if i'm lookinga little bit dishevelled, it's because i really am. i've just gone throughthe most amazing experience of my angling career. mother nature has throwneverything she possibly could at us. we've had siberian weather eventhough it's the beginning of spring. we're at the linear complexin oxford. we're fishing st john's lake but there are lakes spreadall around here with big fish in.
but st john's in particularhas got some real characters and some monsters as well. we want to see thoseon the underwater cameras and we want to catch a few as well,so sit back and enjoy the ride. what we're doing at the momentis adjusting so that both cameras are looking at exactlythe right place on the bottom where the rig's going to be lying. so for the wide camerawe want it in one position. the close camera that's goingto zoom right in on the hook,
we want it in a different position. so these adjustments are very smallbut they make a big difference when it gets out there in the water,and once it does go into the lake, because we've gotno horizon to look at, it doesn't really matter if the rig'slying that way or that way, as long as it's in the middleof both shots now, it's going to be in the middleof both shots when it goes out there. so little adjustments at the momentbut you've got to get it right because it's going to siton the bottom for two weeks.
so the effort nowmakes all the difference. we've been hereabout eight or ten hours and we're finally going to cast inbut not with a hook on. just a boilie on the end of that,a pop-up, a bright one, and all i'm doing nowis marking the distance so when the fishdo come in and start feeding i'm alreadyclipped up at the distance so hopefully we can walk round there,chuck a little bit of bait in, scare them away and get the cast inalmost first time.
and that is key in this situation - is getting the rod out first timeas many times as we can. we're only casting into an areathat's probably three foot square. normally if you'd landed six footfrom the float, you'd leave it, but in this situationthat's too far away. we've got about a three foot squarewe've got to cast into so getting it right now makes all the differencewhen the fish are in the swim. ali's obviously going to direct meto let me know where it is.
okay, al, it's going in now.i'm going to try and go past it and then draw it backin front of you. the rod is inand it's well past the camera so i'm going to drag it back now. hopefully you should see itcome through the shot. right, i'm going to clip this upand go and have a look. make sure it's where i want it. there's a bit of weed round it. - yeah, i see it.- beautiful.
- that will do, won't it?- yeah. we've got quite a lot of distancethe other way as well. i'd guess at seven foot.maybe a tiny bit more. yeah, that seemedvery close to the camera. how far away do you reckon we are?let's go down to the base plate. that's the base plate, there.the clarity is amazing, isn't it? - yeah, better than we expected.- there's our pop-up. yeah, a lot better than we expected. no carp in there, though,so if they come in and stir it up...
it will be fine. do you think i'll catch one on that? yeah, you might need a hook on. it dependshow confident you're getting. right, i'll clip it up.i'm going to do a few more so it's dropping in that sameposition. really i want it out here. but that's good for distance,near enough. that tubing looks pretty good,doesn't it? yeah, and the cog looks amazing.
there is a bit of weed round it,though, isn't there? yeah, i thoughtyou'd picked that up on purpose. - good, okay.- that's mega. the camera's in so what we're doing nowis preparing the bait for the spot. now after the last underwater dvdthat was a success a few years back, people wanted to find outmore about boilies. how do they reactto just boilies on the spot? so that's exactlywhat we're going to do.
we're just going to be putting inboilies but we're going to vary it because there's more than one wayto skin a cat. so we've got whole baitsthat are going to go in here but the first thing i'm doing,i've got a mixture of 15mm cell and 15mm new grange and i've just gotthem going through the cutter tool so i'm gettinga few halved baits first. and what that's doingis breaking the seal of the boilie so it's letting out more attraction,more leakage, so hopefully luring them fish downa lot quicker.
the first thing we want them to dois get confident around the camera because that's somethingtotally different to the spot. they're not usedto a camera rig on the bottom so we've got to get themcoming in around it, feeding confidentlyand getting used to it. so by making the baits a bit moreattractive by cracking them open, that's going to havea better leakage rate and hopefully those fish are goingto be enjoying it a lot quicker. so i'm probably going to domaybe a kilo of halves.
it's so easy to do in this cutter -just push them out like that and you'll get a kilodone in no time. just keep them going throughlike that. then i'm going to do somewith the crusher as well because that's very important. these are going to go downto a fine crumb. so if fish come inthroughout the night, it's going to keep them busyon the spot for a while. they're going to be sieving awayand 'shnuffling' on the spot,
coming right along and thatwill keep them busy on that spot and hopefully keep them occupied long enough for us to hopefullyget a visual of them feeding. and even if they do clear outall the whole baits, again,you're going to have this sediment, it's going to sort of hold into thesilt and the gravel on the bottom and it's going to keep themcoming back for more and more. so even when they do clear you out, believe it or not,with a bit of crumb on the spot,
it's amazinghow long fish will stay there and it'll look likethey're eating nothing but they are, the smell andeverything that's in the swim will keep them coming back. so that's an ideaof what we're going to do. i'm just goingto add some whole baits. you can see there, there's thenew grange and the cell, in they go. another big handful. and we're going to put thisright around the camera
but also up the tree line as well because i want it to beas natural as possible. where the fishare used to coming up and down, i want them grubbing around there. if i give you a look at this now,there we go. if i give you a handful now - halves, wholes, crumb,it's all in there. all we've got to do nowis introduce it to the spot and hopefully those carpwon't be too far away
and having a good old feedon this lot. so i'm just waiting for mr fairbrass to park himselfin the seat inside the tent and radio to me when they're readyfor me to start putting bait in. this will be the first time that we're going to introducesome boilies, crumbed, chopped, halves and wholeonto the spot at st john's and hopefully those fishwon't be too far away. but it's cooling down nowand this is the shallow end
so it could be through the nightor by the morning, but i'm hopingin the next ten hours of darkness that they'll comeand have a little mingle and party. right, here we go. so there's the lovely chopsthat we've dampened down. so they shouldbe leaking beautifully. right, it's going to goall over the base plate and where the camera is. this is going to get themabsolutely tearing it up, i hope.
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.it's raining boilies. i love listening to himon the walkie-talkie when we're baiting up. that looks like loads already. that looks like loads already.i'd hang fire for a minute. i thought i was the new bait baron.i was going to load it up. how much do you thinkyou've put in now? four handfuls, and you knowmy hands are pretty little. yeah, we don't wantany more than that in the swim.
you wouldn't believe how much baitthat looks like on the bottom here. you just wouldn't believe it.it's totally carpeted. so the rest of your baitwants to be spread, not the chops and stuff. i'd just put the whole onesup and down the margin and off of camera. yeah, that's exactly what i'll do. i'll spread the whole 15mlersalong this tree line for about ten yards anddown towards us for about ten yards
so we've got a nice line of baitfor them to come in on. bait the trailgoing out into the bay as well, just into the weeds and stuffso it spreads, say you were going to have two orthree rods fishing out in that bay, bait up over all of those rods. okay, yeah, i'll take a little lineoff the margin as well. i'll throw itas far as i can get it but not a lot. okay, that's brilliant. you wouldn't believe how much baitthere is lying in the swim.
the crumbis still just gently floating down. i reckon that crumb's going to befalling for the next ten minutes. it's properly smoked up from here. you can really see it.it's really coloured up the water. come and have a look, mate. oh, yeah. does that look a lot of bait to you? that's looks likea mainline feast of boilie. it looks a lot, doesn't it?
for four handfuls,that's properly littered, isn't it? that crumb will keep them busyfor a good time, as well. through the nightthey'll be coming back, hopefully, they'll be coming backtime and time again. yeah.that's opened my eye straight away that's four handfuls. yeah,and that looks like too much to me. i know it won't be becausethere's loads of fish in here but i reckon in the endwe'll be putting half an handful
in around the camera. when i did the thinking tackle here,it was like the more bait you put in, the quicker the bite's gotwhich is weird. it was almost likea small amount of bait they're not nervous ofbut they feed on and they disappear. a load of bait,a load of them come in and just smash it to smithereensand you get a take. we shall see. now it goes dark, that's the time.
they get usedto the camera being there. it gets light tomorrow andhopefully we'll start seeing them. time for us to feed. yes. it's the first full morning. thecamera's been in the water all night. we had some problemswith the computers this morning but we finally solved them. the weather is absolutely savageat the moment. it's showing six degreeson the weather app that we're using.
this time last yearit was 26 degrees on this very day. so it shows you how much colder it isfor the time of year. we're seeing odd fish just comingthrough and just having a look. some bait has been eaten,not very much at all, but we've thrown a little bitof extra bait in around the camera, just a few chops and stuff because the fish are definitelyattracted by the sound as well as the smell. ali's put a few boiliesup the margin either way
just to draw fish back into the area but this is not the weatherconditions for this swim at all. we hopedit would be bright and sunny. if it was flat clam and red hot,it would be full of fish. but the way it is nowi'm guessing most of the fish are up the other end of the lakeover the deeper water. so we're going to carry onwatching the cameras. the weather's expected to breaklater on this afternoon. with warmer temperatures
hopefully there should bemore carp in the area but we're goingto watch intently for now. you never know, they mightstart coming back in again. treacherous down here. and as you can tell,we didn't really want rain. but that'sexactly what we've been getting. so, just to give youa little run down of why we're going to dowhat we're about to do, we've got the boilies down there
and, to be fair, the carpshould be coming in and eating them but we're only getting odd onesghosting past. so what we're going to do is just tryto maybe accelerate the situation, just giving them something different. in fact,when we were testing the cameras at kev knight's house in his pond, we had pellets down therein front of the camera and then put some corn inand the fish started feeding. as a result, they ended up moppingeverything else that was around it.
so i've justemptied a tin of corn into here and then got some of thatawesome corn twist goo and just added that in. and it gives that corna little bit of extra substance. lovely taste, lovely aromaand a little bit of colour as well just to haze it up a little bit,not that we want to haze it up. but i think the odd fishthat are going over the top, one might just tilt down and fancythe corn instead of the boilies and as a result hopefullythey'll start churning it.
so i'm goingto radio in to the gaffer, let him knowthat we're about to put the bait in. dan, we're just aboutto throw a few handfuls of this corn in, so are you ready? yes, mate, recording now. great stuff. right, so not a lot.again, it's a tin of corn but probablywon't put all of that in. get it in my left hand,my favoured hand. so here we go, have a look.
see there just a bit of fleckof the colour on my hand. i'm going to throw this in. hopefullythe wind won't blow it into me. can you see the little bit of goocoming off them - looks amazing in that clear water. dan, i've put two handfulson the spot. i've just put one to the left. are you all right with the amountor would you like a bit more? i think we'd all like a bit more but i'm happywith the amount of corn.
great. so we're just going to putanother handful just to the right. just over there. and if you thinkthat's a tin of corn, we've probably puthalf a tin of corn out. all that goo on it,loads of taste now in the water and if any carp come ghosting past,it might just be a new dimension that could get one feeding,so let's see what happens. we've been hamperedby the weather massively. it's poured down with rainall day long
which is the complete oppositeof what we wanted for this part of the lake. but in spite of thatwe've seen fish in there regularly pretty much all day. just fleeting glances sometimes, other times two or three fishwill come in together. there was a very interesting bitearlier on where there weretwo or three fish in the area... oh, there's one coming in right nowso i'm going to record that.
right on cue. that is the small common, i think,that we've had coming through. there's two in there now. that is literallytwo or three minutes after ali's put some more bait in. a couple of fishhave come in to investigate. we're seeing themshowing out in the bay. earlier on we had two or three fishround the camera and a mallard dived downand started picking up baits
and we've had problems with the ducksall day long on this shallow spot picking up baits. it completely spooked the carp away,they hated it. and it took quite a whilefor them to come back in and right on cuethere are two back in now. no, there's three back in now. it's amazing how the swimcan go dead for an hour, you throw a bit more bait inand the fish come in to investigate. we've not seen anything feeding yet
but this is very encouragingbehaviour from the fish. we never really expectto be casting on day one. we'd like to see them feeding andi'm sure that will happen in time. there's lots of fishshowing out in the bay so we're going to keep watching and hopefully tomorrowwe should get a rig out there. the wind has changed,there's less rain. a little bit of rain during the nightbut not too much. we saw loads of fishin front of the camera last night
just before it got dark. we even sawthe big plated, we think. but the camera was so slowat that point because it was so dark, we couldn't tell 100%but there were a lot of fish around. so we put a lot of bait inbefore it got dark all around the cameraand all around the area as well. just like you'd bait upif you were fishing. this morning we've turned the cameraon, no bait in the swim whatsoever. they have eaten everything.
so there's obviously been numbersof fish feeding there in the dark. we put some more bait back infirst thing this morning and a few carp came inand just sort of looked around but nothing's actually fed. so ali's just been round there againa minute ago and put some more bait inover the top of the camera and either side of it as wellto hopefully draw fish in. the sun's out nowand that's what we need. for that baywe need the sun to heat the water up
and the fish will start driftingback in here again in numbers. the afternoon we're expectingto be the best time of the day, so from one o'clockperhaps until it gets dark, hopefully we'll start to seesome fish feeding. once they've fed confidentlythen we're going to put a rig in. but for now it's just a waiting game so i'm going to join mr hamidiback in the bivvy and just keep watching them fishand hopefully as time goes on they'll start to feed properly.
well, it's the afternoon of day twoand after a pretty frustrating day the fish have started to come in. it's now just before 6 o'clock. we think we may have seen the bigplated, we're not 100% certain. there's a duckjust eating some more bait. he's very excited. i am. 50 hoursthese cameras have been in and when the first one tipped down it was like in slow motionas it came in
and the minute its angle changedyou knew that was it. it was a beautiful moment. since 2007 we've been waitingto see one feed again on an underwater camera so i can't quite explainthe relief that we've had. you start thinking all sorts, like is theresomething wrong with the cameras? is it giving out a feed? but really it's just a matter of themgetting comfortable, isn't it, dan?
it's putting the camerain the right spot on the right lake at the right time of the year...there's the old duck again. daffy's having it. it's just a case of patience now. we're going to let themcarry on eating this food. they're coming in in greater numbersnow which is really important and fish have started to feedin front of the camera with the camera turned onin the daylight which is really important.
so we're just goingto let them have this food today, put some more grub in later onand, hopefully, tomorrow morning conditions will remain the sameand the fish will come back in again. it seems to beafternoons and evenings is best in here at the moment. but you never know -it's all very encouraging. we're goingto put more bait in tonight. absolutely. well, things are reallyhotting up out there now.
there are numbers of fishcoming through and that's the important thing. we've got groups of fishwe haven't seen before. the bayis clearly filling up with fish. as more anglers turn uparound the lake, it's helping to push fish in here. it's stillnot the most ideal conditions but the fish don't know that. they're coming in now andthey're taking more and more bait.
it was an absolute revelation to seethem feeding in front of the camera for the first time. we were worried there wassomething wrong with the camera and it was stopping the fish feeding. that's absolutely not the case. ali's trickled a little bitmore bait in in the last hour or so and the fish have justkept coming back, kept coming back. we're seeing new ones all the time. some real characters,some beautiful linears,
some big long ones,some dark commons. there's loads of fishout there now feeding. so we're going to carry onputting more bait in, loads is going to go on the spotand a lot all the way round it, just like we were fishing, and hopefully we're goingto keep the fish there overnight because last night the fishcompletely cleaned us out, there was no bait therein the morning and there was no fish there either.
so a lot more is going to go inand then hopefully tomorrow morning we'll be able to put a rig in. well, many developmentssince last night. we absolutely leathered the bait inlast night all over the spot and all round it,they've eaten virtually all of it. there was still a little bit leftwhich is what we wanted and then most importantlythere were fish here this morning. there's lots of fish drifting around. we've seen one just dip downand have a little bit of a feed.
so we're going to get a rig out therebut what we want to do first is actually scare them awaybefore we cast a rig out. so ali's creeping round there now. he's going to show tomwho's just turned up where to put the bait in because we're going to have ali inhere watching the screen as i cast, tom round there chucking the bait into scare the fish away and then mehopefully getting one on the spot. so i'm goingto start recording on this
so we can see that bait falling in. and let's give ali some instruction. al, are you readyto drop the bait in? yeah, mate. i'm ready to put it in. hang on one sec while i turnthe volume down on this thing. got to beas stealthy as possible out there so he's turning the volume down. loads of anglers turning up.it's friday morning so it's getting busier and busier.
i'm ready if you want usto walk down to the water's edge. yes, please. if you bait up now,we're recording now. there's lots of anglers turning upand that's going to help us because we've got four swimsthat no-one can fish in this bay and the lack of lines is probablygoing to help push them in. that's lovely. that's going outjust beyond the spot into the gloom, those first couple of bits. this second lot should be good and i'll put another fewjust a bit closer if you want.
the second lot were perfect. if you spread itleft and right now of shot, that same sort of rangefrom the camera but left and right so it's not just aline directly in front of the camera. it's well off to the leftand well off to the right. actually not to the right becausethat's where the line's going to go, but off to the left,down the shallower bit there, a little bit on that, please. yeah, that's what i was going to do.i won't put anything to the right.
do you want me to do what i was doing and just scatter a few in a lineup that margin as well? give them a little trail. absolutely, mate,a bit of a vapour trail. are you just putting chops in theswim or are you putting whole ones? just whole. just whole baits at themoment, that's all i've taken round. okay, just a few up the margin,that would be great. what we're trying to do is createa bit of a trail into the spot but not fromwhere the line's going to be.
from the other end of the bay so the fish come in and hopefully thefirst thing they encounter is the rig and not the line and that'sreally important in your own fishing to not bait over the top of a line because you've got fish feedingright on top of the line, they're touching the line,that's going to spook them, you start getting line bites,not ideal. you want them coming in so the first thing they comein contact with is the hook bait,
not the line and the rig system. so this is the rigthat's going out there. what i think is goingto suit the spot first of all. so we've got a size 6 kaptor kurvthere in brown to match the gravel. one of my all-time favourite banoffeehook baits fished on a d rig. that's 15lb iq2 fluorocarbon with a little tiny bit of puttywrapped around a small sinker just to hold it flat on the bottom. and then the all-importantlead system.
i've got a 3oz flat pear cog lead. so the fish is picking the lead upfrom the heaviest point, again, in brown,and then a brown lead clip as well. and then the gravelly colour,dark matter rig tube and i've flecked that upwith a brown marker pen just to break up the straight line. and when we chucked that out thereoriginally to mark the distance it blended in fairly well. you can see itbut we've got to start somewhere
so this is whati'm going to cast out first of all. i'm going to wrapa little bit of foam round there. when it drops into the spot, ali's hopefullygoing to be able to see the foam and if i've overcast it a bit, i candrag it back to get it into position. i think from the sound in the bivvythat might be bang on. is the foam still on? right, perfect. okay.
right, i'm going to let the line sinkunder its own weight. we're using 12lb kontour fluorocarbon which is very heavyand very hard to see. we've found if you just let it sinkunder its own weight and not actually tighten it up,it lays better on the bottom. we can do that at the momentbecause there's no wind in this bay. if we had a big crosswind i'd have to be puttingthe tip of the rod under the water and letting it sink that way.
yes, mate? right, i'll come and have a look. as bad luck would have it,the only stick in the swim and, look,they're coming in big style now, and we thinkthe hook has gone round the stick. it took me three goesto get it out there bang on, and we're notgoing to muck about with it because it is black with themout there at the moment. they're all charging aroundgetting all turned on
so we're just going to see... if this gets picked upand it doesn't hook the fish, then it's one of them situationswhere you're sitting behind a rod thinking you should be catchingand you're not and something like this has happenedthat you could never know. so we're going to leave itfor a little while and see what happens. if it gets picked up and it won'thook a fish because of that stick then we will redo it.
but that is fishingat the end of the day. right, let's just turn that down. we've just seen what we thinkis the box common in the swim which is over 40lbs. we've been discussingthe lay of the rig and the fact that the hook looks likeit's round the only twig out there. so what we're going to try and do is something you couldn't doin your normal fishing but because we can see the rigwe can do it.
i'm going to try and tweakthe rig back ever so slightly and just see if i can get itpast that twig. because it looks like the hook'sright over the top of it. if it looks like it's snarled upon it we're going to wind it back in and cast it out again. for now, the way to pull it backseems to be point the rod at it. - ali?- yes, mate. i'm just tightening up now. i've zoomed out as well on the tight.
talk to meand tell me when it starts to move. - okay.- stop. - are we safe?- we're safe, mate, yeah. come and have a look at it. i'm just going to recheck the bobbin. so just that tiny tweakhas moved the lead, pulled the hookaway from the twig, hopefully. i'm just going to have a lookin a minute but reset that first. just in case it goes off.
turn that back on so we hear it.there we go. right,let's have a look in the bivvy. right, we're cooking on gas now,aren't we? that was worth doing. well done, tom.good suggestion. we're seeing loads and loads of fishin front of the camera now. big groups of them coming through and the debate is onas to what we do next. personally i want to hang fire.you want to do what? put some more boilies out. notin shot, just up and down the bank
to get them feeding off of there. that's what i'd doin a normal situation. - right. how many would you put in?- a kilo. a kilo of boilies is quite a lot. that's 500 baitsat the size we're using. he's turning.go for the banoffee, son. look at that big oldblack belly on him. black belly,that's what we'll call him. they're properly circling now.
and it's edge of your seat stuffat the moment. hamidi? just unbelievable, mate. yeah, but what are you going to do?what would you do now? well, we've had a coupleof heated debates about it because i thinkwhen you're on a longish session you're willing to wait. but i thinkif you're on a day session and you can see the spotlike we can here
i would be inclinedto put a different type of bait in becausewhen we first got them feeding we had the boilies in,we had some corn in, we had some pellet inand obviously some crumb. when they came in yesterday evening,they started feeding. the difference is now, from the morning we've got loadsand loads of fish going at it and i don't believethey're still not ravenous enough for the amount of fishthat are in the swim.
so it's a decision processthat we all have to go through and that's why it's brilliant thatwe've got three different opinions. i'm not opposedto putting more bait in. but i don't want to put pellet in,i don't want to put sweetcorn in. i wouldn't do that in a session.i would wean them off it. but we're on a 14-day session, ali.we're on a 14-day session. we're not just fishing today. if you wanted to get a biteoff of that spot today, the best thing would have beento have not put any bait in
and just have one hook baitsitting out there. then that's the only thingthat can get taken. i think they love the bait, though.they love the sound of the bait. would you put out pellet if... no, in this situationif i was building it, what i'm talking about is... look, they're coming in all the timenow and picking baits up. i think an hour looking at this,as well, is a long hour. it's brilliant, mate.
we're seeingeverything that's going on... you'll look as old as meby the end of this. i'm not talking aboutputting in a bucket of pellets. i'm talking aboutputting in a handful of pellets, just somethingto put a different scent or taste in the swim, that's all. - but...- line up. did we see that move or not? - did you see the line move?- no, i haven't.
no. oh no, tench! go away, satan! dean macey, dean macey!where are you? where are you when we need you? oh, leave it out. it's got a really beady red eye. you haven't caught a tench sincethe very first one, have you, dan? the tench is likethe scourge of the underwater. they love a banoffee as well.
it is epic, though. that is why i love itwhen you sit here and you've got three experiencedanglers... well, two and one... have a slap. but it is interesting becausei think we would all tweak it. but i think the neutral one whichwe'd both probably agree with a bit, just at some point putting in moreto maybe build that... with all these fish in the swim would you now spray baitall over the area
when there's so many fishswimming around in the area? i would have been putting bait outconstantly anyway so putting a bit more bait out... what are you saying about... oh! he lookedlike he was going to go. we've just had a fishvery close to it and amazinglywe had ducks diving in the swim and i just cast a spod out therewith a little bit of water in it to give it some weight and put ittoo far and put it in the tree,
flicked it back out and it landedalmost on top of the camera, scared the ducks awaybut the sound of that happening has actuallybrought the fish back into the swim and there's another one going down. that's another onethat we've had feeding before. he's about six inches from the bait. no less than that. his head's there.he was two inches away. amazing how the sound of a castor a spod or whatever
has actuallybrought them back into the area. just that. the dinner bellon top of the spod. unbelievable. they've all just come back in. i think there's two things.one, the ducks are scaring them away. when they're divingthey're spooking away. and also the soundof the spod going in which you'd thinkwould scare the carp, is actually scaring the ducksand bringing the carp in. so we used that to good effect.
but we're also considering puttingsome more bait into the swim just to try and turn the fish on because if we werefishing out here normally we wouldn't just have baitin a very small area, we'd be baiting all up and downthe margins and out into the lake like we have been at night. so we were goingto put some more bait in the swim to try to turn them on a bit but it looks likethe spod has turned them on.
they've just come backin the swim and fed. there's more fish feeding nowthan there was an hour ago. there's one coming in. we're now getting a feederlike every couple of minutes. they're properly feeding,they're hovering. some of them you've seenare not actually eating anything. they go down and then they go off. but these now are stopping,aren't they? and i think it's...
that was the sound,a million percent that was the sound. yeah. that is typicalof these day-ticket lakes. it's the sort of thing wherenothing's happening in your swim, one spodful back over the topor a few boilies back out there can be enough. even the ducks going in theremight scare them off straight away but i think after, whenthey come back then it sort of... look, they're properly coming in now. the rig's now been out in the waterfor a couple of hours.
there have been fish moving aroundall over the top of it. we've managedto pull it away from that twig so the hook's all sitting perfectand fish have fed around the spot but nothing'sreally fed with any gusto and the general consensus iswe need more bait out there. so not necessarily on our spotbut all up and down the margins. ali and tom have fished herefor the thinking tackle show, they've had loads of fishby putting lots of bait in so what we're going to do nowis wind the rig in.
i'm going to try and position itslightly further away from camera because we've noticed fish feedingon the edges of the spot rather thanright in the middle of it. so by dropping ita couple of feet further away the fish are clearly not scaredof the cast going out there because when i'm scaring the duckswith the spod it's actuallyattracting the fish into the swim. so i'm going to get it clipped up,get it repositioned and then spread some bait up and down
and see if we canreally get the fish feeding. i've clipped up before i've donethat so i can't cast too far. i'm going to check the pointof the hook to make sure it's sharp before i put it back out. so, rig all perfect. what i'm going to do,just holding my thumb there, that's digginginto my thumb instantly so the hook is still nice and sharp. another bit of foam's going to go on
and we're goingto get it back out there. the general consensus isthe rig is in the wrong position. it's a little bittoo far away from the camera and althoughit looks really good for a bite we're not going to see a lot. it's so clouded upout there at the moment plus a combination of things - the fish are feeding in the weed on the bait that we've chuckedaround the spot but not on it.
they're obviouslyfeeding on the spot as well but there's a load of waterpumping in from a pipe that's coming from the lake next doorand that's obviously stirring it up so brilliant feeding conditions butvery difficult viewing conditions. so when they started to heavily feedyesterday at about 5 o'clock we figureit's better to reposition now, get it absolutely bang on the money and then we can just leave itfor the evening and hopefullythen it will generate a bite
and we'll be able to really see it. i'm going to get the rig out -it's no mean feat. i'm gettingseverely stressed out doing it but we'll have another go and seeif we can get it bang on the money. how's that? close to the camera, mate. hang on. too close? it's landed in a right old...a right old heap. hang on. yeah, it's a bit too close, dan.
i'd say you're about a footand a half away from the camera. is it on the right line, though? it's a little bitto the right of the spot but it only took me one flickon the pan and tilt to get to it. right, okay. it's so difficult doing this,getting it bang on the money. we're trying to drop it in a two footsquare to get it bang on the money. all of the caststhat i'm putting out there in a normal fishing situationwould be right
but because of the cameras,they're not. so i've just got to keep my cooland carry on doing it. dan, you couldn'thave hand-placed it better. i don't knowif you can hear from the bivvy but that means i've got it bang on. a bit of a jammy one but it'sout there, that's the main thing. right, let's get the line sunkand go and see what it looks like. dan, why didn't you place oneright in the centre of the screen? oh, you just did!
what we're doing is alihas gone round to the camera again and he'sjust chucking in a few chops all over the spot. the witching hour is close by. probably an hour away before theyreally started feeding yesterday obviouslywithout a line in the water. how is that, dan? yeah, that's good, mate.it's an incredible amount of flow pushing it to the right.
i think you need to throw iteven further left than that because every bit is coming downright-hand side of screen. but it's a good spread. that's quitea lot of chop that i've just put down so i think that's plenty. okay, we'll leave it at that. there'sfish coming in to investigate already so we'll leave it at thatand see how we get on. it's the end of day three,the first proper day of angling and we're pretty stumpedas to why it hasn't happened today. it all looked so good this morning
but the wind changed roundhalfway through the day today to a north-easterlyand it's gone very cold. personallyi think that's got more to do with the waythe fish have been this afternoon than anything else. gentlemen? i'm inclined to agreethat the conditions have changed through the dayand that's put them off a little bit but i think we've stuck to our gunswith the type of bait we've put in.
we've had loads of debates with that and i felt that maybe if we justintroduce some different baits, maybe some corn, some pellets,even some hemp, just to give them somethingdifferent, that's what i think. when they're not having it, there's always something that mightjust lure one down to start feeding and then others might follow. and later in the daywe've put some pellets in... didn't reallymake that much difference, did it?
it did makea little difference but... i will admit i was against it and i think it did, in the long term,provoke more of a feeding response but because it's so gloomy out there you can't seeif they're just eating the pellets or if they're eating the boilies. maybe the light was droppingand that caused them to feed. it's the first day,we can't forget that. there's a million and one reasons.
we've never caught carpon the first day before either. - we've come close-ish.- we've come close-ish today. so because the fishhaven't picked the rig up we can't really saythe rig's not working at all. so the same rig can go out tomorrow probably with a differenttype of hook bait on and thenwe'll have a talk in the morning as to what baitwe're going to put in. we're going to leather the boiliein again tonight all over this bay
because there are definitely carpstill in the bay and showing and everything. more bait on the spot as well andthen you can join us in the morning and we'll let you know how it's gone. a frustrating daybut there's always tomorrow. as you can see from the bedraggledlook of myself and mr hamidi here, we're well into day four - it's all sort ofblending into one at the moment - but when we turned the cameras onthis morning
there was very little baitleft in the swim and we had leathered it in last night in spite of the factthat it had gone cold. we wanted to keep the fishin the area if we could which obviously worked. there were fishdrifting around over the bait and having just a little bitof a feed this morning. so we then decided to put somemore crumb in the swim, which we did. only crumb, no whole boilies.
and it didn't really elicitany response at all, to be honest. odd fish drifting aroundbut no real feeding. so then the middle of the morningwe put some pellets in. we've got some mixed pellets and they've got some of the gooput over the top of them - raspberry plume over the top... there's one just cominginto the swim now actually. and within a few minutesof that going in, we started to get a feeding responseand the fish started to come back in
and that built and built and built and in the end we had fouror five fish in the gloom. that's the most we've ever had. there were five of them on theboundary of the spot coming in. just coming out of the gloom and youjust see them on the edge of the spot and a couplewere getting more and more confident and you were starting to see themmuch closer to the camera. but we've still not put a rig in because if the fishare not feeding in full view
and we can really seewhat they're doing, there's no point having a rig there because if we have to have a rigright on the edge of the spot, you won't see anything,we won't see anything, and it's a bit pointless. so we wantthe fish feeding confidently, really close to the camera. so that feeding went onfor probably an hour and a half, and it was going really well
and then as usual the ducks turned upand started diving and that spooked the carp awayand they never really came back. so probablyan hour after nothing happening we mixed up another mixof everything now. so we've got hemp, corn,chopped boilie, more pellets, goo into it as well,really mixed it up. so a real pungent thing that'sgoing to form a cloud and everything. put that into the swim to tryand create some more feeding and they've started to come back inand have a bit of a pick at it.
we got excited because one wentover the top and went right across and then went straight downand we'd not seen one do that. almost put the brakes onand start feeding. so you get excitedbut the last couple of days you just think you mighthave cracked it with them but then the conditions, i think,are what are killing us along with that camera. that's the thing we're forgettingis that it does take time for them to get confidentin front of the camera
and we've only had them in therefeeding for an evening and a morning and then the rig was in. in hindsightthat was probably a mistake. we should have let themfeed all day yesterday and get confident in front of it but as soon as we saw them feedingwe put a rig out which is probablywhat anybody would have done. but now today we've had no linein the water whatsoever and the fish are stillbeing very cagey around the spot.
they're building in confidencebut then they're going. it's a north-easterly wind, it's likeeight degrees, it's the end of april, it should be 20 degrees now nearly. i'm sure that's what's having theeffect on how the fish are feeding. so we're going to leavethe line out completely today, keep watching what's happening nowand then play it by ear from there. but until we get prolonged feedingclose to the camera personally i think it's a mistaketo put the rig in. yeah, i agree with you.
i think that spot,like i said to you yesterday, if you fished exactly how you didwithout a camera in the number of fish that went past, you'd have caughtfive carp there yesterday. i'll take your word for that becausei've never fished down that side. but the way you fish and those baitsand everything you've done you would have caught five carp. from your experiences on thinkingtackle and everything else... yes, seeing that spot.
the number of fishthat are coming in, but the camerais where your rig would normally be and it's right in the middleof that spot and that's an alien objectthat wasn't there a few days ago. so it's about building themand getting them confident and that's the side we never see. we deal with those frustrationsbut it'll be worth it in the end. there's a fish feeding just... i can just see his tailon the right of the spot.
he's flanking.he's coming in to shot now. he's eating, he's eating. dan, they're looking confident. this weatherhas made such a difference. it is like the switch has gone on. the water temperaturemust have gone up half a degree and they're now getting involved. they're not feedingfour or five at a time but it's just the numbers of fishcoming to the spot and feeding
has just gone through the roof. roof! yeah. oh, here it comes,another biggie across the lens. bosh, bosh, bosh.about to feed on the kill zone. three feeding in the kill zone, dan.this is the best it has ever been in the middle of the daywhen it's supposed to be rubbish. quality. quality, quality, quality.this is what we were waiting for. a bit of good weather and it's likea transformation in the lake. you've got the biggest fish in thelake just off the side of the screen.
i keep seeing the back of itcome back in, having a feed. we've got four, five, six fishconstantly feeding i think the big platedis about to enter the building is that you? is that your head? no, i don't think that's you.it's just another big fish. it's unbelievable now. the watertemperature must have gone up now. we've had, from about 8 o'clockthis morning, it's now 12.49, and the water temperaturehas had a chance to warm up with that sunshine coming through.
the rain the previous few dayshas totally killed the spot. we were only havingone or two fish come in and feed. and obviously it's getting betterand better as the day progresses. but now it's startingto be what we expected. we're in the lap of the godswith the weather and we're doing all we canfrom a fishing perspective - putting the bait in, giving themwhat they want in and out of the day. i think, though, if we get a rig inwe could have a very good chance. it's there again in the backof the spot. it's there again!
it's there again. the big platedis in the building and having it. i just radioed through to dan and he's said he's just pulled outthe sharpest kaptor in the packet ready to nail it. it is rightin the centre of our screen. what a difference a day makes. yesterday it looked likethe world was going to end. we took the water temperature,it had dropped by two degrees. it was like mid-marchwater temperature.
i've just got mark palmer,our runner, to check the temperature and it's gone up to 12.5 degrees. and in a few hours you can reallysee the difference that's made. that is like a switch has come on. the carp are feeding,the water's coloured up and you've gotthe biggest fish in the lake, the one everyone wants us to catch,bang in the centre of frame. his head is right in front of me.look at that! that is unbelievable.i think i've wet myself.
i have, actually. i'm sorry.it's just absolutely legendary. i've got his scalesfilling the screen. this is tv gold. and, i'll tell you what, you don'tsee the trials and tribulations. yesterday we wanted to hang ourselveslaying in here because it was cold, we were stuckinside the tent the whole day, but now i wouldn't swap this positionfor anywhere. loving it, loving it.absolutely loving it. you've got the biggest fishin the lake.
you've got the box commonfloating around as well. we need to get a rig in. good times. talk about pressure. there's about five or six people hereall in the background watching. ali's got the two cameras underwater. we've got three other camerasrolling on the bank and i'm supposed to be droppingthis out there in a crosswind, first time, right next to the camera.
they're having it big style outthere. the big plated's in there. when you're tying a rig and it'sgoing to be in front of everybody and you've gotthem big fish out there, i was shaking just tying a rig up. but that is the fellathat i'm casting out there. so we've got an iq2 in 20lbto 25lb supernatural combi rig, a little bit of dark matter puttyround the join in the two which is just coming out the endof that stick there. a size 6 kaptor kurv shankin the brown
with one grainof the slow-sinking pink maize which is flavouredwith squid, octopus and a few fruit flavours as well.that's in the new plastics range. then moving down to the lead system,we've got a 3oz cog lead there, so you see i'm picking the lead upfrom the heaviest point first onto a lead clip that's hopefullygoing to dump that lead as the fish charges off and then some of the dark matterrig tube just to hold it all down. i've just flecked that with a pen
to try and break upthe straight line on the gravel. so that's whatwe're going to start with. we were going to fish boiliesbut the fish seen in the daytime are really preoccupied.on the small items that's why i've got a bag onand one grain of plastic maize. hopefully we'll be able to useboilies at some point in the future but we're a week into it nowand this is the best day we've had. the wind's calmed downa little bit now, most importantly, it's not raining
and the water's gone upby two degrees today. so that's made a massive difference to how confidentlythe fish are feeding. so i'm goingto get this one out there. if it doesn't go right first timei've got a load of other sticks tied and i'm just going to keep doing ituntil it's bang on the money. - i'm up here, al.- yeah, do it now, dan. oh, yeah! it's close. slightly... it's verygood. come and have a look at it.
it's your call. he says it's closeso i'm going to go and have a look and see what he thinks. mate, you won't believewhat just happened. - your rig's landed...- oh, it's there! your rig has landed, it's all perfect and within secondsthe big plated has come in. it came down, it had a shnuffle... look how many there are in the shot.
it had a shnuffle to the rightof the rig as you look from here and then it's had a chewup off the deck and then he's gone left,and to come that close already... it looks good,that bit of pink maize. it's small,a slightly different colour. yeah, not blatant. not yellow. if we get one on that i think i'llbe putting a little pink boilie out. this is just too nerve-racking. oh, common really close.
really close.feeding right on top of the rig. right on top of the rig. - that was close, wasn't it?- yeah. that was really close. what will be interesting as wellis now you've got something pink... there's a shnuffler.that's big plated! oh my god! now you see why i've beenwetting myself for the last... look at it, look at the size of it.
it's like a busgoing through the swim. words can't describe it. that common's obviouslylike his fall guy, isn't he? plated is sending him in. the plated looked like the fall guyfor a while earlier, the little oneswere sending him in. sparky the trojanwas in there eating... i'm starting to name all the carp because they've all gotreal characteristics.
like one sits on the spotand chews and chews and chews and we named himafter one of our mates. well, he's the trojan,he's the party trojan, he's the catalystfor everything to happen. and he sat on the spotand he was like a fish magnet. he's the life and soul of the party,isn't he, sparky? so they were in feedingand feeding around him. so, let's see. - oh no.- that is the big plated again.
he's coming infrom the right angle, isn't he? he's just going overthe top of the tubing now. that is a sight to behold that,isn't it? - he ain't even bothered.- he's not bothered, no. he's eating the boilies. can youbelieve it, he's eating the boilies. look at that.that is an impressive carp. you can tell they're massivebecause they waddle, don't they? - he's eating the boilies now.- where's the cakes? can you believe it?
if i'd had a banoffee out therei might have caught him then. i think for a bite, what you'vegot out is a very safe option at the moment. well, them two boilies in therewere closer to us than the rig. but what i was going to say was it will be interestingwith what you've got out whether it acts as a magnet for them to keep coming backto that same area. because that's what i've seen before.
once you've got something,they're not put off by that pink. it's not like a yellowthat they might think is dangerous. but they see a fishrepeatedly coming to this area where they've been feedingall dotted around, and it mightjust be catching their eye. big old a team coming now.big old a team. make a note of that, mate. dan, get ready, mate. get ready. oh, he spat it out!
spat the rig out. what happened?i was trying to get rid of the ducks. basically tatty tailhas just come from... the fully scaled? no, it was a bit of an old warrior. i don't know if it was thatold warrior, it came in that way and i was keeping an eye, andit went there, shnuffle, shnuffle, took the rig in, shook his headand it just came straight back out then it swam off.
welcome to day-ticket carp fishing. welcome to underwater carp fishing. well, it's not unusual for yourbest thing to get totally rejected. - here's a nice one.- he's a big common, mate. i think that's the box.that's the box common, 40+ common. he likes a little bit of pink,i'm sure. go on, the box common.everything happens for a reason. oh, mate, that's massive.that is massive. he's circling.
we've just had the boxand big plated today, yeah? - yeah, that'll do.- two bites. that'll do to start off with. the rig's been taken and rejected,let's repo the rig and get a boilie on. this is a good day, isn't it? we may not have weatherlike this again for a while. exactly. you're dangling, mate,your call. i'm open-minded with it. you do what you think you want to do
and thenwe'll suck it and see from there. i'm going to put justa bottom bait on on that same rig and put it out there and i'll tryand drop it a couple of foot closer are you putting a single dingle onor are you putting a bag on again? i'll put a little stick on as welljust for extra weight. it seems to be easier to castwith a little stick on. and at least it's masking the pointof the hook as well at the start, and the leavesa little bit around it. but exactly that same rig.i'll just put a bottom bait cell on.
dan, don't wind it in. dan, get ready, mate. get ready! oh, he spat it out again. that was sparky. - what happened, mate?- sparky has done us, hasn't he? definitely in his mouth? totally in his mouth.totally, totally in his mouth. buried, and he just shook his headand it came straight back out. the cog has stayed still, they'renot hitting the weight of the lead
which is just typical of particlesdown on the spot, isn't it? he had it in him,he was moving as well, but he's moved towards the leadrather than away from the lead. but you'd still think with a lovelysharp hook on and everything, it just shows you how many timesthat happens before you catch one. i've been here before and i've seen when i've put someparticles to try to get them feeding, just how hard it can get. - on that very spot.- where your rig is now, mine was
and i sat there for a whole daypulling my hair out while tom was hauling on boilies but we had to put that bait in to gethim confident around the cameras. it's achieved that but all along we saidwe don't want to fish over them. and you can see exactly why, mate. - look at him. he's lovely.- he's a trojan. what a beautiful fish that is. but the hook bait's working.
i've got a boilie with almostidentical attractors in it and the identical colour which is obviously where that plastichas been derived from is our top, top boilies recipes. i'm feeling that. i'll put the pink squidwith a fruit boilie on on the iq d rigand we'll see if our fortunes change. i think the great thingabout that d rig is it all drops and there's a lotof separation in the nation.
worrying that you can havea very stiff hook link, 20lb iq2, the exposed braidi reckon is about 3ml long, just so the hook can lift. your sharpest kaptorwith a cog lead as well... you've got your best clothes on,haven't you? i've got my best clothes on, i'm onthe dance floor with my best kit on - and you can't pull.- can't pull. busting all my best moves out,lunges, the lot, everything. this is number two. pink boilieflavoured with squid and fruit.
a home-made one that i madefor gigantica for last year. then an iq2 hook link, 15lb,same style of hook, a size 6 kaptor kurv shank, a little bit of puttyon the hook link to hold it all flat. we hope that having that d on and having iqall the way down to the hook with that hook bait is going to help and is actually goingto turn a pickup into a bite. so that is rig number two. i'm goingto put a stick on it as well
just to mask the hookfrom the gravel when i cast in, give it a little bit more attraction. and we'll see what happenswhen this one goes out there. hang on, mate. we're right of shot,dan, but i'll tell you what... that is it, isn't it? hang on. i'm going to pan right. the tension is unbelievable. yeah, dan,that's shy of the edge of the spot but i like it there.that's looking good.
he says it's looking good buti'm going to go and have a look. where is it, mate? - have you gone right a bit?- i have. basically, before, you were thereright in the centre of the shot but thinkof the previous frame where we were, you landed right of the shotand i've panned the camera right. so you're on the edgeof our baited area. that looks good, though, doesn't it? - absolutely perfect.- that slow sinker is just nice,
it's just slightly lighterthan everything else. not blatant. that's a nice colour. we'll take that. i'm goingto set the bobbin and everything. oh, here comes another one,here comes another one. he's on the right line, definitely.he's on the right line. happy as larry. and here's the ghostie,every inch a 34-pounder. has he eaten? i haven't seen himeat a single thing yet.
they've properlycome back here now, though. there's one in the gloom now. that is just perfect positioning,that rig. nice common, that. that's got a big patchon the end of its tail. oh, he's in the right position.he's in the right orientation. going through. he's on the right line, definitely. he's eating something.
go on, go on! you're having a laugh. do you know anyonewho wants to buy any fishing gear? they're all over us now. look how many... what's that one? that's the big plated. no, that's the little plated! - it's alive.- it's 41lb. it's not been out for two years.
this is just amazing, isn't it?oh, man. i can't believe you made me do this. - is that the first time...- that's the first time we've seen... it hasn't been caught for 18 months. chris said it hasn't been seenat all or anything. well, it's still alive anyway. - that is it.- apparently it does disappear. a million percent. - he's going for it.- yes, he's got it.
- oh no!- that's terrible. i'm just distraught. - you've got to smile, though.- that's my best two. - yeah, but your hook bait's good.- that's my best two. i ain't got anything elsein the locker, that's it. welcome to day-ticket fishing. cog lead, super duper sharp hook,nylon all the way through, d rig, slow-sinking baitwith extra attractors in it, done. yeah, but they like the hook bait.
you can't mug the hook bait off,they like that. - the particles are killing us there.- it's not, mate. i think 99 times out of 100when you go fishing, that is happening numerous timesbefore you actually catch one. that's the rig that's caughtall those big carp out of gigantica. pressured fish nailed likethey were never going to come off. it was around for so long,it wasn't in and out. - three pickups.- here we go, here we go! oh, it's the big plated.he turned away.
mate, pink is the colour. if you were just sitting hereand we had that cast out, and you'd knownbig plated was that far away from taking your hook bait... you wouldn't be able to go fishing.couldn't have fish every day. they're now really mixing it upand really feeding hard in there. the colour's definitely right.there's no doubt about that. three pickups in one hour 20. really? right, okay.
stato here giving youthe correct stats for the situation. so we're going to fish on throughwith this rig. if it gets picked up a few more times i've got an ideaof what i'm going to do next. but i thinkthis is what we're all encountering. when we get it rightand the spot is right and the baiting situation's rightand the hook bait's right, this, i think, is what's happeningto pretty much all of us. because those hooks,i could not pick a sharper hook.
it's on a very short,very aggressive hook link that's going to turnand catch hold really quickly. the one that's out there nowbefore the lead's even really felt, that should bespringing about in their mouth and yet stillthey've got away with it. he's a nice scaly one. that's the one thatjust missed your hook bait earlier. he's going to take it... and his face fell therethe last time as well.
that is a lovely, lovely carp. this is so exciting. i hope you can get thatfrom our commentary. the fish in here, some of themare absolutely stunning and they'remonstrously big carp as well. here we go. - it's big plated.- go on! - go on!- he's taken it. - move, dan! you've got him!- no way!
no way! we know for a fact we're hookedinto the king of the lake on our very first take. three pickups this morning,all blow-outs and then the biggest fishin the lake, the one we came for, the one we dreamt of hookingis on the end. and as you can tell by the gaffer... - it's rolling on the line.- this is just a joke. well, it doesn't matter if hisbest rig got blown out by others
because the best fish in the lakehas picked it up and got nailed. - let's just pray it's out there.- just pray. everybody, just pray. mama, pray for me. just to put into wordswhat's going on here - the pinnacle to getan english 40-pounder on camera is pretty amazing,but to catch one underwater will just bethe greatest icing on any cake. there it is. calm, boys.
nice one, lads. oh, man, this is just a joke. it's rolling on the line so much! tommy, get me my shades. - oh, god!- stay calm, bruv. it's just rolling on the lineall the time. - he's not ready yet.- that's fine. i'm just... he's not ready yet. there he is. there he is.
get in the net, get in the net! yes! i can't believe it! come on, son! oh, my life! i can't believe it. it's the biggest one in the...i just can't... it's the biggest one in the lake. you've been swimming round...
mate, i just can't believe it. i love you, infinity. unbelievable, mate. - put one on there, bruv.- high five! yes! don't ever make me do these again. that is the most amazing experienceof my entire fishing life. i was absolutely crapping myselfthat was going to come off. it was meant to be, mate. what did you say?this shoot is cursed?
- let's have another one.- that's a good curse. even though you saw the fishtake the bait underneath the water you still say,'is it it? i don't think it is.' right,dan's already zeroed the scales but before we get this marvellouscreature out of the water it's importantto just go through the key principles of actually getting themonto the bank. now the first thing, a lot of peopletry to unhook them in the net, in most instancesthat wouldn't be a bad thing
but with such a big fish we're goingto try to get this line into here and leave the hook inand try to transfer it that way. so i'm going to leaveloads of slack line so when we do lift it out, there'sno tension on the hook point and there's no chanceof tearing the mouth. so once i've done that,i'm just going to fold this net and just roll it up. just like that. and you can seethose beautiful big plated scales.
i'm just goingto bring the sling under it making sure all the pecs are flat. that's the most important thing, thatthe fins are flat against the body and i don't actually need to lift it,get your arms wet. it's more important you look afterthe fish than keep yourself dry. everything's in there. pecs are flat and i'mjust going to drop this in there and i'm going to lift the fish up,checking everything's flat. it's such an amazing creature,you've got to make sure
it goes back in in as gooda condition as it came out. that's everything's good there.checking this side. and another important tip even whenyou're carrying them out in a sling, just tryto support the body a little bit so it's not pushingright against the sling itself and that justtakes a bit of that pressure against their sensitive lower. that's all good. here we go.that is a very big carp. look at that.we've been seeing him all morning.
unfortunately he's lost a scalebut i'm told they will grow back. that's been like thatsince before we caught it. that's one of the reasonswe recognised it coming back in. - has it come out?- no, it's still there. take that hook out. cheers, mate. right, just zip these up carefully. just make sure his tail's notanywhere near where the zip is. it's a big old long fish, this one.
cheers, bruv. right, you read it and i'll hoist it. just check his fin's flatunderneath the fish. - yeah?- yeah, good. feels heavy. - 44.12.- 44.12, get in! - amazing, mate.- amazing, yeah. right, can you take those? don't be scared of them.just cradle them.
if they're off the ground like this,they can't do themselves any harm. too late now, fella. it's all happened. and there he is, look at that. absolutely unbelievable. there are just no words.what an amazing, amazing carp. and i have to say thank you,i know it's a bit corny, to me old mate hamidi becausei really didn't want to do this. five or six timeswe've been to france,
five or six times it's failed, and it was only his enthusiasm andpersistence that made us come here. he picked the spotand everything else so this one is dedicated to him. it's the most amazing captureof my life. awesome. okay, before we returnthis stunning creature, i'm just going to roll him over. where he's lost that scaleor she's lost that scale, i'm just going to dab it dryfor a second
and then just applya bit of the carp care just where that is. it's just like an antisepticthat will help it to heal better. that scale will eventually grow back. it certainly won't look like thatfor very much longer. then while i'm doing it, if i rollthe fish back towards me again, there's just a bit of rednesson his mouth there. i'll just dab that,just apply a bit more. look at that.
how about that for a day-ticket carpthat anybody can fish for? wicked, absolutely wicked. off you go, my love. am i clear to cast, ali? yeah, you're clear in a second, mate. it's landed in the same spotas last time. hang on,i'm just going to pan over now. probably about a foot and a halfaway from the camera. you'll get a bite there.
that's a really nicescaly one behind him. big common, that's the box, isn't it? that's the box. how about thatfor two bites in a row? how about thatfor two bites in a row? leave one for us, dan. that's not gums, that's... - that's the warrior.- he's going to get caught. the warrior'sgoing to get caught by someone. did you put the bag onfor attraction?
i am actually finding it easierto cast with a bag on... that's a big fish, look.that's long, isn't it? that is long, that one.that's 47.05, al. we've had a big fish over the topof the hook bait three times now and three times it's pulled away or looked downand then pulled away from it and that hook bait is onlymillimetres from the bottom. looking at it now,there's two coming into shot. two real nice ones.
that's high up likethat tester we put out yesterday, it's sitting slightly prouder. yeah, there's probablya bit more buoyancy in the bait and it's just sitting,rather than the hook laying flat, and plus it's the wayit's ended up resting on the bottom, rather than sitting totally flatit's just sitting up a little bit and they seem to be spooking off it and we all reckon -no-one ever does it - a bright bottom bait,no buoyancy to it whatsoever
so it's just sittingwith all the other ones but it's got that colour to it. it doesn't have to be brighter,just different. different, yeah.like that pink is a good colour. cream, white, pink, that realdull yellow you were talking about, not the real fluoro coloursbut just enough different... reds, pink, those less used coloursthat... you like that... that's the box common. that is the box common,a million percent. turn around.
it's this way. greed is good. forget stains, trust pink. i'm surprised that is sitting upas far as that because it's quite a small bait and you've gota micro rig swivel up inside it plus the size 6 hookso it's almost like having two hooks attached to itfor the amount of metal there and it's...
it's sat on top of the bag if a fish takes that in, the hook'ssat really proud, isn't it? it's going to really nail them,i think. it's cocked. i'll make a predictionthat as the light drops i bet we get a bite on that. right on the deathof when we can't film any more i reckon that will go. and if we left it out there tonight,100% that would go.
it is a magnet, that colour.they are investigating that area. i'd much rather have a hook bait onthat they keep going towards than one that's justa needle in a haystack. absolutely, yeah. when the big plated took it,he took just that, didn't he? he went straight for that. it's like there'sa couple of men there with rope just pulling the carp towards it. they do favour going towards that.
and they did itwith that pink bit of corn and they've done it with that. oh, fish coming, dan, fish coming. it's going for it, dan. it's got it, dan!you got a take, you got a take! that is epic. well, we've got a completewashing line of weed here. ali thinks it's a fishwe've nicknamed gummy. did you hear me radio through to you?
- no, i didn't hear that.- you couldn't hear me? no, no, i did actually, i did. that line's all properly... i can't wind any more.no, i can, i can. it's all right. tom's there. talk about team effort. don't lose that.that's big plated hook bait. well done, lads. should be puttinga few more of these pink ones on.
what an awesome colour. it's got to be goodif spooner's catching on them. only joking, spooner. we love you. it's rucking, this one. nailed. get in my net, get in my net. yes, come on! two in a day. get in! don't leave me hanging.
right, same procedure as always. this time we've takenthe hook out in the water, smaller fish,little bit easier to control. it was actually nailed in the top lipbut really nailed. it wasn't ever coming off. dan would probably have played itfor the rest of the week. so, just rolling it up,checking the fins. everything's flat against the body,really, really important. that's what i hate seeingon day-ticket lakes,
people not treating carplike they should be. so i'm going to lift this out nowand take it to its captor. just off the mat. how big is he? 40... no. just hold it still. - 23.12, mate.- nice. how about that for a torpedo of acarp? beautiful, beautiful colours. almost his winter colours still. lovely and dark.
a perfect end to a perfect day. beautiful st john's mirror. absolutely stunning. torpedo by name, torpedo by nature.see you in the morning.