every jeep owner loves taking advantage ofnot having the top on. but sometimes in the summer, the sun can getpretty overwhelming and very harmful to our skin. this trushield halfshade top is for the' 97to '02 tj owners, and will solve all of those problems. the shade will protect you from harmful uvrays, reduce flare when you are driving, and provide you with some nice shade so that youcan still enjoy that open-air driving experience we all wanted to enjoy in the first place. i'd like to note that this is for the 1997to 2002 two-door tj owners, but we also have
a full shade top for the 1997 to 2006 standardwheelbase and unlimited models. so make sure you get the right one for youtj. this installs with a couple of bungee cords,giving it a one out of three wrenches in my book, and i'll get into the details in justa moment. like i said, this is a half shade for thefront seats. so this will keep you and your passengerssafe and cool from the sun. the shade itself is made of a uv resistant,pvc coated, 1,000 denier polyester. now, that might sound technical, but all itmeans is that it's a very durable and rugged fabric that's perfect for outdoors and sunprotection.
the weight of the fabric makes it a abrasionresistant and very difficult to tear, which is perfect for tight trails and unexpectedbranches that might fling in your way. this is still a mesh style top, so this willnot be waterproof, but it'll do a good job at deflecting any light water thrown its way. unlike other options that we offer, this attacheswith heavy duty bungee cords. so, this is gonna be compatible with bothyour hard top or your soft top installed so you can keep this on all year round and neverhave to worry about taking it off. what i really like about this shade is thatit has two pockets in the front of the shade that are gonna be used for storage.
no other mesh options have this feature, andit's a great way to get items out of your cab area, but have them still easily accessible. right now, this is in the middle of the roadwhen it comes to cost compared to other shades that we offer, priced at right around $65. this is quite reasonable considering the featuresthat you're getting with this half shade including a very heavy duty material, that extra storagespace, and you can keep it on as long as you want with no interference to your factorytop. there's not much to compare it to on the siteright now, but we do have another option by rugged ridge that is very similar.
this option is, however, a bit different withhow it attaches and the materials that it's made of. it is less expensive, but a windshield headeris required, making it incompatible with your factory top. and, if you don't have a header, it's somethingthat you'll need to get, jumping the price up about $20. overall, you have to weigh out your options. but, if you're looking for a half shade, neverhave to take off for a good a price, this is definitely your best bet.
like i said before, this attaches with bungee,so this is gonna be a very easy one out three wrenches on the difficulty meter, and it shouldonly take you about 10 minutes worth of your time to get installed. you're gonna have 10 of bungee cords, 4 oneach side, and 2 on the rear that you gonna wrap around the roll bar and secure down. then you can hook the front loop on the middlefootman loop and you're all finished. more detailed instructions with pictures forreference will be included in the box. so, if you're looking for some extra shadein your '97 to '02 tj, trushield has you covered, and you can find this and everything elsewrangler right here at extremeterrain.com.