Donnerstag, 26. November 2020

twist off gläsern

twist off gläsern

hey youtubers it’s charlie and this weeksupernatural took a relaxing spa break from the war for heaven and hell in what i liketo think of as a cross between an x-files episode and a scooby doo mystery. extra specialshoutout for lunchlady dean, second only to dog dean. quick heads up before we get started, becauseolympics supernatural isn’t back until feb 25th in three weeks. so if you’re lookingto re-watch an episode. i would recommend first born or anything with abaddon and crowleyin it. since this episode was tailor made for funnybits let’s do our top 5 funniest moments and then i’ll do my review.

number 5 - sheriff donna, dean and the donuts.dean eating like a pig is always hilarious. but we have to give credit to sheriff donnafor being his wingman on this joke. she’s just casually stuffing her face with whitepowder on her lips when the camera cuts to dean licking his fingers and looking likehe just stuck his whole face in that box of donuts. the best part is that donna and dean don’tacknowledge it at all and sam just sighs. uuggh. number 4 - we have all kinds of certifications.they gave away lunchlady dean in the teaser last week, so this wasn’t a surprise, butjust the preposition of dean in a hairnet

is epic. he gets all the best fake jobs. notto be outdone though, the idea of richard simmons sam was good. seriously though, canwe talk about how dean is always the one to jump in head first to crazy situations. andsam always follows along. it’s like sam is still a little kid followingbig brother dean around. even though he’s way taller and kind of hates him right now. number 3 - downward dog for 5 minutes. i’veactually done yoga and 5 minutes in one pose is a lot, but it’s not that bad. i lovedthe look on everyone’s faces. and the idea that sam knew yoga because he“dated someone bendy too”. number 2 - the fat vampires. saying it thatway makes it sound like a really bad twilight

spinoff. but as gross as it was, it was reallywatching sam and dean react to it all. i couldn’t stop mentally associating the pudding withthe jars of fat in the fridge. if you’re able to get through a cuppingsession after this you are a champ. number 1 - something is in the pudding. deangetting roofied is a little dark just because of what roofies are normally associated with.but just watching him lust after the pudding was the funniest part of the episode. you have lunchlady dean getting dumped onby his supervisor, who then tells him he can’t touch the pudding. so naturally dean immediatelyruns off with some. how great is it that he ran into the closet to eat it.

i just want a clip reel of sam catching deaneating in weird places. like catching a dog eating off the table. that’s a bad dean,that’s a bad bad dean. i just see the crestfallen look on his facenow. i’m sorry, i was hungry. let me know what your favorite moment was,are you team yoga or team lunchlady. i have to say, i’m lunch lady all the way. i evensang the adam sandler song a little when he showed up with the hairnet on. overall i had to give the episode a b minusjust because it was a retread of old material in a new setting. plus sometimes dean andsam’s attitude’s on monsters and killing is inconsistent. in fairness to dean hatingmonsters, he still has that mark of cain.

so that might be making him aggro way more. i did have fun with the fat vampire twistand the whole concept of the weightloss spa. the health nut slash eating disorder satirewas a nice moral throughline. moderation is key, in all things both monster and winchester.if only dean could just learn to chill on all the instant gratification. i think the big journey for dean this seasonin addition to killing abaddon is learning to be a real human being. he’s kind of beenliving this parody life up to this point. which is probably why he didn’t know howto live without sam and why he can never settle down.

this deep in the season i feel like they reallyneed to be focusing on those main plot lines. like crowley, abaddon,castiel and metatron.gadreel is kind of like a second tier character at this point. i’m 99 percent sure they’ll get a season10, so the real question is if dean is going to learn anything as a character, or if he’llstill be dealing with the same personal issues next year. let me know what you think yes or no, is deangoing to be the same old dean in season 10. if you didn’t see, i just posted a big previewof grant gustin’s flash tv show. click here to learn all about it and click here for lastweek’s supernatural.

thanks for watching, see you guys tonight,high fives!

twist off gläsern Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika