get rid of dandruff with this natural homeremedies dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitisis a common scalp disorder. it can occur due to dry skin, irritated oilyskin, growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, inflammatory skin conditions and othersuch factors. it causes itchiness along with excessive formationof dry skin flakes on the scalp. dandruff can be controlled by following ahealthy hair care routine. here are some of the best natural remediesfor preventing and treating dandruff naturally. 1. vinegar
vinegar helps in treating itchy, dry skinand also helps to kill dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria. the acidic content of vinegar is supremelybeneficial to drastically reduce flaking. apply an equal quantity mixture of white vinegarwith water on the scalp skin about half an hour before a head wash. 2. baking soda baking soda, acts as a scrub and exfoliatesthe scalp gently, without irritating it and removing dead skin cells.
exfoliation is essential to ensure there isno build up of flakes on the scalp that make dandruff even more visible. you can simply add some baking soda to yourshampoo while washing hair to derive its benefits. 3. neem all of us are aware of the role that neemextract plays in almost all skin medications because of its antibacterial and antifungalqualities. since dandruff can mostly be attributed tofungal colonization of scalp, it is only right to turn to this age-old remedy for skin ailments.
it's recommended to use a very diluted versionof neem (neem boiled in water) for the scalp as concentrated versions may only irritatethe skin further. 4. tea tree oil all anti-acne and anti-fungal medicationsboast of tea tree oil due to its exceptional power to fight fungal and bacterial infections. add a drop or two of tea tree oil to yourshampoo and wash normally and notice the results sitting in the comfort of your home! 5.
garlic garlic is immensely beneficial as an anti-fungalnatural product and the benefits of raw or crushed garlic have mesmerized man for centuries. pound a clove or two of garlic and after mixingwith water, use it on your scalp to see quick results. the smell? you could always mix in a little honey andginger! 6. aloe vera
not only is aloe vera cooling but also mildlyexfoliates the skin and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. it is best to directly extract some from thealoe vera plant- it is transparent and has a thick consistency. it can be applied in the scalp and then washedoff with a medicated anti-dandruff or mild shampoo. if you like the video, give it a thumbs†upand share it with your friends! if you want more recipes and tips, subscribeto the channel!