Montag, 13. April 2020

philips hue stripes

philips hue stripes

- hey google. make the office pink. - [google home] okay,changing the office to pink. - what's up youtube,saf here on supersaf tv, and today we're gonna be checking out the philips hue range of smart lighting, and thanks to philips huefor sponsoring this video. so first up, we have thewhite and color ambiance starter kit.

this comes with the bridgewhich will be connected to your modem, and itcan wirelessly connect up to 50 hue products,and this includes products such as the hue lightstripplus as well as the hue go, which we'll be lookingat a little bit later. and then we have three hue color bulbs, which each have a 10 wattoutput and 16 million colors. i have the b22 fitting in my house, but you can also getversions with the e27,

gu10, and even the e14. you also get the wireless switch, which you can use to turnyour lights on and off to switch between fourpreset light settings and dim to the right brightness. now setup is super easy. you just need to connectthe bridge and the bulbs, and then you need todownload the philips hue app, which is available onboth android and ios,

and then you're pretty much ready to go. from the app you can control your lights from wherever you are,even when you're not home. so say for example, you're running late from work one day, and you'regonna be home after dark. then you can actually switch on your lights from your smartphone, and it's gonna seem like you're at home, and that's a great security feature.

you can also set schedules soyour lights will go on and off at specified times or evenbased on your location. and with these colored bulbs, you can select whatever color you'd like, either from some presetscenes or from the color wheel to set the right mood. now if you wanna takethings a little bit further, then you can go ahead andget the light strip plus, which is a must for any desksetup like you see behind me,

although you can use itpretty much anywhere you like. because the light strip plus is flexible, it means you conform it towhatever shape you want, and the adhesive tape on the back lets you attach it to any solid surface. you get two meters in length as default, which you can cut ifneeded, and also extend by up to 10 meters by gettingsome additional strips. this, as with the bulbs,connects to your bridge,

and you can control it viayour smartphone with ease. now if you want somethingsimple and versatile, then the hue go lamp is a great addition to your smart home lighting setup. you can use this plugged into add color to your walls, for example, and becauseit has a rechargeable internal battery whichlasts up to three hours, you can easily move itaround the house too. it can be connected andcontrolled via your smartphone

like the others, but it's alsogot some on-product controls. you can activate light settings directly by pressing the home button on the product and cycle through the color choices by quickly tapping andthen holding the button until the desired color comes up. there's also some additionalcontrol products available. one of my favorites is the motion sensor. it pretty much does what it says.

you can wirelessly linkit up to your bridge, and it will automaticallyswitch on the specified light when motion is detected. this, as you can imagine,is perfect for somewhere like your hallway, yourgarage, or even your cellar. now that's just a quickoverview of philips hue and what it can do, but for me personally, what makes it the choicefor smart home lighting is how well connected it isto other smart home products

such as google home and amazon alexa. i have the google homespeakers at my place, and this means i can easilycontrol my home lighting with my voice as you sawearlier in the video. now philips hue also works witha range of third-party apps, and this means you cando lots of fun things like sync your lights towhatever you're watching on tv or when you're gaming, andthis works with a few apps where it uses yourcamera on your smartphone

to see the changes in coloron whatever you're watching, and it will sync up your lightsto that--very, very cool. so guys, that is the smart home lighting range from philips hue, a must have for any smarthome lighting setup. now if you wanna check outphilips hue for yourself, i'm gonna be leaving a linkin the description below, so definitely do goahead and check that out. what do you think of philips hue?

definitely drop me a commentbelow as well and let me know. i hope you enjoyed thisvideo and found it useful. if you did, then please do hitthat thumbs up button for me, it really does help me out. and if you haven't already,then be sure to subscribe for more cool tech content. thanks for watching, thisis saf on supersaf tv. and i'll see you next time. hey google, switch off the office.

- [google home] there yougo, turning the office off.

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