Freitag, 11. September 2020

sessel the egg

sessel the egg

hey, hallo, everyone! (hallo, master!) do you have this in china?(yes.) yes? really? (donut peach.) okay. the first time i saw it was here aboutone or two years ago only. i thought i could boast to youwhen i came here. these grannies, please come and sit here. those with gray haircome here, come here. one, two, three.

you can also come.her hair is not gray. come up here.come up, come up. i thought i could boast to you all.then never mind, never mind. (we want it. we want it.) three only. (we want it.) okay. all right. all right. i have other stuff. okay?(thank you, master!) okay! you sit anywhere you want, okay? sitting on the carpet is better than…

did you bring your bottoms? what i mean is… granny. (thank you, master!) (granny.) (thank you, master.) you are welcome. (thank you, master.) comrades, we have more,more, more. okay? don’t be jealous of the elders. let them sit more comfortably.(thank you, master.)

comrade! (thank you, master.) cadre. chairman! sorry! i don’t have timeevery day. (right.) it’s not just about having time. not every day is a good day. i mean, an auspicious day. the feng shui peoplecall it an “auspicious day.” if i don’t leave,there would be a problem.

so i don’t have timeto take care of you so much. i can only take care of you altogether. no special invitation. today i treat you specially.okay? (thank you, master.) just a little bit. not much.(thank you. thank you. thank you, master.) sorry. i don’t mean to neglect you.every day, i run very quickly. i come and run quickly. to avoid trouble.

give it to the elderly first. (okay.) the young people can wait firstwith their mouth watering. you eat first. they don’t have thisin the meditation hall. it’s special. the elderly, please raise your hand. i can’t see you. i’m old too.i can’t see clearly. the elderly who don’t have,please raise your hand. let me find thingsthat are easier to throw.

easier to throw. then we’ll take careof the rest later. okay? we still have a lot. oh! this… what are you doing?this is for the dogs. this guy doesn’t understand. he doesn’t have dogs. this is for dogs, you see “dogs”? this is for their teeth. after, put it back there for my dogs.

back in the kitchen.don’t let my dogs see it now, because they’ll want to eat it. this is for dogs to clean their teeth. after they have their meals,if you don’t have time, give this to them. if you don’t have time to brush their teeth,give them this vegan bone to chew. chewing this can keep their teeth healthy. do you have? (yes.)okay! just symbolic. not much. okay? they don’t haveenough working staff here.

it’s not like china with so many people. when you move, wow! the westerners are very busy. very busy. only a few are able to comeand help to buy things. it’s not easy to buy things. so please understand. i can’t treat you so much.please understand. okay? grannies, raise hands. let grannies eat first.

the young ones, the young... you cheat! so young like that. what’s the hurry, you! it’s very fast to get old later. we old people can’t wait to be young, and she rushes to get old. we old people wantto be young but we can’t. and they can’t wait to get old.

do you have? (yes.)okay. (one more here.) one more here. her hair is too black. i thought she... i thought she was young. here! okay! the “young” ones. those with gray hair, come here first. granny, you don’t have? are you old? your hair is so dark...

(it’s dyed.) it’s dyed. i dye mine white to makeother people think i’m old. people respect the elders,thinking they have a lot of wisdom. when those disobedient peoplesee gray hair, they show some respect. this is nothing.just a token of my heart. (thank you, master.) it’s from my kitchen. (thank you, master!) you share. one piece per person, okay? everyone share to have fun.okay? (okay.)

before, i could invite those granniesto my kitchen, remember? but now the dogs are there. it’s not convenient with dogs there. there is a lot of love inside.(thank you, master.) you are grabbing my feet! give to those grannies first. (okay.) you are young,so you still have chances to eat. the elderly peopledon’t have that much time. okay? don’t be jealous.

grannies! all become grannies! suddenly everyone becomes a granny. you have it in the back? at least one person has a pieceof something? (yes.) okay. this is not a supermarket. it’s not a supermarket. we don’t have enough thingsbecause no one buys them. very few. we have a lot of people,but only a few helpers.

they also need to cook,to pick up people, and... understand? (yes.) they need to clean, buy groceries, etc. there are many things. some need to book plane tickets. some need to check the names.they need to do different things, okay? we don’t have manystaff members, okay? even if i have many people,i can’t bring them all here to work because if i bring them to work,

you won’t have space to stay. so everyone just has a little bit like this. it’s my love. okay? (okay.) sorry! (thank you, master!) (we are already very satisfied.very satisfied.) yes. yes. originally i only wantedto invite those grannies. in the end you also get the benefit. (thank you. thank you!) because even if i only invite grannies,my kitchen is still too small.

sometimes when the numberis small, it’s okay. large is smaller than here. it’s only like this. so it can’t accommodate everyone. okay. so, why do i invite grannies? don’t be jealous.because they have less chances, less than the young people. when you are old,it’s not convenient to travel. okay? today they can come, but we don’t knowif they have the chance next year.

(thank you for your love.) maybe it’s not so convenientfor the young people either, but they seem to have more chancesthan the old people. percentage-wise. it’s not discrimination. okay? (okay.) please don’t be jealous!(no, we are not.) i need to explain, because last time when i invited granniesand not those young people, they asked, “why don’t you invite us?”

if i invite everyone,i need to open a big market. even that it’s not enough. so we share a little bit. it’s my love. (okay.) we didn’t come here to eat. right? this way, everyone can see me. i don’t need to sit.i sat in the cave all day already. it’s also good to stand a while. okay. because if i sit like this…i’m short already,

if i sit down, no one can see me. so you see my chair.they always raise it up a little, so people in the back can see me. (wishing you to become higher, mama.) (you are the highestand the most beautiful! mama, you are the most beautiful.)thank you. thank you. do you have other questions? (no.) good news? (master, i’m grateful to you.)

when i came this time, my daughter said, “do you know? master mommyis very, very high now.” i said, “how high?”she said, “so high, so high!” she said, “master mommyelevated everything!” (really?) i said, “what’s everything?”(how does she know?) she just... i don’t know.she just suddenly said that. (how old is she? how old?)she is turning six this year. (wow. only six.) it was even more interestingwhen she was four. (she knows.) one day when she saw your photo,

she said, “in this world,master mommy is the most precious. all of us should cherish her.” wow. at four years of! amazing. now as a six-year-old, she canalready see how high i am. (she’s six now.) wow! (extremely high.)understand, understand. but i still look as short as before. this time it’s pretty smoothfor everyone to come here, right? (yes.) and it’s easier to meditate. (smoother.)

(it’s our first time seeing you.)yes. (this is our first time to see master.) is that so. (twenty years.) it’s just right. (fourteen years for me.) you finally got to comeand see me after 14 years. (yes.) (i was initiated last year.i am very happy. we are very grateful.) you are all here. even if you don’t see me in person,you see me in the heart. (yes.) (we do.) so this time you feelit’s easier to meditate.

right? (yes.) better than before? (yes.) it’s because there’s more power. i pulled it down from heavenfor everyone to use. (thank you. thank you.) we can use more when we are higher. if we are low,we can’t take a lot sometimes. we can’t digest that much. the heavenly poweris the same as tonics.

you can’t eat too much. (yes.) you can digestonly when you are healthy. sometimes it’s like this. sometimes if we are too sick,we can’t even digest vitamins and they will turn to poison. or we drink something and it becomespoisonous and makes us vomit. you can’t drink or eat anythingbecause your body isn’t healthy. spiritual practitionersare also like this. when we reach a higher levelin spiritual practice,

we can use more power. it’s not because of discriminationthat i give you more and give him less. no, no.everyone is the same. i took it all down and put iteverywhere on the streets. then whoever needs it can use it. if you need to make peace with a neighbor,you can pray to that peace power. then talk to them.then it will be okay. for example like this. or if we have a sick neighbor

who doesn’t have money to see doctors, we can use that powerand pray for him. okay? (okay. thank you, master!) but, when you get sick,go see a doctor. (yes.) if all sicknesses are cured by praying,what should doctors do? they will have to beg for food. what do you want to say? do you want to say something?go ahead. master, this is my first time seeing you.

it’s also the first timefor so many of them. and then? the feeling is like an electrical shock. electrical shock? no, i’m very nice. (the feeling of falling in love.) it’s like an electrical shock,but do you feel uncomfortable? it’s comfortable. very comfortable. shocking but very comfortable.

then when you go back,put your hand on the… no. don’t do that. this electricity and thatelectricity are different. okay. yes. when we meditate,sometimes it’s like this. when we see light or visions, it also feels like the bodygets an electric shock. but that kind of electricityis very comfortable. it’s like being reborn.very comfortable, yes? (yes.) maybe some don’t havethose kinds of experiences,

but gradually you will. okay? yeah, it’s just like young children,they cannot digest too much food. yes, go ahead. may i share an experience,master? (sure.) yesterday, while i meditatedin the meditation hall, i entered a heaven portal. (oh, you saw the entrance.)yes, i went inside. (so you entered?)yes, yes. (and then?) i was taken on a brief tour inside

to see the beingsand the sceneries there. (that’s great!)thank you so much, master. now, i truly believe thatthere are many heaven portals here. thank you, master! okay. there are many, many. okay. many. there are all kindsof blessings. okay? do you still want to askany questions or share anything? master. can i ask a questionabout something i read on the internet?

okay. i read an article which stated thataccording to heaven’s will, starting last year, december 21, humans and the earth were givenan extension of nine months. september is coming soon…according to a website, the earth was givena nine-month deadline. a deadline was givento earth for what? the earth will encounterbig troubles in this period. so she is worried thatseptember is approaching…

september? you meanseptember is coming soon. i’m not worried about september. i’m not scared. (so you…)i’m very happy because it’s said that after september,human beings will be uplifted, and our memories and full consciousnesswill mostly be recovered. (okay.) this is a very long process. (okay.) it should be good news for us. good news! yes, comrades.

all the news that our comradesshared are good news. as long as the comradesmeditate well, (right.) keep a strict vegan diet, have a high moral standardand strong faith, then nothing would matter that much. (yes.) anyhow, if we can save, we save. if not, it’s okay. (yes.) everyone has his/her own destiny.

but now we have practicedvery well spiritually. mainland china is gettingbetter and better, and so is the earth. nothing will happen. (yes.) even if something happens, it is okay. if we lose this planet,we still have other places to go. of course it is better to keep it,since we are already here. if we go to another place, we have togo through birth again, “wah, wah,” and then spend many decadesto grow up, go to school, get married, have childrenand worries, and… wow. no!

since we are born already,just practice spiritually here. we don’t want any more troubles. okay? (thank you, master!)what do you want to say? i just want to say that three years ago, with the help of a formosan(taiwanese) sister, we held seminars on veganism.after three years, one of the audience members cameto ask for the materials from me. he passed this messageto his students. he teaches chinese. (good.)

his students are childrenfrom three to ten years old. he explained it to his studentsand their parents as well. they are all very receptive. so now the whole schoolhas become vegetarian. wow, wonderful! the seeds we sowed beforeare sprouting now. yes, yes. i should thank you, too! (thank you, master!) you guys tried very hardto spread the message

of living a good and virtuous life. the more you do, the betterthe results you will get. the person there. raise your hand higher. you do like this, i can’t see. why do you hide your hands? go ahead. thank you, master, for uplifting us. now china has made great progress.

before, it was very difficult for usto spread the vegan message. now, the media advocates for us. and the government… (is that so?) two tv channels and three newspapers have come to help usspread the message. our landlord rent his place at half price to usfor our vegan restaurant. he didn’t rent it to the peoplewho offered higher prices. (wow.) the place is about750 square meters.

every day, hundreds of peoplecome to eat the vegan food. now it’s getting better and better. good, it’s due toyour good spiritual practice, not just me. okay? to be honest with you,the more you practice, the more successful you’ll be. it’s not that we want money,success, or profit, etc. no. success meansthe world has changed, and more people have become vegan.

(yes, there are more and more.)more and more. now, when we sharethe vegan message with other people,they are very receptive. it’s not as difficult as before, right? (yes.) anyone else? i don’t have much to say.i just want to plead to you, master, to pleasetake good care of yourself. (okay.) i love you. thank you! (we all love you. i love you.)

i love you. hug, hug, hug. we have too much loveto be expressed. yeah, the one who raises your handvery low like this… it’s very difficult for meto express my love for you, master. i wish master good health and to be forever young and beautiful. (wonderful!) forever young and happy. (thank you!) i wish for world vegan, make peace.

thank you. it’s like a beautiful dream. yeah, the one in the back. hallo, master. i’m a gynecologist. we have been advocatingthe vegan diet to our patients during their recovery time. and for public health education, we also emphasize veganism. it’s because the patients trustthe words from the doctors very much. during many yearsof my clinical practice,

i found that there are more womennow eating vegan food, which has lowered their chanceof getting female diseases. moreover, i would like to thank master. every time when we have a big surgery, i always pray to masterfor the safety of the surgery. and in the end, many surgeries haveturned out to be very successful. so… that’s your job, why do you ask me? yes, during every big surgery,i always keep praying to master (nervous, hey?) thatthe surgery can be done…

(are they all successful?)yes, they are all very successful. sometimes it’s already… (how about the money?should we split it?) okay. thank you, master! okay, as long asyou can do it well, it’s good. here. you first. please wait. thank you very much, master. i practice western medicine.i am an ear-nose-and-throat doctor.

after learning ear meridian therapy,i asked my patients to be vegan for the betterment of their treatment.(this is faster.) without any medication,the patients are healed. (wow!) some of the ear-nose-and-throatdiseases such as neurological deafness, facial paralysis,half facial neurological pain, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis,and even certain types of tumors couldn’t be curedby the big hospitals. after my ear meridian treatment, together with the vegan diet,the patients have no more relapse.

it’s because master has been usingmy hands to help the patients, that’s why i can achievesuch miraculous results. here it comes again. like this, i’ll earn endless moneythat can never be used up. thanks for your loving careto your patients. like this, you are the real doctors. you not only treat the body, but also help their spirit, their happiness. and then you can use that…

if you have treated certain cases,make a record of it. later when you try to convince others, you can show them this or thatperson’s real experiences. i’ve made a record (of the cases).(yes, please tell them.) there were several cancer patientswho all cooperated very well. i told them, “if you promise that you will not eat meat, egg,or milk products, even the bread, the cakesor the biscuits which contain eggs or milk, i can guarantee thatyour disease won’t come back.”

when i said this, i felt that mastergave me very strong power. after two to three years,none of them have had relapses. i said… (it’s because you have faithand a good support.) a patient’s parents didn’t believe me and insisted that he go tothe hospital to get retested. he immediately called and asked me, “should i get tested again?” i told him, “since your condition is getting better,why would you get retested?”

nowadays, in the hospital,if the patient needs to get retested, he has to retake x-rays, ct, and go through all kinds of radiations. sometimes it may evenrequire another surgery, which might damagethe eyesight or the hearing. it has happened before.i told him this has happened. “i didn’t give you a single pill. i only use ear meridian therapy.” his eyes used to be swollen.

though i’m not an ophthalmologist,i cured his droopy eye problem. before, he couldn’t hear anything.he had to write things down. after receiving the earmeridian therapy from me and keeping the vegan diet,a miracle happened. he can now heardaily conversations! (wow!) this patient is the chefof a vegan restaurant. he can cook very delicious vegan dishes. so the restaurant’s ownerwas very concerned about him, and made sure that i personallywent to their place to treat him.

after only three to four treatments,the miracle happened. he no longer needsto go to the hospital. he is determinedto keep the vegan diet for life. (wonderful! okay.) also, a patient who had tumors in the eye, throat, and nose, as well as leukemia,was rejected by the hospitals. he was told that such agedand skinny elders like him should just stay at homeand eat something nice. it’s like telling him to wait for death.

however, surprisingly, after receivingthe ear meridian treatment, he’s still alive four, five years later. (he is still alive!) he has tostick to the vegan diet. once he ate some eggs,and his disease came back. (of course.) so he came to me again. i told him, “you must haveeaten something impure.” he said, “i didn’t have any appetite,so i boiled and ate some eggs.” i told him that he mustnot eat eggs anymore. (understand.) since then, he hasbeen keeping the vegan diet strictly.

right. this way, he’d haveless bad karma (retribution), so he can recover sooner. according to medical science, eggs are not good for our liverand are hard to digest. if a person with liverand stomach problems eats eggs that are hard to digest,of course his health will be affected and he can’t recover. it’s so simple. the vegan dietis more in tune with nature. okay. thank you, the two doctors.

this is the right way. the only individual action,which is a no-brainer and we all ought to be doing it,is just to stop eating meat. if you make this kind ofprofound change, you should expect profound changesin your physical appearance, your activity levels,and the way you appear as far as age is concerned. once you become vegan, your mindclears up, your spirit clears up. all that karmic, negative energy ofbeing involved eating dead animals

clears out of your system. i realized that an animal-based dietwas not a healthful thing no matter what i had learned in schooland our farm growing up. our bodies are not designedto handle animal foods. one patient, she was wheeled into the office and exam roomby her husband, and she’d had quadruplebypass (heart) surgery. she’d had a stent placedin one of the arteries subsequent to surgery,

she was on 21 medications,had a history of diabetes, she was on insulin, she had arthritis,and she was on an oxygen tank. she was just dischargedfrom the hospital; she’d had some bladder infectionand some other issues. our research shows severalbenefits of a vegan diet. very gradually, very gently,your blood sugar starts coming down. your weight comes down as well. blood cholesterol comes downas well, very impressively, and blood pressure comes down as well.

your digestion is better, so a person who has hadchronic constipation, that’s usually fixedin about 24 to 48 hours. it’s that quick! they came back in 10 days. she was walking, talking, laughing,no wheelchair, no oxygen, etc. they are some of the countless nobleexamples of compassion and wisdom. to prevent… both preventand treat diabetes, the best thing we can dois move very rapidly to a vegan diet.

there was a man who cameinto our study named vance. it seemed to him likethe easiest diet in the world because he didn’t have tolimit how much he ate. well as time went on he lost weight,he lost weight and he lost weight. after a year he had lost 60 pounds. his blood sugar,which had been out of control, came down so muchhis doctor sat him down and said, “vance,you’ve been on this diet; you don’t have diabetes anymore.”

his doctor took him off his medicine. the most optimum diet,it’s again your organic, vegan, 80% live food. the difference betweenvegans and meat eaters in the united statesis an average of 40 pounds. a new study published in the journalof the american diabetes association, the largest study of vegansin human history; never before have thousands of vegansbeen studied at one time. and what it showed wasthat the only dietary group

that actually achieved a healthy weight, in fact the perfect healthy weight,was the vegans. i wish someone had told mein medical school how effective a plant-based diet would befor real live diseases. so keep in good company with the noble circleof vegetarian and vegan elite. the truth of this is so powerful. it's a simple message: the first and the foremost thinganybody can do is be vegan.

there's nothing complicated about's one big solution. you have to give it a try,and once you experience the benefits, it’s unthinkable to go back. and the most exciting thing of all is that the benefits do nothingbut continue to improve. there is one regret thatsometimes people have. they regret that they didn’t do thisabout 20 years earlier. because to be in a bodythat feels healthy, it’s the best possible thing.

go veggie! okay, dear god mommy,i would like to share a story first. in beijing, there isa vegan restaurant owner. her restaurant is pure vegan. one day she told her master, “master, i really wantto be liberated in this lifetime.” in turn, her master told her,“then you have to practice the quan yin method.” (wow!) it was a tibetan masterwho told her this sincerely.

a few days after that, a group of ourfellow initiates ate at her restaurant. so she got in contact withour quan yin practitioners. she’s very happy.her restaurant is vegan, so she must have receivedlots of blessings from heaven to be able to find our fellow practitioners. okay. it’s also because of you guys. you’re my hands, my feet,my eyes, and my ears. (yes, yes.) extension. just like extension cords, right?

okay, thanks for everyone’s hard work! give it to that sister in the back. she has waited for so longthat she’s about to cry. this is my daughter. she keeps telling me thatshe should be around master. she has received her master’s degree. (okay, congratulations!)she’s a painter. she just wants to come hereto be close to master. she wants to be my attendant?(yes.) oh! why bother?

why does she want to be my attendant? she said it’s her destiny. since she was young… she wants to pass the exam in october,so that she can come here. let’s see. i don’t stay here permanently, i run all over the place. okay? my life is very hard andit’s better not to follow me. it’s very hard.

sometimes i was informedvery late at night, and i had to leave within five minutes. i could not sleep. does she have a place to live? (no, she hasn’t taken the exam yet.)not yet? no, not yet. she just wantsto take this opportunity to visit. (this time she visits hereand later she’ll take the exam.) understand. she wants to take the examin order to stay here. so not really certain yet.she hasn’t taken the exam,

but she has been planning. i don’t know how long i will stay here. you just do whatever you want. don’t do anything because of me. you’re all free. anything that’s meant to happenwill happen, okay? don’t put a condition here.i cannot promise you anything. but anyhow, pleasethank your daughter for me. (you see her daughterhas just stood up.) thank you!

if she wants to take the exam,she should make her own decision. then we’ll see.i don’t know either. okay? this is so sudden, i cannot thinkof anything at the moment. but please thank her. normally i don’t need anyone. i take care of myself. my living place is very small. if it’s not a cave,it’s a very small log cabin. i don’t need much help.i only have several dogs.

and there’s a girl who’staking good care of them. normally we only have one car. if there are too many cars,we can’t keep up. if we have two cars, then we don’thave enough drivers, etc. can you drive?(no.) you see. then what can you do? do you speak english? yes. are you fluent? she can write articles.she writes very well.

i don’t need articles. she said she’s good at writing. understand. if you want to publish books, or anything related to publications, she can help. those are for the art designers, and people in hsihu. i don’t do it.

i simply write, or i talk and they write. now i’m busy meditating, so i cannot do much of those things. i think she’s such a delicate lady, (“a delicate lady,” exactly.) i’m afraid thatafter one week or two months, she won’t be able to bear it. but if she wants to take the exam,let her do it, okay?

anyhow, it’s very comfortableto stay in europe. if she can stay, then stay. if she stays here, it’s stillvery easy to go back. she can do whatever she likes,but not for me. otherwise, if she cannot come later, she’ll be very disappointedand heartbroken. she has her freedom andshould be independent, okay? whatever is meant to happen will whatever she needs to do. you ask me this questionall of a sudden like this,

i don’t know how to answer it. master, before i came here, my whole family wantedto send their best wishes to you. wishing you to be healthy, happy,(thank you.) forever beautiful and healthy. (thank you, thank you!wishing you the same.) we hope you can stayforever in the world. my old man (husband)also loves you very much. he was not very supportive, but gradually he has cometo like you more and more.

he said, “your masteris really nice and great.” (okay.) he keeps praising you. all the children and adultsin my family have become vegan. it’s all due to master’s great power.(you set a good example.) because we have you,such a good support, our family is so happy andeverything goes smoothly. (thank you! you seta good example, so others...) everything is very smooth at work.our children also went to college smoothly. (congratulations!)

my two grandsons (congratulations!)all got into very famous colleges. you’re welcome. if you practice well,you’ll have everything, even without asking, okay? if you guys set good examples,your children will follow you. (my children are also very filial.) before, my family didn’t knowthat i was practicing spiritually because i didn’t contact themfor a long time. it was many years ago. after i practiced, it was difficult for me to contact them

since they werein ã‚u laì£c (vietnam) at that time. later, they heard from other people thati was teaching people spiritual practice, so they followed themand became vegetarian. they found a quan yin messengerand practiced spiritually there. it’s like this. i never advertisedto my family members. they heard from others, and then everyonein the family became vegetarian. it’s not just my family, the whole clan including aunts, uncles, etc.

aunts’ children, uncles’ children. the whole clan withseveral hundred members all became vegetarian, not just my family. i didn’t say a word to them. they just heard from others. at that time, we hadvideotapes and audiotapes, but it was difficult tobring them back to the country, so they “smuggled” some tapesinto the country. just a few. they showed them to my parents.

then the whole family watched, and then the whole clanwatched together. thus, all of them became vegetarian. after watching a few videotapes, they felt that they must be vegetarian,so they just did it. before they heard about it, there were bodhi trees suddenly growingeverywhere around my house. for example like this. (wow.) then one day, they heardthat i went to pursue spiritual practice

and then i had disciplesand gave lectures all over the world. not long after that, my mom saw the chairthat i used to sit on glowing. (wow.) so the whole family knelt down, thinking that i came back. for example like that. they came to me by themselves. at that time, i was running aroundto give lectures, and did not expect thatmy family would follow me. in ã‚u laì£c (vietnam), we have a saying,

“the local buddha is not effective.” “foreign monks chant scriptures better.” it’s like that. i mean, usually… it’s what i heard. for example, when you go out…everyone is the same. if you are successful,people respect you very much. but if you come back to yourhometown or your own village, no one would pay attention to you. (yes.) there are many stories like this. (yes.)

i didn’t expect thatmy family would follow me. they did it by themselves. after being initiatedfor a very long time, they had an opportunity to visit me. if we set a good example,others will follow us. (yes.) a good example and a sincere heartwill touch others. you don’t need to talk at all. so it’s all due to your good practicethat your family follows you. it’s not me. okay?

no, it’s not me. you don’t need me. if you set a good example, they’ll follow. it might not be me. i might not have anything to do with it. it’s master’s power. right. i brought it down from heavento share with everyone. okay, i have to leave. i have to go. (okay, thank you, master!)

you can take a rest. (master mommy, wishing thingswill become better and better.) (wishing you better health.)(please take care of yourself, we’re good.) (wishing you good health.)yes, i do take medicines. there was someone who wanted to talk. did we miss her?okay, i’m sorry. okay. master, since ancient times,china has been called god’s land. (god’s land?) yes, actually,that is your home. (oh, really?) since ancient times,

mainland china had many masters,like lao tzu, bodhidharma, the sixth patriarch hui neng,emperor kangxi, and many more. (they were all at your place?) like wu tai mountain,and the capital city beijing, these were all your homes. we hope that one day, you will… is that so. let’s see god’s arrangement. (now, things are getting better and better.)

i know. since the governmentand the people are all good, i don’t need to go back. there’s one more. (we all hope that this day will come.) (one day.) go ahead. go ahead. you don’t needto stand, just talk. master, about four years ago, you came to my hometown(in transcendental form). at that time, i was helpinga vegan restaurant

to sell steamed buns. one morning, whilei was selling steamed buns, master, you came to me and said… at that time, we used a foam boxto sell steamed buns, so that the buns wouldn’t go bad. you said to us, “if you do like this, the shapes of the buns will changeand they don’t look good. besides, you cannot keep them warm.” you taught us, “use a tricycle

and put a stove under itto keep the buns warm.” at that time, i said,“thank you, thank you!” i didn’t know it was you, master. after coming back home,i told the owner, “today, i met a lady who suggested how to keepthe steamed buns warm.” i said, “she seemed to bemaster’s transcendental body.” she said, “is that right?”i said, “no.” later, when i watcheda video of the ’90s,

i realized that was how master looked in 1991 and 1992. i didn’t know that was master’stranscendental body until now. because master worea white hat, yellow clothes, and white trousers. master, it happened four years ago. you saw her, why do you ask me? okay! your master likes to nose into other people’s business.

even teaches you about steamed buns. the chinese areprofessional bun makers. you know everything. why do you need meto give you advice about it? so everything is fine after youfollowed the directions? okay. at that time we didn’t knowhow to store them, so master gave us suggestions. okay. it’s fine now? (yes.) okay. how’s the business?

(good.) good? (yes.) okay, very good! congratulations! anyone else wants to talk? yeah, yeah. tell me. master, last month, shanxi daily, a very largenewspaper company, interviewed me because i’m vegan andthey’re very interested in it. later they publisheda special report about it

in their newspaperand on their website. later on, other newspapersalso shared this report. after a while, xinhua net posted iton their website as well. i also joined a web-based vegan group for people who were born after 1990. many young people are vegan. some are buddhists, and some just love vegetarian foodfor no particular reason. they just love it.

there are many young people like this. more and more young people havestarted adopting the vegetarian diet, which is a good trend. yes, it’s true. the young people. the new generations are different. (yes.) they are very receptiveto spiritual concepts. they voluntarily become vegan. before, it was very difficult. yeah, yeah.

hallo, master. since the chinese new year this year,my mind has been feeling confused and tight wheneveri meditate on the sound. tight? (it feels very tight.) later when you go back to meditate, you tell the beingwho has been bothering you, “please leave me alone.” okay? (thank you, thank you.) “now my master is ching hai,

i want to go to higher levels.i don’t want to stay here with you. please don’t block me.” okay?(thank you! thank you!) tell them not to block you. but you should also thank themfor their company. it’s just that you wantto go to higher levels. okay? ask them to leave you alone. it was also very difficultfor me to come this time. quite often, when some of us are notin good health and sick,

we would say this is actually helping usand we need to overcome it. it’s just that we shouldn’tbe frightened by the illness. we should have the courageto walk over it, to get rid of it. (but you still need to see a doctor.)take me for example. i had a broken legand a broken arm before. no! they look fine. thanks to master’s blessing. but you need to see the doctor as well. don’t just lie there, waiting to die.

dear master, i’d like to ask you, since the blessing is so powerfuland special at this gathering, how can we keep the blessing longerwhen we go back? especially, the oneswho have to work. don’t forget about it. okay? keep thinking about it. okay? (even when we are working?) keep thinking thatyou still have the blessing. keep thinking about itand it will stay, okay?

master, i think you arebeyond the physical form. ever since i followed you,i feel my wisdom has been opened. many things i know how to handle without having to thinkor say anything. (very good.) this is a big change. thank you, master. normally it’s like should be like that. if you have inner communication,it should be like that. yeah. master, i was thinking, since you couldn’tstand the air conditioning just now

and you often meditate in a cave,perhaps your body is cold inside. i brought a pack of ginger powder. i would like to give it to’s very spicy. taking it helps detoxificationand it’s very good for the liver. it’s suitable for theon-the-run lifestyle like this. you don’t have time to cook and you don’t have a wayto release the cold in the body. okay. (very spicy ginger.) please give it to the kitchen,okay? (okay.)

take it to the kitchenand teach them how to cook. just pour in boiled water. it doesn’trequire cooking. very convenient. (really?) it’s very suitablefor a fast-paced lifestyle. (okay.) ginger tea. ginger tea. (ginger tea.) it’s pure ginger powder.(okay.) not tea. (it’s the powder of ginger.we have that here too.) we do?(drink it with brown sugar.) oh, no, no, no. don’t add sugar.adding sugar makes it cold for the body. (is that so?) you can eat it directly.just add hot water and it’s done.

they also cook something with ginger. cooking that way takes a long timeand you have to run around and sometimes you have toleave in a short time. can carry with you and justmix with water and drink it. it’s good for the health. many people give medifferent kinds of stuff. i’m so full now. nevertheless, i appreciate it! there’s a heater in the cavewhere i meditate.

if i’m cold, there’s heat. if not, there is a blanket. it is not because of the cold. it’s karma (retribution). it’s been a year since the previous retreat. it was about a year ago, right? (yes.) i haven’t caught a cold since then. after coming here for a few days,i caught a cold.

i still have a headache now. but over the last year or so, i have been everywhere,including cold places, humid places, and also hot places. i’ve been to different countriesand i have been fine. but i’m getting better now. thank you.(wishing you good health, master.) thank you. i am getting better. i’ll be okay after taking more medicine. (please take care, master.)thank you all.

(please take care, master.)did i miss anyone? did i miss seeing anyone? i’ve seen all of you?i mean, i have glanced at you all? i didn’t neglect anyone, right? if anyone feels that i haven’tlooked at you, please speak up. here? why did you hide at the back? i see you now. okay! master, wishing you to behealthy, well, and youthful. thank you.

if you don’t see any light,meditate more when you are here. stay closer to here, to my house, okay? if you don’t hear any sound,put in extra effort also. okay? for instance, if you normally do half an hourat a time, do it for one hour here, okay? please take care, master. thank you all. you take care too. master, please take care. you take care too. we all take care, okay?

master, we are always together. god bless you! okay? master, we love you. i love you. master, we will always love you!

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