we need to go == see you next time.== goodbye. hi hello. i wouldn't have thoughti'd see you again so soon. carla, i wanted to apologize. for havingonly sent you a text message - that was... == come on in.== ... yeah. i tried to call you before i left town,but... you were totally unavailable oh? oh well...
sorry. i guess i was a little bitchy earlier. ach... i didn't mean to put you on thespot in front of your boyfriend you didn't, it's totally fine i really wanted to go see the dali exhibition.couldn't we make up for it some other time? sadly, yesterday was the last day but i have another idea i'd love to do this.i received it earlier. after-work party, the 80's.when is this supposed to take place?
today!... hm? well, as far as i'm concerned, let's go! carla! == hi! well?== hello! i thought i'd never find you in all this crowd == here's a free spot, come on.== wait. those guys there, they kinda remind meof the two splendid specimens we ran intorecently at the molotov, do you remember? oh! that's right! although it did feel weird to pretendto them that we were a lesbian couple
sorry it's okay. it's not like we have toscare off all the men in the world. wanna go over there? yeah sure, let's go what did they drink back in the 80's anyway? no idea, that's your area of expertise uhmmm... two tequila sunrises, please wow! i haven't had one of those in a long time. fine young cannibals!
who was their lead singer again? == roland gift!== yes! my god, i had such a crush! what, you? yeah... when you're 13, you can bewrong about things! and he was so sexy! come on, let's dance oh, i'm going to have to take a break thirsty? ♫ hey girl! ♫
♫ move a little closer ♫== kajagoogoo!== i loved them! i think we really have the very same taste yes, in practically everything too shy shy, hush hush - eye to eye♫ too shy shy, hush hush - eye to eye ♫ i'm still miffed that i lent the recordto a friend. i never saw them again. the record - or the friend. i still have all my treasures.except the turntable - that's in the attic. what, you don't listen to your stuff anymore? can you lend me the record?
yeah sure, i'll be happy to bring it to you no, please! if i don't listen to the recordat least 20,000 more times today, i'll die. well then come back to my place afterwards! ♫ hey girl! - move a little closer ♫ you're too shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye♫ you're too shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye ♫ i don't believe it, you loveexactly the same stuff i do! ♫ give me time ♫ hm? == i don't know...♫ ... to realize my crime ♫
oh come on, you can't do that to boy george! ♫ let me love and steal ♫ would you rather i left? ♫ i have danced ♫ ♫ inside your eyes ♫ ♫ how can love be real? ♫ in any case, it was a nice evening carla? ♫ do you really want to hurt me? ♫
♫ do you really want to make me cry? ♫ ♫ precious kisses, words that burn me ♫ ♫ lovers never ask you why ♫ ♫ in my heart the fire is burning ♫ ♫ choose my color, find a star ♫ ♫ precious people always tell me ♫ ♫ that's a step, a step too far ♫ you have dust on your cheek from the attic
should i stop? aren't you going to answer it? no hello - good messages only, please, forhanna novak and isabell brandner after the beep well, i'd kinda like to hear your voice 'live' where are you right now?...in the bathroom?. down in the pub? or are you just not answering? oh well, doesn't matter. i'll just come by,and then you'll be stuck with me. well, until tomorrow morning anyway
well, then i guess i'll be going i'm sorry, but i...i...-- you don't need to explain i understand, totally wait, i'll help you thanks i'll call you, okay? is that your standard line? carla, i don't know what i should say right now
too shy shy, hush hush - eye to eye my gosh, the record! that's right! after all, that's technically why i was here thank you see you soon ciao hi! hi! you are here!
yeah, i was in the bathroom i just ran into carla yeah, she borrowed a few records ah, and was giving them a test spin here yes, something like that... mmm, why is it you always smell so good anyway? == nicole! did you put my friend on ice?== well of course! who? oh, hello
ah, and i thought there was another innocent soul who'd been given the deep freeze treatment oh! pour this innocent soul hereanother whiskey, please, on my tab. thank you! is there something to celebrate?some successfully closed deal? more like a successful continuation with beyenbach allmedia? not exactly. i can only say - a romanticweekend sometimes works wonders. == hmm, if you get the chance at one!== you simply have to take it. == like tonight== exactly champagne goes with the territory, of course
however, this is intended more as an entree ♫ hey girl! move a little closer. ♫ ♫ you're too shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye ♫ ♫ too shy shy, hush hush - eye to eye ♫ ♫ too shy shy, hush hush, eye to eye ♫ i doubt i'll ever understand your music taste 'too shy' - i haven't heard that in ages aside from the song... ... is there some other reason for your good mood?
i simply had a lovely evening oh, i'm glad then i wish you an equally good night thanks, i wish you one, too good night, cã©cile good night i love you come, let's go to bed sooo!
hey oh, good morning! == so? did you sleep well?== morning how long have you been awake? oh, about an hour. i had an accomplice. aha here! mmm! today, there's french toast...
... with pancakes... and blueberries and then, as refreshment,the appropriate beverage trying to fatten me up, are you? of course == hi! == hi!== hello! how is carolin? oh, pretty good, doing better. now she just has to stay in the hospital for a few tests. i wanted to pick up some fresh things for her oh, you two are such a sweet couple
well... if she says so... ... yeah, then i guess it must be true! == soo, here you go.== yummy! ooh, thank you! actually we're pretty foolish, aren't we? == hm?== we could have this all the time! this? you would soon be ableto roll me everywhere. no, of course i was referring to us! the two of us spending evenings on the couch...
... waking up the next morning together... == ... having breakfast.== pffh, why feeling so domestic all of sudden? mmmm! hanna, i mean that seriously listen, we both have tough jobs. you'reconstantly traveling. moments like thisare very infrequent, that's plain to see. yes, as long as we're living apart, that's true! we have the trial period long behind us.why don't we simply move in together?