Montag, 30. November 2020

viele bilder aufhängen

viele bilder aufhängen

- hello, i'm gav.- i'm dan. we're the slow mo guys, and this week on "the super slow show"-- dan, is that dangeri smell in the air? probably not.i had eggs for lunch. but this weekis all about weapons. so we've got bear traps, a catapult, and we're gonna be painting with guns. gav: ooh.

( theme music playing ) as you may know,we've made various art pieces using various tools,never a paint brush. we've used hand tools,power tools, ourselves. - explosions.- yeah, yeah, yeah. when i say "art"-- it's art,most of it's crap, but have we ever made art with one of these? don't think we have.

so what we're gonna do, we're gonna hangour art supplies above these canvasesor "canvi." - is that how it is, yeah?- which isn't a word, i don't think. and our paintbrush of choice will be one of these. yeah, this has to beone of the most elaborate setups for a paintingi've ever seen,to be honest. it's a whole trellis thing.

this is really--i don't know what it is. we'll be growing plantsup it later. - all right.- okay. because it involves bullets,we'll need a higher frame rate. we've got a v25.11 off to the side, panaflex 4k up the front. let's get firing. - with my one hand.- with one hand. cheek a bit of turquoise,first spray paint can?

you know what?just from this position here, i can tell that this is alreadymy favorite way to paint. before we've even started, i'm already like, this is the best way. as always, we've made sureit's very safe. there's no onebehind this canvas. that would be insanity. - all right, you ready?- yeah. - i'm plugging up.- 'kay.

safety's off. ooh. ( laughs )did it only just land? it looked like you halved it. what even happened? it was there one second,and then it was just gone. i've got no ideahow that happened. - i love how just the top sat there.- the lid. yeah.

that was a-- - yeah, it was a nice smattering, actually.- yeah. ( gun fires ) gav: oh, there's the bullet. oh. like it's nothing. dan:i've chopped these spray paintcans in half with an ax before, and they just sort of burstperfectly in half, but the bullet causeda lot more overpressureinside the can, which meant thatthe can's pieces

flew way further. boing. gav: wait, is that a spark? - dan: it is. - gav: i think it's a spark just 'cause of the metal friction. dan: it just chinks and then it comes out the other side, and that's going really quickly, though, that bullet. it's why it's scary, a very satisfying shot. super fast.

i feel like now the spray paint is obviouslygoing to be taken - by the wind.- yeah. think we should escalateto just thick paint pots? you wanna gauzesome thick paint on it? - absolutely gauze it.- all right. okay, next upwe've got four paint cans. that spray paint can landedall the way over there, so there's literally no reasonfor me to sit here.

we've got a barrier now. and i'm just gonna shoot off. yeah, i think that'sa good idea. take care of it? - yep.- sweet. gav:whah! - that looks lovely.- that looks great. that looks deluxe.if that was up there, that would be--that would be cream.

i think we know exactlywhat we've got to do. - go on.- this-- well, this looks good. - tons of this.- yeah? maybe some paint balloons. and right above the thing. - actually on the canvas this time.- on the canvas. so we get the nice painting, but on the floor. yeah, that was a practice,but a great one.

let's look at some of this. - ooh.- it's annihilated the-- oh, that's quite the exit wound. that's pretty hefty,isn't it? - dan: wow. - even though we're at a thousand frames a second, the bullets are still invisible on this camera. dan: blink of an eye.

i like the that the lidof the pot gets burst off. yeah, actually it bendsand warps the metal like that. - dan: ooh. - that's such a tiny entrance hole. it's almost like there's a charge inside - popping the lids off. - yeah. but it's just pressure from the bullet. dan: it's strange to think that tiny, little hole can cause that. just bleeding blue paint.

- oh.- that is way more violent than the other one. look at that one burst. why is that?where'd i even hit that? look at the way that lidis trailing all that paint. dan: whoa, that was quick, that one. gav: okay, that one-- it looked like the bullet went in the front, immediately took a right turn, and went out the side. that's so weird. yeah. let's see that again.

the exit hole is right next to the entrance hole. - dan: i think-- - ( laughing ) gav: oh, man. i think i hit the red one slightly on the side, which caused it to spin more. you know, um... saw thatwe had a shotgun. oh, you-- shall i--

all right, let's go. - blimey.- look at what i did there. you hit this can, like,30 times. look at all the big holes. i think i got the balloonin the same shot as well. i'm not really sure, but... the idea was to get as manythings as i could in one shot. ( laughs ) whoa, flip. look at the flippin' canvasat the back as well, taking it.

gav: that looks absolutely perfect. you got a couple of blues there. the pattern of bird shot was much-- - gav: it's a tight grouping-- - much tighter than i though. i thought it'd be like this. i thought it'd have about,you know, at least half a foot, but it really just knockedthe yellow paint can, but didn't actually burst it. - you see how the yellow paint can's been hit? - gav: yeah.

didn't actually burst it. it just bounced off it. it went straight for the balloon instead. gav: it gave it a right wallop. it did. i tried to get both, but, you know... well, let's take a lookat our slower angle. ( together ) oh, whoa! - dan: gah, wow. - that's wicked. so, there's a lot to talk about there.

- wait. - a lot of them didn't make it through the rubber and got flung back in. do you see that? - dan: that's unbelievable. - let's see that again. 'cause they're such tiny balls, there's lots of them, it looks like, in this bird shot, 'cause it's bird shot. they lose their that. let's see that frame-by-frameon the impact there. - there's a lot there. - dan: it's a big group.

there's gotta be, like, 80 or something. look, it didn't pop the balloon. the balloon hasn't even popped at this point. it hasn't, like-- it's just riddled. that's a fascinating shot. i've never seen that. look at those balls going in the balloon stretching the balloon out.

at this point the balloon's already burst and wants to reassert itself, but, look. that is such a strange moment in time. look at these. they're on the edge of, like, the ball... "let me out of the balloon. let me out." that is so much cooler than what i thought was going on. that's the one i hit square on and just annihilated. it popped the top and then it moved. yeah.

oh, look at that. look at that. right all over the lens. and now we can't see anything. think we're gonnaneed a wipe. here we go. oh, a few streaks from the--( laughs ) can't see. ah, ooh. ahh. i think we got, like,a little bit of lettering.

we got "low." or "slow." you know, i wasn't a massive fanof art at school, but i think the way we do art, i could really take it upas a hobby. yeah, if art classwas like this, i would... i'd do art every day. i'd love it.that'd be brilliant. very proud of that.very proud.

hopefully you enjoyedthat video. feel free to subscribeto the slow mo guys, and we'll see youin the next episode of "the super slow show."are you signing it? oh, yeah.that's... ( muttering ) hi, guys, we can't waitto share our extremely slowadventure with you. yeah, click herefor all the latest updates happening almost dailyon "the super slow show."

why do they putthe button on this side? it could have easilyjust been just there but it's on thisside of me. it's like somewherearound here. yeah,it's right there. ( chuckles )

viele bilder aufhängen Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
