Freitag, 15. Januar 2021

vorhänge schöner wohnen

vorhänge schöner wohnen

hello you are welcome to thisnew video of me first i want thank you very muchfor the many feedback you guys give me have come to my last video after the infovideo summer and candles and who did not see thati can tell you that up here link and yes so as i said manythanks a lot for the feedback i received i was really happy that youcan feel with me that you know how it is to live in a roof apartment and in summer just so much to sweat that you just can not sit in front of the camera and yes but how you see, you see meand yes today is a bit cooler day

it has finally cooled down we had a really hard week here for a week storms and floods and everythingpossible and that is now fortunate over it has finally cooled down andit's even so cool that i have one had to wear a sweater and that's whyi thought i take the opportunity and turn today a warm sniffvideo for you because yes, too two pieces and i also stillother videos must turn or wants to and therefore catchi'll be warm with you today sniffed video for the april whatis really long overdue but here it isi have my bullet again as always

journal with me and oh soby the way, maybe you already are i'm wearing glasses and todayi hope that it does not reflect so much yes, as you know, this is always onbit difficult with the light and the glasses and i hope that it is notso annoying is it is now today a test i'll look at it in retrospect and see if i'm in often can turn glasses with glassesor if i'll just go back then contact lenses is now just nowi'll try it and me i hope it does not reflect too muchfor you and but also from time to time i will be contracted contact lensesnot so much anymore and that's why

i wear glasses just like that thenlet's get started bullet journal is ready i got hereagain my housewarmer and the votiv candles yes exactly votiv candles ach neei also had a tart with me provided me here and readywritten down and i would say so just start with the big housewarmers i burned in april or i have to admit yes thati partly a bit careless was in april and in may what it isto write down the fragrances every day have burned and i am annoyedthen always about myself i think then i always know what happened yesterdayburned that burned the day before yesterday and

then it's two days later and all at oncei think oh no mist has something burned again yesterday and the day before yesterdayor so and then i do not know anymore and that's so annoying and i tryme too really a bit too improve but then i stopsomehow in between every now and then few gaps or one has yeseven days where you have no smell on for various reasons and longjust a short speech i start and that i had to burn first in apriljelly bean i do not just have yankee candles this time, i have a few back other things worked out and that wasnow the first one in april i love it

jelly bean that's such a thing for megreat smell for me somehow a bit of grape smellsi really like grape i like i think so often told timesthis grape scent i also recently got grape soda from the usa and i love it that and i think it smellsbit in the direction maybe not quite like that anymoreoarlock but i like that which is sweet as cardboard and thejust smells like jelly beans probably after the lilanes or so i do not know it just smells really sweet and i have totell you i have the internet

scoured and i have for thissimply does not smell any fragrance description can findneither on the german nor on the uk still on the original page is this candle still in there i just do not have anyi can find fragrance description really sorry if anyone knows where i amhe can find the fragrance description for me who likes to say on which page orwherever you can you like the link then i might send it to youlater still in the infobox to linkbut as i said i have no fragrance description found because of this cani do not tell you but i love this one

this scent and he has 5 of 5 points from meget everything for the whole package for the fragrance for the fragrance distribution inthe apartment is just super great i can only recommend something like thatlove that and i still have backup here i do not know if thatregularly comes back that's one i do not know whether it's the easter smellevery year there is or was this year i'm just wondering i do not think this year there was only the white chocolate bunnys and the sweet candiesor whatever that meant, i did not have both bought exactlythen it burned for me to test the woodwick and i think it burned nowfor the first time i do not know me

but finally have the namefound and indeed stands here completely there on the bottom i do not believe youthat could read that is quite completely small down there and the name issparkling orange and there i have also found a fragrance descriptionbut i'll just read it before the fragrance description is onenglish here is a sparkling citrus blendmingled with nuances of goji berries poppy blossoms golden musk and vanilla meanstranslates a mixture i say citrus goji berries are not called goji berries i believe beautifulpoppy blossoms are yes poppys are poppys

are not daisies but also something sorry for the wobble poppy blossoms golden musk and vanillais clear and i actually found it very nice so that just smells likeorange he has a breath of burned by this crackling wickedprobably that's pretty black smells a bit yes smellsbit burned now but find that i'm not so bad the fragrance itselfvery very very ok very very nice fruity orange i find and hasis also well distributed in the room so is okay i just have to say thatgeknister i go to the biscuit so that's nothing i buy againso the woodwicks would be great

burns great off you see the pooledthat is super fast, i mean that glass is smalli would not buy it anymore as i said so that crackles meinsane on the biscuit is not mine but you can smell it wellrecommend exactly afterwards burned with me one of my stepchildren and that thea calm and quiet place as you already know love i smell it but it is not so goodburned you know already i had there yes also made a review about it andall i can do you the videos put everyone here in these info cardswhen i think about that the reviews there you can againi need a look now, too

probably do not always say theredo you come up here then such a i and there can you then lookin any case, this is an exhausting project and that's why it always burnsagain i try to get the empty becausesomehow you have to empty something and i really like the fragrancei like it smells so great i love the smell and i have to say soeither it has been that way because on at the beginning you do not have that at allsmelled meanwhile smells the actually very intense and either is reallythe whole fragrance oil in the glass down i ran that down here nowhas collected and now where the one

a little further burned down seesalso very oily all down here maybe it's because she is nowdefinitely more intense and in fact she also pools her as you can seei do not know if you like that i'll turn it around the other way aroundthe pool was also relatively deep yes exactly so i can only reallyrecommend the fragrance ago look at you this wicked flower on how huge thesimple is that definitely has to stop but i will be cut off againit does not cut me anymore it does not matter and when it is sooty then the main thing is that it pools and burns away, that 's me moment more important of course the wicker flower i cut off but the wick

not really much shorter exactlya calm and quiet place by the way i have forgot the woodwick i havegiven three out of five points and the a calm and quiet place also got three out of five points just yes because they are not that intenseis and burns so badly and i like the smell just so much and maybei'll buy some more tarts of or so i do not know yetthe fragrance description of a calm and quiet place i also have one more timewritten down i read you now just go ahead but stop inthe review already been top notes tangerine leaves mid notesjasmine and cedar base notes

patchouli sandalwood amber and musk just that you heard it again i have luckily the germansit is really really difficult german fragrance descriptions at allto find so it is real is really a the impossibility but we do not careyes, all english actually and who can not understand somethingi also like to write so afterwards burned my meltcups and although you knowyou already here the current one summer collection coconut splash warm desert wind topical jungle and the misty mountains that was the phase where i got thehad tested meltcups since i have you but yes synonymous already a review videoand that's why i want it now

to no longer golook at the review i can yes linked up there for you yes you cani'll also look at that next day so again the coconutsplash is almost completely through so it still smells like thatthe absolute madness how long this smell meltcupsso the coconut splash has it now certainly let me brieflythink about 30 already hours burned at least if not already 35 and still smells that is the absolute blast who hearsi do not like it and i like it so much and i did not have my glass yetkindle because it just keeps going

good smell gives off and i willactually the next days again give the misty mountains a chancebecause many of you just come to me said yes you do not have it rightyou tested that is a very unreasonable fragrance many say whenthe first ten minutes but that is so i have to do that intensivelybut not give it any real chance and that's why he will be with memay burn again respectively melt the next days and can melti like the smell of it already it's not bad i have toojust in the moment big was so hot now had a really good timei'll say such a fresh one again

masculine fragrance and that is why thenow the next days when it will be back a bit warmer in themelt lamp come in my scenterpiece and then i will test them againand then you'll get it too times a review if then in the warmgeschnuppert video july exactly as synonymous with but i still want the other twocontinue to test but the coconut splash is definitely testedthe top is and as i said a glass bought from you know and yesexactly fragrance description i read you because now none too you can watch yesin the review video it continued in april with one morefragrance from the spring collection and

two rainbow cookie too that is forbecome an abuse candidate yes you know i'm a foodie nose and mei really like that, but i like it will not be a favorite of mebecome unfortunately i like him he is finebut yes it will be used upi do not think i bought any more he would give me when he is emptyat some point i might miss that a rainbow would say a yeari would have cookie again i'll feel like it thenbuy a tart again if the then i still know how to get itnot how long they stay in the assortment

and how long to havei do not like that fragrance of that is yes for me no cookie scent that smells yesjust for me after such a peach ice also has a bit when i feel so over itthink a little bit about summer scoop but it is not for meit's a food and spice scent, though it's not a doughy one for me, i saycake or pastry and that's why rainbow cookie has mineget three out of five points because they are that's okay she is pooling well as you can seemeanwhile, the top is good at last time is a small borderyou may have stayed that way but everything is still in the framethat will be possible at some point

iron again he also has onewicker flower scent is okay in the tart also madness and i will read you againjust before the top notes from rainbow cookie sweet orange creamy peach mid notes passion fruit buttercream base vanilla cream and coconut and i cani always repeat myself i smell there no coconut out definitely notyes as i said for me no after purchase candidate but you know minesniffed videos are one a little different than other youtubers for example the used up videos in that one in theused up videos naturally candles shows how you used up the wayare diving into the course with me in the

sniffed videos the scents simply more often is clear because logically then maybe every month againhave burned and maybe i will something different every monthto the fragrance that is always the case a little on the mood on theweather on the feel and that's why of course it can be mesomeday, talk about the scents joa we continue the next fragrancethe burned was in the big glass actually i had fluffy towels thensomehow on a day totally bock on it i do not like the smell very muchi just like that because it is back then at tk maxx was there for 17.99i just had to take it with me

these fresh laundry scents are notmy thing i can not say why me i like the scents even if i am like thatsmell it smells just like softener and it smells nicebut it's not such a hair somehow somehow not such a scent on the facei like to have in the whole apartment so ori like it when i go to the example, the laundry and have washedwhich hangs here or the dryer is running and you smell like laundry or i havethe curtains are freshly washed and the then hang maybe still wet orwet again on the curtain rod then i like this fragrance but otherwise sothe candle is not quite my thing

but nonetheless i like the candlequite like she also has three out of five of mineget points and the fragrance description of fluffy towels is topnotes again in english bergamot lemon eau de cologne apple mid noteslavender geranium no idea how to pronounce that is perfect toono carnation yes that was i think may bell orange flower violet leafs andpeach and base musk sandalwood and iris so in the end, there is so much in itwhich i never expected so i have this fragrance description picked out andthought so what really so ok bergamot is clearlemon then apple and i thought apple real

so i would never have smelt out eau deof course, cologne is a bit like that perfume fragrancebut no lavender i do not know whether geranium is the geranium so in any case they are flowery fragrances as well as carnation as i saidlilies of the valley is orange flower violet leaves yes all flowers and peach was mealso very surprised because i think so does not smell a bit fruitysomehow but well and then as i said musk sandalwood and iris so stilla flowery floral note but for me insanely fascinating that there reallybut there is so much in it in the fragrance i would not have thought i had notexpected good but that was fluffy towels then

it continued with i have to go straightlook i think i would like you the mostfirst, the big glass show that is the last one and hadi burn the goose creek again i do not know if this is the first onetimes was in the month summer sherbet that's the way it smells tooice as it is in the picture smells so easy after believe i've ever described in a video before it smells so delicious of waterstrawberry water ice so much nicer water ice so you realize right that iti think a sorbet smell should not be milk ice but definitelya water ice and it smells right

yummy i like the ones that have toofour points get four of me five of course because of their cleartwo wicked mega poolt bit is soot up there i think you can recognizei'll stick it in the camera again up here, the glass is a bitdark here in front but as i said i do not think so nowbad smell very intense the whole bude smells can not complainand i also have a fragrance here description found even in germanthe favorite ice cream of the summer summer sherbet is a rainbow of flavors with orangelemon lime peach and raspberry so and so much that i stop therejust smell strawberry out there

namely no strawberry in it but soif you take it true, i can do it well, everyone smells so different tooeveryone has a different sense of fragrance let's do it and maybe it israspberry i smell strawberry no matter she is definitely great and has minefour out of five points get exactly that were the big glasses i had in theapril then i have two more actually two used up scentsonce i had used up i had bought me these fireflies here fromgoose creek banana pudding and that are yes, just had so much tealightsi already showed you in the one i believe at least video i believei had shown a haul but that is

such a great fragrance i love the and thethey also have a relatively long burning time but i think i had the two sothree times at several hours and then they were empty as you can seereally burns down completely there actually nothing left except the onewick with this metal plate in the in the middle that was top so a bit waxis still on the edge but that's worth it no more that it somehow get out tooscratch hach the fragrance is so delicious i love bananapudding which is so great i would like me also buy a big glass of thisgreat banana scent of the totally creamy and yes, a bit nutty smells like i thinkthe class and i also have this one

fragrance description foundalso in german a creamy basis vanilla pudding with sweet ripenedbananas and a sugar sweet cream topping that will be delicious that is the fragrance description i think that's mega mega megahe also has four out of five points get me and is definitely onenachkauf candidate because of the so great and i've already got ityou might have bought in one haul because i thought it was so greatand i also have a firefly again not bought in the glass but you canyes, always with the little ones i believe in glasses quite well with thesmall glasses especially with the

smallfireflies daylights anyway well in between just theindulge in scents you do not always have to buy a glass exactlyso i had a burn in april country candle daylight and thatcoconut colada is also great i also bought it after andthat is such a dream scent boah that is so great, too, that's completely burntas you can see and i love this fragrance oh that is so delicious after coconut andpineapple that's such a great mix i could put myself in therefragrance description of the classic pina colada but with just the right oneamount of coconut

that's all that's already itfragrance description and i can really only recommend that would be definitealso worth a look at some point as i said to you in thatlast video i'm currently not candlesshopping more glasses but it stays on my favorite list justmaybe i'll just order still a daylight looki still have one, but i can even more and he has even 5 of meget 5 points because the absolute dream scent for me absolute newwith favorite fragrance yes you loved that the big glasses and the daylightsrespectively fireflies and now

let's come to the tarts and votivesfrom yankee candle i consumed i have in the month of aprili'll have you there soon to tell a little story that is comingthen i'll start with the first one i smellgive it a try that i do not spoil so muchattention, i hope you can see it i can keep it a bit like this here i do not even know now anyway shea butter and i had it from sheabutter a tart and i have half of it tarts thrown in my scent lamp andi found the fragrance in the beginning very much enjoyablethat was very how should i say yes like that

in such a spa so a creamy fragrance afterlike a body of butter and i'll read you too again quickly the fragrance descriptioni'll try it soon translate to german so top notesis orange bergamot and mixed berries mid notesvanilla orchid so vanilla orchid no ideajasmine and shea cream so yes probably just cream and thebase notes are white musk vanilla sugar vanilla sugar and eitherwhat i do not pronounce wood can something wood i have no plani also do not know what is is i have not even googled completely does not matterthat's all there and i found that

fragrance at the beginning as i said very nice hewas okay i really liked him completely i like to think and och joa i can beautifuli had that in my studio and i thought that is a nice fragrancefor my customers, yes feel comfortable with me nownot somehow scented by a mega food should be slain if they are therecome in and that went up to one certain point and at a wholei suddenly had that point thought that smells like for mea spearmint chewing gum and i hate spearmint and there it was for mei just can with shea butter it does not tell you why there is nothing in therein this way but i found from the

time when i had the on thealways smelled like a spearmint chewing gum as if the spearmint were in it and i knownot why that smells like that for me though i just could not do it anymoreendured from the time was the for me absolutely down through and throughliked and did not go anymore that's why i have the other half oftart packed in a swap package because i got thefragrance absolutely could not stand anymore and i know that others love andthat's why i sent that because i also know that my exchangepartner has the fragrance very much that's why she got it and mehave written here fragrance tax

score four out of five because of the reallyaltogether only two were really intense points of five because he just did not go sorrybut not my thing because of it no way no way so shea butter is thethe first smell for me is me never buy it againthere are many scents that are not great maybe they were me anywayi would buy them again times would give a second chance butshea butter never come to number two the i had testedthese are now votive so shea butter was a tart the other three are votiveand i am at the moment my votive i also tell you to use upno matter what i had next

cicilian lemon and liked thati really like who follows my videos i also saw that then in thenachhinein me as meltcup still bought because i'm just in the momentin the summer so totally on citrus scents i have saidi like it really well right now even that's just a scentfrom lemon there is nothing else in there no knickknack there is justlemon in it and i found a cool smell description is top notes meyer lemon meprobably will not know one be certain lemons artlime and rindy then with citrus lilly and rose is lily and rose and base ismusky and interesting that almost everyone

somehow it smells like a base note muski think it's just synonymous in there interesting but that is probably soi wrote down here rather, no idea, but i buyi bought it as you see it has changed yet mybut that was a bit too because of thatcicilian lemon has barely released any fragrance i have perfume here nowlevy three out of five and total only but two out of five that isas i said still changed and the melt cup is mega i come but then stop inanother video on it and back then i come to two scents thati'll show you the same time

because i wanted to say something elsethat's the other two fragrances that i still had and thatblack coconut and sweet apple and the followed the cicilian lemon and thatthe problem was that they are already a bit older my votive are one year oldi think i have a good year bought me and i have my votivcandles not in sachets the tarts yes the votiv candles no and i have to like tooyou might have seen black coconut and sweet apple no ratings at bothnot because it's the two just zero scent have zeroso you could just go that way if you were over the votive candle glass has gone wholeit's a bit like that

too diversified then you could smell thebut there you have almost already the eyebrows burned away and thatreally a shame because they are cold both have been really favorites of mineso black coconut also very delicious i i have a glass of it because of iti will then test it again and sweet apple is indeed from the assortmentgone because of that bought out anyway or excludedyou get that a little bit but yes i like sweet apple this is a real onebeautiful fruity fragrance after easy red applesi also like to smell the fragrance read the description sweet appletop notes crisp sweet apples in perfect

ripe directly from the orchardit was more i did not find and in black coconut the top notes fruity pineapple are so slow coconut pineapple and coconut mid notes coconutblossom so coconut blossom no idea and base notes powdery notes woody notes andmusk where i am then again thought what are the powdery notes andwoody notes so that's one bit difficult if there is only yesthere are now woody notes in it or just stop we had alreadyi read floral notes somewhere not much to find nowas i said and i could the two just do not rate because they havesimply no smell left

black coconut is still being testedsaid sweet apple is from the assortment i really like to warm him coldnull comma zero scent royalty and also sicilian lemon was from last yearand he really does not smell very much and that's why i have nowto the task made my votiv to use all the candlesi will collect no more votive candles i'm not actually anywaycollect in the sense of therefore i now consume my votive candlesbut would also like to consume my tarts that will take a while because i like thatmany tarts but have that are definitely for me personally no collector objectsmore in the sense because they're just over

the years lose their fragrance and that ismuch too bad so maybe you would like toyou smell a rare one very much like a glass no matter if nowbig a middle or a little one glass but definitely not more thanalternative votive candle or a tart i've made that look like timesthat can be kept but the votive i will as i said just burn off and me i hardly buy votive and theare all flared and then is also good because i think that's easy toopity if the then one year in the closet stand and lose your fragrancei'm not that good and i want that

votiv candles are not all inpack that's enough for me tarts are all already in bags and mei have a whole box of tarts where i do not more knows where to go and whyi'll try it now little use in thenext time and you will be here too see exactly i'm so far through withmy with my warm snooze video for the april the video for themay the next days i will follow do not think so first i wanted it inmake a video but there you are now already the video is quite longenough one video and the next video for the may then be a separate video and but i still remember

not when i can turn that ori have to look i can do today probably not morei'll do it tomorrow but yes here in the incidentally, a candle burns on the backgroundi wanted to have noted the times actually burns even if it is notlooks like it unfortunately it is also an exhausting projectmine is snow in love i know not if i can recognize that and thethat was the cat that just glows like that so that's kind of the way it istotally tunnels and i try them now to burn whatever it is andyes only to the info there should actually, there's something burning down thereit does not matter you love it then hope

i liked the video and youi am glad that i am now before the camera was synonymous if so really themajority voted it okay if you see only my handsin such a video but of course i try anywayagain for you in front of the camera to come and has now worked with the weatherwith the cooling that came now let's see how it gets in the summerso i will really look and im absolute emergency then the snooping videos because you have them yes so much desired and then they willthen just with me behind the kamera kommen jetzt kommt die katze jetzt

habt ihr sie auch mal mit im bild ja die ist auch neugierig die ist so sã¼ãÿ ja genau also soviel dazu denn die videos werden regelmã¤ãÿig kommen undentweder wenn es geht mit mir vor der kamera und wenn es nicht geht dann mitmir hinter der kamera jetzt habt ihr auch mal die katze mitdas erste mal dass sie sich mit traut in ein video genau ja ihr lieben dannwã¼rde ich sagen ich wã¼nsche euch noch einen schã¶nen tag und wir sehen uns dannvielleicht morgen im nã¤chsten video und bis dahin macht's gut tschã¼ssi

vorhänge schöner wohnen Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika