Mittwoch, 29. April 2020

poster mit eigenem text

poster mit eigenem text

hey there, adam lodolce from sexyconfidence.comwhere i help the 21st century woman create a love life that she absolutely freaking loves. and in this video right now i'm going to betalking about how it is that you can make any man miss you. keep watching. now, you've probably noticed this by now,but when you're in a relationship you're not always with that person. and many times the indicator of a good relationshipis less about how he feels about you when you're around and more about how he feelsabout you when you're apart.

if when you're apart all he's thinking aboutis damn, i am so happy to get away from that bitch, then i assure you whatever relationshipyou've got going on right now is definitely not going to last. but on the other hand, if when you're apartall he can think about is your beautiful face, i can't wait to see her again, if that's happeningthen he misses you and you are doing a very good job. so here are 5 strategies that will help yoube that women that he can't get off his mind. number five is be the type of woman he wouldactually miss. humans are actually very simple.

either we pursue pleasure or we avoid pain. and if when he's with you he's laughing, heenjoys your company, he's connecting with you, he's getting complimented when he doesthe right things, then he's going to feel pleasure, he's going to enjoy that, he's goingto want more. on the other hand, if he's with you and allhe's hearing is nagging for every little thing that he does or just complaints about youfrom your girlfriends or you just generally bring no personality to the table, then allhe's going to feel is pain when he's with you and he's not going to miss you. so that makes sense.

number five is be someone who is missable. number four is give him some space. now, this might sound a little clich� here,but one common theme that i've noticed in all relationships that either i've been inor that my guy friends have ever been in is that men usually want a little bit more spacethan women do. men are very different from women. if he needs a healthy amount of space thenyou've gotta give it to him. and if you're finding that you never, ever,ever want space from him, then it's time for you to start finding things, finding yourown little space, finding things that you

can put yourself into and go create your ownlittle space away from him. it's really, i think, important when two peopleare together and when... even when they first start dating to create their own little space,create their own little time away from each other. an easy way to not give him space would beto send him this text. do you miss me? and on the other hand, a way to make him missyou would be to send him this text when he's going out without you. have an amazing time tonight.

i'm off with my girlfriends for the nightas well. speak later. bam, now he's gonna be thinking about youall night. number three is stop always trying to makehim miss you. look men aren't stupid. we know when women are subtly trying to getour attention. if when you're apart you're doing the followingthings: tagging him in photos on facebook, sending him a snapchat every 10 minutes toget his attention, texting his friends to see what they're up to, and, the worst, postingpictures with other guys on instagram to make

him a little jealous. if you try to do those things, he's not gonnamiss you. he's going to get frustrated and want to beaway from you. number two, move even slower than he wants. now, let's say you met a guy, you're on afirst date. you are killing it. you guys are connecting, you're being funny,you're being witty, you're also being elegant, graceful, confident, all those things. it's going so well.

if that happens, then leave. i cannot tell you how many women that i'veworked with or i see who are in my unity program, in my membership program, who tell me this...this kind of story. i met a guy online recently, had an amazingconnection with him. we didn't sleep together the first night wemet, but ended up hanging out the next night through the weekend. i met his friends the following week and evenhis dad came by his house when i was there. but then last week i texted him and he hasn'tresponded. what happened?

he seemed so interested. what happened is you didn't take control ofthe pace of the relationship. you didn't let him miss you. you gave all of yourself to him right fromthe start and there was nothing to miss. a lot of women assume that just because aguy really wants to keep seeing them, especially in those early stages, that they should alwaysaccept. right? because it's going so well. so, of course, you've always got to accept.

my advice to you though is to put the brakeson that. let him have that space. let him yearn for you a little bit becausethat space is going to allow you to get to know each other a little bit before... insteadof, of course, just giving in and seeing each other every single night. you guys are still strangers and then suddenlythe entire relationship just burns up into flames and then he realizes that, you knowwhat? maybe it's moving a little bit fast and hewants to slow things down, and then you get mad and the whole thing ends.

we don't want that to happen. so, again, move slower than he wants. and finally, leave a little mystery in theconversation. now, there's a reason why when we watch atrailer to a movie we can't wait to watch the movie. because we get, of course, a taster of whatthe movie is all about but we have no idea what the whole full picture is about. we certainly don't know how it ends. same thing when you're going out and meetingpeople or when you're on a first couple of

dates. you don't need to tell him your 3 biggestlife accomplishments on that first date. spread it out a little bit. keep him wanting more. and when he believes that there's more depthto you, which there should be more depth to you then, of course, everything you tell someoneon a first date, when he knows that he wants to keep seeing you, then he's going to missyou. he's gonna want more of that. he's gonna want to dive into that complexperson that is you.

so let me ask you, have you ever tried anyof these techniques and have they worked for you? i'd love to hear from you in the commentsright there below. and also, if you want more videos like thisand you want more advanced programs that are going to help you through every single stageof dating and relationships, then go ahead and head on over to, puta link right here, you can click on that right there. that's going to help you download an ebookand that book is going to help you... help teach you everything you need to knowabout men, dating, and relationships and it's

going to take you on a path forward to findingthat success that you really want in your love life. so thank you so much for watching. and if you really enjoyed this video, pleasegive it a like on youtube. that really helps me out a lot. and don't forget to subscribe on youtube formore videos just like this every single thursday. thank you so much for watching and i'll speakto you next thursday. bye bye.

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