Freitag, 22. Januar 2021

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vorschläge für vorhänge

a man named buckminster fuller once said: "you never change things by fighting the existing reality. to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete". in other words, it's much more effective to focus one's energy on building alternatives rather than remaining stuck in a process or system that's outdated and doesn't function anymore.

now this concept of building the new and leaving the old in the past is very relevant in today's rapidly changing culture and technological age. all kinds of changes are taking place on a daily basis, from scientific developments to new inventions, discoveries and ideas that are being brought to the surface thanks to the incredible global communications network:

the internet. but a lot of human progress is prevented and stagnated because of today's existing structures that favour profit and control more than anything else rather than the collective advancement of our species. we know that we are able to, and have got to move towards renewable energy as fast as possible to prevent climate change from getting out of hand yet the big oil companies prevent us from advancing.

we know that already today we have the technology to produce an insane abundance of resources unimaginable to anyone in the past, and there by provide, for all 7.5 or however many billion of us, yet somehow hundreds of millions of us still go on hungry every day, live in poverty on the streets, in prison and so on. we know that countries are just made-up lines that don't even exist in reality and that from a cosmic perspective

we are all just humans living on a single planet in a seemingly infinite universe yet we still have a system designed for nations, religions, color and class to divide us. we know that using the scientific method is the best way at making decisions and arriving at solutions but today we still use this outdated concept of politics that's really just the corrupt front for banks and big business to make more cash and control the earth's resources.

what i'm trying to say is that we know that there are many alternatives, and alternative ways of thinking to the ways in which we operate our society in today. alternatives that seem to be far more effective and efficient in sustaining human life on this planet for everyone at a far higher standard of living than most could possibly imagine. more and more people are already and increasingly will lose their job to robots and artificial intelligence.

so much media attention is given to nonsense and so-called terrorism. those at the top of the pyramid seem to run every aspect of our society at the expense of billions and at the fate of our species. now there are only eight psychos that have more wealth than half of the world's population combined, and that's not including the even bigger psychos behind the scenes. and it seems like more and more debt is the only way in which today's economists are able to keep the existing monetary system alive. maybe it's time to stop focusing on trivial reforms,

stop fighting the existing reality, as bucky said, and instead focus on experimenting with new models, like an unconditional basic income, or even better, a resource-based economy, proposed by organizations like the venus project and the zeitgeist movement. it seems like we must develop a scientific attitude towards problem solving. we must test what economic systems work most effectively for the benefit of the entire human species

and the planet we live on, and based on the evidence we collect and arrive upon a decision that makes life better for everyone in an emergent and continuously improving system. in other words, develop an experimental society based on the methods of science rather than how those in charge today ignorantly debate with opinions andcorrupt motives that anyway just serve their donors and legitimized today's obsolete

and destructive monetary system that most don't seem to understand or even question. i'm going to leave you with one last quote by buckminster fuller, who said this more than 40 years ago: "it is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. it no longer has to be you or me. selfishness is unnecessary. war is obsolete.

it is a matter of converting our high technology from weaponry to livingry". for more information on realsolutions to most of today's problems check out the proposals of the venusproject and the amazing work of socialengineer jacque fresco. also of course check out the zeitgeist movement and where i currently producetogether with tio trom and ongoing documentary series, books, quizzes and a lot of other stuff exploring

and explaining these types of ideas in much, much greater detail. thank you for listening and peace out.

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