matter has taken over like that the problem here is how does the living or dead pattern if i want it dead it's easy on the eyes the second unit comes out the hair to be is left behind the state in front you have to be a crossfire on the one hand they all retire in less than three minutes

these five vehicles are already 6 7 stables stored in safety boxes es everybody gets a blanket from the nusa petrol or alcohol allamand was lit a match as for the chili to the milestone to the blanket and it was brought up to three layers of fur

those three layers of skin leaves the back discovered from the person to that person one liter of alcohol is poured the suffering form of interrogation to which you can not imagine us the light of my companions assured alvaro lapuerta palm 12 cattle quiet planes to light

look and listen i said it already when the stagnant we are not going to close our eyes to the wife let's move on let's cover our eyes with her hands tied her husband put them the onu the only thing you're going to do and what we want you to make him pay the money that i had until then of a

or another way not to do so soon let's wait where would it be that we use well on tiptoe and we put it on our feet as we promised there you're going to stay the youngest is going to go wrong and you know what we want and we're going to take the head could not talk let's give the fight let's do music that sounds loud or is doing

some noise is not expelled to the beers i remember they went out and brought the beers spent about 15 minutes with a phone and say if you are sure ok that i talked to the family or that the state phone so that the first calls let's go if we talk to he will move from a call to his

family based on working more has indicated and you're going to tell them they're going to talk to you of him they will give instructions where they are going to deliver the money and it's better that make case if we are not going to have a bad time if everything goes well and delivered that is not happening nothing to talk to them and the jack

assumes the opposite to the telephone number and instead of talking to bush, i've come back wants to attend to the lagging of water backwards to talk. paula there are those who do it the beaten state obviously video speaks i brought it

gone for a while so only the mirror ejected will they delivered the money i believe that if everything is fine they will drop without all sets released to and system of spending money that was not yours and system of trying to fly theater let's go to you know nobody nobody sure but i'm going to pay more for your family

to pay but do not give notice to the police remember that everything and everyone is happy to the police take the guns not them they do not go to mass they know what can happen to me or that he wants to cut the bed for a while if i brought him 23 asleep about two or three hours

we already know that the forces already he has no money but we are not males bullet auctions for those properties put them in the name of another person who is a real estate and the complex or not we are playing because they took all the money without getting the bank 745 i remember there are 7 45 750 before eight o'clock the morning the phone rang and the

phone the boss so sir is quiet if not no we are seeing everything is fine or what that immediately what we do here for there we are here we are going to take things out let's go and take it out decided the companions we are going to let's let him bathe that he change that line is put there

train him on the other side you have to take it for what make it our year just a quick rhythm of his classmates brought trousers sweatshirt a pink rake then he was happy he was london scored was welt or because the blows they were low and we will leave their safety we did we sat on the seat

behind i was going to his right side in the middle another fellow confinement and others they drive we cross the bridge and we we deliver to other colleagues from that moment i am nothing and i am not i'm interested, i never wanted to know when a package was delivered happened with him was not my function and

function had finished when delivering the package and the work he did so not many times a team is needed very big to do a job of raise an agent or execute an example what is needed is someone with value experience and with the nerves of steel so that not even be right away

of a patrol do one think that it's not so much the person who was here but until the third day that handed over to another person for us is an achievement and with this it is demonstrated that no there are borders for the narco at the time that they want have the financing of money and have the potential to command by even a

eleven guys can pay just like in mexico the police are corrupted he could not ensure that in the united states there are people within the police working for the charges during many years of work and that work and 24 hours 365 days a year without your radio and your phone not being they could turn off the day it went off

it was because you were dead or really they wanted if you did not have a good excuse why not answer this radio or this phone is that i did not want to know nothing and people do not ask without doing so the intention was to serve, i said for a long time for me first it was the second master pattern and third daddy i lived to defend a

person to the employer did not abide what the pattern said what he seemed to me he said you can not, there's not what he wanted to there was and what he wanted to possess i had this includes female vehicles jewelry and money was not a problem to buy

vehicles and jewelry many women do not sell but when helps would be then one has to do many convincing work times countless times i never had remorse for what i i warned a person who wants meet you and go out with you if you decide accompany us will be a week in

the best hotel on the best beach but do your week liked it if you can and you want a money but they can give but you will forget about the people that exist all your life and you are going to do what you are asked to do it will be all right many many women fell and fire divine but many others were created very

gioja malas lists not with this not with what i say that the murdered were women murdered my little things not what happens since they were women so ambitious that comes a moment is to create be the wives of two of the patrons of the moment but the boss already had 40 wives to had 40 wives living each in each state did not need

more wives that or structuring a woman is ugly see that see how they are outraged because there are no scruples for that is not the same with a man who knows that when one is trying with a man and he knows he's stealing that is that he did not care do what he did and disappear or

or not appear when the day with who was entrusted it's not the same as having a woman suffering and begging for clemency relationship of trajan by one nor two nor pressure by 4 567 people and after that make her suffer enough to be be unconscious and and the last one the strangle the heras but in that

moment was better to shoot them to strangle a person is bullfighting is suffer seeing how the person despair is to feel comfortable life is is going little by little what that person has a line reaches the moment that is half of that line when you use dying and all the effort that you are doing by letting go

and release begins to fade begins to give up his strong but you can not give opportunity to loosen little because that person grab more strength if you gather again that person has to give himself a time long so that suffocation is slow and i suffered after that is one is learning

the ways in which the poster with the cartels are leaving the messages of qom leave a dead the orders are like the mouth up of your message throw it upside down is another message cut off a finger and put it in your mouth message cut a finger enter it for the anus message take out his eyes

portal of the language are situations that without being completely or doctor one receives the orders to qatar after to receive investment to people atutxa gives the power to cut any part of its body is not a problem because no longer no throw blood blood g circular all very well every time a person wrong and started hitting even a

sick they are called sick they are it happened to kick him in the head and he opened his head and they have scolded i know so much because i have done it and that die every year and a half more logical explanation if before kill him you hit his head you're going to have to lift the carpet and clean everything the colleague of the blood that successful the

trail first they killed and then cut slices all this was not learned in the street all this is not learned in a military school all this you learn life there came a time when so much is they annoy you to one who is not so good but because it is so much what one

brings in mind that seeks to be always drugged and taken to not feel moment scruples each in his vehicle on the street passed to another vehicle next to one and they are is looking ugly for nothing else for the fact of having separated in following leader the ugly shot him without even know who that person is

those incidents occurred in a while quite until someone from a range taller blond that happened that for control deaths that were not justified and other times the soldier not executed to lift after its execution we get up one day we go to a place sure and we started the fast work not

would have to torture him that had to run when suddenly yes sir yes sir yes to prepare the order in this occasion to relive it being together to the power to make pencil worlds already you had to relive it out it is not possible sir we need a doctor we can not lift was already very advanced the

sir work yes sir for white there are no limits in a matter of minutes a doctor arrived and a clear ambulance but a qualified doctor and does not remove that person front and it does not leave it and stable it can spend the doctor one hour two hours 12 he is here until he leaves stable and we take care of

it can happen five 10 15 30 days and not it's a problem because we have to have an end for that we are for know it is enough to have him alive until that we do not receive a new call when that happens the freedom so much for we like for the lord here are pending or not very well eating that you eat very well

ok as well as it establishes it ran with luck it may be that his family members have paid it could be that nothing else in having him alive it was safe in case you had to talk with your family and work and order that followed after the call was finish with her when she had left

once patricia this time there is no march back this time there is no other call this time to pull the thread and strong there comes a time in a year that the order was that in exactly 30 days nobody absolutely nobody could put a selling a staple of cocaine a staple of cocaine were little anyone could

do it because it was handled that they had lost around 3,000 kilos of cocaine the reality of things may minority vendors that were causing problems to the poster did not care because they they never knew what it was like orders of the cartel was what happened

he identified those people we are talking about an execution massive about 70 people before along with them or another problem the robacarros who had no control over what they were stealing 6 a problem and the same police asked for the help of the crankcase to dismantle bands

robacarros was made after the massive around about 45 young people who they used to steal cars when they raise a thing people was not even sortu only to handle the situation of just not telling you only they were hit men were elements of the municipal police elements of the judicial of the state elements of the

federal judicial system to its elements talking about a group that was made of 800 elements to finish with these 70 pesos with which they are sown in different colonies and houses in the city not all could immediately center of all those people who got up there were people who had to wait for two or three days because they were people who

i met the people who were inside the poster and they had incredible special many still not many to say 15 of 50 that they were given the opportunity of god why because they were to some extent cartel informants in exchange for that as informants of the cancer they were asked to the people that

they had they were no longer informants of the police not just the police in mexico but people who went to united states to give information of what what happened in mexico these people were treated very i remember a special occasion heated both 200 liters of water to three shorts supposed since they were

they tied the shoulders and they were going down little by little when the water was raining when they fainted they were there was a doctor who made them react again parts were exported that were already burned completely cooked they reacted and they could leaf them little by little until he died when one is living with by

what not to say so crazy life when one has money has the sex liquor women or cars can be fun taste in a chat and have a house or own departments about the can use because it gives us the same type {0}~ {1}{/1}{/0} one becomes addicted not only to the money drug of collapse but

that he likes these things these things i was very violent dreams are not a thing left one does not it will happen the fear of one in my case my fear of not being in my house and not sleeping in in the house with my family many times and sleeping alone and the most of the time, most of the time

of the people it happens is because the minor noise the least noise makes no violently injure the one who one's bedroom arrives his pilot couple that one is with the head in the world that you have is about to explode everything what it brings and one can attack in my case my wife one day i felt i doubted

sweating to sweat i complained or heard she tried to help me because she saw my nightmare and and when i move my reaction was to grab her by the neck and i did not react or i was suffocating and she was my wife and from that moment from that moment i realized that no it was not good what was happening

throughout this journey that they they relate life and a moment when one he has the line of his life but he has a process and they feel like and have a cap in a moment i stopped taking leave smoke and stop consuming red no more the moment was the most happy for the person i had higher shot or did not the doctor tell me

thank you thank you and thanks to that choosing what happens flames gaza endure do the work so i am the job charge is not even the public neither the cigar and the alcohol but i know there was something in my life that was making me change and that the been forever not taken let think fully about what

i should really do when i started taking that step when at that moment they made fun of me i began to feel persecuted by children mates they started to start me just record more every day i started to fall down of rank doing things that they were not the ordinary and a hitman

a hired assassin who for 20 years basically served nothing else for that they started sending to wash car wash vehicles that anybody could do person any people not for that reason is to wash cars and you're already receiving a salary that i was paid was totally degrading this did not do it every time it lasted

about a month or a month and a half then they send me to a new vision and to top it all, a very simple mission and the other city to recover some of money would be a person this person seeing me arrive with him is surprising because it was not logical that i out to collect that small amount of money so much to be surprised that

he immediately gave himself around 50% of what you should it takes me out of that 50 percent i took from them the 10 percent yes and i double it to start again the bad life for three or cinco dias i started the mind doing drugs to take alcohol

i started living life to rock said amount demanded people to find me i find out they're looking for me because i ended up with my phone cut communication with them them bothered so much illegal money therefore for the amount to play without fly as they could file 10 thousand

dollars and the problem was trust with which they had sent him the which i had already lost in that moment was not so much the fact of grab the money in fact, the confidence they have in one then for them they had defrauded they talk to me and threaten to a certain extent that they are going to take

my family then for this i what i always do is simply grabbed the telephone and communicated with them and he said that where they want to see it was difficult what i was doing i was making such a decision difficult that i knew i was going right or to put it like that to the gallows i knew that they could kill me already

they had lost confidence in me traveled from one city to another by bus he came to the city where they need when i'm there, no one is there waiting i took the public phone again he communicated with them they arrive two compact vehicles in which i join one of them peacefully i knew he was going for me but in his

life in a peaceful way i'm going to go up another way what do they say they receive a way peaceful to avoid problems in that street are taken to a safe house when they have me there they start hitting the company torturing suddenly my courage is so much that i fall in tears

they think i'm crying so that they are making it clear that i'm crying this bite the year to these five people who they are there that are not even trained to have a position that does not they had me handcuffed and tied up in nothing it can hurt them i receive a phone call that one

he takes them out and he tells me you know that you have 30 seconds to get out of that house and we do not want to see you again i'm never completely naked at that time of the five people who they were there one stays watching me that person tells me i do not have anything against you i jumped he retired to 79 goes to the bathroom

took the opportunity to leave soon for the main door of the house running i ran out totally naked like that keep running until someone else helps him and took a raid this makes me get up to me not me follow when i'm at home i can not enter in front i have to ask

permission to the neighbors back to clean that bar i knew that they were going to go to look for if the ordinance was to let me free it was not to let me free anything else but i knew they wanted to execute me with 20 years in which i am saying i know how to do the work and jealousy i was still after i was released

they like jarrazo jumped the wall recovered my family took my wife out my daughter and we leave only half time take a shirt and pants and it was the only during that night the house where i lived was looted they took out weapons they took out drug uniforms and money and family goes to one side and to the other side

nothing is safe the destination is uncertain we can no longer be together i would not like them to grab me and they took me with my family is would be a danger to kidnap the same post from family we have like him all they would like better to separate we started run from state to city state in

city already totally separated we no longer we saw they were running for a lawyer i for another we did not have money we did not have and yet there we go little by little leaving what was the prison that we had so far not we we could join, i did not have another one but

go back to the only place where i do not he knew nobody and there was nobody ask for help from the only person who was there in that place was a person that i had been looking for many months to kidnap him for ask for money that he had taken from cafes then that person was there

pending i made a call to see if that person could receive me surprisingly his secretary tells me what is waiting for you when you want to come who can receive it i was surprised when the same thing that came to his office he is calm as if nothing were last and he gives me his hand and tells me in what

i can serve you he tells me he was waiting for me something told him he was going to go and i had a problem and that i had to wait months whose for several minutes he was aware of everything he says and he says to me you know that you do not need know someone from me i invite you to you know there, it takes me to a place

very great the church today a point is something very big is a very big place we entered i was surprised to see first entry to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of males there which were in a merger of unemployed but they were singing they shouted in a song they adored i was surprised to see other men

when he walked the corridors these corridors where men crying passionate about what they are living at that time it was something that did not fit inside of me they shouted were joterã­a what i i was seeing every moment i was living it was raining the amazing thing for

i was seeing so much man there limiting or jumping it was personal to everyone that i enter a place where there were 10 20 and 30 were certain and it gives and it gives to men not it was awesome men can see yes and may have seen march as he is used to in mexico but man jumping screaming hands up and the worst

of the man crying on the floor seemed be the cause of the mouth with one hand and with the devil that i was in that moment i never thought to see thousands of men with raised hands jumping on that on the other and singing crying songs for me that was totally different it would be totally disconcerting for

it's time for me to beat moss rest. the decision to lift a ball of photo is spent crying and screaming let's go but just like receiving all this he took my hand again to arrive there we took a seat in the city realize that there was what attracts to thousands of men that because i because

for the front of the great stage and then to the sung music internauts a miguel mano de mano he named another friend who is going to put put the other hand and pray for me in that moment to the person in charge or his prayers euro the list we feel that a very strong heat and it does not rise it goes up suddenly i fall

they were social moments for me i did not feel anything other than my body erviti is my blood the bid i can not explain what was happening my crying coursing coursing there was no crying role that will draw everything he knew from my eyes there was not a handkerchief that load all that crying was for so much and and i hit and i wanted to get up no

could the crying shut me off and i did not i can do nothing all day that lasted to that church was the work of one i did not know what happened was eight hours we were there i did not know what happened in those hours i started crying to cry help because something was happening inside

from me it is a moment something stronger that everything will feel there something that what i criticized this toy store they are fagots were going on andy i was being part of those joterã­a yo i was crying like a child i dedicate myself my whole life is happening fast since i was a child adolescence all my life was happening

good things that happened and happened remember my parents i remembered my childhood remembered the moment allows record in 5 mother still alive record of six brothers using it to go through so that the forgotten record of every man that he has stopped investing or even people that were not worth the world my heart of bliss i said that everything

this is good this is being good being rid of all the juice of all the burden that you and i think of it as years of being under the yoke of posters under the yoke of people that put and have postponed with the first neck giving order both where was releasing were very beautiful moments moments that ride on board

they left that moment there was that i did not know that i was crying clear is happening step so the distance to receive the lord automatic bachelet i did not have i want to walk in front of me and and that of a small prayer of blessing of small words i say yes i do want

i want it because i'm feeling i want to belong to this family and i i want to belong to him because he i really was something that nobody has given the satisfaction of remembering beautiful what is life what is terrible what is preserved in style with joy living together with the family and i did not have when he

he called me he made me roll all this mud i take off until the last one there was taken all this i take off the afa took me away thoughts took me all jewish i he left so we can start a life the loas the struggles

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