Donnerstag, 24. September 2020

shampoo gegen fettige haare

shampoo gegen fettige haare

you wake up, shower, wash your hair, and aroundlunch time it already looks greasy. anyone with greasy hair knows how annoyingthis is, especially because it can make you look sloppy. but oily hair isn't something bad. the oil protects your hair strands from breakageand pollution. when it becomes excessive, it can be bad foryour scalp, causing dandruff and even hair loss. we're going to share 4 completely naturalsolutions that will help you control your greasy hair problem:

lemon juicelemon juice contains vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to your hair. due to its acidity, the lemon can balanceyour scalp's ph levels and control oiliness. mix some lemon juice with a cup of water. apply it to your scalp and let it sit fora few minutes, then wash it like normal. repeat this three times a week in order toobtain the best results. baking sodabaking soda, just like lemon juice, is capable of balancing out ph levels, and can absorbyour hair's excess grease. you can make a paste by mixing 3 parts bakingsoda with 1 part water.

rub this paste on your damp hair and thenrinse it out. you should repeat this treatment twice a week. another way to use baking soda is as a dryshampoo. sprinkle the powder on your hair and thenfix it like normal. the baking soda will absorb the oil. apple cider vinegarapple cider vinegar is frequently used in home remedies for your hair since it's a greathair tonic. the acetic acid present in the vinegar canbalance the ph level of your scalp, which will keep your hair from secreting more oil.

after washing your hair, apply 2 tablespoonsof vinegar diluted in a cup of water to it. let it sit for a few minutes then wash yourhair again. you can repeat this procedure up to 3 timesa week. black teablack tea is rich in tannin, a substance that, due to it's acidity, prevents oil from buildingup on your hair. make some tea with 2 tablespoons of tea leaves,and boil them in a cup of water for 10 minutes. strain the tea and let it cool, then applyit to your hair, and let it sit for 5 minutes. next, wash your hair with shampoo like normal. repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times a weekin order to obtain good results.

in order to prevent your hair from gettinggreasy, it is important to adopt a few new habits. try and wash your hair daily with warm orcool water, since warm water can contribute to oil buildup. try not to touch your hair. if you normally blow dry your hair, keep theblow drier farther away from your scalp and lower the temperature.

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