Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021

welche blumen für balkonkästen

welche blumen für balkonkästen

bed planting with summer-flowers positioning, care and phases of development for a saisonal planting. an ocean of flowers with over than 1.000 begonias, tagetes and other annuals fresh windt for your garden from and with qualified engeneer johannes windt now the beds are empty. in the middle i built two climbing-scaffolds... ...made out of bamboo. there will grow the back-eyed suzan, thunbergia alata, a flowering climbing-plant. at the edge of the bed you see the sprinkler system.

so we don't have to give water by using a watering can in drought periods. the base of the right bed ist about 32 qm. here the flowers will bloom in warm colors from yellow over orange till red. in the left bed with 55 qm we get cold flower colors from blue over light blue to violet. first we lay down the lead stocks. in the backstage area i installed three bamboo-sticks for the climbing plants ipomoea tricolor. they will flower in pink colors. in front of the fence i planted some dahlias with an expected hight of 80 cm to 120 cm. the flowering time will begin in july with great flowers.

there is a lot of space between the tall summer flowers we've seen. i will fill this space with lower summer flowers... ...which will bloom in different colors for the whole summer. for this i visited different plant centers and filled up my combi car with my colourful friends. the plats are standing still closely to each other and pretty motley... ...but while laying down i will sort them corresopondingly to their colors... in order to give a specific character to each bed. these ar normal summer flowers, which you can buy in each garden center in the spring. here you see petunias, which you surely know from balcony boxes. there they grow down like a waterfall.

when i plant them into the bed they will built an exciting ground cover like a carpet. here we have the liver balsam, which is a small tiny plant flowering in blue and violet. these are student flowers as tagetes-patula-hybrids... flowering in orange, in orange with red, in dark yellow, in light yellow,... ...for graduating colors. supplemented with standing geraniums,... and hanging geraniums. these look a little bit poor in the moment. they were a special offer in the store, because they got water too little. they will grow again, when they get more light and water.

i addition to the saisonal flowers i use dahlias as tuberous plants like i mentioned already. i bought them in a plant center also and will plant them a little bit deeper. a depth of 10-15 cm is good. from the beginning of the summer they will please us with radiating flowers. the naked wall of the neighbours garage shall be loosen up by climbing plants. here i chose the kaiser winds. i will sow them and add bamboo sticks later as a climbing aid. the ugly metal fence to the neighbour shall be covered with the noble vetch... ...which flowers in blue later.

the fence to the pavement shall rest free, so passersby can look through it to the garden. i look forward to the kaiser winds ipomoea tricolor. i planted them already in 2003. they brought a tremendous amount of flowers. that was very funny. at this moment i didn't know, that this year it will be unsuccessful because of too much shade. :-( so today we will start the plant action for the frontyard. before this we exchanged the soil... ...because of too much stones and loam. we filled up with a soil that contains much compost.

in the last days we had lots of rain and even storm. today its dry and sunny so we can continue planting. first i lay down the plants in their boxes in the near of the bed. then i sort them correspondingly to their colors... ...starting with white over light yellow, dark yellow, orange to red. after that i lay down the biggest plants first. i place them in a specific distance to the sprinkler system... that the water can reach all plants. first i place the plants within their boxes, so that i can assess the effect of the colours.

in the swivel range of the gate we need flat plants. the petunias are good for this place. most of us know them as a planting in balcony boxes. in the flat bed they will built a beautyful flowering ground cover. my english is not the best. i hope, that you understand everything. i want to apologize for any mistakes. cleome spinosa impatiens-walleriana-hybrids, very thirsty cosmos bipinnatus, easyer to care the plants will get sorted by colors. in the frontend we make a transition from dark blue over violet, light violet, pink, white till red plants.

while planting i compacted the soil with my feet while going from one point to another. to loosen the soil i use a trident. i take care of protecting the roots of the plants. this is the look of the beds in the moment we completed the planting action. in the evening hours, when the sun doesn't burn any more, we give lots of water using the sprinklers. the soil has to get very, very wet till a depth of 20 cm. it is good, if you create a wet mud, so that the soil can get connection to the roots. underground holes in the soil have to be closed by the mud. two weeks later all plants have grown well. only the banana plant got a sunburn. the leaves got white and fell off. the new grown leaves fitted to the sun radiation.

the sowed plants germinated. in this moment the plants are still very small. in the open soil there still grows weed... ...but i weed the weed. thunbergia alata impatiens-walleriana-hybrids fuchsia in the highly summer the bed shines full of flowers. the banana plant has regenerated. thunbergia alata growed up to the end of the bamboo stocks.

the sun flowers stand a few time before their flowers. the chrysanthemum bush grows. the kaiser winds in the near of neighbour's garage... ...are growing slower than expected, because of the shade from a pine tree. the dahlias start flowering and harmonize well to the buzy lizzies and the standing geraniums. in drought periods i give lots of water in the evening or morning hours. summer flowers are very thirsty. because of the high effort of care i normally plan summer flowers for my customers only on certain request and in a small area... best case with an automatically sprinkler system. the pink-blue bed is now decorated with a phoenix palm in a bucket. thanks for your gift, tom. :-) we have dahlias, lobelias, petunias, blue vetchs, which are visited frequently by insects. in september the kaiser vetch succeeded to flower a little bit nevertheless of the shade. lots of species were used in the bed. here is the spider flower, which is gettig high, here the liver balsam in light violet, the blue vetch again,

the white, noble busy lizzies, a picture with the phoenix palm, and the kaiser vinds at the right, white and pink begonias, the colurful nettle in the lower right edge of the picture, and here in close-up. even the red-orange-yellow bed tightened in the high summer. the sun flowers start flowering and attract the bees. the black-eyed susan developed even more flowers...

...and the student flowers excite us with her spicy fragrance. in this year we had luck with the weather, because there was no frost till the end of november. sanvitalia procumbens now the season has continued. we have the beginning of october. the frontyard still stands in full flower. cosmos bipinnatus the black-eyed suzan in orange has reached a hight of 3 m with the help of an additional bamboo stock. for stability in storms i recommend using a cord so secure the bamboo building. vanilla flower heliotropium arborescens

i had lots of fun while regarding the development of the flowers. many passersby too were pleased of the garden. colourful nettle coleus blumei and vanilla flower in blue thank you and bye bye. please watch my other videos on youtube. i would like to plan your garden worldwide online with other plants than these annuals. normally i use frost-resisting perannuals. visit me on and contact me for your commission. thank you very much. fresh windt to your garden. :-)

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