Montag, 26. Oktober 2020

spülung für fettiges haar

spülung für fettiges haar

how to wash your hair without shampoo does your hair always feel greasy or limp? do you have dandruff, a dry, itchy, and flakyscalp? do you keep changing your shampoo becauseyou’re unhappy with the type you use? how about trying the nopoo method and stopusing shampoo at all? instead of shampoos full of chemicals, trysome natural ways for silky, soft hair. using organic ingredients, which work withthe oil your hair makes naturally, will leave your hair feeling clean. not convinced?

here are some more reasons to stop using shampoo. shampoo is expensive. think of all the money you’d save per yearon shampoo and conditioner. shampoos are full of chemicals and parabensthat bother your scalp and hair. when you use shampoo it causes your scalpto make more oil than needed. using shampoo can make your hair fall, frizzy,dull, and dry. when you don’t use shampoo you need to buyless things, and you won’t need to wash your hair as much. ready to try?

here’s how you wash your hair without usingshampoo. before you can begin, make sure you have somegood baking soda and apple cider vinegar. you need baking soda to take the smell andoil from the roots of your hair, and to exfoliate- or take out dead cells from- the scalp. the apple cider vinegar will work as conditioner,making the hair soft and shiny. getting started:first, mix 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water. for different hair lengths, you may need tochange the size of the mixture a little. put the mixture on your wet or dry hair, startingat the hair roots and making your way to the

tips. leave it to sit in your hair for 1-3 minutesthen wash it out with warm water. then, you’ll rinse with an apple vinegarmixture. to do this, mix 1 part apple cider vinegarwith 4 parts water. if you’re worried about a vinegar smell,you can add peppermint, lavender, or rosemary oils to this mixture. to make sure you don’t get it in your eyes,tilt your head back before you pour the mixture over your hair. let it sit for a few seconds, and then rinsewith cold water.

this will help keep the hair moist, smoothit, and add a shine. the best way to do this is to only use thebaking soda on the roots, and the vinegar on the tips and lengths of your hair, andto rinse your hair well between each part. the most important part is to be patient,because this may not work right away. for some people it takes a few weeks to startworking. if you like the video, give it a thumbs†upand share it with your friends! if you want more recipes and tips, subscribeto the channel!

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