o.k., now we're going to fit it on in hereon the inside corner of the arm and you want to pull the fabric nice and snug down; andyou might want to secure the fabric on the arm with a pin up on top so it doesn't shiftaround while your cutting. and just tuck it, tuck it down and get it nice and flat here.and then giving yourself about an inch or 5/8 to an inch; you want to draw a chalk lineor mark with pins how you're going to cut around and just start on the bottom end here,and come up around and go as far as you can. when it starts to get wrinkled like in thissection and you don't really know what's going on, then stop; we'll cut this and then we'llbe able to cut the rest.just cut right along your chalk line,o.k. tuck it back down andyou can continue around. you come around the side here, again just take your chalk andmark it, and then cut it. and then i'm going
to come from the bottom and leave this sectionthat's a little bit more difficult. we're going to have to do some pleating there. soi'm going to start at the bottom and work my way up to meet that. so here we'll alsowant to, you can bend it around the corner and again give yourself 5/8 to an inch; pulling up to there. and we'll cut that. o.k.,so the remainder of this is going to be pleated and just cut yourself a good amount to workwith; but get rid of the excess fabric so it's a little easier to work with. so i cuta big piece and i'll probably end up trimming some of that off in the end. and you can justpin this part on to secure it. pull the fabric on the side taunt and then, then just pinit to secure it there. and then with this
fabric we're going to make some pleats. andjust fold it, make little folds and pin them in place until you're happy with the way itshapes the couch. o.k., we're pinning these pleats; not to the couch but to itself; likethat. so you're just pinning making some folds and then pinning them so they hold there shape.and continue to make pleats to fit the, the any curves or get rid of the bulk around here;o.k. and next we'll fit this section of the couch.