Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2020

snacks fürs büro

snacks fürs büro

well, welcome to luxembourg! the only grandduchy in the world. over the next few days we're going to be exploring the capital ofluxembourg city and this is going to be a little city guide to show you some of thehighlights. located smack dab in between germany, france,and belgium, the little grand duchy of luxembourg can be easy to miss if you're not lookingcarefully, however, we're of the opinion that this is a beautiful destination that you'lldefinitely want to make time for. from picturesque neighbourhoods with cream coloured walls,to dazzling views of blue rooftops in the old town below, luxembourg city is a charmingdestination that you'll want to add to your european itinerary.

so this hear is the corniche and it is a pedestrianpromenade which has been called the most beautiful balcony in all of europe because it gets somespectacular views of the old town. now i haven't traveled enough of europe to tell you if itis the most beautiful balcony but i can agree that the views are pretty amazing. so we are now entering the bock casematesand apparently this was the old fortification of luxemborg and it was known as the gibraltarof the north. this was once one of the most envied fortressesin all of europe and stretched out like a web for several kilometers across the city. one of the coolest things about visiting thisplace is that you get so many different vantage

points of the city. so sam may be enjoying the views. i am justreally happy it is nice and cool down here. today it is an extremely hot summer day andwe've been sweating for hours so this feels like walking into a fridge. it is really nice. right now we're visiting the three towerswhich are remnants of an old fortress. so we are just taking a quick little breakhere. we've been walking around a neighborhood called the grund which is directly below thecity center. and it is really picturesque and without tourists. no one is wanderingaround these little lanes and streets. so we're just taking our time, snapping somephotos and enjoying the place.

okay, so the signs right above me show highthe water rose in the year 1806 when they had floods and also in 1756. it is almosttwice my height. so as you can imagine the whole street would have been underwater basically. so behind me we have saint michael's churchwhich is the oldest church in luxembourg so we're going to go inside and take a look. the first church to be built on this spotdates back to the year 987, however, the church was destroyed, rebuilt, and renovated manytimes over the centuries. now the grand duke spends most of his timein the countryside but when he is in the city doing official business he is doing it atthis grand ducal palace behind me.

the palace houses the grand duke's officeand during the summer months you can even gain access to the building if you pre-booka guided tour. there is no shortage of museums in luxembourgcity, so we took some time to visit the national museum of art and history. and it is now time for sam's favorite activity.we are going shopping! woo hoo! luxembourg offers a nice network of pedestrianstreets where you can shop and even do a little bit of people watching. we are now looking at the passerelle whichis luxembourg's very own viaduct. it may look quite similar to the aqueducts which are usuallyused to carry water but this was built strictly

as a bridge so that people could get acrossthe valley. so we are now standing in william square whichis a really popular spot on sundays and wednesdays because local vendors setup shop and theysell all kinds of things from fresh produce, to flowers, street snacks. unfortunately,we are not here on a sunday or a wednesday so if you just take a quite look around you'llsee that the square is empty. lesson learned: time your visit right so you'renot disappointed by the lack of a market. so final thoughts of luxembourg. alright,to wrap things up here it was a really cool city. it is the type of city that you canexplore in just one or two days. a weekend type of destination because a lot of the attractionsare nearby one another. and we just found

it a very easy city to get around in on foot. so as a little travel tip if you're planningon being in the city for a few days we really recommend the luxembourg card. this is whatwe used while we were here and it is really good for public transportation across thecity. across the country actually and you also get access to seventy different galleries,museums, historic attractions and it is not that expensive. i mean it depends on whetheryou get a family or an individual card but we really recommend it because we made a lotof use of it. our visit to luxembourg city was short andsweet, but we hope this video gave you a little taste of what it's like. now it's your turn:have you ever been to luxembourg? if so, feel

free to share some of your tips in the commentsbelow.

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