Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020

spaghetti ohne kohlenhydrate

spaghetti ohne kohlenhydrate

hello and as promised a little diet update from my side after two weeks ketogenic diet, or rather anabolic diet because yesterday was my refeed day today is sunday the 5th of march i started monday, the 20th of february i wrote my diary and will tell you a few things before i tell you what i did on my refeed day yesterday as i already said, start was on 20th my start weight was - i weighed myself on sunday

...70.3 kg or then 71.1kg after these pancakes that i link up here briefly, for those who don't know what the anabolic diet is you eat mostly fats up to 70% protein on a moderate level but you basically leave out the carbs completely the background is that with this diet...

you can lose a lot of weight/extra water fast and in particular me myself, i describe my body as a sponge and this is why i wanted to try this diet and i have to say it worked quite well i lost 1.5-2kg within the first three days simply water that i got rid off because you don't eat carbs and therefore you have less water retention nutrition-wise i had quite some fun because i am huge fan of everything that includes melted cheese

everything with melted cheese is great and a day with melted cheese is always a good day regarding the training, i did not feel weak or weaker on the contrary, i could even increase some weights during leg days whatelse can i tell you...? i have to say i did not eat deficitary i rather ate when i was hungry but i aso have to say that my base rate - [aah sun...] i have to say that my basic metabolic rate is quite low

since i spend most of my time during the day sitting at my desk and only move when i do sports i know that's bad but i have no choice the weekend of the 25/26th, i was in italy... and this was hard because there was so much great food and the other problem was that i could not prepare proper food in a kitchen that mens i just l survived eating from my plastic boxes with ham and cheese

which was not very satisfactory i checked some body circumfences that i checked again after one week my weight was down to 68.3kg the cirumfences of my chest and waist did not really change maybe 1cm around my waist nothing changes around my hips but i did not expect this because i feel like my booty is much flatter

but maybe it just got flatter but therefore broader... or something... no idea... but maybe it is just due to the lack of 'pump' during the workouts because the glycogene storage are empty when you don't eat carbs where i saw a major difference: my thighs i measured at the middle of the thigh and on the upper area, where you always have most fat the upper part is only 1 cm less but the mid part: 4 cm on each side what i consider quite a lot

ok, i have to admit, i am not sure if i managed to measure at the exact same spot... but when i look at my legs, i definitely think they got smaller so maybe my thighs are my favorite water depot i don't know ok, enough of this i will show you know what i did during my refeed day yesterday have fun and see you in a bit again good morning from the bathroom that is how it looks like now

and i have to say... i have never seen my abs like that so fast i did not even know that i have some ;) sure the fat is not completely gone in such a short period of time but for two weeks, i consider this quite good because you get rid of the water my problems are these sides here, the lovehandles but i feel like it is defintely getting less and firmer my arms look rather flat, because of the missing carbs

but i don't think i lost any muscles i can rather see more definition i have to admit i don't check my back on a regular base it looks always kind of broad but i can definitely see more definition and the extra 'bacon' on the side is slowly disappearing when looking at my arms i can see this upper arm fat decreasing and also more definition and i definitely have to work on my rear shoulder muscles

look at this i don't think my triceps is really big... it's just this... [touches soft part><] where are the anatomy experts?! the shoulder is coming put better, the biceps, too,... triceps slowly... and here we still have the 'fluff' but it is getting better so out of the bathroom, my hair is not yet ready for life

but my stomach is ready for carbs i am as happy as a child about this refeed day and what i missed the most are my oats that is why i will start the with oats and fruits and for the celebration of this day, i also added the infamous 'toffifee-fruits' a lot of carbs, good chocolate... and nuts for those who watched my last vlog, already know these... i don't know if they are available in germany so the first carbs are in

it was delicious now i am heading to the gym but before that i will stop by at my favorite donut store before it closes it is nice and sunny today, but a bit chilly... maybe 3-4 â°c... but at least it is not raining a bit residual snow and ice here... another point done and off the list the plan was to get 2, now i have 6, because...

they had 6 for the price of 5... could not say no to this now off to the gym gym gym despite the sun it is freezing in finland i wanted to film the training... ah so much sun, i don't see a thing... one moment my plan was to film the training... but i just notice that i only have 12% battery left it was at 40% when i left home... don't know what happened there during the last half an hour

let's see so we have two with milk chocolate one heart with apple filling then those hearts with vanilla cream filling and a white chocolate donut so i was in the gym, i bought donuts, just made a lasagna, as you have seen... and now i will eat with the lasagne i will have my perfectdiet lemonade bcaas and these two here for dessert

hello i am back... sun... no sun... sun... so, i am back, i hope you liked it at the end i really wanna say a few more things regarding this diet as i said, i am really impressed... i also showed you a little body update and i have never seen results this fast but... here is my huge 'but'... i have never been on a diet with so many restrictions... i usually worked with a more flexible 'if it fits your macros' approach...

sure, mostly with clean foods... or rather clean eating... but always allowed myself small treats here and there which means i never needed any cheats or refeed days back then and i noticed now... due to this no-carb-rule how this drives you crazy in your head... i am really not a binge-eating type... or overeats... in any way...

i can always eat a small piece of chocolate here an there and then i am happy... but i am really concerned since i have been craving carbs so badly during these last two weeks that is why i went a bit 'over the top' yesterday... and i don't think this is good this is an experience i never had before and rather something i know from friends who participated in competitions... and that after the competitions they just could not hold back and when they had a package of sweets in their hands, then they ate it all...

i have never been in that state but yesterday i felt like this that i just wanted to eat everything and even more i think my head and body just wanted to overcompensate for these two weeks full of restrictions my conclusion after these two weeks it is definitely an interesting challenge to diet this way... the results are definitely there the biggest motivation for me was

to avoid falling out of the ketogenic state because otherwise you destroy all the hard work of the previous days since the body already adapted to using the fats for energy and not the carbs... i would not recommend this diet to someone who already has issues with restrictions... with binge eating.... or how do you say...` food attacks... overeating [looking for the german word in my head] so basically people who have problems with binge eating and restrictions because i think this diet rather increases the urge sorry, my camera stopped in between

i will stick to this diet for a few more weeks... simply to see what is possible but i am already looking forward to... switch to a more moderate diet afterwards i will keep you posted i am very happy that you watched this video as always, subscribe to my channel, check my website... and watch some more videos the usual... always happy about a thumbs up and feedback

in particular from people who also have experiences with this diet have a great day and thanks for watching!

spaghetti ohne kohlenhydrate Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
