Montag, 22. Februar 2021

welche farbe um steine zu bemalen

welche farbe um steine zu bemalen

hide yes it is indeed true in los angeles are now the roads white painted around the overheating problem of the city one also whether it will work and many more creative and curious climate-saving projects, there are now for the science fiction welcome we indeed talking every now and then about the climate change and its follow of course it is long overdue that each individual assists the global man-made warming to stop or at least slow down and if we are honest is but the bike really easy to implement in everyday life or at least take bus or train travel instead of the car to use for example the large stylish renewable energy must be promoted and so on and so forth, some of you can all these things might save the climate but not hear yes there but i understand i have. now something for you because

research teams also have other world really very unusual and strange ideas about the climate change, to stop the top-four craziest ideas against climate change now for clicks and science fiction on the four white roads and urban, the first idea comes from the united states the current president donald trump has indeed once said of climate change was an invention of the chinese we all know that he is a pioneer is not really climate policy in matters other american politicians but all the more they want to implement the climate targets as planned so for example los angeles city has a huge overheating problem temperatures of more than 35 degrees are just as dead heat not uncommon the mayor of los angeles has abbreviated short so now a measure against climate change decided at first glance quite first

strange sounds, some roads are the city with a bright cool covering paved the entire cityscape of los angeles will this change specifically, it is a special color to use to come is in a position to asphalt to cool down 7 degrees originally was developed this fall called cool target military vehicles which were thus cooled down during their waiting times were better camouflaged by them and could also be infrared cameras are not detected by the enemy and carbon target is to cool not only the roads but also bring another positive effect of also the are characterized conditioners less run a curious but effective idea in the autumn, the color now districts in some of the tested town's see if it prevail

but this is a really expensive project per kilometer road costs all around but 40,000 thought further dollar could in future all the cities in white or bright colors such as beige give not only white but also white roads roofs and houses they would then the sunlight into space reflect following the example of many villages in southern or northern africa their homes even with the greatest heat cool remains the three artificial volcanic eruption sulfur clouds in the atmosphere we have already frequently reported violent volcanic eruptions can ultimately ensure that the sky darkens many million tonnes of sulfur are thrown escape into the atmosphere at a 17 million tonnes were for example the eruption of pinatubo in the philippines

in 1991 and then darkened the small sulfuric acid droplets in the atmosphere the sky, the temperature then fell worldwide by 0.5 grad are actually considerations such an eruption artificially mimic these ideas come from the area of ​​the so-called geoengineering or climate engineering so called, targeted interventions in the global climate meant to happen so roughly with hightech against climate change because if sulfur dioxide is sprayed into the stratosphere on a large scale, it probably give a similar effect as with a large volcanic eruption that would sunlight through the sulfur particles in the universe reflected on earth would cool a similar idea will come from one. chemicals should therefore nobel laureate

special aircraft or hot air balloons in a height of 15 to 20 km fine sulfur particles spray, billing according to the temperature could be on the earth by up to 25 degrees by the year reduce 2100 and this idea was not entirely new to already in the 80s there was a climate researcher who also sulfur dioxide as a solution proposal. in the fight against climate change proposed but had the disadvantages are serious because of sulfur in the atmosphere would probably not only the climate, he would cool the ozone layer destroy research teams around the world think so now about other aerosols by with which such ideas are feasible and on the two umbrellas

in the universe without chemistry it comes the idea of ​​an astronomer teams of university of arizona also they deal with the geo engineering and want to combat climate change on the earth by the sun and relax between the earth to something like a giant parasol concrete beat silicon wafers before are to reduce the radiation from the sun by about two percent of 16 million thin silicon wafers would it help with electromagnetic guns are shot into space point where the attraction of earth and sun picks up where since they would then form purely and art sonnensegel but this idea is still in its infancy on the one hand would naturally cost with gigantic connected on the other, risks have to be weighed

model calculation predicts that the tropics such could be a cool project arctic and antarctic other hand, could are still warmer and the once artificial trees, plants trees with the climate save the principle behind it has indeed everyone already heard forests take over the trees carbon dioxide from the air on them fix it in the wood so the co2 content decreases in the atmosphere and global warming will slow down and it is said again and again the great surfaces must be reforested but the disadvantage is at hand there are immense areas would be needed and also it would take decades to it uses something so there is, geoengineering in context and all sorts of ideas artificial trees to plant trees of stone could, for example, after the so-called capture co2 he moved out of the atmosphere would make the co2 here

stored underground but the technology is expensive and not really effective nevertheless, it is quite expensive, the co2 from the atmosphere to pick yes that were now so the top-four strange ideas to fight against climate change but as for the geo-engineering. since it keep most scientists inside and know and head of government of this earth too early, such technology actually implement they are underexplored and the impact too crass but is also clear that such ideas do not equal a priori as medium against the worst effects of global warming exclude yes and here at pixum i'll keep you naturally for this purpose up to date if you will not miss a video on the subject and also to all other topics then pushes me here

a abo soaking and do not forget the close attention to the bell so here it goes with climate change skeptics proved definitively refuted indeed very exciting video with all important so do not miss argumenten and click on it and otherwise until then stay tuned

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