Freitag, 27. März 2020

pflanzen für beete

pflanzen für beete

mid of oktober, the probably last big harvest of the year. but maybe the most interesting one corn those cobs i want to harvest. the three sisters, corn, beans and pumpkin, also called milpa there are some videos about this experiment here that is the difference between a simple vegetable garden and a garden aimed to reach self sufficiency which grows much more basic food 60 sqare meters. let us have a look what is the result

stay tuned hello to all of you i have waited all the year to see, how this experiment turnes out the corn is almost dry not all of them, but the most beans as well some are still green, but that does not matter because they can be dried later in the house small but fine black beans

those who are not dry, no problem. they dry later indoors before the rain starts again, i better harvest only one of the cobs was infected by fungus of this kind called "maisbeulenbrand" try google to translate :) let us have a closer look at the beans lying on the ground is not good for them they start to rot in this wet conditions i had better chosen a climbing variety this one here climbed, but most did not when they are lying on the ground, the shells will rot and the beans after some time as well.

there are enough pumpkins for us to harvest not all of the cobs are still covered with leaves a lot of them the birds ate :( nothing to harvest here :( as presume, two different varietys of corn, at least one yellow and one red runnerbeans did not do very well. to few germinatet i only harvested a bucket full or two nice, or not ?

now, how to harvest all that ? best pick the cobs and leave the leaves on and the plants i just cut of let us have a look two cobs on one plant one of them is quite good, the other rather small and the beans? when i walk through the patch, i will trample them down so i cut off the bean plant and put it aside

seems to be the best way by the way, i can harvest the pumpkin too there, voles were quicker than i as i said, time to harvest that one is not yet dry but the seeds are hard. should be ok most of the plants, two cobs compared to the amount of beans i sowed, there are not that many left not the best result

but therefore, the patch was large enough i will count at the end my god, how many weeds huge plants with millions of seeds that one, "quirl malve" (try google) it seems, many corn plants have developed two or even more stems by the way, i have stopped to drive the geese back to their enclosure let them eat what they want here you can see, one large and two smaller stems

not all of them, but some some of the side stems... have no cob at all some are even completly empty well, most plants have developed one large cob and one smaller one the smaller one sometimes has got seeds, but not all of them the further i get into the patch the fewer beans there are to be found at the edges of the patch

there were quiet a lot of beans, but inside here almost none i guess, there was not enough light for them no doubt, i have chosen the wrong variety of beans sometimes, i still find some beans but they dit not have enough sun gardening means learning :) next time i will do better i have counted, 10 pumpkins this year that is more than we can eat

nothing in here not a cob on the whole plant almost done i am through done that is the result of my experiment with the three sisters also called milpa one well filled kart of cobs, ridiculously few beans 10 pumpkins

the patch spoiled with weed seeds for years :( a lot of corn leaves and stems that is only the harvest of today yesterday i had that much too some of the cobs are very nice but i got measly ones as well and some of them contaminated with fungus one third of this cob can not be eaten the white fungus covering can be seen well

10 % i guess are for the compost bin but i am happy. particularly the red ones are pretty good the yellow ones are rather wretched i have to find a real good variety for the beans, compared to the size of the patch, the result was poor not enough sun, defenitly what is left to say i guess, more space between the plants and to leave enough space to walk and weed between them

and a rather climbing bean variety. one bean per corn it would have been better. but for my first try.... how i prosess the cobs, there will be another video later well done or not ? let me know in the comment section i just recognice, this one has got some little white spots what is that? animals, can you see? let me know your opinion

i will read the comments and when there is time enough, i will answer on my blog you can raed the story and get more information do not forget to subscribe see you later

pflanzen für beete Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
