Freitag, 15. November 2019

kräutergarten auf dem balkon

kräutergarten auf dem balkon

here we have a cold spring, full of splendid, wonderful water, with watercress growing in it. in the summer you can see blossoms forming on the watercress above the water. in the winter this plant lives under water so as not to freeze. earlier, people used the cress as a source of vitamin c. fresh watercress tastes superb,

for example, in a potato salad or on bread and butter. it has a sharp taste, which is somewhat different from the more well-known garden cress. nature at its very best. splendid to eat, and healthy at the same time. i love eating it.

kräutergarten auf dem balkon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
