gronkh: wow! and here we are again with "little nightmares" one or two may remember- we had a preview some time ago where we were in a very disgusting kitchen where tobinatorlp prepared some little snacks uhm, and now we have to continue somewhere here, i have no idea where we are but this time, i'm not alone again do you want to say hello?
christina: hello! g: that was the little girl with the yellow cap, she's here as well and sitting next to me. do you also want to introduce yourself, for people who didn't see "get even"? c: yes, of course. i'm christina, community manager at bandai namco g: hello christina, hey. c: hello! g: have you played this game already? c: yeah, i even beat it. g: wha- what? you have the entire game? c: yes. g: and i'm only allowed to play this one level?
c: yes. g: it's a fiddle c: it's coming soon, on 28 april it'll come out g: 28- oh, i see g: well, then you can leave the developer console here so that i can already record the let's play. okay, wait... i have no idea where i am and where i have to go. you know that, of course c: but maybe you can still remember what it is about, can you?
g: well, i know we're living on an island, where very gluttonous... fat people live, so- so myself. c: yeah, well, you're playing six, the little girl in the raincoat. g: oh, she has a name, i didn't know that. c: right, six and uhm... yeah, you're kinda not living there, actually you're just there but you don't know how you got there and... g: i -oh- i'm kinda, for them i'm- for the fat ones, i'm a snack, aren't i?
c: right. and now you want to try to escape the maw, that's how this thing is called. g: okay. look, she's toddling so sweetly. tip, tip, tip... and who wants to eat her? she's all skin and bones. c: well, when you're hungry, you take what you can get. g: yeah, but they have such huge meat supplies here. i can't go up there at all? i thought i could... c: you actually can climb the drawers.
g: okay, then the thing with the chair is... c: uhm, with l...r2. g: wait... c: l or r, right. g: okay, i... c: so, for all interactions you should press the button so that you can grab, climb...g: okay. g: i see. so now i can take it with me? c: you can even light it. g: wait, wait, wait... c: inflame it.
g: you see, i have it. c: very good. g: okay...oh, maybe i should, uh... i don't know yet when i'll need it. wait a minute. can i go through there? it's actually the way to narnia...no. c: no, unfortunately not. g: aww.. but look, there is, back there- there's something. c: yes. g: but i can... it looks like i could go through there. c: hm, well, i didn't manage to but maybe you can.
g: wait... okay, come on, 70 years of gaming experience have to be good for something damn. okay, can't go through it c: gasp! g: are you kidding me? you said there was no way through it. c: i... i didn't see that yet. g: oh, ok! c: i don't know that. i just walked in there and nothing happened.
g: okay. c: that was new. ah, look. g: there's a hatch going- ah, okay. that means, you already beat the game but never did this here? c: i didn't discover that. g: eh...didididi-dididididi, dedede... okay, i can't jump with the lamp because it's too heavy, probably. c: exactly. g: but... this doesn't work. and i can't see anything, so i can't really...
c: didn't you see how it opens? someone opens it very briefly when i walk away c: (laughs) g: that's pretty cool. and you played it through without revealing this secret? c: exactly, uhm, but there isn't someone, well, there's nobody who's teasing you, there is... g: so, should... c: didn't you see it? g: see what?
g: ah! ah, i'm so stupid. i'm just seeing it now alright and you've never been in here? c: no, i actually wasn't. it's great- great teamwork oh, that's mr trump's seat of government g: up here is a big fat eye and that eyey is also in the logo of "little nightmares", isn't it? c: exactly.
g: does that mean something? it probably does. and there's the gnome. i mean, when there's a button... c: always push it. g: does she push by herself? nope. are you my mummy? well, not you, i mean her, in the game do you know who that is? have you seen them before? c: uhm, well, to me it looks a bit like, uhm, also... little girls.
doesn't it? g: yes, they have- do they all have those caps? i can't make it out because it's so grey of course. but it looks like they're also wearing raincoats. g: are those maybe our sisters? c: that may very well be. could you maybe push it again? g: do you think it's- do you think it's a surveillance camera where maybe several things... c: i'm afraid so. g: okay. the home security system, so to say. c: exactly.
the eye g: oh! it looks like a crapper. g: did you know that others- nope, you've never been here?! c: nope, i've never been here. g: okay. c: but i imagined something like that. g: okay. you clever thing. g: okay, there's tobi in the let's play again, by the way. cool
tobi is always there. i like that. well...horizon well, uhm... this is...a hallway from harry potter is it? c: could be. g: i think it leads to hufflepuff. g: how many cameras... who is that? c: she's singing eerily g: the mirror burst, in front of her a little doll
and she's brushing her...flowing hair. but she's not that...stout. that's posing questions. c: hm. g: okay, i can't open the safes here. and i think, i supp- i suppose we can't go through here either. dideldu-dudidelululu... okay, did he go this way or did he go through the door? he's just gone, okay. c: he's gone. g: i thought maybe we could do something with him. good. then we found something nice.
here's a little book. can we go up here? nope? c: you can try. g: nope, i don't think so. she won't climb, she tries to push something c: you have to jump first. that... doesn't look that promising. okay, when you're only 2cm (0,78 in) tall... then, of course, life's st- ah! i'm always scared of falling on my face, that i miss my footing
okay, he went somewhere again, didn't he? i want, i-i-i... i know it's a preview and that's why i can only play a limited time, that's why i want to penetrate into all secrets c: you can do that of course. g: okay. and i will sometimes compel you to help me with that. c: there actually is one little secret and i'm curious if you'll find it. g: okay. should i not find it, will you sprinkle some hints into our dialogue that won't make me suspicious? c: yes. g: okay. c: because i don't want you to miss it.
g: okay. can i jump at this? probably. it has to work... once again here... now i'm too- i'm too far away from the wall. okay, let's see. i think here, now... yeees...uhm. i didn't really think that through. c: a few pullups. and youth trains for the olympics
maybe i can smack their faces in when i'm doing enough pullups but i can't turn this thing, can i? i wanted to swing... c: i'm afraid not. g: okay. well, nice that it works but pity that it doesn't work. g: fine, we'll come back later. i'm wondering where the gnome went. he waited for us on the stairs, so he's probably still somewhere. okay. and i'm not going through the door but... great. just as i expected
hello? now. c: i'm tempted to say "notch" now. g: what was that? leave this house immediately! the memories... oh god... oh, wait, that's... cool, i think?
have you been here- of course. c: yes. g: ew. ew, what's that, eww... can we scramble up using the pictures? we can't, can we? i mean, it has to be of use.c: daring. g: are we gonna die when we fall from this high? sure, right? c: you can try. g: great, thanks for the hint. well. that worked, uhm...well, just now. c: that didn't work.
g: yeah, but luckily... you know what would be interesting? if- through the eye we saw the two sleeping girls who probably were wearing these caps. if there was a corpse in the corner and we'd be one of the other girls. that would...wouldn't it? c: yeah. g: but maybe it would be too obvious - eww, why is there water around the toilet? what huge, huge sinks. okay, can i- hello? wha...c: for big people.
g: yes. uh, i can't even- now i can nope, i can't do anything here, can i? i can go up there again ah, okay. can i open the toilet lid? no. and then we'll dive through the toilet...but i can't go up there either. i'd maybe need a suitcase... or two... like this.
i have no idea what i'm doing here. i can't go up there anyway. it's way too high...way too high and i can't put this suitcase on another suitcase. that doesn't make any sense what i'm doing here, does it? c: hm. g: okay... i don't know why. that looks like a mousehole. we probably can't get through it. why don't i look around first?c: i don't know.
g: okay. here we'd probably need a suitcase when we want to go there, or... oh god, all the things are so high. but there has to be something up there. that's the end of the room. oh good, we don't need anything. except for. c: he said and saw the lock. g: great, thanks, nice...nice! great. you psych me up. c: always. g: first the notch and now this.
c: i'm sorry. g: why don't you call yourselves "bandai bully-co" c: bully-co... g: well, then i'll search the lever. it'll surely do something. now i can't pull the suitcase on the carpet. that's just... honestly, that's a fucking carpet. that's not a kerbside...fuck it.
is there something else? here was another suitcase. maybe if i take it- am i doing it wrong? c: nope, the idea is good. g: but the arms were too short. c: you can also...push. maybe that works better. g: how do i get behind it? ah, okay - nope. c: well, you can pull this one but you can probably push the other one.
g: i can't do anything with this one. i'd have to push it around the carpet but i don't know if i'll do it wrong. c: nope, well... the method is good. g: since i've been reading youtube comments, i live in a world of constant fear of failure. okay, wait. that reminds me of my suitcase when i returned from japan. that was about- it looked just like this at the airport. c: what did you take home?
g: we took everything home. i swear, we bought the whole of japan we actually flew there with an empty suitcase, well, no, we had clothes in one, but we were allowed to take fours suitcases. and each took an empty suitcase as well. and on the way home, we had problems to fit everything in. c: wow...g: it...is japan. what are you gonna do. c: i can completely understand that.
g: to be honest: i would do it again. i regret nothing. c: yes... g: who's that on the picture on the right, with the one eye? c: i don't know. g: you're publisher, you have to know everything! from the game. c: nope. that's a secret. g: uhm, i have a question. c: well?
g: that sound isn't good, is it? c: hm... g: that surely was tobi again. okay, then we can go up here. holy shit! we can only die here. c: don't be so pessimistic. g: yes, but...there's a wallpaper scrap are you kidding me?!
where am i now? what a coincidence. shit...okay, the suitcase is there again. everything's reset and... here are dragging marks. what happened there? i can't pull this open, can i? i can only... ah, okay. that are those dragging marks but what are those dragging marks here? c: maybe the door- nope. g: can you open the door from the other side?
but would that be of use? c: no. g: do you know that for sure? c: i'll say yes. g: but those dragging marks are there. they're real. g: we can't ignore them. the developers surely had... c: no, that doesn't work. g: no reason for that. great. thanks, developers. those dragging marks...
c: you're still in "get even", searching for evidence. g: yes, but there are- look, there are there, here. c: yeah, that's true. g: they're here and then around here, that means, something... c: i can't deny that. g: something was dragged here and we don't exactly know what it was. that's so cute with the slippers but honestly: who has feet this big? that's disgusting. would you want to live in a world... where people with feet this big live?
so that they make up your entire body? i'm sure there are people out there who like that. c: uhm... g: they'd say "hooray!" "a whole-body-foot!" c: a whole-body-foot... g: okay, wait... so, that's basically right, i'm claiming. on the other hand, it could be that it wants to mislead us. c: no, it- it looks pretty good what you're doing there.
i mean, the lever is so prominently placed there, it surely has to... i don't wanna die again. i could jump over here, but would that make sense, is the question. or do i have to, because, i mean, look, there's something- there's something. but i don't wanna... here's wallpaper. do you see that? it's so hack- hackneyed c: yes.
g: that surely has to mean something. but on the other hand - the dragging marks don't mean shit either. here are other suitcases. that means we can go there somehow. maybe. it's really interesting. okay. can i climb down here again? c: uhm yes, you can. but-exactly g: be careful
okay, can i also... no, nja, tss... c: you could also jump over there, but... ...doesn't look like there's much room. g: yeah, right? i don't think you can navigate that well and should she fall down again, and be dead again, then that's... wait, there's an eletrical wire underneath the wallpaper which goes behind the pictures. or is it only- no, it's only the badly made wallpaper.
i'm searching for hints everywhere. i need to know how it continues. there have to be things here. she's warming her hands. c: maybe... g: yes? well, i'll gladly take hints but the problem is, you already- you already played it through. c: i think you're thinking too complicated right now. g: that's a mistake i always make, i'm always doing that! i can't jump here at all, by the way...
c: sometimes that's good but right now you can just... be lead. so, over here- i'm thinking too complicated again- over here doesn't make much sense, unless i could go over there somehow, to the left where the shhoes are but we can't navigate there either. i think this is basically wrong. i can't climb the toilet pipe. nor can i climb the wet pipe. did you just laugh or vomit?
c: swallowed. g: okay, okay, sorry g: it surely were my ingenious remarks. okay, good. so i'm going all the way up. c: right. g: that's what i'll do. c: that's, uh, that's - that looks very good. g: okay, good. i'm pretty good at that. and then, 'cause i shouldn't think too complicated, i'm going up here. c: exactly g: because it looks like i could go up there.
then there's a pipe but i can never climb that. c: no, you can't. g: but i also can't jump to the left. c: yes, you can. g: but - won't she die? c: if you manage to land on that great, left closet, then... g: okay! you have to tell me that. then i can go down here now and here's the key. that's a key. i thought that's a fucking hairbrush this whole time! c: what?!
g: i thought it was brush, it looked like a brush! c: but it's so nicely illuminated. g: and i thought "yeah, well, a brush, you probably won't need that, it's just there" that's not...! ah, thank god, i wanted to jump on the bed. are you laughing? c: i actually thought you died again. g: me too.
shit... uh, quick question: those dragging mar- okay. i thought it was a brush, it looked like a brush. i didn't expect a key this big but that was probably stupid of me. c: but what- what do you think has to go in the lock? ...a brush? g: y-yes, wait, of course you need a key for that but it doesn't necessarily have to look like a brush.
that's the hidden agenda. had i seen it, it would've been... i don't know how to open a lock! can we please do it in this direction? yes. i hate those monkeys since "fallout 4" if it'll make noise now... i'll kill it. okay, fuel leaked here. i urgently need...
a gun to inflame the fuel. uh, up here is a button for a lift. c: well spotted. g: i shouldn't think so complicated. g: here's a...wha...? okay, i can go up there. that's very great, i actually didn't mean to. i only saw that maybe you could open it, 'cause it's a box with a lid. but apparently the lid is welded to the box.
"hold down x to throw a carried object" ah, well then! well, you have to know that. shut it! you know what? i'll take the monkey with me. c: that actually isn't a bad idea. g: i learned that in games that you always- always take everything. i mean, no one will suspect a monkey. okay, well, fine.
i see. c: you have to practise... g: what kind of perspective is that? look, she's standing here! i was standing in front of the button and she just throws it somewhere. man, man, man! well, if the girl dies, she deserved it. okay, wait. now! i'm not here!
no matter where we end up, i'm not here. i hope they won't find me here it can open, over there, can't it? that- that hatch does open, at the... surely someone will come in any second. c: be surprised! g: great, thanks. you're a great help. okay, there aren't that many people comingin. but it could have been.
that doesn't open. no. my monkey. the only friend i have here. why did that just happen? is she feeling sick or...? c: i think she's not feeling too well. g: menopause? c: i think she's hungry. g: but here are rats. you can eat them raw. c: her stomach's growling.
g: are you sure that's it? c: yes. g: not that somehow- that she's ebing poisoned the deeper we go inside. c: no, don't worry. i can't get through there. c: yes, you can, with... l1 or l2? g: man, this face... c: left. one of the two left buttons. g: ah here, alright. c: i can't ever remember the buttons.
g: okay, i'll take the monkey with me. even if it's dark right now. i hope she won't die. c: no, then the game would be over. g: oh....the little worm! here, have a beefsteak. i'll order something at... no, not asian food. that would be shitty. that song
when i go in there, i'll be caught. and you warned me, the game- we are only allowed to record until we reach a very lousy part, you said. c: yes, but it's not this part. g: okay, then i'll go inside. there's a piece of meat in the cage, i mean no. don't do it, don't do it... keep on suffering hunger. that's healthier and throw away the monkey. oh, i should hurry.
no... oh no, oh no... we all know what's going to happen. eeeeeww c: wasn't that nice. g: what an unaesthetic long arm. ah, the kitty! c: i don't think that's a kitty, that's... g: those are all girls? those are all girls!
oh god, ohgodohgodohgod... oh god, what's he doing- i don't wanna know. i can do next to nothing. yep, it's going well. nobody will hear that. yep, so long! g: okay, here's a bit- there, look. that's what a free, happy girl looks like- okay. can i... i can't help them, i think...or can i?
c: i'm afraid not. g: but why not? how am i supposed to square that with my conscience? c: i don't know... g: wow, gish, that's just so mean. c: it'll get, i think, a bit worse. g: the bad thing is: i'm really hungry right now. c: so, in real life? oh god, i didn't want to go this way, i just wanted to look first
where the long arm of the law went. yo, it's me again, i'm free! okay, we can't get further her at all. the long arm just comes through the doorway up there. but, no- he had to take a cage with him somehow. c: he probably opened the door. g: uh, yes... i would've found it cooler if just the arm came through that hole there.
and then took the girls and pulled them through, like schlrrp over there you just hear "krrrg, krrrg, krrrg, krrrg". c: some cracking. g: yeah, that's part of it. oops! wait, lighter... here, do it... come on...turn on the light. can't i light this lamp?
c: yes, you can light it. g: but she doesn't light it, she just carries it. c: get a bit closer. g: i don't dare because she will pick it up then. you see? c: yes, indeed... g: straaaange, alright in theory, we should light it and throw it down here to see how deep it is, right? c. well, you can try. i actually never did that.
g: what's wrong with you? c: yeah... g: you're such a -oops- you're such a curious type. c: am i? g: well, i dare say. or don't you care for anything anymore and got super lethargic over the years... ...in all the years in the gaming sector, you just got so exhausted. c: no, i actually tried to find everything. g: there's no floor here. c: you're just too far up. g: yeah...
g: uhm, but we have to continue somehow, anyway. g: have i- throwing away the lamp, i probably threw away the only chance to get out of here. g: but on the other hand... i mean, if they all die anyway... then they can help us now. that doesn't work. that's probably unnecessary, i can probably just climb the grids. i'll try it.
lalala...hello, lalalala... okay, i can't get on the pipe, i suppose. that would've been intere... over there's a ventilation shaft, but we can't get on the pipes. what is it? c: nothing. g: now- okay, i thought it was only a lamp. it's not a lamp. c: what is- what?
now, i'm out. g: what, why? what's a lamp? g: uhm, you won't get it.c: i see. g: afte all those years in the gaming sector. after all this lethargic weariness. if that-? that won't be high enough, will it? perpectivally it should be a bit more in the front. right? i can't really estimate that.
c: almost... almost... g: uh. oh, the room ist tilting. c: yeah, you're at sea. g: but i'm in the- aren't we on an island? c: no, it's more of a submarine or a...boat. hop! are we too far in the front? c: i think so, you have to...
i think it's really bad that you just push her there as the next dinner g: i can also push her back- oh no, i can't, i'll be away from there. okay, pity. even further back? that can't be true. c: well, i'd push it on the water there. g: yeah, i just tried that but that didn't look right, perspectivally. wait.
now! alright. the question is: will the door stay open? c: you'll see... g: meeeh, great. okay, what can i put on there? can i open this? no. could i have put a lamp on there? no, i couldn't have either. huh, i can't put anything on it 'cause i can't carry anything up there. i'm wondering whether i should have taken the lamp in here.
because i think, this here... let me see. here's a pot inside. no, i can't pull that. pity. how do i do that now? i need to put something on there but to do that i'd need to be able to get something up there. it's tricky. and the only thing i can think of is of course
the lamp outside, that we just used as depth finder. here's something else. a mop, i think, with a bucket, but we can't do anything with that. would it have been the lamp? c: no. g: okay, alright. now, that beats me. c: maybe use yourself. g: yeah, i just thought so too. but i don't know how exactly...
okay, not now....okay. you clever little thing. "use l to swing and r to jump" he's telling me that now, you know? great. thanks, game, you're really helpful. c: you're supposed to solve the puzzle, the riddle behind it. g: a journey without return. i think it's questionable to go in the direction of... the long arm.
in addition, i can't see anything. and everytime a door closes behind us... no new one opens. but we can- aha! please- no, no, no. please don't die. if- does she go- c: you were lucky. g: i thought... okay, so much for that. she's jumping very energetically
in the opposite direction. good. good to know. i actually wanted to go over that little edge there. why is there a bathtub? next to a guillotine. c: yeah. g: above a- c: the interior architect needs to be fired. g: i think so too. okay, ducking was that...
and i think, somewhere, the arm had to come from somewhere here- there's the arm! eww, the arm! can he hear our creaking? he's probably on (hartz iv= german welfare) okay, wait, uh, i- i can't get up here. c: well, i can- i can tell you that he can hear and smell very well. g: smelling too... c: oh, he wrapped something. what could that be? g: oh no.
oah, is that- oah, that's terrible. oh god... god! and the meat hooks, oh go...