hey guys i have a great regular alarmclock to review it's from inlife and it has a dual alarm clock with an fm radioa usb charging station and an indoor thermometer it also has a dimmer controland a snooze function now one thing i do like about this clock is the smallcompact size it won't take up much room on your nightstand and it's perfect fortraveling as well this is the perfect clock for those who get confused by lotsof multi-function controls the controls are not difficult they're fairly basicso here's the box that it came in and it comes with the cords you knowalternating current wall cord and it also comes with of course theinstruction manual and an auxilary or
aux cord now one thing i like about thisis having an indoor thermometer on the display and right now it's on celsiusand there's a just a button on the back to toggle between celsius and fahrenheiti like i don't know why i go i just like knowing what the temperature is and thatway i can know if it's just me or if it's really hot or cold now with all thedevices now requiring usb charging port it's very handy to have two portsthere's a 1.1 amp port and a 2.1 amp port having dual alarms is also greatfeatures it allows two people to use the clock or one person gets at twodifferent times for convenience like one for weekdays one for weekends or even attimes what i like about dual alarms is it gives me some peace of mind becauseif i know i need to get up early for
something important i just set certainone and then i'll set the other one like you know 15 or 20 minutes later as abackup okay so the clock does also use threetriple a batteries for backup power and those are not included so it's veryimportant to put those in now to set the brightness level of the displayjust press the round button on top and you can see it goes off on dim bright several levels of brightness so that'svery easy i really like the that large button on the top that's used for someof the functions to turn and to press because you can't miss itnow when the alarm sounds if you want to
use this new feature you press the roundbutton on top and it will snooze for 10 minutes again it's nice that the buttonis really large because when you're drowsy orhalf asleep you know it's difficult to fiddle around trying to figure out whichbutton to push you can't miss that one okay so if you're wondering what thatblack cord is that is the auxiliary input jack because this has the speakerfunction and so the oh the aux cord can be connected to a cell phone mp3 mp4 pdacomputers and other equipment to work as a speaker those two little round buttonsare too for the alarms to turn the the dual alarms on and off and to set themand this instruction manual goes into
the details of how to set the timedifferent options for the alarms so to recap this is a compact alarmclock from inlife, it has dual usb chargers two alarms and an auxilary inputjack it's simple doesn't take up much room easy portable easy to travel withmove around thanks for watching