hey, this is scott of photography banzai. in thisvideo i'll be doing a hands-on with the sony dsc-hx80. a neat little digitalcamera. thanks to camera craft in rockfordillinois for allowing me to film there. this hx-80 is a very small digitalcamera. of course they're having a lot of challenges with great cameras in phonesthese days. they're trying to differentiate and this camera definitelyhas some features you won't find on a phone. it does have a standard 1/2.3 inchsensor. that is pretty much the smallest sensor that most digitalcameras have these days. has a viewfinder. has a nice lens attached. you know you'renot going to get that with a phone. i do
feel there are definitely still uses andreasons to have a small digital camera. something like this... this is a 24 to 720mm equivalent lens on it, so there's an extreme amount of zoom rangeon it, but the equivalent focal length of 24mm is pretty decently wide. this camera doeshave a nice large battery in it, and an estimated 390 shots per charge. as imentioned the lens is 24 to 720mm equivalent, so it's a veryvery big range. the potential drawback is the aperture. you've got f3.5 to f6.4 throughoutthat zoom range. i would have liked to see something faster, but it is arelatively inexpensive camera for what it is... so i do understand the aperturesare not as large as something a little
more expensive. the lens itself also hassome type of stabilization. i do record a little video you can check out. itappears to work relatively well. i didn't do any extensive testing, but it doeshave that stabilization, which is very nice to have. and especially a cameralike this with those smaller apertures. of course, a cool feature of this camerais that flip up screen. it's kind of designed to do the selfie videographyand things of that nature. taking photos of yourself and a few other people. flipup that screen. actually, when you press the shutter button.. when the screen isflipped up it'll give you a countdown, which is really nice to have in thatsituation. so you can see here i'm doing
a selfie with the screen flipped up.press the button, get the few second countdown, takes a photo pretty much aseasy as it can get with that selfie stuff... standard usb porton the camera covered by a little plastic cover. here's the lens in alittle bit of detail.. when you turn it on it extends quite a bit, even when youzoom in and out there's even more further extension to that lens, so itgets very far from the camera. of course, you really need that extension for sucha huge zoom range on it. you can tell this camera is designed to be used handheld.it does have a tripod mount, but it's not in-line with the lens. it also has anhdmi connection, but it's on the bottom
of the camera.. which is a littleinteresting. the battery door seems decent quality. it has a switch on it, which ispretty solid. the battery itself is a npb-x1 x-type battery. 1240 mahlike i said 390 potential shots on it, which is not bad for a camera like this.of course one sd card slot, but it does take those memory stick sony specificcards, which i'm surprised still exist. but that is an option if you have thoseinstead of sd cards for whatever reason. the camera surprisingly does have theelectronic viewfinder in it. you have a little switch that you hold down it willturn on the camera if you pop up the viewfinder when the camera is not onwhich is nice. the evf is very tiny. it took
me a little effort to figure out how touse it properly to get a decent look through it. taking off my glasses workedrelatively well. i did figure out how to get a decent view with glasses on. hasthat diopter on the top. very easy to change which is nice. when you do extendthe viewfinder you have to pull it out by hand so it extends back towards theuser and then it'll work as you expect pretty neat little viewfinder. of courseit is very very small. just consider that if it's a key feature for you. it looksnice when you can get a view in there, but it is very tiny. the camera also has aflash.. a nice little pop-up flash. nothing to complain about with that. idid test out the zoom range. you can see
in this clip.extreme zoom range, especially for such a tiny camera. i think the best situationto use that would be of course outdoors in broad daylight.. nice bright situation. you dohave to consider the aperture gets quite a bit smaller at the extended zoom.i did try this camera out with selfie video mode. took a shortclip. also, i used my action camera to film myself doing a selfie, so a double selfie. ithink it turned out alright. you can see how it looks. actually works prettydecently well at the 24mm equivalent. the fully wide-angle of thatlens. i think they did a very nice job with the intended purpose for that selfiestuff and you also have the shake
reduction, which can help. i think thiscamera will work decently well in that vlogging situation. of course you do haveto consider quality will not be amazing. it's 1080p, also the sensor inside issmall. you just definitely want to try it out for yourself if you can before you goout and buy it. because image quality will not be something like one inchsensor cameras so the rx100 series from sony. those will definitely have higherquality than this, but i do think this is a nice option. especially if you can getit at a decent price. there's a lot of unique features you won't find in aphone. the evf the super long-range zoom. it does have a flash of course. thatprobably works decently well, i didn't
do too much with it. i took one or twophotos with the flash, but it is in there and it's nice to have. of course the screen..you can use it fully extended back towards the user if you have the lensface towards you for the selfie stuff, but you can also use it kinda from the hipas they say. where it's halfway extended get some nice stabilization in the waythat you're holding it. you can do some panning shots. you have a nice cameramaybe on your phone, but it won't do everything this can do. you do have morecontrol in this case.. a lot of menu options..very very few phones have a lot of manual control to them. so that was asony dsc hx-80. a neat little camera. glad
that i had some time to check it out.so i'm scott from photography banzai. i hope you found this video interesting.again, thanks to camera craft in rockford illinois. definitely check them out ifyou're in the area. thanks again!