Montag, 27. April 2020

pop cake form

pop cake form

dulce de leche cake pop cake pop is one of the most requested recipes here on youtube and on ickfd also. it's a candy on a stick, super cute and very colorful. today i'm going to teach you how to make a vanilla cake pop with dulce de leche that will be delicious! to make the cake i start with my form greased and lined. to make the vanilla cake i'm going to use the fleischmann's mixture, that will turn your life much easier, beyond it's tasty. i'll also need 3 eggs, 3 tbsps butter and 2/3 cup of milk.

as i have to wait the cake get cold, before making my cake pop i'll make some coffee while the cake is warm. my cake is cold already and now the first thing i have to do is take off all those crunch parts of the cake, i have to peel the cake. we will only use the middle of the cake because the cake pop must be very soft. and then you make a crumble with the cake in a big bowl. after my cake is all crumbled i'm going to start adding the dulce the leche and the heavy cream. and it doesn't have a right measure, you just have to knead

the dough with your hands until it forms little balls. and then you knead and see if you can make a ball with your hands. this is time when it's ready. the time to get at this point may vary depending which cake mixture you used, and also depending on which dulce de leche you're using and also the heavy cream. i'm using the heavy cream that you buy in tin, without the serum. after your cake pops have spent 15 min in the freezer you roll them again to give a perfect shape. and then you go back to the freezer while you temper the chocolate. if you want to know how to temper the chocolate, click here ou on the video description and i'll show you

on the website how to temper the chocolate. after you temper your chocolate, you'll take the cake pop's stick and dip it in the chocolate and put it into the cake ball. you have to shove deep inside the cake because it has to be very firm. and then you'll put it in the freezer just once more until this chocolate is tough. after this you can take out of the freezer, dip in the chocolate, add the comfit and it's ready. the cake pops are beautiful, it's so simple to do and it's delicious! and if you enjoyed this video, like it right down and share it in every social networks while i stay here and eat my cake pop!

subtitles by the community

pop cake form Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
