hi i'm greg benson one of the owners andfounders of loll. loll started with just an interest to make things and we hadthese great materials and we didn't want to not usethese extra materials when we were building a skate ramp. everyone drives around and seesadirondack chairs. the red chair is so iconic. >> nate: hi, i'm nate heydt, i'm the sales director forloll designs. we think about duluth and, you know, building furniture here is that we just have alot of time to think about being outside. so there's really one key point that i can remember, one day gregcame in and kind of had a negative vibe and had a 'aha' moment we probablyall got about 50 emails about it before he even got in the next day and he was underhis table playing with his kids with
chasing his dogs around the park,making a fort and saw the way the tabletop was connected to the leg, it was blocking so the pocket system and, you know, had this 'aha' moment 'hey, we can hidethe fasteners on our chairs' and if we can hide the fasteners on the chairs,that means we can ship our products flat. this one fascinating system sortof opened up this range of possibility. >> greg: we do use recycled milk jugs in thematerial that we use, but it's still, after that, so manythings are different from our competitors. >> nate: our material is really differentbecause we use a sheet, we start with a sheet and rather than an extruded two by four or extruded one by six or dimensional
lumber of any type, recycled lumber it, you know, adds a cleaner - our furniture has a little bit of cleaner lines, the texture is very different. just overall, has a little bit more of a modern take than a lot of other furniture made ofrecycled plastics. >> greg: to find a property in town that wasstill up in the woods and that had a view was really, we really thought that this wasit. and it was, we climbed up on the roof when we got here and said that the office should be on the roof because it had the best view up there. i don't think our customers are lollygaggers, i think our customers are people that work hard and play hard but they also really enjoy their time off and they enjoy things that are well made
and unique, designed well and made in the usa. [music]