Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2019

keramik bemalen stifte

keramik bemalen stifte

cup design | paint porcelaine mugs create great cup designs with dots letter stickers porcelaine cup porcelain paintbrushes stick letter sticker centrally on the cup create your individual design by making small dots on the cup around the sticker next to the sticker, make dots directly side by side further away, make dots farther apart from each other

repeat the process with two to three further colors your cup design is taking shape remove sticker from the cup and allow to dry for 15 min burn your cup for 30 minutes in oven preheated to 160â° c to fix the design your individually designed cup is finished! design a cup with lettering templates vintage lettering template porcelain cup black color porcelain paintbrush

cut out desired lettering cautiously stick lettering on pre-cleaned cup template should lay smooth on the cup paint template with porcelain paintbrush cautiously keep your finger pressed on the template allow to dry for five minutes and remove lettering design from the cup nail polish correction pen for a perfect design, remove excess paint from the cup your individually designed cup is ready for you!

keramik bemalen stifte Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
