Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021

wasserfeste farbe für steine

wasserfeste farbe für steine

how to fix walls with moisturethis is the type of moisture we mean see that the paintings are peeledthey release the plaster falls to the time removes absolutely all affected plasterin our case we get absolutely everything the material because the affectation was alreadymore than a third of the wall was not worth sorry to repairso now we proceed in this way in stretches of 80 centimeters open sidewaysnext to the wall this is only possible on walls communicated if we have a neighborwhich also has the same problem but does not wants to be made the mismatch of thewall for waterproofing in this case you must use other methods such asthe one we showed earlier that is about

this wall the procedure you knew to opena trench from side to side every 80 centimeters and apply the waterproofing layers-however - keep in mind that we are going to loosen upthe walls leave them in the air we must always be careful not to move when doingthat's the structure that's why we make a stretch of 80 centimeterswe left another stretch of 80 centimeters unopened the same on the other side we would leave another sectionof 80 centimeters if open, and we would just open the other section of 80 cm after it dropsrepair waterproofing that the walls discharge satisfactorilyabout the mismatch we did already after cover will open the other 80 centimetersto carry out the waterproofing

it is also possible to perform half a wallto the half wall once the waterproofing half wall on the other side waterproofre-cover and then do the same procedure in the other wayin this way, the wall is then apply the waterproofing to havein mind that this is very dangerous because if you pay attention to us whatwe are doing is leaving everything in the air this sector of wallall this wall is in simply sustained air on the next section and on the corner ofno way to do this work by doing milling on the wall all the way down becauseis a very common accident in construction that the wall is turned over the operatorfor just completely descalzara, a

extra security can be propped up walls,especially when you open the wall mita on one side to make the waterproofingand then the other half well the procedure to follow is to cleanwell here give a layer of water-repellent a layer of asphalt emulsion and re-cover thehole trying to keep the wall backon the foundation then proceed to do the millingon this other wall i think now if you notice the dangers of thistype of job we see how the wall is barein the air all this wall is supported in that part bythat is to say that this procedure

it is not advisable to do so without supervisionof an architect we have in mind that this is a small wall and what we are going to repairis a small portion when it comes to broader affections is anotherthe method to be implemented to maintain always the security measures because we canto undo the house practically we can collapse the house in addition to producing aaccident now we are going to clean remove all the debrisand the mud on the foundation we will do the treatment for moisture. this treatmentit is unlike the other that we show in the humidity for this case which is a humidityby capillarity that rises from the foundation affecting the deteriorating wall with the saltsand the water that rises the bricks that if

appreciate this ground is so much affectationof the moisture that the brick that in its moment it was very hard now it's practically a gritcome apart with your hands we will show in this step how it is performedthe water-repellent we are going to use this line - can be any -but we will use this line to have the following characteristics:to be a chemical and inorganic water repellent so time will not affect itwe are going to corroborate that it is already in force see that the useful life is a year we will look forthe expiration date of the batch number that in the box they forgot to put it butfor this water repellent if the water repellent is of white color is sure to be suspiciouswe will see in the bag if the ball is in the

the good expiration date here we see thatwe have to tell these people to put the batteries because in the box says a year andon the bag says 2 years we look for the date expiration date which does not appear eitherexpiration date or batch number you can not use a waterproofexpiration we will call the technical department to explain where the date isexpired in this box they see that we do not advertise towe use the products we believe which is better but in this case this productwhich is the most expensive does not say the expiration date we communicate with the supplier that is the tenthe told us that the lot number was in the palee and that if it is in conditions the water-repellentand we will come to the instructions for

see how it is done that surely willto say that in watertight places we do with 8 parts of water and one of water-repellent andfor our case it is not a watertight place it's not a place with water10 parts for each of water says:to dilute the product in 8 or 10equal parts of water, well that's what we're going dohere we have 10 parts of water and this is going to do the measure that we are going to doit's a liter this is a good additive the number lot will be fine but my color will noti like usually it's yellow this is the additive with this this water we goto prepare the mixture or mortar to make the waterproofing that will make threeparts of sand and a part of portland cement

normalwe moisten the place where we will apply the water-repellentappreciate that the brick appears and we are going to prepare the water-repellent nowthen there would be three parts of sand and one of cement one two three four five sixparts of sand we are going to add two parts of portland cementalways the materials we roll them dry firstlyone two so for this bucket we use 6 sandportland 2 now the water, is what we prepared beforewith the additive, and it's the only water we're going to use both if the material gets hardthat is understood as mojo with common waterbrick the water with the additive we are going to

use only to prepare this mortarwaterproof we scrambled by doubtsthe product that has water is what goes to make the mortar impermeablewe are using an inorganic additive can be the organic also based on fatwe are not doing it to the machine, if they are needed large volumes are made on the machinealways use a medium sand for this not it is good that it is a very fine sand and of coursenor a very coarse grain sand. this is what we have leftnow let's make a layer by squeezing the spoon that insulation is not necessary eitherthat a very thick layer is a layer of half a centimeter is enoughthis here we collapse, we remove it.

this is not expensive is cheap, so if the methodthis must be used with great caution because we can do a huge damage to the structureand irreparable. besides taking the risk, i repeat it againthe risk that we may fall on the wall above...we let this part when a new waterproofing is doneof foundation this is what is done at the top of the foundation and is what we are now dealing withto recover on this wall that does not have it that's why i was so affected with moisturebut it is not because of a poor execution of the work but at the time when thisconstruction does not exist these products nor even portland cement existedthey see the walls rise with adobe

mud.once this is done, we are going to give you the other waterproofingis based on asphalt "asphalt emulsion" .- we previously made the water-repellent mortar the asphalt emulsionwe are going to incorporate it inside this bottle to make it simpler let's put it here because it's going to soila bit this is very dirtythis is thus asked for asphalt emulsion not guide for the brand because it varies from country to countrythat used to waterproof ceilings was used previously to the appearance ofliquid membranes we advise you to use this for the reasonthat it has a 5% permeability

and unlike the membrane that is more impermeableand in that permeability in this case you play in favor it is always advisable to have aminimum percentage of permeability as we have a layer of water repellent we do notlet's work harder than this but if we wanted to make a better waterproofingwe could accompany it with seven hands of this product intercalating between hand and hand onecloth of glass, it is requested thus, and this serves to give a more consistent thicker layerwe can help each other with the brush let's give it to everything like thisosea that the poseso that we show in others videos of how to make the waterproofingon the foundation is what we are doing now but directly with the wall already raisedsince the construction is very old and

at the time it was built there were nothese products were not used to waterproof the cements we're going to throw on the other sidewe wait for it to dry and then we'll cover again what we broke already with this will blockmoisture rising from the foundation. after drying the asphalt emulsionwe help each other with one board and from the other side we are going to fill the hole to holdthewall for that we are going to help of rubble ofbricks trying to refill well for the wall is retained on the foundationwhat we are using is sand and portland again the proportion of three sand1 portland cement we push the brick into the materialwe put pressure on you

and we're putting the wall back onso that it can be held again already with this the wall is again to be sustainedi remind you again that this is a technique to make the sandpaper take into accountthat the walls are completely removed can fall can be buckledi'm going to get more mortar this side is soon missing the other side of the room i'm going to pairand we continue with the other gap we try to make sure that the material is well-that the material supportswall this is already demonstrated as is the proceduredo not forget to subscribe to the channel the person who runs the website and channelyoutube asked me to warn you that soon

the subscription is going to be for payment do not worrythose who are already subscribed because those van to continue receiving the new videos andis also preparing the page that is the stove part is still on stove.deladrillo.comand the channel the constructions and good solution i hope you serve them and please have a lotbe careful when doing these kinds of tasks. what is missing now is to make the plasterfor final termination since this sector was alreadyus and remember that up in the information circleare the cards to see this other type waterproofing which is in a negative waythe way to treat waterproofing this occurs because the other side of the wall does notwe can access because it is the neighboring houses later

to realize this they will see it in the other videothe result will be this also solving practically the rise ofthe humidity is hollow because there is a removeso that the humidity does not accede to this wall,is very similar to what is done with plaster, but as this part is going to go a kitchenand we did not want to use the outer plates we decided to do that task,well you know in the button information in this part of the video will be able to see other typesvideo to treat other moisture problems including how to anticipate at the time ofconstruction the treatment to be performed on the foundations when it is being builtso that in the future these problems do not occur moisturecut moisture from foundations

october 20115this type of procedure should not be performed without the tutoring of a professionalthe techniques shown here may injury or fatality if attempted to reproduce

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