the keshe foundation, an independent, non-profit,non-religious, space-based organization founded by nuclear engineer mehran tavakoli keshe is introducing to humanity the science of the universe, plasma science keshe foundation develops
universal knowledgeand space technologies that provide solutionsto major global problems, revolutionizing agriculture, health, energy,transportation, materials, and more. the applicationof plasma science in the form of specially developed plasma reactorsand other devices, will give humanity the real freedomto travel in deep space. plasma science existsthroughout the whole universe. it is here and it belongs to you.
our knowledge, research and developmentregarding the plasma structure has progressed to the point of enablingeveryone to participate in the process. become a creator and understandthe work of the universe for the good of humankind on this planet,as well as in space! the use of magravs, nanomaterials,gans, liquid plasma, field plasma and other plasma technologies have come as a new dawnfor humanity to progress and work in harmony with the universe. conventional technologyapplications are wasteful,
damaging and cause pollutionto the planet and all living beings. plasma science provides solutionsand improves existing methods and use of resources in all aspectsthat touch the lives of all beings. plasma is defined by the foundationas the entire content of fields which accumulateand create matter and it is not definedby its physical characteristics like ionization or temperature. also, with plasma science, we understand how we can convertmatter back to the fields.
quoting from mr keshe, “magrav stands for magnetic-gravitational,which means plasma absorbs or gives. and every plasma has the both,it has give and it has take… and when they can’t find the balancethey distance themselves until they find the balancethey can give to the others that they can receive whatthey want to receive and give further.†certain atoms and molecules release andabsorb magnetic or gravitational fields. released fields are availableto be absorbed by other objects. the keshe foundation has developed a wayto gather these free flowing fields
from the environment withina resourceful and beneficial new state of transitional matterwhich m.t. keshe named gans. the first stepof the process of the formation of various basic types of gans,is nano-coating metals. this is carried outeither chemically by etching (steam coating with sodium hydroxide) or thermally by heating(fire coating by gas burner). during either coating process, gaps between the outermostlayers of atoms are created.
the residual coating is oftenreferred to as nano-coating, defined by the structured layersof nano material, which build up duringthe creation process of the coating. nano-coated metal in interactionwith other various metal plates, in a salt water solution,creates magrav fields. these fields then attract availableelements to form a specific gans, which collects and settlesat the bottom of the container. this gans is formed from independentenergized molecules (like little suns) that can be usedin various applications.
the keshe foundationis extending an invitation to medical doctors ofany practice and speciality, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop, this includes medical doctors,dentists, and veterinarians. scientists at the keshe foundation developed different typesof plasma therapies, and cures, that utilize advancednon-invasive plasma technology. the weekly privatemedical teaching workshop educates doctors to theplasma science behind the therapies,
along with the functionality and operationof revolutionary plasma medical devices. the goal of the private teachingsis to add plasma health knowledge to the profound knowledgeof medical doctors. the weekly class is broadcast liveover the internet through a secure private channel, every wednesday from 2 to 5 pmcentral european time. presently the classis only offered in english, however you are free to bringa translator to the class. if you can't participatein the live broadcast
you can watch them laterat your convenience through a private internet portal. every patient's casethat is discussed in the workshop will be kept anonymous and private. this includes cataloguedfindings and data, gained from the analysisof the patient's health issues. any medical doctor in the worldwho wants to participate can do so, by sending an email to : doctors@spaceshipinstitute.org
in your email, please state yourwillingness to participate in the medical teaching workshop. if you're planning on bringinga translator to the workshop, please state this in your email as well. after we receive your email, we will contact you with the instructionson how to apply to the workshop. as a part of the application process, applicants who apply,
including any translatorsbrought into the workshop, will be required to sign the :keshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: http://keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/worldpeacetreaty.pdf all applicants will be required toprovide proof of their education, and ability to practice medicine, and will also be required to passan extensive security background check, before they are granted accessto the teaching workshop. helpful plasma technology is here now.
the use of which is increasingexponentially on a day to day basis, on every continent. we encourage you to come and learnabout this revolutionary technology. apply today! (rc) welcome everyone,to the 167th knowledge seekers workshop of thekeshe foundation spaceship institute it's april 13, 2017and another thursday with mr. keshe here and i think he's ready to go andi understand he has today's news and teaching and possibly we will have a specialappearance with caroline later on i understand
okay let's switch over to mr. keshehe looks like he's.. let me see if i can get this switchedstop the share (mk) oh i'm not muted. yes.(rc) there you are (mk) you hear me(rc) yes we can. hi mr. keshe (mk) hi good morninggood day to you as usual wherever and whenever, you listen to theseknowledge seekers programs. as usual we have some small announcementsto make and as we said. we change the ethos of the keshe foundationthat we do not discuss anything except what our work andwhat we are progressively doing,
as we found out others are using usto bounce themselves off on the ladder. so in that way we create more jobsfor them than for us. there are number ofimportant announcement to be made. first of all going back,some of you might see it. today last week i was inmiddle east in emirates. and we will see the outcome ofthe meetings as we come back this week, today we are in thekeshe foundation center in austria. god knows were we gone be next week ?i know were i gone be but we leave that tothe gods to guess .
we are expected to be in tokyo in a short time.as development are rapidly building up. and we will return back toaccra the home of the keshe foundationspace spaceship center. on talks and understanding is thatthe keshe foundation ghana atomic center will be called in the name of hisexcellency president nana akufo-addo. as the center to his name, that he imported,and allow the technology to developed. so, very soon when you come to thekeshe foundation it'll be named after his excellency president addo. in so many ways, he will be presentfor the opening,
and the rest of thekeshe foundation team worldwide doing the...as be it the... the universal council, the earth council'sand the core teem we try not to allow oraccept anybody from outside for security reasonsin the presence of the... maybe, possibly two to three presidentsin opening the center. on the other hand,everything is on plan. our friends and colleauges in accra, aredoing their best to have everything in line. and, there is discussionwhen we'll invite dignitaries,
is on, the decisionto be made in accra, when i arrive there with thegovernment and the developers. there are numbers of developmentson the other hand that; one is in to do with we receivea message from her excellency lisa that she wants to change thecourse of the teaching in kfssi this will be discussed with her, as i waswith another member of the earth council, last week for five dayswith dr parviz. and, we have discussed this...different developments and what we can do with...now we sit to be guide
more or less guiding what they wantus to do as members of the council. so, as we said last weekthere will be development in teaching and some people will be moved, in a way we're bringing morepeople in, in the background. and their voluntary work oftranslating and transcribing so we wait to see what her excellency'sgot to say next week to us what she feels has to bethe next approach, because she thinks thatthe teachings are not done, as she is a ex-teacher,to be expected.
so, as what i call, 'a hand on teacher'she will guide us in, what she seesthe teaching has to go, internationally,for the keshe foundation. we will discuss this in the nextcouple of days with her and then you will hearfrom her next week. the other important thing is that in light of the developments we'vehad in the research with the cancer. as we said we did the first trialwith the non-toxicity which shows that the materialis totally non-toxic.
and then we did the cancer sample testand as we informed you that the third trial, which is to do with theanimal test, started some two weeks ago. the results from the tests coming from tokyois so important and is so radical, that we have requestedthe tokyo university the keshe foundation for adirect live presentation. maybe the first stagewill be done by us, and the second stage will be done bythe scientists from tokyo university. the reason for this is that in this third trial which is, usuallytake months for any response.
the drastic results and the data achieve,has to be shared internationally very rapidly what we've seen isthat in the trial case, that they have dividedthe animals in five group. one sample group, one to be used forone method of processing, and three, four methodshave been chosen the first method which has been chosenby the scientist at the university, started two weeks ago in that batchthere are ten animals ten mice. we usually expect,after confirmation of the cancer being progressivein the body of the animal.
we give them some days forthe cancer to grow fully and then they take a data,on the markers and the tumor. when we achieve that pointof saturation, they call it, that the cancer reversal processcan be started. what we have seen is total reversalin all ten mice which means a 100% this is a majorbreakthrough for the science, but what we haveseen additionally, is that we saw the first 23 to 30%reduction in the first two days. so, the cancerautomatically reduces.
what we have seen further,except one mice, which took him or her,we don't know, till seventh or eighth dayto show the response. every other mice,more or less, shows 100% no markers, no tumor, by the fifth day. this is a radical change the first two animals were sacrificedlast week and in that process, we have seen no toxicitywhatsoever in any organs. so, it shows the process iscompletely non-toxic.
at the same time,what we are seeing, that there is no residualof co2 in any organs. we've seen very, very small, as thescientists say, "negligible" amount of co2 and other ganses which has been appliedin the first lining of the stomach, which they say, "that's normal,in 10 days this usually washes out." and we've seen a small, very small amount of, negligible amount ofco2 in the blood content. this has a lot ofimplications we'll explain. >from what we've seen and whatreport is coming from
tokyo university and thescientists in the far east, it is the responsibility ofkeshe foundation to share the knowledge as we've done,immediately, transparently. we took a decisionin the discussion with the doctors yesterdayin the medical teaching, unanimously, withoutsingle one opposing it. the medical team ofthe keshe foundation have decided that we go aheadwith sharing the knowledge which means every man on this planetcan help themselves with any cancer.
this changes the courseof pharmaceuticals. we have to remind you that this testis only done for stomach, intestine, and what we call, 'the last partof the digestion system'. the reason we are going inthis way is very simple. we are asking, if you know,if you're in touch with, if you have scientists who areexperts in the ways of cancer? to invite them to cometo what we call the cancer blueprint day which isthe 18th of april next tuesday. the way we shared on the blueprint daythe magrav system and the energy.
on tuesday the 18th of april,the keshe foundation openly, will disclosethe whole process. if you have the expertise andyou think you can use it at home, you're welcome to it! this allows usto bring other research, development organizationsto share the knowledge. we took this decisionof the medical team to the universal council yesterday,as they were in a session. and we left them to themas it is their work to bless the work
for the keshe foundationand support it through what it goes. so, those of you who areor can go on the internet we will release,openly, the whole process. the papers, the research,the development. on tuesday this session willmay be last 5 to 10 hours, we do not knowwe take it as it is. dr. rodrigo will present a cancer tumor,which we kept away, but it was shown, in full, in rome conference as a presentation paper
on a conclusion, of thediscussions and the papers dr rodrigo and dr parvizand i will fly to tokyo to.. for the full press conference presentationof the technology in the coming days. we wait till the tokyo universityconference our move. this will change a lot of thingsfor the foundation because, this way not only wedeliver a scientific paper, we put an end to all the, what i call, 'riff raff talks' of the people around,whatever it does. it's important that we followthe process very, very closely.
we have to lookfor a lot of things. we have to lookfor any condition, that our people, or the scientistsaround the world would like to see. for those institutes ororganizations or companies, be it pharmaceutical, be it university,be it a scientific individual, who would like to have accessor try to collaborate fully we have openedand we'll open the line, is collaboration@cancerprocessing.org we're looking forcollaboration in the large way.
we transfer through our channels the fulltechnology to the chinese government. directly to the office of hisexcellency president xi on a direct line, next week. this is important, as we receive a lot ofsupport from chinese. we will transfer the full knowledge directlyinto seven major pharmaceutical organisations around the world. it means we don'twait for them to come and look, we deliver it to them directlyon the lines we have. which means, they cansee the whole presentation and theycan start the process.
the process is important, we understood,will bring huge, huge changes in chemotherapy, in other typeof cancer research, development. we don't wait, that they find us, that what we are doing. we're goingto major pharmaceuticals. this is what we discovered,this is your right to copy. because, for us to reach everyman on this planet is very difficult. but, there are hundreds of thousandsof pharmacies around the world. whichthey can dispense it. this gives us two opportunities:first of all, is that the technology
will be transferred and with it will be carried directly to public on the other hand,because of the way we share it. the astronomical cost of the development,or marketing, will literally disappear. we estimate, this is thebiggest problem we have. we...we discussed itwith a small short meeting with ... caroline ... the two caroline's of boardroommembers, one my wife and one of dr klaus as they stand the same rightsas the members of the council, is that the cost of total treatment,the whole what you call the processing, is less than 1 euro.
it costs less than 1 euroto save a life now, with cancer. and, why do we see hundredsof thousands of dollars to save life. so, as we said, we call it'the 1 euro cancer process' it cost more to ship,than it cost to manufacture. what we decided to do, we leave itto the people on their discretion, on use, to donate to the foundation, than us putting a limit on it this changesthe whole game. it means, pharmaceutical will have it,but they can't do much with it, because, they can't makeastronomical prices.
on the other hand, it brings itat the reach of everyone. a copy of the teaching willbe delivered and we ask you please. >from whichever country you are,deliver it to your embassies, deliver it to your government.it's your right the last time we gave the knowledgeof the energy and the rest in a usb stick now we've gone a bit more advanced,we do it to mobile 'u-sticks' , which isthe human beings. carry it, deliver it to every doctor. deliver it to the health ministries. we have to change the course, we have nochoice, and you can play "hide and lock".
we announced the, what we call, the 'injection process' treatment a few weeks ago, and we stop with that, because nowthis process is completely non-injection, and it's direct,consuming the material. but, it has to be done in a specific way.in a specific pattern. remember, when it comes to thegans-waters, how you drink two waters, can change your blood pressureor can change your diabetic. the beauty with this technology isthere are "horses for courses". as, we saidmany times. you have to decide what, or the physicianshave to decide, what is good for what.
what we see, from theresearch data development, which will be released, in the "blueprint day" the total amount for 100 kg person,is about 1 milligram. this is theeffectiveness we see. so, this changes a lot of things,in so many ways. so, what we call, '1 euro cancer processing blueprint day' will be on tuesday 18th (2017). we start at 9 o'clockcentral european time, as usual. where we'll be we don't know, and wherever we are, we will carry on with the teachingand the process of learning.
this changes a lot for all of us. many of you suffer from cancer. many of you know people who suffer from cancer. we deliver the knowledge,as a research paper on the keshe foundation, and it's for you to decidethe usage or development. the data on the firsttwo research papers, trials are so... perfectly presented by thescientists in tokyo university, that fda and standard board haveaccepted it outright, because there is no ambiguity,that the research is according to be.
the research carries the name of thekeshe foundation spaceship institute. it's a research we have paid for,and as part of the structure we invest into thisresearch much more. the beauty of it is,nowhere, ever, in the world of medicine, except maybe, headaches and inflammation,we have seen changes in three days, we see the progress of change in 3 days what we need to know:how far can we expand this? we need to know: how do we develop this towards the liver cancer, pancreas cancer, cancer withother parts of the body of the man?
or would this materialtransfer itself to other part of the body,to eradicate cancer? the answer is two ways,as i was just... i've seen with thescientists of tokyo yesterday if you notice in my talkfew minutes ago. i explained, that we see a small amountof co2 in the bloodstream. totally negligible,absolutely negligible! but, this gives us a very good indication,that with this process, the gans material is transferredto the other organs by the blood.
so, any secondary cancercan be overcome. this is the beauty of it,what we're looking at. so, hopefully, in 30 days, in 60 days, when a large number of people go through this process, you have to understand one thing:we are releasing the science, as a scientific developmentin the world of health care. it is for organizations and individuals totake their own precaution and understanding. we deliver scientific data, in what we see,total non-toxicity the organs, and what we see, as a change of thecancer, in 5 days, with most of the animals.
this is another change,in the whole direction of the keshe foundation disclosures,open disclosures. we share freely, and hopefullyover the next couple of months, we will see a lotof people will respond. please, we advise you, with the link which we'll provide for the blueprint, go and send it directly tothe pharmaceuticals. send it to the doctors, send it to thehospitals, and tell them to watch. the course has changed! this is important because, with this we will see other changes.
because, we know this materialin it's progress, at this rate,will change a lot of things. it's the responsibility of the people whouse it on themselves. we, are delivering the understanding of thescience, of the technology of the plasma. within the structure,of the body of the man. we are not telling you do this or that,that you come and sue us. we are telling you, you want todo it yourself, do it at home. or, give it to the pharmaceutical guy,pay them a lot of money, and say,"i want the result!"
i'm sure,within the next few weeks, as i said, "the pharmaceutical organizations, will see a change in their valuein the stock exchange." that's inevitable! the more data is released,by in the application, the morewe will see the changes. so, we have, as we say,we have a "rendez-vous" on tuesday, 18th (2017) at 9 o'clock central european time. depends how long will take?
we are still doing a lot of talkingwith our colleagues in tokyo. that: would they like to be on camera? would we not risk their lives? would the government of japan protecttheir scientists, at the highest level. most probably, we'll meet and discuss withthe american officials on the same basis. because, this is ahuge game-changer. you have to understandyou don't need to go anywhere. you take your tablet at home,cancer becomes another headache. in 5 days, 10 days....nobody can tell what to do.
but, to start with, to make a cancer,like a headache to take an aspirin, we need to create a lot of data. we need to be able to confirm our workthrough our collective disclosures. those who would like to do the work,please do what we did before. if you remember back in...the time when we gave the usb stick, the keshe foundation's literally bombarded their embassy. "we want the key." and, it forced a lot of ambassadorsand governments to change their position. because, of receiving so muchcommunications from their people.
this is one of the reasonswe’re in the beautiful country or italy. the italians literally bombardedthe italian parliament, and the member of the parliament.we want this thing back. that, the officials from theitalian embassy calls us and says, "can we have this key? whatever is on it?" "can you come to the embassy?we want it !" and, we saw the consequence of it,where on the elections, president obama, he asked for the keyand we delivered it. one thing we have to understand…we use, we have to…
it’s our obligationto use this technology for peace. in…when you send thisto your ambassadors, write on it,‘this time cancer in exchange for peace’. last time we did "energy in exchange for peace," this time every officer in every army…dreads that cancer. all of us die of it in one way or other, sometimes in our lives, majority of us, call it different name,but maybe 50-80% of human race dies through this process. with this technology,we brought this on the table
to be disclosed on tuesday,the 18th of april (2017). it’s the beautythat we bring the work of cancer and it’s more or less, death sentenceto as low as the headache. i think in so many ways from whati’ve seen from the data coming in, it works much faster than,the any pain killers i know. to understand you have millions of cellsin your body which are… changed to a cancer cell.and change 23% of, millions of these, in less than 36 hours,48 hours, is a miracle. i thank the team,and the professors in tokyo university.
you got to understandwe have wrote people around the world. they put so much pressureon to tokyo university. and we know, we know the peoplethat the university decided they’re goingto protect their scientists. we are dealing witha bunch of criminals, but...the good things is, these criminalswon't tell you when they get a cancer. they took the tabletsfrom keshe foundation. we wish them all the best.we give them the best soul we can,
that sooner or later,some of them will take these tablets. all of us get headachesmost of them get cancer, so, we welcome youto the 2nd blueprint-day of the keshe foundation. this time, we call it, 'cancer in exchange for peace'. it’s very radical,because i know, a couple of world presidentswho are dying of cancer. i wonder whichone will answer us? we offer the technology to hiseminent ayatollah khamenei of iran.
very advanced caseof prostrate cancer. extremely!we offered the technology before. and this time,i personally deliver it to the iranian ambassadorin rome. we have to understand,it is our job. and, it's our responsibility to deliverthis technology the correct way. we know two south american presidentsare suffering from cancer. we knowat least one european leader, in his family,he's got two members with the cancer.
we know in reality, a number of royal familiesin middle east are battling with it. i was there, i know, i hear. so, this time, we give it to the poor man on the streetand the king the like. bless you, ??? so, we have a rendezvous,as we said for, tuesday, 18th of april, (2017)at 9 o'clock central european time and please,invite all the pharmaceuticals.
we'll put.we'll make a video for it. and we'll see. we show the horrendous conditionof the cancer. and we'll see how we goand where we, you develop it. but, share it as you can.as fast as you can. that there'll beenough people. inform all the pharmaceutical companiesto be present. i know what this is going to do. i have a son in thepharmaceutical business.
and i knowas a doctor in that field, he'll be without the businesswithout the job soon. the way i'm cleaning the place,he'll have no job. we go backto the other part of the teaching. what we need to understand,as i said last week, 'we go into a new era oftotal space technology'. today, as i said last week,'the master will teach'. and, we understandwhat i mean. we are the master of the spaceand not the earth.
we understand the knowledge ofthe universe, better than we do the earth. physicality's too difficult. as part of your understanding, it is importantthat we share the knowledge in the waythat you can understand. what does this mean ?this means, very simple, for me... to explain ithas been a headache for past week. how can i explain it visually,that people can understand it?
because.... visualization, is part of the systemwhich makes it easy to understand. but, this brings a lot of doubton the human race. not the doubt, but in a way,to understand the bigger picture. we go back to our teachingswhere we started. if you remember,we said, as gravitational-magnetic fieldof the sun, interacts with the magnetic fieldof the earth.
what we get? we get life if you remember? this gave us what we all know.this gave us... but, you have toremember one point. and that point is... the solar system is an egg,inside another egg. what has never been consideredby the world of science is that.... the same thing happensin the world of creation.
that the plasmaof the universe and galaxies interact, and create a different amino acidin the world of man's universe. so, if you understand this,it's very simple. our amino acidhas universal link anywhere on this... solar system, you guarantee life, through the interaction of the plasmaof the universal fields, through the galaxy. so, now , those of peoplewho want to go into space, have to consider an attachment...
universal amino acid. but, this again still goes backto one fundamental point. the field released and absorbedby the interaction of the field of the environment,to our solar system, itself,is part of another system. which is the galaxyin respect to universe. so, in fact, if you lookfrom the human race point of view, we have a big dilemma. we are getting...we are getting mixed up.
and we are developinganother amino acid, which is the universal amino acid which from the galaxy point of viewto universal. we have to consider,what we called the 'three field forces'. without this,the fallacy of what you call, large percentage of 'dna' which is... what we called is 'garbage',changes condition. this is exactly what we talked aboutthe brain of the man. up to recently, that we start explaining the process of the brain of the man.
every single cell is used full-time,all the time. there was a fallacy that the man uses only5% of his brain. the man uses every single cell of thebrain, otherwise it would not be there. body doesn'tcarry garbage in the brain. if you understand this, now, you willunderstand one fundamental point: any race in the universe, our universe,has and carries that amino acid. the universal amino acid is the backboneof interaction of the man in the universe. it sits in a strength much higherthan the earth, the plasma of the solar system,
the galaxy,and the universal level. and this common denominatoruniversal-strength-field, is how, where man will interactin our universe. it's in our dna, it's not somewherewe have to look for it. it mainly sits in our rna, becausehas no physicality tangibility. it sits within the coilof the magnetic fields... of the entities of everysingle cell of the man. what this means? very simple:
"as man goes to spaceand travels from the solar system out... he will carry everythingto be part of the universal community". we have everything we need, because... always remember: "it starts from the higher strengthto the lower", that's where we came from. and asyou come lower, you carry all the information of thehigher state of strength of the plasma. what does this mean? if man goes within the midstof his own soul...
in understandingthe totality. according, to the strength he summonsfrom his cell... from the plasmaof his structure, he decides where in the universehe will land. because, he'll go back up the ladder,where he came from. the structure of the gansof the plasma of the universe... is within the structure of the gansof the body of the man. but, it's tangibility it dependon the strength of the fields. so, what we explain today, is a new openingto the knowledge of the mankind.
what you thought there were aliens,are made of, what you call yourselfalien to them. but in fact, to be a memberof this universal council, we need to have allone common denominator. so in time,when the man matures, not only he will understand that he canchange his position anywhere in the universe, but he can change his manifestationof physicality, according to his wish. according to an understanding ofthe strength of his plasma. when the man matures, and this teachinggoes beyond understanding of the man,
it's for those who are listeningin the background. if you understand the further step,it's carrying the unicos amino acid. with that, once man understands,still, still exists in his amino acid, in hisstructure of the body. man can movefrom universes to universes. there is no need for burning,there is no need for matching. there is no need for finding position,you have to go through the soul... and then you travelacross universes. there is no difference,once you learn by devotion,
and transparency of the soul:"one moves further in strength". understand what it means by"transparency". when you will give so muchthat there is no more to give. as you understood the work of the"i'll go in this corner." if you go in the work of the plasma. as you release the higher level,you come to achieve higher strength. this is what none of you have everunderstood, maybe today you understand. i always say: "the more you give, the more you receive". it's very simple, you should have seen thisfrom the first time i drew this picture.
look what happens: "this is you, and this isthe plasma of the universe". "the more you give, the moreyou get rid of the lower strength". what do you achieve?"higher strength plasma". this gives you position to movein a higher order in level of the creation. the more you give, the moreyou expose the magnetical. the more strongeryou become in gravitational. and we know, as you go to the centerof the what you call black hole, you'll receive the massive much, muchthe strongest gravitational fields,
that absorbs everything. so, in so many ways,i can stop teaching today. because, it'll take mankind thousands of yearsto even understand what is on this board. let alone to imply it, and apply itand understand the totality of it. this is a teaching of the universe. it's for you to understand. to go to the point ofsincerity to give... and not worried about,"what i'm gonna get?". because by giving, you already haveexposed a higher gravity to absorb more,
to be ableto give more. and when the manreaches that point, he will travel the space of universe,in no time. as i say many time, "there are no time zones,in the time of the soul". so,you have no time zone. you travel the space of the universeand manifest yourself, according tothe soul of the man's strength. this is the beautyof the new knowledge.
a lot of people don't understand.and if you see, you learn. we teach what we promote.we live what we teach. for us to hold back the teaching,showing of the cancer research... to save many people fromthe agony of cancer, would have been a very lucrative,multi-trillion business. we would have become the biggestpharmaceutical company in the world. but we give it freely. because i know, in doing so,we receive more that we can give more. we get more strength. thosewho saved their lives with a few tablets,
will become thefounders of the peace. they findpeace in themselves. because, they've been on the verge ofthe death, they had to think about it. they have become,they understand. in a way, we haven't given anything freewhen it comes to the work of the cancer. we are giving free, for man to becomemore peaceful, that we achieve our target. "knowledge for peace". knowledge of understanding howthe universe works, is very simple. you will see the change of the course,because you give more.
never worry about: "what i'm gonna get"or what i'm gonna receive when i get. because the time you value and count,is the time you lost. understand what's on the board. it's very, very simple. but i hope will take man less thanat least thousand years to understand it. otherwise you will bevery slow animals. you've got to understand itby working on it. by devotionand by giving it freely. "there is no time,in the time of soul".
you can be anywhere anytime,now you understand the structure. this knowledgehas never been thought to man, and i thinkit's the time to do. as i said, "i'm the master.i know exactly where everything sits." it's for you to understandhow to apply it. how do you elevate your soul? many people ask this questionof themselves. "how can ielevate my soul?" how can i reach to the pointthat i can go,
at least from the earth,into solar system level. at least i can join the solarwhat you call, the galaxial level. or i can join another place.it's very simple. caroline was telling me somethingvery strange, and i said, "my god, she hasn't understood",and she emphasizes on it. "why do the soulsstay over, wherever they are?" i said to her, "they have to have a place.if they're not here they go somewhere else." but you have to understandthe soul of the man is made of the material of the earth,so, it has a connection link.
it's you who haveto change the condition that in reality,this is what you got to change: if you understandhow to play with this character, in the real essence of the creation,not as amino acid. as i explained to you,very simply before, "change the nitrogen through your wishand the strength of the soul... to anything you like". potassium. use the difference betweenthe two elements in any shape or form,
to create the condition of strength ofthe life in the anywhere in the universe you be thereinstantaneously. the knowledge of universe isunderstanding the operation of the soul. the operation of the soulis detachment from the physicality. when you look at the mri picturesin many times, what you see? you see the shape of the brain,and what you see in it, it's a very tiny holein the center. there are no anchors to it, and it hasno connection with rest of the brain. and that's the position of the soul,it's detached from physicality.
but it gives enough that at a given point,it converts its energy to physicality, which, by change of emotion,and control of the physicality, gives the hand the armor the leg of the man. you have to find outthe position of your soul. and the worst thing it gets iswhen you found it, find the strength of it. "thy shall not steal."you cannot steal from another soul. another condition to elevate yourself,the only way you do, elevate your soul. is at the point of death wherethe energy field of the totality of every single soul, will go backinto the brain of the man.
if you look this is your brain,and i said many times in the teaching, this is yourphysicality part, this part of the changeon the point of the death of the man. or as we said every cell has emotion,and every cell has a soul. on the point of departure,or the change of the life, all these souls will gather to makethe totality of the brain into a plasma. but this plasma was madefrom the strength of the zinc and everything elseto do with this planet. so, for it to be home needs to bewhere it came created from.
this is the beauty of the creation it's you who got to understand from now onyou don't need to do anything. but understand how you can changethe behavior of the pattern of these, which is the cornerstone ofthe life of the man. and in that process you have to remember,the amino acid which made your life, itself was made throughthe interaction of the total fields of all the levelsof the creation. then you'll find out,it takes no time for man to understand the creator,and the work of creation.
it's taken several billionsof years to man's time, to understand this knowledge on board,and it is given to you freely. but i know 99, 9% ofthe people who listen, will take a long time to comprehendto be able to achieve it. caroline keeps on telling me"we are not stupid," "stop telling us thatyou don't understand." you will understand,but in a long, long time. the reality is, if you could understandthe interaction of the phases that what had led to creationof the amino acid of the man.
you come to one conclusion,"i am the beginning, i am the end." in so many ways, you becomethe beginning, and you become the end. and in so many ways,being the beginning is not the end, and being the endis not the beginning. the totality of the energy, whichyou receive to create you at this point. in combination will lead you to crossthe borders of the universe. now let's seehow powerful man is to give, and see how much he fearshis own demise, than he stop giving. the point you stop givingyou will be manifested in that point,
because that'swhere you want to be. so it'll be a long long time,very long time, before man becomeso pure in the soul, that will not allow the transparency of thesoul become the fear of his own existence. the more transparent you become,the more power you have to give, that you receive more, that youcan go further in the line of the creation. man has spentmillions of years, haven't managed to move from the,the farmhouse of the earth. now if you understand,.many will start the journey
there is no need for reactors,there is no need for anything else, there is no needfor a spaceship, because the spaceship of the man,is the soul of the man. i hope you understood. any questions? (ab) good morning mr keshe. (mk) good morning azar (ab) mr keshe? (mk) can you wait a little bit,we are a bit deaf here?
we are gonnaturn the thing up that we can hearyour beautiful voice, speak now. (ab) when you talk about nitrogencan you elaborate about that. that you said something about...(mk) oh, try oxygen, try any of them (ab) so you said somethingthat if you do it, you can instantaneously movefrom one place to another. i mean can you elaboratea little bit about that? (mk) yeah you give more you'll see ityou don't need to elaborate, it's comes byexamination and testing
i cannot write you a recipeto become a man from planet zeus. if you don't have the emotion ofgiving the same as the planet zeus. the manifestation of physicality comes,from the point of what i call giving. the more you give not going to the church,and putting all the money in the bank of the church and then goingborrowing from it because i gave so much i don't have myself to live,this is what the africans do. it's giving through the soulthat it can elevate the others it's we were looking in the skieswith dr klaus a few days ago and i said this is twin stars.and the twin stars it means,
what one gives another one takes,without the other one there is no. but the strange thing is in some casesin the universe, you have triple stars. three stars share equal. the distance is the same,the position is the same. so, it's the same withthe soul of the man. any other question?(ab) mr keshe (mk) yes azar(ab) just a second question. when we... (mk) i think i'm gonna start charging youfor your questions dr azar. (ab) that's okay mr keshe.
(mk) no problem.(ab) if i can afford it, no problem. (mk) yeah we'll take from the soul,it's free of charge, it's a direct transfer. (ab) mr keshe when we die,does our soul also the same... like for exampleif i can manage to use my soul go to universal communityis one way of doing it... (mk) you're got to do itbefore you die, it's no use whenthe letter is posted. (ab) so, if we die we don't jointhe universal community, it's different? (mk) yes you'll be,your'e still part of it.
dieing is the matter ofchange of states of physicality. when you die, it doesn't mean"gozump" it's gone. when my great uncle died, my cousinsaid something very interesting. he said, "he's changed hispermanent address, but he still got a address,we call it a graveyard." the good thing is,where you gonna post the body? and whereyou're gonna post the soul? in many, many times, many, many times,man will come to see, to understand. this is... comes to the point ofmaturity of the man.
is you come to the point, thatyou post the letter before it gets posted, and people shall not seeyour physicality. this is the big differenceof understanding. if you post the letter,you know where you posted it. but is posted for you, you're in a package,wherever it lands is going to be his home. when you die, you have takenthat decision away from your soul. soul has the freedom,but connection to the earth. because it's came from it,we cames from its structure. so, if you want to travel in another positionwith your soul, post the letter yourself.
and by posting a letter, you have tounderstand what you, has to be done. the clarity of the soul,non-dimensional condition of life. caroline wantsa soul polisher. she sais, "how do you polish the soul?"very easy. "thy shall not steal." read all the 12 commandments. all of them tells you one thing, "thy shalt not steal." nothing else. look at the all theattributes of the name of creator in quran. it's all, "thy shall not steal." god is a giver. he is kind. he's this. he's generous.
and many times they tell me, don't tell that, "god is a man.he's a beautiful man." but we allow it to appear as a womantoo because it's much nicer to blame somebody elsefor the mistakes. to be able to polish your soul, you have to understand the true meaning of your own existence. the strange thing is, when you lie oneword, you go back a thousand steps. you go back, it's not worth even considering it. hurting your soul, sets you back thousands of years.
so, now start polishing.now start understanding. i explained this to somebodyvery, very recently. what is one of the twelve commandments? "thy shalt not be adulterous." adulterous is not messing with the other,physical interaction of intercourse. it's very much what happens,if you're committed to another soul, when you give, you don't give what belongs to that soul, to somewhere else. now you have to go and gain from it,so you lose twice. when you lie, when you cheat, you takeaway from what it belongs to somebody
so you're already have gone back.and the people will understand, this is the beauty. i explained many times. even in our organization. i try to make so much comfortable, so much transparent that, in the workplace, in the way you do things, that people don't need to lie, becauseit's your job to make sure. in keshe foundation i'm very transparent, i tell everybody everything, but they've been so much lied to thatwhen they hear the truth they can't accept it. so, they have to make their own lies. so, they go lower, and then they find that they can'tachieve what they wanted to achieve,
because they alreadylied to themselves. the biggest thief of a manis the man himself, taking from his soul. and one day, man will understand. when you lie, it's a stealing.when you cheat, it's a stealing. so, when you stole, i always say to mychildren, i always say to the people; "would you like pay three times more for the same thing"? it's the same with the state of soul. i was in the airport few years ago, in frankfurt, and this has happenedto me many times.
i gave money to the girl at the counter. she was so excited, that she was talking to a persian guy because she was persian. she never noticed i gave her a 20 euro. she said: "you gave me a 50 euro". she gave me 30 euro plus my change. i said: "madame, that's not mine" she said: "no, no you gave me 50!". i said, "you were too excitedspeaking to a persian guy." very handsome like me when i was younger. "so you got confused, but i gave you 20. she said, "no, no, no". i said, "do you know something.i've got two hours flight,"
"i'm sitting there...i sit rightin that chair, you count your till," "if it's correct i take my 30, if its notcorrect at least i go with a clear mind". she counted, she came back: "you were right, thank you very much. would have been one day workthey would've taken from me, because that's how muchi earn in the day". doesn't make any difference, but i go with the freedom of thought because somebody says:"oh i got 30 euro, it's gone, it's done". but now i have to go and earn 90 euro, to pay for the work she's done and her soul. so, i lost three times more, why should i?
once i've given the money back,once i have to work for it twice, third time, i lose the time, i was supposed to earn something else to pay for the penalty i carry.why should i? i don't work that way. this has created a lot of problemin the keshe foundation. i tell people,this is where we are. this is what we take. it has to be, and where we sit. it's no good if the man doesn't understand that process. i have a problem, i talk.i have a problem, i explain.
because, when i see a problem, when iexplain it, it's not my problem anymore. so, my soul can carry on withthe other works. many people, many people, choose the path of finding an excuse to cheat. finding an excuse to betray. find an excuse to steal. but at the end of the daythey don't understand, betray their own souls, their own life and the rest of it. a fool pays three times more for the sameproduct that he can get it with one payment. and, once you understand that, you'll find your soul elevates very fast.
i had the most beautiful time, in pastfive days in persian gulf, with dr parviz. it was just two of us and it brought me time. i it's the first time i had time, formonths and years, to be alone and dr parviz is very much on the strength of the soul, very much i understand and it's beautiful to be with him. when i came back, the next day, i felt the condition which i used to feelwhen i accepted this mission. freedom, detachment from the attachment of physicality. and you can fly...you fly.
i could see the soul of the universe,i could go back home and you see you don't need attachments. i spend more and more time with theearth council and the universal council, because in so many ways, what i give to them is what i get back from what they don't know they receive, that it allowsme to promote the soul of the councils. it's very strange...if you post your own soul, your physicality you decide at the point in the manifestation if it's posted for you...that's all the soul is there. it has to stay in a conjunction,in contact, with where it came from,
because it does not have any otherphysicality except where it came from. you will find it's in the writings of bahã¡'u'llã¡h, bless his name, it says, "no physical body has to be buried more than one hour from point of separation of the soul from physicality", what you call "death". when it was written 140 years ago, nobody could understand. all year with their rule, you find the bahaigraveyards very close to the center where people can bury themwithin one hour. but that was under the rule. the rule is, if you understand. now that you understandthe space technology, the way we do,
and it was a knowledge open to prophets of the past, somebody dies in planet zeus... earth become a graveyard for the manwho used to be from here. everybody wants to come back. would you like to open the graveyardof souls or bodies? the understanding has to be understood, in the true meaning of what the prophets of the creation call. now, if you understand even that, and you understand there is no time zone in theworld of creation,
then you can imagine how far you can go in the universe in one hour. man hasn't even understood the first writing of bahã¡'u'llã¡h, bless his name. any other question? (jg) mr keshe? (mk) yes. (jg) good day to you,it's jalal from iraq. (jg) i have this question for ..(mk) good day to you, i was near your country this last week. i saw your land, it's beautiful. (jg) i hope it's still beautiful, my dear.
(mk) it's dependent onthe perception of the man (jg) yeah, we all wish that everything will come good with your technology, sir. mr keshe, this question i have it for about 5, 6 months, and every time i want toask you about it and something happens. my question is:everything i wish... (mk) it means you were not ready yet (jg) yeah, maybe ..(mk) it meant you were not ready to understand it. maybe now i don'tunderstand it, then we have a problem. (jg) no, i think you understand it very fully.
everything i wish or i plan,it will not come true. and everything i make it randomly,just in one second of thinking, it will come 100 percent accurate. if i play lotto with random numbers, it will, i'm sure, it will come 99.9 percent accurate. but, if i plan anything, even i planning to ask you something, something happens. (mk) don't go to a casino then. (jg) no, no, i tried it. i didn't succeed...(mk) yeah ... (mk) carry on
(jg) so what's happening here?anything i wish, anything i plan, i will not succeed with it. (mk) isn't your wish tentedwith the wanting, and needing thatsomebody else possesses? where what you don't plan comes from the balance of the field forces of the universe, because it'sbeen already predetermined? (jg) maybe i thought about that also...(mk) yeah... we... we have avery nice say in farsi. we say: "not necessarily what you wantis good for you".
(jg) but it's for people wishing all the time.. (mk) maybe, maybe it's your wishphysically but in your soul says, "if they have it i have less, i better keep it the other way". you know something,i always say, "what people say, is not whatnecessarily they think." it's the same with the emotion and the soul. and you have to understand when you becomecloser and closer to full transparency, you leave your work, the work of your soul,to the hand of the universe. this is what is called "a full trust".
what you don't wish comes true.it means the position has been achieved for your bodyto find its balance. what you wish, you're putting the magnet in a position you want it and the other magnets have to moveto fulfill your wish. and they don't want to move.that's all it means. because the wish of a man,is the totality of the structure of the soul of the humanity.one day man will learn. this iswhat i said. people who used to bethe knowledge seekers,
the original knowledge seekers, armen is one of them. i put a ball, a very nice ball,in the center of the table, filled with ganses,to the top. and this ball was hanging. and i set theteaching room in a very square shape. that there was no "i never take a seat where i sit that they have to look into." and the ball was here in the center.we still have this ball. i told them, "when all your souls wantsthe same thing equal, and you are transparent and true to yourself, the ball will shine". it'll become the totality of the universe.
it hung there till john planned mymurder. and the ball start going black. when i saw the black, i said, "my murderer is here." it was so simple. if the truth has supposed to be the8 people having the balance equal, when it goes black it means somebody is taking too much. and when you take too much,you take a life of a man. i knew with that ball, there is a murderer on the table. but, it became two, because they startworking as an association. and stayed that way. that ball is still there.
it carries the wrong intention of john,because he came to murder. in a very short time, the keshe foundation supporters will see how the balance will come. in a universal council meeting,i said last week, two weeks ago, "my wish is the end of kingship". and actually see them to that. because, when you have somebody has to be the top and a king, he'll do anythingto stay in his position. when the manis equal,
because they are all equal in the soul,then physicality will give. so, in a short time it'll come, very short time, before you can imagine it, there shall be no kings on this planet,because the man will be equal. but once it starts, i call it, 'the autumn of kings'. where we had the spring uprising,we will have the 'autumn of the kingship'. because,it is time for it! to progress to the equality of the man in soul and physicality, we need to understand, nobody is higher than the other. we are only by serving.
and then the more you serve, goes back what i said, "the more you give, the more you have,the more transparent you become". and then, the strange thing is,as i said, "when you give,you don't need to lie." it's the job of the person or entitywhich receives it, if he likes to accept it. if he accepts it, he has to change his position. and this is the reality. many time, many human beings are tested. the biggest test for man because, lieing was part of the structure of the life. you got to understand something inthe culture of the faith and religions.
those religions who force man to bend 17 times, or 5 times or one time, or those who don't bend to anything,just they do what they like, you see the progress of the cell. the soul totallyprogresses different way. when you continuouslyremind the physicality, "you are nothing. you are subordinate.you bend in front of me." why should a man bendin front of the creator? where he is the creator of himself. and that process brings with it,a lot of false obligation.
and stealing fromthe soul of the man. this is what no one ever understands. the ... the creator ofthe man's problem is the belief of the man, in him being correct to himself, but not the others. so, what you wish, is tented with physicality what happens with the soul is the balance,of what is really already accepted. so there is no need for you tomove in physical dimension. a soul of the animal is much, much, better than the soul of the man.
because, in so many way,there is no animosity. you have to go i am teaching. our mascot is here.and he has to be with 'baba' yes, i know, you talk.he talks. he's the only talk, he tells me,"i want to be there." okay, come do you wanna come?it's very interesting. we.. there is, he said,"he's bored." can you pick him up, please?he talks. he literally talks this dog,tells you everything he wants.
he's a human, he thinks he's a human. he sleeps like a human,he does everything human race does. something strange was happening yesterdayin the medical teaching. i think we lost it orrick crammond is back (rc) sorry mr keshe i wanted toget your video on there so we could see the action with the animal and so on. (mk) oh no! he's not an animal,he's a boss. he decides everything. he decides which hotel i can go tobecause they don't let me in he's more importantthan me.
he decides, where we eatbecause in the restaurants they say they,"don't want dogs". so, we go, wherehe can be allowed, so he's the boss. (rc) well it's true. most dogs, most animals, we tend to take really good care of themand we do everything for them. we feed them, we house them,we do everything. it's like they run us, more than we run them. (mk) yeah butdo you know something? they got very complicated,and sophisticated these animals.
they even havea human passport! without the passport,you can't move them. they're getting upgraded.this is very interesting what is interestingas we were talking yesterday about the animals and the...we were discussing it with the, or sitting with the medical teaching. caroline said something very nice,and it made a lot of sense. you know we have testedall these cancer trials, now with the live animal, with the mice.
so, there was a discussionthat to use this material, the new cancer research developmenton animals, it needs fda approval. but we actually use the animal to provethey have already passed the test. what are we gonna do to getfda approval for it? so, they have already been approvedbefore the human race. and, it's very strange how we treat them,and then we ignore them when it suits us. many times, many timesi always say, in the animal researchbecause i came to understand animal research in a very, veryearly stage of of my education
i have a verynice friend. he's a lecturer, he's a professor in oneof the leading universities in america he's apharmaceutical guy. we used to share a house togetherin centre of london so any time you wanted a food, you go and eat with your house mates. so i had to go to imperial college,go into the lab, where he used to, literally i could see mice’s withthe bits on their heads hanging around. they had to do tests, what we do now with our animals in there. and many times,i saw him with stress.
and then next thing i knew he comes home 12-1 o’clock in the morning he says: "everything went wrongthe experiment is wasted a week" i said,to him many times, "did you put the right intention into it?or you wanted to do it because it would have justified your results"? he said: "you don’t understand this mehran, you don’t understand, we put it in the centrifuge it hasto come out, it’s chemical". i said:"you took the life of animal. you had to have respect for it,he'll give you what you want"
and he understood one day andhe came home and says, "mehran it works the way you say, huh" i understood this structureof interaction of the soul. >from early age, very young, i could seeyou can transpar an emotion, withoutthe other people knowing. i said many time, "you can make peoplefall in love with you, like nothing". and the falling in love with you,is not the physical, but through the soul. and that soul bond it means,doesn’t matter in what dimension you become physically, is irrelevantbecause the strength of the connection
what you call "love"is at the higher order. when the people of the universebrought the knowledge to man they call it a 'soulmate'.what does a soulmate means? it means irrespect ofemotion and physicality. at the soul level it's total transparency. and people don’t understandthey says: "we are soulmates". this came from man of space becauseman at that time could not understand, the totality of the strength of the soul. it means, i’m independent of thephysicality and emotion.
it means, i have bonded at the level muchhigher order than the existence of the man in thephysical condition. it means, then you understand man in hisdimension of the souls, have many mates. it's him who decides whoshall be or shall not be. it’s not that you have one soulmates. in many times, in the process of thedevelopment of the soul to become the messenger of the universe for the mankind, we meet many souls in our travels whichthey are the old souls we made commitment to us, friendship commitment,in our passage through the universe.
we meet them in physicalityin different dimensions and it’s not the man who understandswhat it means. they take it as you're lovers but in factyou are people who share the balance of the position at the higher order. and by receiving the new soulin your proximity, you receive more energy that you can give more. so next time, when you speak aboutthe soulmate, understand what it means. soulmate does not mean physical attachment to sexuality. but soulmatemeans,
we have gathered and understood eachother’s strength at the level beyond the physicality of the manwithout physical interaction. does not mean anythingmore than that. the one who is illiterate reads itthat way because it suits it. but in reality, that's what it is. the knowledge was brought to the man but the man never understood the power of the soul, is beyond theposition of physicality. and, in the world of physicality, we havemany mates or friends and whatever, we go drinking, we go playing footballwith but we never marry to.
it’s the same in the level of the soul. we have in theâ¨world of universal community, many souls fromdifferent part of the universe, and as the man progresses in that direction,he’ll understand more and more. because, creating a soulmatein space has a lot of advantages. it brings you coffee like this, but thelady has walked in with a coffee cups. but, what it means, when you become the messengers of the universe, when you have a soulmate whichis has the same strength of understandingat a given position,
it’s like you go from, let’s sayaustria to washington. you know somebody there, you walk in,they pick you up from the airport, they take you home, you don’t need to,you don’t need to travel and find a taxi you don’t need to worrywhich hotel i’m gonna stay in. this is the destinationby the strength of the soul. man one day will understand the truesoulmates are the guidelinesof the man travel in deep space. it's like a very much, it's like a little house with the little lights in it, that you know who lives there and this is another post
on the way,to where you go. we make many, many, soulmates in thetravel of the space of the man, because without them, the deep space is avery dark place, and can be lost very easy. now you understand,... why we call what i wish, it didn’t happen. but what i did not wish,it happened and i knew it. so it means, you have started understanding the difference between the position ofthe soul and the physicality. next time when you make a physical wish
to win the lottery and youbuy it and it doesn’t win. do a different way, say: "i put this moneythat somebody will come out of the pain. i do not need it but i hope will survivewill serve somebody else’s". according to the statistics, 95% of thepeople who win the lottery, they become worse off after five years, because they're spending so much, they never know it finishes,and then they become worse, because they had a taste.psychologically they become deprived. this research is done by group of camelotin england about ten years ago. they followed a number of people whobecame millionaires with lottery
and they saw how over years they became worse off. now, they tell you you’ve won 100 millionbut they tell you, you can’t spend it. we tell you how to spend it. we structureit for you, that you stay millionaire for a long time. we let you spend the first tenmillion because you wanted to have two rolls royce and you have to have a house and everything else but the rest we look after. it's beneficial both for the man whowon it and for the organisation. now they take 5% commission on what they manage, so it pays off very well. they get their 1 million backat the end of the day.
you got to understand, the interactionbetween the soul of the man and the physicality of the man. and in so many ways, how you interactwith your soul, as i said, "the size, the length and the separation of the boundary of the physicality to the dimension of the soul and emotion of the man." then you understand how can you reduceyour size and change your shape according tothe wishes of the soul." you’ve seen these very smart rich people,they fall in love with a girl who has nothing and they even start living likethem and they become what are called
"tramps" just to fit in because they love. it’s the same process, you have to fitin the structure of the soul of the man. then you decide, how you manifest yourself ... how you will look. and some people who reach the point of, it doesn’t matter any more physicality, they understand it's irrelevant, they give up but by the time they give up, they realize what they gave upon, they cannot have the past. and then, we see them as tramps.there are many, many, many, many scientist professors, especially of thehighest education, we see as tramps. we know what a tramp is, they are on the streets collecting food.
when you speak to them, they are seated professors, they used to be and they found out the realityis not worth anything. i know two, three of them on the streetsof manchester, when i used to go. i couldn't believe a professor collecting rubbish to eat. he said to me, "there is nothing more thanthis why should i hurry to work so hard?" we were with dr klaus ...couple of weeks ago, in rome. after the conference we decidedto take the children for a walk. we went to rome. we landed near the vatican and as we were going to the vatican,the most richest house in the world,
you walk you’ll see, people live incardboard boxes on the fringes and inside the vatican city. and theyare very proud they are collecting billions, and putting people on the streetin the cold to sleep in boxes. where is the soul of the man? what i call is for the man to understand,is trapped within the physical structure of the physicality. where in fact, does not mean you have to give everything to the poor because then they don’t ...but you have to understand not having the physical wealth makes youthink, and that thinking makes you wise.
not in a financial term, but becoming closer to your soul, to understand thephysicality and the life, the way we live, is not worth living for. many time i've said,"i’m ashamed to be in the body of the man" because it means youhave to absorb so many lies with your face in front of it,as you haven't heard... [phone rings] god calling... next time sir.i was told the master is coming so he's trying to get in. we train him to stop. next question.(jm) mr keshe?
(mk) yes.(jm) do you hear me okay? (mk) who's speaking?(jm) this is jocelyn from quebec. jocelyn (mk) yes(jm) remember me? (mk) how many times?... [jm laughs]depends what's the surprise this time? (jm) [laughs] okay. so my question ...tonight is about... in the previous workshopyou talk about psychosomatic and you was somehow pointingthat it was from ... the emotional side but the root of the word is from"soma" which means "illness" and "psycho" which means "soul"and would you explain to us ... what is..
how you see the difference between the soul and the emotion? (mk) many times we explained. emotion is ...(jm) sorry (mk) many times i have explained: emotion is the filterfor the strength of the soul. how would you liketo have it? do you want to put a filterto look blue? it'll look blue. you put a filter to be black.it'll be black. it's what you absorb,in what spectrum,
which changes the positionof the physicality through the emotion if the man learns, for a very simple system of transformation of the energy, as we discussed before, to matter;you can make your emotion through your own understanding,that any position you decide, be it the palm of your hand, or a point onthe table, to produce what you wish. because it's you who's the filter, not necessarily standing in front where the eye sits... man, if he learns in time, how to usethe structure of his brain in production of materials, man will soon learn, depending,
looking on the left or the right, or be it behind you, you can produce different materials, according to the strength of the filtering which created. so your emotion is a filter in what tomanifest in physicality, using the strength, of the, what i call:'the soul of the man' that's as simple as that...it's you who's gotta find out where the light comes and one filter you want on it. it's a very, very interesting point.i'm going to share something here you will understand.
man has never understood this.if you want to take a screen shot of this man will understand this, one day, too. look at... i'm going to clean this out... and show you somethingyou never understood. now i explain more.this is the brain of the man. sorry it's lump-sided, it's got some disease i don't know which... if this is a soul? this is a positionof the soul of the man. look at ... the field it has to cross to reach the position of the upper arm. look at... the space it has to travelto get the position of the fingers,
considering these are your ears. look at... how far it needs to goto reach to the emotional part. you see why emotion is stronger? because, it is ina lesser distance from the other parts, in respect to the strength it receives. when a man understands that allhis emotional part are so close and sitting direct, the rest will come. when you look at the structure of the brain it has something like this in it. that filtering, is the separation of the man physical part,
with the soul of the man. it's a protection. if you look at it,literally, like a half ufo. get a scan, have a look. so, what you understand,is the shape of the physicality because your arms andlegs are somewhere here, has exchanged the radiation of the fields to the further distance to the control of the positionwithin the structure of the brain. so, what your filter does is very simple:i decide how much i'm going to give and in respect to: if i allow more to beabsorbed here, i touch the emotion
if i allow to absorb less here, to go further, to become arm link connection. but don't forget, the brain is not the physical connection. the brain is the emotional lineto the point. this is what a lot of people don't understand. in one of the teachings, in the medical part, i explained this and nobody understood. and explain it again, maybe you understand. the position of you, what you call it, let's say here, which is your finger and this is your finger. in so many ways, if you look, we always said:
you have blood and you have lymph. and what you'll realize very simply, is because you have of the same strength in your neuro-system in the emotion of the blood, the information, mainly is not sent through the neuro-system. they, through emotion goes through thefield strength by acceptance of the position. neuro systems are very bottom field strength, because they haveto go through materials. most of our information, our emotion,is carried directly from the position, from the soul,into the body of the man.
and when this breaks down, you call it 'stroke'. where the physicality has to carry the information and it cannot do, so the valve here comes into operation, andyou do it. and then you get the stroke. you get epileptic attacks. so, it's you who got to decide, what filters you want to produce here. you want to create a filter at the strength of the cry, happiness, or you create one emotion, that i'mhappy, it doesn't matter what it is. and then you find out, you behave different. (jm) okay. now...(mk) second question costs money
from now on(jm) [laughs] how much? ... (mk) the soul of the man. the soul of the man to be enlightened. (jm) this is a question about the ocean.(mk) yes (jm) i just wonder...(mk) just wait one second i have caroline asking a question.(jm) oh yes. okay. good [caroline speaking but sound inaudible] (mk) yes ah yes, just let me do one thing.i have to give a message. yeah! what did you say?(jm) is it to caroline or...
(mk) no i am listening to caroline.(jm) okay, good. (mk) i just have to respond to one of thecore members, armen just came in. i tell you, joke for the peoplewho come late, sorry armenjan...carry on. [caroline asking inaudible question].... yes [caroline asking inaudible question] (mk) yes, but when it doesn't do,it has to go through physicality. (rc) we can't hear the question at all mr. keshe... (mk) yeah, yeah, the thing is we don't have a microphone here.
you can't ask any question in this room. she wants to understand how it comesthat you get a stroke, from the emotionto the other part. yeah? later on because i don't understand. [inaudible dialogue with caroline] this is a priveledge of having your wife here. she's "pulling her muscles" as we say. what... you see if you look at a heart attack...
if you look at a heart attack, is.... if you look at a heart attack the physical, emotional part, the emotion becomes from the physicality, that's where the blood comes everything.it comes the emotion of the physicality. when it cannot handle the emotion,it goes, in conjunction with what it is atthe strength, with the soul strength. and then, it carries itself out,and in that, it's like a volcano. you create as much damage. it over pass and super passes,all the filters.
that's whyyou get a stroke. because the energy is so much that thephysical connection does not take this. this is important for those of youwho understand this. there are no blood vesselsin the brain of the man. so, it carries no emotionalpart of the physicality. if you cut a brain, you don't see anyblood vessels running inside it. it's white,is co2 plus zinc. but, you have, the bloodwhich goes around the brain. you have the blood vessels.
or they go within theinternal structure. the body of the manhas separated its real truth. the strength of the soul, from thephysicality of dimension of the body. [inaudible audience question] no. so, if man understands this,will understand how to handle his emotion. and then you understand, how to carrythe physicality, in respect to the soul. this is by enlightenment,detachment from physicality it doesn't happen,you can't buy it, you can't try,
"i'm trying to reach my soul,i'm trying"... by reaching the soul, you have to bemore detached from physicality. i don't sleep at night, wake up.what's gonna be tomorrow? because, i know whateveris gonna be tomorrow, seven billion inhabitants of thisplanet have already decided for me. so, i take the position where itcomforts everyone, not where i want to be. why should i? because i'm here toserve 7 billion, plus the animals. they have to decide how strong they arehow much they matured, the more they mature,the more i can teach.
a lot of people thinkthat they have matured, but in reality, through the physicalinteraction of their body, they have, they've gone furtherthan they were closer. we see many of the peoplewho come around the foundation. "i am serving, i am doing this,but things are not going right." because the intention and the workof the soul, is not done. yeah. the problem,it is not us. the problem isus not understanding ourselves.
we see, we hear too many lies. and if i can tell people, if ican teach people, if they understand, every time youlie and say "i never lie", "i told you everything". but as youcreated the position not to do, not to say. one has to use energy to understand,so you've already stolen the energy from. the guy who put hands in the pocket,at least knows what he's done. the one who stealsfrom the emotion and the soul, it'll take longerfor it to come, because you add too muchphysicality to get there.
i keep on saying, "it's the easiest wayto develop the soul of the man." "the full understandingand transparency", and this is how, evenwe run the foundation. we have a problem, i tell the team,this is what it is. we are doing something. those who areresponsible need to know i share. because, if i'm not there,it's their job, but, if i'm there,they know what is to come. as i said many time, people who usedto be around me they know, "i carry the management,international management,
with no drawersin my offices." you could never find anydrawers or baskets, or anything on my tablesanywhere in my office. because what i had, it was there,because the minutes i leave, they go and see what's in the cupboardi am not there for four weeks, why should i allow them to commita crime to become the thieves. so when it's not there,they don't commit a crime. what do they do?look at most of the people. nowwhat we see?
we know we have opened the biggestpedophile organizations in the world. they are connected to the biggesthigher links in the financial world . and they're all connected to thehigh scientific organizations. we took the plug out on one, the restare running trying to cover themselves. we didn'tdo anything. we served to free children from abuse,not to steal from their soul. and then it's the soul of those childrenwho are putting back to us what's going. people taking trips all over the world,trying to prove there is something. nobody attacks the keshe foundationfor the knowledge.
it's, "if we get keshe,then we can cover our own", what i call,'excrement'. their reality is there. i don't do. i don't go. but they go to do.they harm themselves, because the more they go, the more tracksthey leave taking souls with them. this is the beauty of it. if you understandyou don't get attached to it. what we see?what do they do? in the structure ofthe whole understanding, man has not understoodthe position of the soul.
those who understood 6,000 years ago, the time of moses,they've used it. because nowthey could create something, which now they could keepthe two separate. the physical part and the emotional part,the soul of the man. so, you havethe church. you have the, what i call,we return the stones of colosseum back to colosseum, becauseat least physicality could see where you get hurt,how you gonna get eaten by a lion.
the stones have been takento a new place called vatican, they steal from your soulyou never know what they've taken. this is when man has tounderstand the difference. they do itin different ways. and in so many ways, we seethe interaction. we see... but till these people don't come. wedon't understand where we made a mistake. it's beautiful to have people whogo out to find your weaknesses. because you don't have time to do it.they do it for you. then you can understand howto repair the weakness.
and this is part of growing up. this is part of understandinghow to give without actually condition ofgoing to take that you can give. you know the name of robin hood. he took from the poor,uh the rich and gave to the poor? have you ever stood still to think of it? rob, stealing in hood. it means steal in the darknessthat people aren't aware of. not the name of the man.
it's in therebut we are not used to, "oh he's a robin hood" to rob in englishis someone who steals, thief. huh? under a hood, that youdon't see it's steals in the dark. and this is a pattern ofthe british system. we see it now in syria, we see itin other countries. okay, the other question please. (gm) good morning, mr keshe.this is gatua. (mk) oh! good morning dr gatua
(gm) i want to thank youvery much for the gifts you have given to humanity.all the gift.... (mk) you haven't seen it yet. we just gaveyou the crumb, wait till the big box comes. (gm) yes but you have sharedyour knowledge freely, all the time without any limitation.and i'm very grateful for that. this is what i have always been looking for.(mk) you are welcome. (gm) which was difficultto get in one place. so, we have all the knowledge we needin one place. and that, place is you.so i'm very grateful indeed.
now i have question for you. if i heard you correctly,and i believe i did, you said that, man elevates his soulat the point of death. so it seems to me,it would make sense, to create that conditionwithout going overboard that is to say. whatever create, condition is createdat the point of death when man dies. and that is when he elevates his soul. can we actually create thecondition without dieing?
because..(mk) exactly, exactly. you want to post it yourself,or do you like to be posted? that's the difference. when you post it yourself,you decide where it goes when they post you,you have to stay, at the discretion of the soul of the others,and then it comes a point of judgment. there is something which a lot of peoplehave not comprehended. i'm not going to just say,"you don't understand it." that's caroline says,"a lot of people don't like that one."
but in reality, people never havecomprehended it. is that, when you come to the point ofseparation from the physicality, now, you are in a pool of magnets, when you are in physicalityyou decide where you walk. you get this poor chapwhich is your soul, on your head. and, you take himanywhere you like to go. he's there he can't go anywhere,you trapped him. when you die,this chap goes where he likes. and where he likes is according towhat you have gathered in strength
in respect to the other souls,that it finds it's position. this is the problemwith physicality! with the world of physicality,we drag the soul into any mud we like. and then we play in the mudand the place we've been to. when you've finished with the draggingof this soul across different places, then, something strange happensis now it's the soul, it's totally fields,we've see in it with the magnets i show. when you putthe magnets here and here, according to the strength we havewe call it magrav positioning.
so, in how muchthe soul has absorbed and given and what strengthhas gathered in its center, dictates the position of the soul,in respect to the others. now, it's detached from physicality,you can't take ...what do you call it, the soul to macroor take him to another shopping. say, "i'll take him to harrods,because all the soul rich goes." you'll find out the richer places you go,the less soul is in it, because they have stolen moreto be in that position. so, when you are, you've come to the'point of detachment', that's what i call.
is, that doesn't matter wherethe physicality lies because it's the soul whichguides the physicality. and mannever understands it. if man understandsthe two legs and two arms, are actuallythe worst thing man ever had. because, it carrying somebodywho doesn't want to go to a place, then he has to balance himself. he balances with the soul, and then he say, "i went there,and that accident happened."
because, you did something in aphysical condition, the soul was there. so, the soul triesto bring it into balance that what you've done wrong nowyou've taken from something else. then, consequence of sudden move,is not knowing what you gonna hit. many times, many timei explain that in the teaching. and many times somethinghappens to me, i say, "i wonder what did i do in physicality,that my soul is trying to correct." you see many people,who are busy with their physical life, and they do anythingto get anywhere,
at some point in life, the go,they pay everything back. and that's,that's the pattern. and if you understand i leave it to my soul,but i would like to be, ... wealthy enough in physicality,that i can give more. this happened to one guy, the man literally, going backabout 80, 90 years ago, a truck driver, in south of iran. he's not a merchant,he just have a old bangered truck, taking thingsfrom one place to another.
he comes to a new path of belief,and he goes to see the founder of the faith. and he ask him, "what do you want?"he says, "i want to be the richest man, that i can givewhatever i make, but in your path." he says,"your wish is sincere it's granted." in less than 10 years he became the richest man in the country, literallythe richest man. and he made one thing,he never broke his bond with his, what i call 'creator'. the more he gave,the more richer he became.
and he became a banker for the government.but he never broke his bond. this is how we do,this is how it's done. the wealth doesn't come, bythe physicality the wealth comes by position, of sincerity, what you giveto what you take. your soul, is unfortunate to bein the prison of the physicality of the man. to free the soul that dictates a free positionof physicality, takes a lot of trust. because, even though it's withinthe structure of the brain of the man. allows the other souls to dictate it whereto be that it can serve best the others. this is how i live.
you cannot... many times i said to caroline, "you cannot give, if the recipientis not ready to get. to receive." and then it become a torture for both,one gives so much, the other one does not andis not prepared to take, because he cannot see the strengthof what is given, and then it becomes a burden to both. one is not receiving what he needs,the one is giving so much that the other onedoesn't receive. it happens in many marriages,in many marriages of business.
personal relationship,relationship with the god. expectation from the creator,is the state of level a man. not understanding himselfthat he's a creator. more men steal from their own souls thanactually steal from the pocket of the others. then they position themselves. (rc) there's a questionin the livestream... i'm not quite sure how to put it but i'll justread it from lvan, it says, he talks about his heart, that he'd liketo get more plasma in his heart, that it needs itdesperately.
"my heart is like a run down battery,and needs plasma into it." "to help you all, and makeus all strong, and together", and to "please ask if thereis something that can be done?" (mk) yeah, are we going to start buildingsoul stations, people can come and tank? (rc) tank up to tank up their plasma tank.(mk) yeah, i think you are good at that rick. rick, you are very good, you are positionednear the lake, somewhere in the mountains. there's less problem and pollution. open the soul and, what do you call it, 'fuel station'. (rc) okay that's an idea.
(mk) it doesn't need any oilto get poisoned with, huh? (rc) isn't... the co2 gans watermight be a good ... plasma rejuvenater?(mk) that depends. are you giving,or are you taking? (rc) hmm? (mk) hmm? any other question, or westop teaching today? it's 11 o'clock. i think what we taught today,if man understands is the change of the course for humanity,but it's for him to understand.
(rc) i heard a voice there. (mk) this sounds like paul. (ym) yeah!this is paul from togo. good morning mr keshe,and good morning everyone. (mk) good morning paul. we are neighborsand we never see each other. (ym) yeah! we ...see each other. (ym) so, i have two questions.(mk) togo is next to accra. so, it's 4 hours he could be there,he can't make the 4 hours. okay carry on.
(ym) okay! i have some question. onequestion, which will need three answer. we knew, do from the teaching,that every cell have his soul. and, we know that the emotionis the pattern of physicality. it's meaning that,if i understand very well that, every cell have his emotion and, in one of the teachings,you was saying that, hydrogen field is the soul. and from the conference of rome,we knew that emotion is 80% zinc oxide and 20% of co2.
now, if we take atmosphere condition,i want to be clarified if, the atmosphere condition,the field of atmosphere is cohn? if yes, so the.. (mk) first of all, no,because it's not just oxygen and carbon, there are many other thingsin that atmosphere you breath (ym) ok, thank you..(mk) let me explain to you something, ok paul, paul you brought something up,let me explain to you something interesting. you always have to lookto the totality. this is earth
and ... these are the waters. it makes a full circle. here is the desert. and here you have the mountains. i'm not a very good drawer. according to thegravitational magnetic field of the center of the earth which creates the gravitationaland magnetical field of the planet,
and according to the matter-statewithin this structure ... you see if you look at it. the center core, the caroline coreis your soul. according to the filterwhich is the layer of different materials inside the planet,only on the solid part. because the magma part insideis a standard filter. according to what material from the centersits to the point of where you live; in a desert or on the mountain
you do not only absorb the cohn, but you absorb and breathe the materials which this environment pulls to itself. so, if you thoughtthat you are only there, and you only take mr cohnyou are very wrong. because, in the last teaching i explainedthat we see layers on the earth. and according to thegravitational-magnetic field-strength which is nearly enough the same,we see different layers. as the fuel changes in the centerthe strength changes,
and we see different layers of materialaccording to that. so, when you breatheyou're continuously taking what this position has dictatedfor you to take from. it's not just mr cohn. it's everything which is in relation. that's why you can live in that environment. because, now you connectedto the strength of what is there. both, in the air andin the physicality of the land. so, that affectsyour emotion.
that affects the stateof the giving and taking of the soul. why do we say, 'oh, people from this part of the world are very generous'? because, they take so much from theenvironment that giving becomes natural, because that's part of the structure. why do we see different behavior? if man understands his behavior isrelated to structure of his physicality, and what is absorbed from the interactionof the fields of the universe, plus everything else. then you can make yourselfto become chinese in no time,
and you go to india, you become indian and the rest of it. because, you condition yourselfto emotional level of the understanding of the place of the birth,or position, in conjunction with what yourdna has been put into. man has got a lot to learn. sometime it's better to give upbecause they don't learn. any other questions? (ym) thank you mr keshe. ya, thank you.another question is; if we take on the baseof emotion is 80 %
80% zinc oxide and 20% of co2 now, eh... can emotion could exist without connection between physicality and soul? (mk) then you'vecreated a new animal. let me know what it is, we'll use it. (ym) please? (mk) i said, then you've created a new animal. you gotta let us know then we use it.it'll be fantastic.
the soul decides the physicality,and all, be the same. actually, this happens in part of the universe when the physicality's irrelevant. all the creation, all the created, more or less, convey the same kind of fields. it's greenish, silverish in the colorof the eye of a man. it dictates on the planet earth structure to be able to live with no stomachbut a tall structure. the fingers extend to the pointthat it needs absorbtion of the energy directly from the earththat it can keep the balance flow. in the universemost of the creatures look the same.
it's the sense of the soul where they come from which dictates their manifestation of the ... more or less, the way they think,and the way they conduct themselves. once the man has everything he needs man will not be like this anymore. he will change. you don't needhand to commit crime. you don't need the eyeto see the sins of the man. (jm) mr keshe?
(mk) yes? (jm ) when you talk about "in a space"in your lecture or lection do you exclude the other planets ? (mk) what? no! the other planets are what dictate whatyou are at the positon of manifestation (jm) so they are included? (mk) of course. (mk) you put 20 magnets on the table(jm) ah okay. (mk) and move one and seehow the others move.
(jm) yeah. so there is aliens on other planets, right? (mk) we are the aliens,they are the friendly. (jm ) ya we are.(mk) they all say they come from the same universe (jm ) yes. i heard there were a parallel universe.have you ever heard of this? (mk) i don't know.you find one, i'll run across the two but it's all the same.(jm) yes. on the same principle, ya. hmm? (mk) any other questions? shall we, yes?(rc) um. there was a fellow ram
who would like to... i thinkhe was here last week. he wanted to show his resultsdealing with dousing. i don't know if you want to get into,into that or not right now, but a ... (mk) no.can we delay to next week? (rc) okay. we'll put that off till next week. (mk) because dousing is very muchdependent on emotion of the man who carries it. ...(ra) as you like mr keshe anyway, i'm very happy to hear what you aresaying and i have quantitative and qualitative results
(mk) um hm.(ra) with my pendulum, if you agree maybe five minutes is enoughto give you the information (mk) have, what are.. are you showing your video recorded or live? (ra) live (mk) live? okay. there are no coke-a-cola's on the table,we are advertising, there is nothing? (ra) no, no...okay. so let's begin firsti want to... (mk) you have to share the screen. (ra) okay.
(mk) i don't. rick controls the sharing in the background. (ra) i am sharing the screen. (mk) yeah, but(rc) umm, let me a ... (mk) i'm done. i'm out.(rc) let me see, okay. 'k we have your video now. 'kdo you want to share your live video? or did you did you want to show your...something on your desktop? (mk) i think he wants to show us present, live. no video. (ra) yes i'm ready(rc) okay. just start your video then. (ra) [il faut marcher l'ã©cran]
(rc) don't ...(ra) i am trying to share the screen. (rc) ...do you want to share your desktopor do you want to share your live video? (ra) i want to show you my experiments,... no i don't have any video. (mk) you need to go on your zoomand select camera. (ra) okay. i'll give it a try.(rc) that's what you want to do is select,you want your camera live, correct? (mk) yep, i think that's what he's wanting.(rc) is that what you want, ram? (r) yes i, i'm (rc) okay! then get out of the screen share. you don't want screen share at all.you want, turn on the camera.
(ra) exactly(rc) so let me try the screen share here and that'll take you out,of your screen share at least. and then i'll stop my screen shareand you can start your video with the 'start video' button. there we go.(ra) okay, thank you. (ra) you can see me, very ...(rc) yeah, let me get that set up here. (ra) what i want first...(rc) okay, that's good. (mk) he's got a very nice hat.i've got one of those. [laughter] (ra) it is because i don't have enough hair so it's my ...
(mk) i glue mine on every morning and i count them. can you bring it down, or bring the camera lower a little bit, please? we see your ... a little bit more,yep, okay, thank you very much. that's good.(ra) okay (mk) where can we seeyour test please. (ra) my first test this with a magnet, you know i discovered, that withmy pendulum... (mk) you gotta put yourcamera further down, or bring the thing near tolevel of your nose. yeah.
(ra) this is a magnet and with my pendulum i determine, what is the north pole,and what is the south pole. now for instance,when my pendulum... (mk) can you go further up pleasewe can't see. (ra) my pendulum turns like this. clockwise. this means that my magnetis, now is south oriented. if i turned it ... and it make it north oriented just ... my pendulum
turns anticlockwise, this is a veryimportant result. and i decided... (mk) you decide not the magnet! (ra) no, it's with my hand effecting,the turns ... i decide, no i did not decide, it'sthe reaction of my hand over the field of the magnet. the field of the magnet, makes my handdo this and the pendulum is an amplifier of what happens and ...on my hand. so, i decided to do this, to try to see what happens,
with gans. first of all i takewater, pure water. and i make swing my pendulum forth, back and forth,nothing happens. doesn't turn neitherclockwise nor anticlockwise. if i take now co2 gans.this is co2 gans it immediately, turns clock... turnsclockwise, that means that the field comingfrom co2 gans, this fields is north, ah sorry,is south oriented.
if i take ch3. ch3 gans, and make the same experimentit turns completely the other side, anticlockwise that means, that the field comingfrom this is north oriented. these are quantitativeresults, now... qualitative sorry. concerning quantitative results, i use what wecall bovis chart, with bovis chart we canmeasure the vibration rate,
from any field and i did it i did it, i show you. my results here. you can see them. the vibration rates measurementin bovis units, are the following: you can see: ganses, water ganses and chon also. for chon i have only two, two results, but i wish that measurement is finishedit has got very long i hope this can be useful,
just, just another detail, another detailthese experiments, these measures, can be done on images forinstance, if i see an image of any ...of any gans. i can with my pendulum find...what is the vibration rate of this, i did it... i did it for ... the bottles the bottles coming fromaccra, i wanted to know what is the vibration rates of the bottles that youhave shown to us, coming from accrathese bottles of water.
and i found very i found... this is, you can have a look,you can see. look in the first line.the 6 bottles, the 6 bottles give me the samevibration rate and it is very high. 10 times more higher then theone that i obtained myself. with my gans. voila. thank you very much for, for your interest in this work. (mk) good ... thank you.
any other questions or shall wecall it a day, hand it over to caroline for half an hour? (va) mr keshe?(mk) yes? (va) yes hi, this is valorie, you met me in rome in the conference from january here. i have a small questionregarding the feeding system. i remember you talkingabout putting ch3 in core reactors, and then standingbetween them, and that way you can receive frequencies of meats or vegetables,depending on how fast it spins. can you please explain alittle more about this?
(mk) depends what you want, yousee the ch3 it works in the... go back and look at the teaching there,because we're talking about deuterium. we're not talking about the ch3, you're taking half of the story. (va) aha (mk) the full story as ...you take it deuterium, then you have h2 plus ch. in... in that teachingif you remember, we don't talk about ... we're talking about ch3,
in a gans state behaves as a ch and h2 or what we call deuterium, in a plasmatic field-strength. then, you have what we call star-formation of the fields which is a very strong giver,but as it takes equal it becomes balanced.it's totally different thing. so you decide how much. (va) okay! no i didn't mean in the meetingin rome i watched 138 knowledge seekers, and there you explained about a beater,if you put ch3 in the beater and you
put it in high... (mk) this is the science behind it. (va) aha okay.(mk) yeah? you have to understand centrifugein plasma plays a different game. (va) alright. (mk) centrifuge in a matter-stateyou have different property, you can create the centrifugecondition just by vacuum. which works totally opposite, when youtalk about the materials in the... earth is a centrifuge system.
and if you understand that,than you know how to create the real gravitational-magnetical field. and, nobody up to now hasever created for any of the, what call you it, the tests.because they never understand it. (va) okay, so if i would liketo feed myself plasmatically, what would be thebest way to do that ? (mk) ask your soul, it'llfeed your physicality. (va) i am trying to, i amtrying to i was trying to ... (mk) become transparent it'll come.
it's no use sitting there andtrying to look at the apple, because most probably apple has alreadygiven it's part which you need. (va) no, i am trying to make a core,double core reactor that can maybe give me energy somehow,from the ganses. (mk) yeah but try to understandwhere you stand and how you come. the sunradiates its fields earth at the strength it isleads to amino acid combination, but we see the same light with the otherstars but the material is different because the strengthis different.
same amino acid strength in ... on themoon, will not play the same as here. (va) okay. thank you so much.(mk) thank you very much. any other question? or i go mute and wegive it to caroline for a few minutes? ladies want to have a sayin the keshe foundation. and i said: as long aswithin the structure of the foundation we learn more.no problem. i am trying to gether attention, she is busy with something, she isgetting instructions what to say. okay, what we gonna do till you findout, what i want teach you something,
it is very interesting. when you speak we've got peter with us. have you managed to makeyour gold yet? no time ? what's happening? you're making too much of it, notime to sell or no time to make? when you make systems,especially the dynamic systems, don't get fooled bywhat you put in.
understand in whatyou create inside. as you become, more and more,experimental with the dynamic cores. is don't lookin what you put inside. look what you make availableto be in the centre. this is the game. a lot of people play for a long time,they can't catch anything with it, because they never understood. it's not a volume ofthe things you put in, is how much you createto give energy to the centre,
then the centredecides the physicality of it. that's why when you go with a highresolution speed, you see a gap. because now magnetic-gravitationallythey position themselves, in respect to the strength of the center. any other questions,if you understood what i said? if you haven't understood, i give you the game of how you can create plasmas that by interaction of the plasmas, dynamically you can create new materials. this is a guarantee for productionof whatever you like.
move the reactors back and forth,till you get what you want, or change the speed of the rotation,and you still get the same. move in a different position in respect to each other, you start making different elements, compared to the other side. you will see this a lot of time. you won't go back, but you produce new materials. always remember in the plasmathe full rules: there are two here which are coming out, and there are twohere which are going out, this way too. as much as you have the interaction of the absorption.
north pole is not thatis giving everything, but is taking so much too, that it brings the balance. and when there is a disbalance, it creates the rotation of the planet. you don't need to haveengines or whatever, you just need separation of the differential strength in the plasma, and in the physicality of the motion,whatever you need moves. this is how you create motion on the land,is how you create motion in the space. a long, long way to go,before man sees it. and i haven't seen anybody who's crossedthis threshold barrier of understanding.
you are ready? rick, can you check, she sent you something if you don't like it, don't show it. exactly. the abuseand a lot of pictures. we'll come back after caroline is finished.thank you very much. let me tell you one thing.those who insult the teaching of the women, there has to be all the time me and the others, they insult their own intelligence, so we have to be open. thank you.
[dog barking] (cdr) hello rick! (rc) hi! how are you caroline.hello. (cdr) hi, good morning. (rc) i'm just trying to get this picture, andit's hard to get off the facebook here. (cdr) take your time rick. (rc) okay, i've got it. here you want mejust to screen share it, then? (cdr) yeah, you can screen share...i'll keep on looking there. (rc) then we won't be able to see you though...
(cdr) i hope it is clear enough.this lady is already getting into the position as mr. keshe has been trying to explain to us. she send it to me and asked me just keep people out, because i have no permissionto go public with it. so i cut the lines off that's what mr keshe had to wait a little bit for. when she goes she says: i wasn'teven aware of i was achieving this. it was somebody else from the back who was taking the picture, and she says, "i was amazed because i didn't know!" i said, "i'm so happy you're sharing this with me."
because, that's the point what mr keshe says. "the transparency" and there are a lot of people, which... are giving, and sharing,and helping and supporting. but they don't believe in themselves enough, but it's already there. i just wanted to show you, that this point we are already reaching, in small numbers,but each one of you, gets a confirmation that he's in the right path of achieving it. so somewhere weare already getting there. but, what i would like to really put inthe light with the teaching of mr keshe,
i know he goes very fast, and i knowit’s a load which we are receiving, and not everything is always very clear. have no doubtabout your capabilities. everybody has a gift. start recognizing the gift, which is rightin front of you, and share it. what you see emergingso spontaneously, you can activate it in your children, that's why you are parents. i have whole day yesterday, i didn't leave the room, just for a small coffee, but i made sure i stayed within the internet work.
because, in africa there is a family which has a boy, which is suffering very badly,high fevers, really to a point the parents are panicking, they have no medical support sufficient, i know the conditions. so, i made sure i stayed online to guide them, at any level, whatever they had around them, and i called in for help from other people, with what and how, what can we do to get this child out of the fever. and she has managed, because i was advising her what i do with my children.
i said, "you cancome above your pain." tell the child just becausethey have no medication, they couldn’t support the child, they couldn't release the fever. they had a little amountof mix gans waters. and when she showed me the bottle by picture i said, "that's good, that's betterthan what i thought", "because when i thought youdidn't haven't anything with you." i said, "because the gans has beenin the... in the spray bottle," i said, "do not go below half,"
i said, " just keep on topping it up, and thenwait half an hour or ten minutes," "you take... just half and just keep on replenishing." i said, "but, make a wish to bless thewater, that it will help your boy." so i was just not giving her the medication, because there is none, but i was giving her the courage. not to panic, to givemore fear to the child, but to support the parents, with sucha little boy, who can't move, who's... i said, "just give him the confidence he can do it." "by you blessing your water, to give it to the child, to release the pain."
you work in the same way this lady,in this picture is doing. i brought it forward, it's last year, or two years now. in a teaching, i said,"you are already doing it everyday," "just become conscious, how you manifest,this level of energy to give." then when you hold on to it, and you teach it to your children, that they get the same level of understanding. when my children came and said, "mama this is strange", or "that is strange." i encourage them to explore it more, to see what they can create with it. but always to pass it on to their friends.
to go to school with the comfort, nothing is gonna go wrong. or when they see somebody who's suffering, to pass it on. these are the plasma fields which mr keshe is showing. this lady is achieving it and she said, "i didn't know!" somebody, after this gathering, passed her this picture, and she said, "because of this teaching" i did, she said, "i recognized, i saw!" so, it's the first time i'm showing this, but i had to cut it very nitty-gritty. it's not so much, you don't understand,
it's not so much, that it's too difficult. it's not! is to accept,that you are capable of doing it. and as the gentlemanearlier in the teaching said, "when i wish, it doesn't happen." "when i do it naturally,i get my wish." so, it's the effort of creatingas mr keshe said in barletta. one of the knowledge seekers was goingreally forcing himself going to create, to create, it doesn't work that way.
your giving has to be, with no attachment,you just do it. but be comfortable that you can do it.then it creates itself. so, mama's, i do a call upon you again. but, also on the fathers,because yesterday i wasn't only guiding the mother,i was also guiding the father. because, they were reallyboth worried sick. this morning,as i was here, i keep on checking my phone,because i keep an eye on them. and i got the good news,the fever has broken down.
the child has start eating a little bit,so i'm comfortable, that they are comfortablethat the boy will pull through. you have all the gifts, becauseyou already created your gifts, your childrenare your gifts. look at them as the sun, because they radiate. i learn more from my childrenin a different way, because they come andshow their world to you. they have their little secrets, but we areso busy that we don't listen to them anymore. they still are connected withwhat mr keshe is trying to tell us.
the innocence,they are not attached, they are still free in their moving, andthrough this freedom and non attachment, we can learna lot and absorb. but at the same time, when they gooff their path, as they're growing up, we should correct them in their path,that they are capable, there is no end,of learning. we never had a teacher like mr keshe,we have recieved so much, i sometimes i say by myself,"mehran, what do you expect, this is so beautiful, but they has to gointo depth, people can understand more.
we never had thisto share to learn". i told klaus, i think last week, i said,or it was caroline i don't remember. i remember an anecdote in belgium,we used to recieve students from israel. all these students are usuallyforced to go into military training, for so many years. when they get time out,they come to events, like the gentse feestenin ghent for 10 days. and they can earn money by sellingt-shirts, silver, but they have to stay with theirmerchandise, because they are just
or selling in tentsand on tables. so my sister, who made thisconnection to get them to come and go, she said,"you are all invited to the house, at least you can sleep a few nightsnot on the floor, and you can have a decent meal,and you can take a shower. and, somewhereout of nowhere, i could feel the uneasynesscoming about religion. and, them being military,i turned around, i said, "we not gonna have any discussions,"i said, "i do not judge you,"
"i know, you're in certain conditions,you do certain things." i said, "but,to talk about what religionhas to do with army and training, and being a soldieras yourself". i said, " i, please i don't wannago into any of this". i said, "because", i said,"if you respect the ten commands, which are emplaced byevery religion, just those". the ten, which mr keshe said this morning,if you respect and learn every single one, but in the trueessence of it,
i said, "we don't need to discussanything anymore". "it has nothing to do with religion, it hasnothing to do with you being a soldier". because if you respect,then we will have a lot more easy times. because, i asked jacky two weeks agoor one week ago, i said, "jacky can you go into more depthabout the ten", because i said, "if you connect them withthe teachings of mr keshe, people maybe,have to find the side path to come back tothe main thing of the knowledge, to understand what stealing means,and how they steal".
because a lot of people..topoli..sshh.. i'm sorry, we have new visitors.coming in.. topoli, sshh.. he just saidm "hallo",he want's his share of saying hallo to everybodyas they're coming in. he's a good boy. the point is, we as women,i've made a request to teach more. i'm not gonne go in totally science,but i'm trying to find a path, that we can embrace the science,with our emotions. with our being human beings,and create a combination that we can
understandin an easier path. to make the connections for peoplewhich are not so for in science, which say, "this goes above my head,i don't understand." i want to give you the confident thatand the comfort that, women start understandingwhat i asked in dubai, but this wasa message to the man. please invite your women, please bring theminto the teachings. when children are attractedto something like a magnet,
let them enjoy,bring them on board, bring them to our teachings,and our presentations. don't be afraid to share openly,because mothers have an instinct of, "yes i can apply this to my child today,or i can show them a different path." it's to make it easier at everybodythat this word, it's so, it's, you don't understand,or you don't comprehend, it's not, it's not there,it's for us women. men have a certain structure they work in,they're beautiful, because they are doing their structures,but they are disconnected with the balance of
what we call women to,we women to men we are like a nightmare, but we are not, we worship them,we kiss them, we make surethey are comfortable. the only thing i'm asking,men, you have tasted the knowlege, you're so happy, you're so beautifuldoing and experimenting, and bringing so muchknowledge back. i've noticed, and mr keshehas noticed as well, a lot of women are coming in,tip toing, but they're coming in. we are not gonna take over anything,we are just on equal bases to share.
but maybe, we can fill in the gaps,by our sense of feeling, knowing it canbe done different. or creeativity which men don't havetime for it anymore, because they are to busywith supporting the families. (cdr) but at least our women we can do thecooking, we can do the tasting we can do the mixing,and we can make a great soup. which is a plasma soupof knowledge. and the only thing i'm asking,is not taking over teachings, or i want to be part of it.
and that's what iwish for the women to be part of it too. because at the end, by the time we areachieving enough knowledge. if we don't bring our women and children in. then the next generation will miss a huge opportunity. because we cannot digesteverything in one go. we have to start sharingfrom the base. and i know mr keshe isalready busy for the three years. and i been observing and i been learningon my part. but i respond more faster into i how do ifeel, how can i do this?
and when you allow yourselfto be involved. you come up with solutions to yourself to support. as i was trying to show with this picture. you are already doing so many things you are not aware of. so women, children and please husbands, boyfriends, man, boys, bring them in as equal. there is no fight for level of you're higher or you're lower, or you know more oryou know less. no! as you have heard and mr keshe has repeated this quite a few times
our house is just one plasma house it'smagravs, ganses, plasma. star-formations knowledge seekers and everything to do with it, it doesn't stop. we live, we breathe itand we share it. as we are an example as a coupleto share the knowledge. and to be there for, ifwherever we can to support. i am just asking in this short time, now and here try to do the same bring your partners in say: "put everything down and come and have" "a look what i have achieved!"like this gentleman just showed. he can show the direction of the fields with normal water it doesn't show with co2
it shows, share and then transferit please to the children but explain to themwhy they need to know. and that's one of the paths we gonna haveto go to become one. when, because when i look in front of mei didn't do the count yet but i have one, two, three, four, five, six ladies in the house. before, it was only a few, so my call indubai has worked. and there is still man repeatinglike in rome they said: "i always remember you saying "women come in, come on board"" "man bring your women in!"
because wre're gonna have to startplanting the seed of knowledge in our children that we can makework teams. because mr keshe is not going to slow down he's going to go faster and faster and faster, and if we can go step by step maybe for alot of man it will make life easier as well, because there are stillgaps in the knowledge because, we don't understand everything but i think if we create the right mixture of plasma, in fields and emotions. i thinkwe will achieve a great soup of plasma. that will be distributed among mankind.
and i had very, very beautiful feelingyesterday, twice. because mr keshe always asked:"how did you feel after the teaching?" and i can pinpoint him exactlyhow everybody feel. feels how the sense is froma distance. i said: "it was such a good feeling!" i said: "they were all so happy!" i said: "or they felt very awkward youknow? they didn't understand fully." yesterday, twice, when we did the teaching in the medical i was present next to mr keshe. i saw their struggle, i could feel the struggle of the souls.
the doctors and then the vetswith the animals: "how are we gonna sort this out?" i said to mr keshe "for the animals theydon't need to worry anymore!" "because they already have delivered." "they already have donated their soulto the work." because the first proofsare there, it's there. i said: "we can ease the vets because itwas the veterinarians which were making" "having problems with solving." and then mr keshe came forward and he said"that the last", he offered it.
and you could feel everybody just went phew...(long exhale) we don't needto worry anymore, we don't need to worryabout the laws and the restrictions we canlet it to go free. klaus text to me he said :"i can't move from my seat." i had the same reaction from sandy yesterday when it was passed into the universal council she said, she says,"i stopped with a smile!" "in the universal council meeting yesterday" she sent me a text this morning she says,"i haven't stopped smiling!"
she said, "i haven't stopped smiling thisis such a big burden off our shoulders!" because the intent of every knowledgeseeker which came on board, to follow these teachings to receive thisknowledge, is to share and to give. even mr keshe said " my soul is lighter because i could give so much and let go." he was teasing me this morning,i only realized it too late. he said, "but what if we only give it tothis and to that" and i'm immediately, as usual,i jumped on my horse and i said, "mr keshe you cannot do this, you cannot restrict it!" klaus was feeling not easy either and then klaus realized,
"mr keshe your joking right?" he said, "of course i'm jokingwe give it for free." because... thank you mr keshe for this big gift to humanity! and for all your gifts you have brought. we really appreciate and it cannot be said enough, we cannot expressour love enough. for all your gifts to humanity. and we will carry on loving you
and the more we give youthe more we will receive. and the more mankind will go to a higher level of understanding. because, for sure i knowyou gonna help us to get there. and more women are gonna come up just to make the soup more tastier. with different flavors. and i thank you so much. and i have to thank every single one of you in the background. because, i see stanley,i see rick, i see flint, i know vince is in the background somewhere and so many others supporting knowledge seekers.
which were more or less therefrom the beginning. i'm sorry if we do not expressour gratitude enough. because, there is huge amount of workdone in the background by so many. my request is, for, all you listeners to say thank you toall those who are supporting day and night to make the foundation the way it is. and to keep it stableand moving forward. thank you all,for you hard work. i'm gonna hand over the microphone, back to mr keshe.
and then i will sit with the team in thebackground to see how we can bring more different ways of teaching. but to make sure it reaches as many as possible. thank you all. bye everyone (rc) thank you, caroline. thank you. (mk) ... sorry, we are back. if there are any more questions we cananswer, but something which .. two things caroline raised and it's... it's in so many way important to see,looking beyond, what it was said.
when she speaks about the mother giving your water to the child you remember what we talked, that if youwant gold, you can have it in the palm of your hand, through your intention. this is what the mother carries. in deep space there are no pharmaceuticalsit's the intention of the emotion. if one understands this, it will change a lot of things for mankind. you don't need chest drawers of medicinenow that you understand the work of the soul. and gradually, those who graduate in theelevation of the soul will understand this. you don't need to kill to eat, you don't need to do anything wrong and in the time of need youcreate what you need.
these things will come more and moreas we go along. people learn more and in a wayas i said, "we are here to enlighten.we are not here to teach." when you understand your owncapabilities you become the other magnets tothe illness of the child. you are stronger, you can takeand you reduce the others, that's all it is you do. you don't give the water to the child before you touch the water and put your intentions in it.
you have put, because of the line of the birth to the child, you have already taken it. if one day man matures to the pointof understanding of measuring, you'll find the mother will carry some of the intentions and the pain to herself. this is how, what we call,'double magnetic field'. it's not the water, it's the intentionwhich has brought it, but we have to see what the conditionsare, and appropriate for it. the other point is, a lot of you say,
"how come he is giving such advancedtechnology in cancer away to people, and not making money out of it'? the thing is,as i always say... this is, your deaf to it,and very much deaf. i always say, "the keshe foundationis paying for the research." the research, the funds for it, came fromselling of the books and equipments and everything elsewhich you have bought. so in fact youalready paid for it. the only people who take it and run awaywith it, are by nature, what i call it, a 'thief'.
they put nothing into the foundation,which is the soul of the humanity and they want to take and run.so... if you think, we are givingthe cancer in a blueprint, is because wehave paid with our souls. as i said many times, a lot of peopleknow around the foundation we don't carryhidden bank accounts. what we take,we take when we need. and so, when it comes, we put it there, and we give it. i'm sure we'll receive morein the coming time,
because many parents, many children willhold on to their fathers and the mothers and many people will hold on to theirchildren which they are told, "you have leukemia, you havea cancer", of this and that. many, many people will walk away from cancer, as i said, "like a headache." we are here to set and change thecourse of humanity and many timescaroline and i, we said, "the only way the foundationwork will be, touch the humanity, is through the health" â¨"when they get touched withtheir own being."
energy unit was a, what you call, 'people who came and they stole and they ran'. we are not releasing one energy unit,but we're releasing, if those who understand what is to bereleased on sunday, on tuesday next week and apply it, to understand it, you can produce any medicine in the universe. medicine being, a position of comfort,to guarantee the survival. the blueprint on tuesdayis the beginning of how man will survive in the depth of the universe. and if you look, just making the ganses,you have already lost. because you never understood, the gans of universe is you.
we just show you the process how to do it. those of you who go and take the tablets and make ganses, then you'll understandyou haven't learned anything yet. many teachings i teach about dynamic cores. don't forget that you are the dynamic core itself. we look forwards to see you on tuesday. we present two papers. with the permission of scientists in tokyowe will show interim report on a third one which is the animals which are,already gone through the process. but, come with one thing in your heartwhen you come
don't come to learn how to walk away from the cancer. come with the understanding, blessing the sacrifice of those lives which was done. when they gave their lives.when we slaughtered these animals. the 50 mouses which we had to...trying to inject cancer into what.. they wereso resistant, that the injections of the cancersby the doctors, caused their death. i think, before we startthursday morning. it's tradition of manto keep silent for a minute. maybe it's time tokeep silent for the animals,
the souls we sacrificed,to save our lives. this is how we pay respect. we go to a football match and the footballplayer who played for us for a while and he brought us some pleasure. we keep silent for a minute. maybe, we stay silent for a time, to respect those souls who gives us the gift of life, in this process. thank you very much. we see you tuesday morning on the health blueprint or cancer blueprint please go to universities.please go to the doctors.
says, "there is a stupid guy who says he's found the solution for the cancer." "would you like to come and listen to him?" in this way, we'll find out we are more stupid because we share it so freely. it worth a lot. but the beauty of it is, as we done before, we have broken the shackle of copyrights, patents and the rest of it. and this is the beauty of it. keshe foundation ghana in the comingweeks will release a hugh amount of this material for cancer in africa.
we put a value on it.but we let the people do. those of you who use it, donate back to the foundation through your soul. that we can receive more,to share more. the financial expenses of developmentwill carry on. somehow the foundation always has come up with a way to meet its demands when it comes to social structure changesand this is one of them. today we are in position to be able to change a lot of things. and we are the only organizationwho gives freely, earns freely andnaturally shares freely.
in a way thatwe've been told. i would like to thank againthe structure of the leadership in ghana for supporting thefoundation so heavily. and through it we'll shine. through it, becauseof the sincerity of the man who brought the soul of the foundation to ghana, benjamin. he brought it with a beautiful souland we see the changes. the person or the people who are coming to build the station, they are in such a hurry to get there, to start the work.
we thank you for your support and for yourdedication in supporting what we can do. to those of youwho are members of the universal council, the earth council and the core team, please stand by, till we get a decision from the ghanaian government. on my return on the meetingwith the office of the presidents, and the vice presidents,we will get a framework of when they would liketo see, to come in. and as we said, "we have to respect the nation as they are serving humanity,
better than the western world has." thank you very much for today andhopefully, hopefully by tuesday we have some points thatby the following weeks we get people who will write to thefoundation and say, "thank you, i don't have a cancer.it was easier than getting rid of a headache." (rc) thank you mr keshe. and i'lljust put up the keshe foundation site and remind peoplethat they can... i would... it show up on my screen here... there we are ...that they can clickon the "donate button"
on the upper right-handcorner of the website. and that'll take you to a pagewhere you can donate, either directly to the bank accountor there's some new buttons now for donation amounts of 10,100 and 1000 euros. and you can click on thoseand they'll take you to a site at the keshe foundation store. where youcan make a donation that way. and also the keshe foundation usaif you want to make a donation through paypal.(vv) rick? just to let you know it opened in anew window. so, we're not able to see it.
(rc) oh! okay, let me re-share there. okay, that was the store then,that that button opens up into. (mk) you got to realize...thank you very much. you got to realize we are on the vergeof a huge change in another direction. in the next few weeks,hopefully in a short time, after the blueprint,we will release the "food program". how to feed yourself throughgans plasma technology. which means, you receive all the energy you need and the hungerbecomes a point of the past.
this will be the biggest achievement,once we can do it, because thiswill change the course. especially in 95% of the nations,who can't afford feeding their own people. as i always say, "according to universal,or what we call united nations statistic there are more hungry people-more children go to sleep hungry in united state,than the rest of the world." this is amazing. 15% of the children in the united statego to bed hungry. 4% in africa, because in africa,you an go up the tree.
in united state you have to rob a bank orbreak into a shop to get into a freezer. this is a change.we see it, it's beautiful. i stood many times in africa and i watchedpeople just to up the tree, pick a banana. you don't need to rob. you get if you take a coconut. many times i sit, and i watch, it's a pleasure. the people don't touch,because they know, they're reaching anunderstanding of the whole process. there is no, what we see,the limitation of change.
i think with the whole process ofthe keshe foundation will come to light, when the powers will start shorteningor the food shortage comes in one way or another. and then people think"oh i can get gans". the gans food systems,the dynamics, it'll become part of the corner stone of work, of thekeshe foundation, in the coming time. thank you very much,see you on tuesday morning. and please when you come,make sure you bring a scientist from the pharmaceutical with you. have you ever seenan organization to do this?
bring the enemiesthat they become friends, because then they knowthey lost everything. it's better for them to understanding then us telling them and they come to it,they have to fight it. and, it works.i tell you it works, because i've seen it. when i worked with olivier,good friend of ours, keshe foundation. one of the best friends ofkeshe foundation from the beginning, maybe the only one. when we walked intostrasbourg space university, two of us.
we went to see, there was a big conferenceof nasa, lockheed martin and boeing, to do with the space program. there was a conference, a couple of hundred people. we informed them that we are going.they already knew, as part of our work and, olivier and i... they stopped the conference, because thehead of conference was from boeing and he had to be,he wanted to be in this meeting. we sat with a few of them together and theywanted to understand the explanation of the new technology and i never did sucha simple thing to them. i just showed them a magnet in one hand and i showed another magnet
i said,"look! does it need fuel?" "i just position it where i want, i absorb." the top man, he said, "mr keshe, in a simple way you have changedthe whole history of the space technology, we don't need fuel to burn." it was very simple,but we saw very rapidly, in a coming time, we don'tsee anymore american shuttles they stopped the whole shuttle rocket business because they realized. now, one of the most experienced,what you call, 'astronauts'
in the american nasa program,is a man from south america. and he says to me, "i have no clue but i'm heading the plasmatechnology of the nasa into space." because they realized, the game has changed into plasma technology. that's why you suddenly saw theycurtail, the end of the shuttle business. a simple demonstration, the simple understanding of the man of power of what the game change is. in the past couple of days, i put a handout to nasa again, for collaboration. this sits in the corridor of power in washingtonif we start the collaboration.
which i don't think they will refuse itbecause it's a lot of unemployment, a lot of proportion, guys can't beunemployed. seven thousand of them.they have to protect the job. but, as we said,"we always tell what we do." i've asked the american government for the opening of the keshe foundationcollaboration with nasa. and, as you know,we have good friends inside. and, i'm doing again the same thing: knowledge in exchange for collaborationand peace, and it works all the time.
so, if we succeed with nasa, i know theseguys who are behind calling. that's why he's a crook, "it's this, don't do, don't do that." but you have to understand who make people, who make the nasa. the nasa is already watching them. because we know what they're doing in the background. it is our job to share the knowledge freelyand in sharing it, we share a lot. because we bring more people to share with usthen we have more that we can share. on tuesday we share the knowledgeand i promise you one thing: we will touch the soul of the man.
after tuesday the keshe foundationwill become a worldwide name and we bring a lot of people in. because, if you were in rome and you saw the pictures which dr rodrigo shared, there is no doubtthe technology works, and i think that's touching. when i showed it to, some of theinfluential people, very recently. to them, watchinga woman with that cancer and nothing there with surviving of the life,he changed their mind. very powerful man, and he understood.i said to him,
"you see this, this is not for you, to makeyou wealthier, you're wealthy enough." take it to the government,and we want to collaborate, that the whole nation benefits by it. you become billiard.., rich as you are. and the next dayhe cancelled our meeting. he said, "i'm going to the government,come back, because it has to be done by them." people understand this.you got to share. call all the pharmaceuticalsas many as you can, all the doctors as many as you can,to come to the tuesday meeting.
it does not meanwe're gonna be successful in everything but it means we have to learnwhere we are not successful to cover it. but from the data we have and i thank...i've recieved many texts from tokyo in, since this program.that they say, "we are proud to go, it doesn't matter if ourlives are in danger. we are ready to share." and you will understand,some of them are already sacrificed a lot. their position, their jobs in the university.that has been compromised. but the government is standing byto see what's the next step. if you are a japanese listenerwe have huge support in japan.
go back to your government the way we did thedemonstration in fukushima and it brought tepco infor collaboration. and tell them, "millions of people whoare getting cancer because of fukushima" "now the technology is on the table." "and it's down the road, this literallysits in the tokyo university." this is mainly done in japanbecause japan is one of, one of the real countrieswhich needs. the amount of cancer is so huge thatthe government has no hold of.
after five or six years, now the cancer self-matured. the death rates fromfukushima is increasing. the government burdenwill run on behind anything that it can solve the problem.but one of the main things with this is if... this thing works. with the human being, why don't weflood the oceans with it? with all the cancers, we causedin the animals and the oceans that's one of the biggest problems.we go and spray different chemicals
to overcome, oil spill and theoceans to protect the beaches i think the time has come thatwe have to do the same with gans we are discussing it at thehighest level with some organizations. because, if we can, once you see it,once people understand it, can spray this, we see strange animals in different parts ofthe world, in the oceans coming up, because of fukushima,because of the cancer they had. so we solve the problem.it's it doesn't cost much to save the life of a man,or a fish or whatever. this is what the change is. we,we are talking in the coming time,
one of the reasons i am in a hurryto release the cancer, is because i know thedevelopments in the background, which will affecttotally, the world economy. you will understand. we started with the cancer. we test the man with the magrav system,and we saw the greed of the man. those who made and savednever come and talk. those who could notunderstand to rob, they all shouted. this time,they steal from their souls.
we teach, we release the cancer,and with it, we run different projects behind it,and the other one is the feeding. when we sort out the food,and the health, more or less, sixty percentof the world economy will collapse. you will see. i know where we are goingand as i said, bring all the people youthink are opposition, pharmaceuticals, write everywhere onthe facebooks, on the internet, youtubes, a crazy guy is releasing freethe knowledge of cancer. and we show the data. and, what will it bestupid for them, not to copy it.
because, the world economyis very simple. if everybody is making it,we'll do some of it. and the beauty of it is,the data is so solid, done by one of the most reputablescientists in the world. signed, he signed documents himself,he's so proud. he said, "tokyo university sackme from it, doesn't matter." "i, we done the job.the reality doesn't hide." as i said many times, we change the course on tuesday,because this time
we touch the soul of the man and it'sphysicality together. less than one euro,what i call one 'euro cancer return'. if you understand it, if you followthe process the way we do, we advise you to leave itto the pharmaceauticals to sell it to youat two euro a piece, you don't need to payfifteen thousand. but, from what we see,twenty tablets is more than enough. we've seen the reversal with, literally three feeds. not more. and the calculationby the scientists,
pharmiologists,they tell us, 0.8 milligram is enoughfor a 100 kg body. total cost of,let's say ten dose, maybe, i don't know,five cents, ten cents. we have supply for 120,000in our reserves in, tokyo. and that will go only tothe japanese community, because it's made by japanfor them, for their society. then we'll see where we go.but please, write it everywhere, i don't mind to be made a fool of, wheni know i serve, what i am going to serve.
so, use me as a fool, say the idiot sayshe can do the cancer for one euro. i'll will be that idiot, but i knowwhat is the next step. thank you very much for today.we'll see you on tuesday, at nine o'clock centraleuropean time. (rc) very good, thank you mr.keshe, thank you very much. (mk) ... you came too late,he says greeting to all. (rc) okay,we look forward to tuesday. okay, that will be the end of the167th knowledge seekers workshop, for april 13, 2017
and as always, thank you everybodyfor attending, and we'll stop thelivestream now. subtitles by the amara.org community