Dienstag, 26. November 2019

küche arbeitsplatte edelstahl

küche arbeitsplatte edelstahl

all right guys it's time to clean thishouse i'm going to share with you today my weekly cleaning routine everything ido every week in my new home you're going to my channel pleasesubscribe i would love to have you as part of my youtube family i upload three times a week mondaywednesday and friday so be sure to subscribe and let's start cleaning all right the first thing i do for myweekly cleaning routine is just wipe down all of the countertops with vinegarand water after i'm done wiping down all of the countertops i usually go aheadand work on the windows

i just go ahead and use windex i've usedin your wife's clothes before but i really really like the result thanks iwould just go ahead and use the next on all the windows me then once all of thewindows are clean up i will go ahead and start wiping downtables i use vinegar and water and i will scrubthe tops of the tables and then i will also start described the chairs on mychairs my little kiddos tend to have lots of jelly they get stuck on thereand all kinds of lovely treasures i will go ahead and after i am deadwiping out all the chairs i will go ahead and stack up all of the chair sothat i can properly clean the floors and

i will go ahead and work on my son jared this is probably the dirtiestthing in the entire house they're just food crumbs and everythingso i will literally just scrub does it until it is clean as again and then iusually will go through the little seed mattress into the wash after i'm donewith the high chair i will go ahead to my bar stools and i'll just wipe themdown with index to make sure that they're really clean after i'm done withmy bar stools i will go ahead to all the appliances she's vinegar and water and i will wipedown all of the surfaces all of the

handlebars and things of that nature ifanyone has any good recommendations for a stainless steel cleaners please let meknow in the comments below that is one thing i would love to update my cleaningroutine is you know there's a better solution than using vinegar i'll just go ahead and i fallenness downand then when i'm done with my i will go ahead and work on the floorthe first thing i do is pick up all the time once i have gathered all the crumbs andi have swept them up i will go ahead and start cleaning thewood floors i have a wood floor cleaner

that i like to use that my grandmarecommended to me so i just go ahead and do that and i try to scrub out all ofthe imperfections and defeat prison the dog prints it's so funny all of my viewers told meif i get dark wood floors it'll be so hard and show everything and they were ahundred and ten percent by travelpod member linda morris alka head andengineers bag in america table after i'm dead doing the floors i usually go ahead andwork on the downstairs bathroom i would just go ahead and clean off thesink and the countertop and the faucet

and then i'll go ahead and startcleaning the toilet to make sure that it that is all sanitized after i'm doneclean the downstairs bathroom blah blah upstairs and go ahead and work on ourloft playroom i just literally put everything back in its spot which i dodaily but make sure that everything's back and it died and i will go ahead andafter . the playroom i'll go ahead in the girls bathroom just three downeverything just like i did in the last bathroom and then i will clean thetoilets as well and then i would just honestly see the hallway and then i willgo right into raleys room which is go ahead and sleep and make sure my dad nkrina ricky's room i usually will go

ahead into the homeschool room mechanicpick up things our in its place i'll go ahead and sweep that up and iwill just honestly organize my dads can make sure all of the clutter is just outof there and everything is organized in a really healthy after my office i will go ahead and gointo the girls room and wipe down their windows i'm not sure what they do it now you putthe windows are always so healthy and i would just go ahead and sweep the girlsroom and finish one time through the girls room i'll actually go ahead intothe master bath and just take everything

off the counter that doesn't belong i'll go ahead and clean all of the beersand the surface counter area and just make sure everything is really nice next we'll go ahead and start scrubbingour master tub this takes forever i would just go on and describe thatmake sure that looks really really next i'll go ahead and meet my dad andonce that's all tidied up i will go ahead and finish up finish my weeklyroutine i just sweeping my bedroom - - - boo - need some tunes intosomething don't think so much for

watching my video please be sure tosubscribe and give this video a thumbs up the next video in my cleaning seriesit's actually habits to keep your home and so lc max video be sure to subscribeagain

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