hello, here is line from the wilderness family. today we want to show you how you can make our own washing-up liquid from ivy leafs. we tried it out ourselves, although i have to admit, that we hardly ever use washing-up liquid. when we lived in the wilderness we realized that that is something pretty useless, but tried it in spite of that. when you are traveling with a caravan and you really need washing-up liquid you can just quickly make it yourself. you pretty much only need ivy leafs, you just have to gather them somewhere. we needed to cut the tendrils at our house but usually you only need to pick a few leafs
and put them into a bowl. tear the leafs into pieces, to sort of "open up" the leaf so that what is inside of the leaf can come out when we pour hot water over it. you don't have to make it tiny, just open the leaf. here i have prepared hot water which i pour over the ivy it doesn't necessarily need to boil, it should only be hot. let that sit for a while. you can let it soak for a day or just for a few hours. sieve the ivy out of the water. i didn't have a sieve here, so i had to do it differently.
when you are done with that you can use the water, or broth, or however you want to call it. the water is really green and the longer you let it sit the greener it'll be. i think you can use it two or three days then you should make it new otherwise i'll start to smell like old flowers in a vase. the fascinating thing is, that when you shake it, it foams like any washing-up liquid. and that is what you can use to wash things. we don't have any experience on how good it cleans very greasy things which is what a washing-up liquid is supposed to do,
you have to try that out for yourselves. for what we eat and cook it is enough and we think this is a great thing. as i said, when you are on the road with a caravan this is a really nice solution and it is environmentally friendly. other people might look at you strangely if you pour it out somewhere but then you can elucidate and say: there is a good alternative for regular washing-up liquid. thanks for watching!