Dienstag, 2. April 2019

gardinen für kurze fenster

gardinen für kurze fenster

the keshe foundation, an independent, non-profit,non-religious, space-based organization founded by nuclear engineer mehran tavakoli keshe is introducing to humanity the science of the universe, plasma science keshe foundation develops

universal knowledgeand space technologies that provide solutionsto major global problems, revolutionizing agriculture, health, energy,transportation, materials, and more. the applicationof plasma science in the form of specially developed plasma reactorsand other devices, will give humanity the real freedomto travel in deep space. plasma science existsthroughout the whole universe. it is here and it belongs to you.

our knowledge, research and developmentregarding the plasma structure has progressed to the point of enablingeveryone to participate in the process. become a creator and understandthe work of the universe for the good of humankind on this planet,as well as in space! the use of magravs, nanomaterials,gans, liquid plasma, field plasma and other plasma technologies have come as a new dawnfor humanity to progress and work in harmony with the universe. conventional technologyapplications are wasteful,

damaging and cause pollutionto the planet and all living beings. plasma science provides solutionsand improves existing methods and use of resources in all aspectsthat touch the lives of all beings. plasma is defined by the foundationas an entire content of fields which accumulateand create matter and it is not definedby its physical characteristics like ionization or temperature. also, with plasma science, we understand how we can convertmatter back to the fields.

quoting from mr keshe, “magrav stands for magnetic-gravitational,which means plasma absorbs or gives. and every plasma has the both,it has give and it has take… and when they can’t find the balancethey distance themselves until they find the balancethey can give to the others that they can receive whatthey want to receive and give further.” certain atoms and molecules release andabsorb magnetic or gravitational fields. released fields are availableto be absorbed by other objects. the keshe foundation has developed a wayto gather these free flowing fields

from the environment withina resourceful and beneficial new state of transitional matterwhich m.t. keshe named gans. the first stepof the process of the formation of various basic types of gans,is nano-coating metals. this is carried outeither chemically by etching (steam coating with sodium hydroxide) or thermally by heating(fire coating by gas burner). during either coating process, gaps between the outermostlayers of atoms are created.

the residual coating is oftenreferred to as nano-coating, defined by the structured layersof nano material, which build up duringthe creation process of the coating. nano-coated metal in interactionwith other various metal plates, in a salt water solution,creates magrav fields. these fields then attract availableelements to form a specific gans, which collects and settlesat the bottom of the container. this gans is formed from independentenergized molecules (like little suns) that can be usedin various applications.

(rc) welcome...welcome everyone to the 188th knowledge seekers workshopfor thursday, september 7th, 2017. and once againwe have mr keshe of the keshe foundationspaceship institute available to speak to us. ... i think he's ... onthe road there right now but he'll be ... speaking to usand then we'll have a more secure ... transmissiona bit later i believe hello mr keshe are you ...still able to contact us ?

(mk) yes good morning,can you hear me ? (rc) yes i hear you're inyour spaceship coming around and standing...(mk) spaceship [laughs] yes [laughs] good morning,good day to you as usual. wherever and wheneveryou listen to these teachings. as ... we develop our structurefor international ... one nation, one planet ...organization there are a lot of things happeningand we need to develop things in a much ... international basedorganization, where we can do

and deliver what we havepromised to do. one is the delivery of ... ... one nation, one planet and the other one is being ableto deliver this... in a very... ... cohesive anda very effective way. the problem now we have with this ...structure is the members of the council both of the universal and earth council,have got to get used to their position. what they are supposed to deliverand what is their objective. this has become oneof the biggest problem...

for the both councils... as they structurethemselves to take position and in a way to learn!we saw them last week each one ... in a unique way, have startedintroducing what they are here for, what they are about to doand this is a learning curve for all the members of the earth counciland universal councils. they have to learn how they settheir structure to govern, how they set their structureto be able to deliver what has been partof their development. we have chosen the earth counciland the universal council,

members by their own choice, and, in the progress, we'll see ...a very dynamic situation. which is: we watch them grow andwe watch them deliver and develop systems that allows them to fulfillwhat they were set up for. that is, for them to be able to deliver,a total comprehensive work for humanity and a long-termprocess for peace. the objective of setting up theuniversal council and the earth council is to achieve world peace. is to be able to deliverwhat we promised.

in a way, that they become governorsand they govern in a effective way. which means they understand theproblems of the humanity, they understand the problems of... us, as one race, what we have createdproblem for ourselves and over time, how we canovercome these problems. partially it's their work which isinteresting for all of us... how they're goingto change the process? how they have to come to understand the processes they consider,we call it as 'wishes',

and secondly what we are providingfor them in a financial way that they can deliverthese processes, they can deliver these ... needs becausethese are the needs of humanity. these are where we bring the changes,these are where we stay different than what has been, up to now,using the technology. the strength of the technologyand delivery of the technology could bring about the changes,which we know are needed. we cannot overlook anyone,any shape, any form, any language. we have to be, in a way of ... be able to... deliver a total comprehensive system

that ... the need of the... all aspectsof the work of the foundation can be met. which means we can look after the poor,we can look after the needy. we can look after the education, we can look after the peace, in a effective way, that... we can deliverall our objectives. we can deliverall our needs and the needof humanity. as i've said inthe previous teachings...

by selecting and having the universalcouncil, the members of the earth council selecting and choosingand signing the peace treaty and in accepting one nation, as oneplanet, the problems are not finished. it's the beginning of solvinga bigger problem. we have to learn, as i've saidin the previous teachings, we have to learn that, we becomepart of a structure, where we do not change the criteria fromone border, from one barrier to another. in a way, we have to learn that we donot change the border of the nations, as we said before,to border of the languages

and then other bordersand other divisions which has been the curse of humanity.by dividing ourselves to become identified as something .. special,we create separation and division. through this processwe come to stop, we come to stop all that is beenthe problem for mankind. in a way, that we chooseto be no different than the others we choose to respect each other, we chooseto become as part of one society. this be the planet, this be the galaxy,

be it, this be the human, being the plants,being the animals. we have to consider totality, we workon one directions from now on, which is what we call'the soul of the man' and this is important for us. ... rick i'm going to changefrom one unit to another, if you just give meone second please. can you hear me now? (rc) ... yes. [inaudible](mk) okay, so we chan... we just changethe system now.

(rc) okay, try it again,make sure it's okay. (mk) ... okay ... (rc) okay, we hear youpretty good there mr keshe. not sure if you hear me. (mk) yes okay.you can hear me now? (rc) yes. (mk) okay.... what we going to do, is for us to understand the next step,the next step in development. ... the next standing,in both,

in real understandingof the work of the foundation, the work of the setting ofone nation, one planet. which means, we need to understandthe full work of what we're getting involved. what is the developmentof the technology's going to be. ... the technology will feed intosupporting the work of the two councils. and, in a way allows, us to teach morepeople about the work of what we are h... what we do,how we develop. but, this time wecan reach in different way of the what we call,'through the soul of the man'.

in distance, deep space,we can not send messages, and wait for hours to be received. if the man learns that throughthe process of the soul of the man, interaction with the soul of the man,he can reach much faster, and much deeper, in every essence,the work of the interaction, and interface between different aspectsof the work of the universe. it is important for, what we call,'universal council', the 'earth council', to establish and structure,what we call 'the charter'. in a way, the new name for what you call,'books of guidance',

what we call,'the books of the prophet of the past'. because, now that we are educated,in understanding our soul is responsible, and control of our physicality,and what we do, we come to understand,and go one step further. and that is,now, in this process we, we understand one thing,and that is... up to now mankind was waitingfor guidance, for what we call 'prophet,' and most of the teachingin the shape of prophet-ism, was that they guide us what to do,and what to do in a physical life.

how to behave. now, that we have become educatedin understanding the truth about the creation of manand that the soul of the man is the center of the operationand control of the physical life. now, we have gone a step further,which means, now we understand, we work throughthe soul, through our own inner being. and, in that way,we do not need instructions, to become, or to follow certain rules,to wash your hand this way, to pray this way, to...not to lie, not to do this, or whatever.

now, we understand the responsibility ofthe physicality is in the hand of ourselves. so we have... we need a new wayof teaching, a new way of understanding, a new way to understand,to get confidence in our own soul, that we are the creator,and we are responsible for. so, in this process,we have to write a new charter, we have to write ... new booksof guidance for humanity. and, this is not goingto be done by one person, prophet so and so,or guru so and so. this, this time has been left,collectively, for the human race

to write the bookof conduct of man. and, this is a big difference,which means all of us have matured, to become equal to the prophet of the past,to control our own conduct's. to many of us, this is a huge leap,and then we create problems. because, we don't wantto accept responsibility, that we are responsiblefor our conduct's. so, this is the change,the what we call, 'the charter', which now the guidanceis left with a group of people, is not one person any more,that we follow.

this is what i saidfrom the beginning, keshe foundation,one nation, one planet, universal council, there are no more prophets,there are no gurus, there is no head. that, we are all the head, we are allresponsible for conduct of our physicality, and the faster we learn,then, we become to join, what we call,'to become one race'. because, then there is no soul whichis black, there is no soul which is white, we don't have chinese souls,and we don't have american souls, we don't havegod know's, whatever.

because, all the souls are the same,they shine the same, they radiate the same,and their attributes is the same. so, this is thechange of course. so, we don't need to createa new religion, new guide, new whatever. the us, which is us, which is our soul,become responsible. in so many ways,for what we've been dictated, what to doand what not to do. and now, we come tobe responsible for what we do. we... it's a consequenceof what we receive.

it's going to be a lot of shockfor a lot of people, means accepting a lot. in that process, we haveasked the two councils, with the supportof the core team, to start writing,at least basic guidance, which is away from physicality,conditions of punishment. punishmentdoes not exist. it's me who do not receive,it's me who allows myself to positioned in a placeto serve more. so, this fear of punishmentgoes out of the structure.

it's me who decideshow i want to elevate the others, and not, "i want to be elevated",the game changes. and then, in this processthere is one beauty, which means, we do not needfor people to tell us what to do. doing correct is...becomes part of our habit, part of our life,part of the structure. which means,we have matured. which means,we become the teachers, where up to now we needed teachers,we called, 'prophets'.

because, now we know,"i do not care what i lose, as long as i can elevate another soul,to reaches his goal." this changes,there is no punishment. because, it's you who decides,what you want to give. so, this new way of thinkingneeds new guidelines, new way of understanding,for those who've just come into it. and, the guidelines for thosewho set it up, to understand, it's a inclusive of everything,which is in this universe, as a whole. when we speak about the structure,writing of the charter,

is not writing that of hunger,not writing of ... shelter, not writing of health, not writing of everyother thing, which is the concern for today. with the new knowledge,we know there shall be no hunger. where, now we know 20% of our need is throughphysical material, and for it we kill a lot. do we get a permission from the cowto use his body? no! do we get a permission from the treeto use his fruit? no! do we get a permission from wheat,“can we eat you?” no! so, we have become dictators of our ownkilling machine, and now we understand,there is another way.

there is a system,the whole universal system works on, that does not kill anymore. we can absorb energies,in a way that we need, in the depth of the space,without waters, without food, to compensatefor that 20% physicality, which is connected tothe physical structure of this planet. so, hunger becomesmeaningless. shelter becomesmeaningless, as you create your own shelter,as you need, in any space you need.

energy has no meaning,because you soul is the center it's the sun. how can the sun be cold? it's us who has to learn the conversion,in the real term, 'universal condition'. then when youwrite the charter, it'll be very much unimaginable thatwe can write about these things anymore. but what we can do, we can write aboutthe elevation of the soul. the new guidelines shouldstand for millions of years, not hundreds orthousands of years. and then it has to be correct, it hasto be on conduct of the soul of the man.

as we said at the very beginning,true and unification. it does not matter what color,what language, what nationality, which just exists inthe barriers of the mans brain. now we bring singularity, onenessand with this we bring peace. the whole objectiveof the whole process before man entersuniversal community, is peace. the keshe foundation workis in that direction. we do not consider any further, in away of our work that, what is going to be. what's gonna be with the hunger.

what's gonna be we hear,it in disasters in united state. natural processes, what we call 'disasters',is for us to understand, that we can move away fromand go back into. but we chose the cars,we choose to fly out, we choose to make a shelterto hide in from whatever is coming. but, if you understand thatwe can work with the soul of the man, not only us, we can even move the trees,the soul of the trees, the plants, the animalswho are on the way. this is the new knowledgeand the strength which man has gained.

at the beginning which is now,when you write the charter it looks a bit funny. how can i do this?but understand one thing. when the man's soulcollectively in the councils writes in the pen of the soul of the man,in the first charters. it'll become the law, it'll becomethe outcome. it'll become the setting. so, when you write in these teachings,especially on tuesday afternoons, now that we see a workshop is set up,especially for these kind of work. you'll find out what you write inthe name of the soul of the man to be, will become to be.it'll become the conduct of the soul.

we got to understand soul can not steal,stealing is the habit of physicality. so, is no use when you write in the charter,"thy shall not steal." thou can never steal. as i explained in the councils,you take four or five magnets, especially the round onesand place them on the table. when you put a magnet on inside,they all take new positions. the one who wants to join you,joins you. the one's who position's to be distancemove away. you cannot steal,souls do not steal. this was the habit of the manto justify to have physicality.

this is how we become correct. it's the job of the councils,the earth council, the universal councils with what the core teamis there to support. to write a new charter,a new book of prophesy, of man peace,man unification. not only on this planet, not only withthe other being on this planet, but beyond. this is the job of the councils andwe see them growing, we see them mature. they've been, they set upthe one nation one planet signing of the documents,of peace treaty.

last week for the first time,you saw them coming to present, partially at the beginningand if you look in depth, you see, as i explainedin the other teachings on tuesday, very clear, three different waysof councils, of core team. we saw how the membersof universal council are still tied up with the physicality of this world,what happened historically, where history in the human race,will not come up anymore. because, we'll be ashamed of whatwe've done to ourselves and the others. it'll be something wedo not like to talk about

because we were wild we are still wild,because we use others. and we see this in the teachings andthe way the universal council is shaping itself. then we see the earth council members,how they shape. they look and they come upwith totally different concept and aspects ofthe one planet, one nation. listen to the last weeks teaching,between, they both had one hour or so,to present. the first steps,the first entry. this is where were going,the peace process will come through,

writing the ethosand it discussed openly. come in board,make your point. you see it different light in howour souls should be or could be. each one of us has his own beauty.is not anymore somebody will decide. come in, participate especially on tuesdayafternoons as the charter is getting written, on the same number,on the same visit point. and then structure a charteror book of prophesies of a man, which means we don't prophesize, we becomethe prophets of ourselves for our souls. we don't do it for the others.

when you write the charter, write it asit's for your soul, not is for somebody else. and then, look how you canelevate your soul to that position. the elevation comes by givingand not by taking, the elevation comesby loving and unifying. the game has changed. the game changes quite a lot, when we understand, we arethe tools of the progress of the man for other souls to progressto the higher levels. a father sacrifices his live for a child,a mother does the same, we don't sacrifice.

we give freely, that bygiving we elevate the others souls that they canserve humanity better. the charter has to be written,"the book of laws of the soul" has to be written, by man and not writtenor given by somebody else, when the man does notunderstand his soul. many people writeto me and they say, "can you explain,where can we find our soul?" your conduct is the progress,advancement of your soul. try to learn new ways,how to reach the other souls.

by reaching the other souls,you find the potential of your own soul. is not looking for what i did,what i get. but giving it unconditionally and seeingthem elevating in a way of their own soul, in their conduct, it meansyou have found your soul. a man should not lookfor a physicality of the soul, but a man shouldlook for the strength of what he can do with his soul,that elevates the others. in the position of elevation of theirs,to reach that they can elevate the others. and then in that process might,might be some fields,

which you'll receivein the process of progressive, what i call, 'development',that elevates you. not to give to be elevated,to give unconditionally. this is the secret of the creation. this is the secret of the creator,and this is what we've got to learn. participate in writing the book of manin the conduct of his soul. i always said,"when i write the book of the soul, it'll be the last bookand it's the time when i leave." it's for you to write,the book of the soul of the man

and then the physicalitywill follow, and this is whatthe function will be. we allow ever week foruniversal council members and the earth council membersto participate, to come in and explain how they evolved,how they see, we need to write the charter. but, at the end when the councils agree,with the discussion with the humanity, because each one of us, now hasbeen elevated to be responsible for our souls, we can discuss what we think could beand should be part of the charter. part of this book of the soul of the man,written by the man.

because as is in the bookof writing of the prophets, "the level of understandingof the man at the present time" "when he understands the mutationof the elements," "reaches the levelof the prophets of the past." which mean passes the physicality,how many times you have to pray and how you washed your handand what you have to do. because, when you reach to the levelof the prophets of the past, it means you gain access to your soul,to control your conduct. then is upon youhow you decide to go.

carry on with the physical life andstand by all the suffering with it, or elevate your soul to the pointof you live through your soul which there is no punishment,but beauty of giving. every week wegive floor to the councils and then we add moreto the knowledge of the soul and the physicality andthe space technology. but priority for us is peace. achieving world peace throughunderstanding of new technology, which allows the charter to take shape,is the priority.

so, in the coming timesyou will see more and more, we give floor to the, to the... the two councilsand the members of the core team. to bring in, how they think and thenis your job to see what you can add to. there is no point ofdisagreement anywhere, there is no devil's advocates,that i'm here to see what happens. those who come with division,they'll find their own demise. those who come,to find, to progress, to develop, they'll find joyand satisfaction. do not think of all the negative thingsthese are of the past of human race.

think of it positive,think the way you reach it, think the way it canchange the life of the others and then progressively,you change. you change the humanity. i'll teach you more and more, how to findyour soul's power, not to find your soul. because, your physical existenceis the conformation of existence of your soul. what do you want to look for,how to open up and touch and play with? or understand what i feel throughmy soul, manifest myself in physicality and in a way, manifests itself inothers behavior

and physicality andthe elevation of their souls. we have to mature, it has come to the pointthat the man has matured and keshe foundation supporters andthe people, 'knowledge seekers' we call millions of you,have gradually built up to this point. we are at the verge oftipping the balance, in time i'll explain. the world means process,the unification of the nations support to reach it, is a very heavydiscussion for us in the background. today, where we sit where we look,where we teach

governments are notbothered about what, who said what. governments are now bothered,how can we change the course of our nationalsand now it's past the nationals, how can we changethe course of the humanity? introduction of languagesas tool of unifying, doing with the nation bordershas been found to be one of thesolutions for unifying mankind. but as long as the languages doesnot become another imaginary border line. languages are accessto the soul of the man

and in a way,all the souls are the same. it depends what filter you put on it,you call it the 'language'. take the filter, the suns areall the same, shine the same. so, souls cannot do wrong, but atdifferent ways accessing the information and convertingthat into physicality. the more and more we learn, themore we understand we are all the same. as it's been said many times, "we are all the fingers on the same handand the cells on each finger." we need each other to be able tofunction as one, collectively the correct way.

we need to be able to understand,it's not important for me to be, but is important for meto make sure the others who are, stay a positive,comfortable existence. then you find out,my life becomes comfortable too. but not to give it,to make sure i receive it. but give it unconditionally, that i have tofind, my soul will find his own position. many of you have this problem;how do i know my soul works? how do i knowwhat i can achieve? i give you a tip,try it.

and, then do it with sincerity,not for sake of seeing a result. but do it with sincerity, that you receivethe elevation of the soul of the others. you have a lover,you have a husband, you have a wife, you have children,you have friends. think about them , what is bothering them,what is suffering for them and try to give from your soul,that they receive so much from you that, what has bothered them, what hasbeen suffering for them, find a solution. you don't need to talk and you don't needto wait for the result, to see "i work." just do and thenyou see the result.

you see that youelevate them out of their pain. because, they receive theydon't have that strength to add, they receive it from youand they find a solution. and then, sometime in the futureis not there and he say, "oh, i accidentally thoughtand it happened." but no, "oh i gave andi've managed to elevate the soul." "alleviating the pain my thinking,but i gave enough unconditionally that if it was needed, has receivedand it brought the change." do not think anymore

"oh i though it happened, no i wished it,i gave, it's beautiful to see it happen" it's different school of thoughts. is different way to reach. is the way...the way the prophets of the past lived. christ did not go on the cross to seeif, "i can have two billion followers." he went on the cross fordifferent purpose and that purposebrought man to this point. of two million people,believing in his principle, but some not following his principle,to how's suit them. because, when youcommit yourself to a prophet

you commit your soul to it,not your physicality. and now if you commit your soulto peace, mankind will reach peace. we hear world governments start talking,because millions of us have start thinking "oh, it's coming fromthis government, have you seen?" "yes.""but stand still and think." we thought about it,we decided, we put our soul in itand this is the fruit. world peace has to be a criteria thatthe earth council, the universal council, keshe foundation,all financial supports, the core team,

all the strength and humanityhas to go towards too. i have spent every second of my lifeto bring you peace and through my strength,i achieve it. the peace, the way this race hasset for itself looks very difficult, but the peace to achievefor this race, is so easy once the man toucheshis own soul, not the others. do not work with the fear,but work with the strength that, "i can give unconditionally," that,"my existence is irrelevant, if it you can feed the forces thatbrings peace for this planet."

in the scriptures it says, "the time comes when the lionand the lamb sleep next to each other" the lamb is the soul of the manand the lion the physicality of the man. it's for us to understand both... that bothcan live within the peace of each other. when the physicality doesn't do wrongthe lamb and the lion are at peace. when you kill, the lion,the soul which is the lamb, has to find to compensatefor a wrongdoing of the physicality. and, this keeps it in away from reachingthe level of its evolution to a higher level. we evolve.

the evolvement of the soul of the man comesthrough the physicality, conduct of itself. how we conduct ourselves in physical lifegives rise to our soul. and this is whatthe man has to understand. this is why when you go into spaceno one can fool you, that "i'm a king", "i'm a new priest","i'm a new prophet". we are all messiah, but weare the messiah of our own souls. and this is the reality,which we have to understand. because, in conducting correctwe don't need to teach no one, because we becomethe teachers of one .

in many of my talks i always say:"i am the messiah", but i'm the messiah of my own soul,that i make sure my soul to conversion, tomy physicality, does not do wrong. then, that becomes the path,because that's the energy i elevate and that's the energy that i...emit, that it receives by those who are of thesame school of thoughts. we've seen and we see our progressivedevelopment as a race, as on the planet, from now on, is in the hand of thosewho understand this point onwards. we don't preach, we enlightenfor the man to find his soul.

participate in development andthe writing and... in the scripture of peace through the work ofthe, what we call... universal council, the earth council andwriting what we call 'the charter'. the charter is not for the others. what you read in the charter is thedevelopment of your own soul. as i said to the council,"i can write the charter in one sentence." and applies in any dimensionin the universe. as a man you like to putmore of your pains what you see as wrongas one line of the charter,

write it and then look at it ina few months time, that became irrelevant. my wish to achieve world peaceit'll be done. because, it's the dream of every soul,but now we have united the souls, and this is whatthe progress will be. not, having fear if you gonna have a peacebut having the knowledge that we have achieved peaceis the beginning of the process. the technology will give everyneed of the man. then, when you have everything you needwhat is going to be left except peace?

that you can travel the depth of theuniverse and be of the same. you become the prophets of those in spacewho do wrong if you find any. because, you teach it to your soul and youtouch their souls, so they adapt to you. it's like the way we say, "you have two plasmas,one of the weaker one of the stronger. the stronger which is your soul haslearned to be correct, will give to those who do misconduct andelevate same to become like you." this is the beauty of the new teaching this is the beauty of understanding thestrength of your soul.

a sun never dies, it shines till itamalgamates with another or it shines moreto give more. and the soul of the man is the sun. is for us to understand, do we chooseit to behave or be like a venus, or to be likejupiter, or like earth. the same sun, the same raybut different manifestation in different positionof the strength. participate in writing the...charter because, that's the charter for the soul of the man,not physicality of the man.

never be afraid to evolve,to elevate. but be afraid that,"if i don't give what happens?" you cannot steal, but by not giving youhave already stolen from yourself. because, then you have not givenwhat it's got to be and not received what you weresupposed to receive. so, in a way we steal from our own souland no one likes to be robbed then our conductbecomes correct. are there any members of theuniversal council who would like to bring us moreknowledge today?

(gm) yes, good morning mr keshethis is gatua, i would like to...(mk) good morning dr gatua. (gm) yes thank you very much forall your excellent enlightenment and what you're doing for...the soul of man globally. i'd like to share screen and... hello, i'm going to talk aboutethos of peace, and ... i'm gatua wa mbugwa i represent the gikuyu language and thegikuyu people in the universal council.

in this presentation i will talk aboutethos of peace, i will have a few questions fordiscussion here and there and then i give a brief summaryin gikuyu language. as we have all heard from mr keshe that ...languages touch the soul of man. and then i'll have a few minutesfor ... an open discussion where other members of the councilsand other participants are welcome to... give their opinionsabout ethos of peace. so, the keshe foundation and all it'sassociated councils and the teams that is to say universal council,the earth council and the core team,

have a common ethos that can besimply summarized as, quote unquote "we are here to serveand not to be served" then ... why do we talk about peaceand why ethos of peace? so, in your own opinion,is peace important and if so why? and what does the term ethos of peacemean to you and why is it important? you can write your responses in the chatif you are not a panelist and i will give a few minutes for...for those who want to respond verbally... to these ...two questions. anybody can respond who is a panelistand whatever is written in the chat,

... i would ask rickto please read them. thank you. (rc) okay, thank you gatua. ... just trying to see herepeople will get their thoughts together. and let them in livestream as well,someone there has ... comments. (gm) if you can get ... even two ...that will be fine and then i'll continue. (rc) okay. that's fine...(gm) and then probably, we can read what is written. (rc) we can start with ... kasimirwho's got a complete sentence here ...

"peace is important because it is and willbe, the base of humanity in the future." (gm) okay, thank you very much. is there another one? (rc) ... mark erb says,"it means i will not be eaten." (gm) okay.(rc) like... eaten (gm) is there anyone whowould like to say this verbally to... respond to these two questionsor one of them? please? go ahead. (ab) good morning.

good morning dr gatua.(gm) good morning, is it azar? (ab) azar ... the man can be peaceful,the meaning of the peace is when you allow me to read your mindthen it means you're peaceful, and you have nothing to hide. .. that's, it meansyou're peaceful. (gm) thank you very much azar. anyone else? (gm) okay, thank you very muchto all those who contributed. i will go aheadwith my presentation

... according to webster's dictionary,ethos means, "the distinguishing character, sentiment,moral nature, or guiding beliefs." these beliefs should be,actually principles, not believe. because, once you know, now ... you nolonger believed, because you know,so knowledge. "or a person, group or institution",so this is the guiding. mr keshe says, "the book of guidance",that we are writing. so, that is what ethos we usewhat guide us for now? peace and ethos of peace are very importantto the keshe foundation

and all it's associatedcouncils and teams. we have often been told that,quote, unquote, "if you want peace, prepare for war." but, is the above statementcorrect ? how could you, have peace,when you are preparing for war? if you wish for war,you'll get war, in my opinion. and that's what ... mostlyhas happened, in the past so now, preparing for waris inconsistent with our ethos of peace paradigm... a paradigm shiftis therefore appropriate.

so, if you want peace,prepare for peace, that is what would be consistentwith our new, ethos. we prepare for peace, we wish for peaceand we'll get peace, bring about global peacewhich we are trying to do and mr keshe has been doing this,for many years. we serve through love, unity, wishingand giving among of us. so, what is the ... why love?love we have been told by mr keshe conquers everyday, so we must ... or should... make sure we know how to fall in love, with the creation, all creation.when you love, you have no enemies.

unity... the universal councilis a structured on languages and we have learned, that languagestouch the souls of their speakers languages touchthe souls of man. the more united we are,in our... the more... when united we arethe stronger our wishes and this is because of lots havemagnetic-gravitational field-strength and the more people are thinking about...are united thinking about peace, the greater field-strength we have and...and the easier realize what we wish for. so, unity throughlanguages without borders,

because languages arenot necessarily speakin... spoken within a particular territory,people have moved globally. so, we are talking oflanguages without borders, borders all... reaching those who speakparticular languages wherever they may be. and, how about wishing? our wishes,are our commands so, when we wish for peace,we get peace. when we are united in our wishes for peacewe get peace even faster. and giving?

the more we give, the more we receiveand the more we elevate our souls. in elevating our souls, we'll also elevateall other souls as we are all connected. so, giving is very important andmr keshe even said this morning that, ... "when you give unconditionally,that's when you receive." so, like the sun,we wish to give unconditionally in all directionsand at all times. and in so doing, in givingunconditionally like the sun you receive a abundance...abundantly. and peace is very important,in our wishes.

so .... what have you been doing? ... the keshe foundation has broughtplasma science and technology. it has released technologyin exchange for peace. we teach, we learn and teach these scienceand create technology, new technologies,peaceful technology. recently, the keshe foundation organizedthe signing of the world peace treaty and that sign, the world peace treatycan be found through the below ... website, url,link to the website. and now, we are united as the councils,keshe foundation councils,

the peace, i mean the universal council,the earth council and the core team, to write a charter for a peacefulone planet, one nation, and one race that we want to bring about and that hasalready started and mr keshe mentioned thatearlier this morning. so, now, i like to give a summaryof peace, ethos of peace in gikuyu and of course i might, remind youthat ... mr keshe says, "languages touch the souls of man." so, it's very important to speak to those werepresent, in our lang... in languages that touches their soul,that touch their soul.

[gatua wa mbugwa speaks in gikuyu] thank you very much, i have justgiven us brief summary in ... gikuyu and we now return toethos of peace in english and ... i would like ... othersto discuss ethos of peace, and how they can helpbring about global peace. through love, unity, wishing, givingor in any other ways. i especially welcome other members ofthe various councils and teams. but ... participants, other participantsare also welcome. thank you very much indeed.

those who are not panelist can go aheadand write in the chat. and please rick, i would appreciatevery much if you could read. (rc) yes we have one from,from before actually, from jos who... that might be a relevant... statement, he says, "ethos of peace should consider to the ethicsof survival of all the dynamics." that was from jos. ... mark erb says,"war is not peace, love is the first law." (gm) and the panelists can also speak...(rc) yes and there's ... okay, well jos ...is also...

would like to speak i s...he's got his hand up but. is there any paneliststhat would like to speak at this point? okay well i'll promote jos to a panelistthen ... see what he has to say? hello jos are you there, can you hear?let me unmute you, and then you can speak. hello, hello?(jn) yes. yes, do you hear me? (rc) yes we do. (jn) okay, so now my microphone is open?(rc) yes. (jn) okay, so ... this is about ...the means, that we have to take to, to bring peace, ... withoutany enforcing anything.

i think mrs ke...mr keshe has talked one time about ... sending in space, deep space,those who would be ... at war, you know. so, it's such an incredible idea thati think we should consider ... very much to send these who won't to abide to peace,to isolate them for a moment. i don't know,maybe the time it would take. if it is one day, it's one day, one weekand will be one week and so forth. but, when one is isolated,i think that he will understand how it is important to be together ...to partake, to share, our ... our life, what weare doing in our life.

and ... i don't know why it is so importantto share with others. ... i have a little idea about itbut i wo... i don't, i won't, i would not... i would not liketo talk about it right now. but, i think this would be a solution, to...not to punish, but to isolate the person whowant to head again for war. i don't know if ... few peoplewould agree with me, but, this is ... a very good idea,from mr keshe that i will promote. (rc) so you're saying your ideafor to bring about global peace, is to isolate ... certain people?

(jn) no ... those whowon't abide to peace. who will ... you know, do you understandwhat i mean? their incarcã©rã©, non... those who, who, who con... (rc) okay well,we have on the page here, how you canbring about global peace through love, unity, wishing, giving,or in other ways. and you're suggesting what,locking people up? isolating them in what way?what would be a way of doing that, that's in a loving, unity, wishing,giving or other ways?

(jn) ... i think that e... we shouldisolate those in space, alone, for the time it takes that they realize that... to be alone, isolated ... is not ... so ... happy life, than to be together in society.really, i don't know if you understand. (rc) you mean send them off to space,send off the people that are ... aggressive and want warand send them to space, is that what you're saying,by themselves? (jn) yeah. the aggressive,the aggressive ones... (rc) no, no, we don't sendthe aggressive people to space. that's not the waywe do things because ...

there's no room for aggressiveness in space,it... that doesn't work. (jn) yeah, but if they are isolated,they won't be ... damaging others, you know. but, if you isolate them in space withthe means of maybe the magrav technology. (rc) no that's not part of the...(jn) ??? take their own position, you know? (rc) so far as i knowit's not part of the way that these, that ... universal council or the earth council,or the core group works. ... we work to elevate others, not to ...encase others with ... by isolation necessarily. ... (jn) yeah buthow could we protect ourself? (ab) ... rick can i come in?(rc) well it's a question. go ahead.

(ab) ... okay jos,this is the thing, you don't have to go that farto make people peaceful. ... people who're not peacefulthey're just like drunk people, you know, when they're drunkthey don't know what they're doing. and then when they come to the realizationwhen the alcohol wears off of them, say sigh and say,they say, "oh my god, that i acted like that?" that's how the situationof the man is on this ... on earth. they... an non-peaceful man are just like... drunken man. if you ... (rc) what, what happens when you confronta drunken man and try to ... you know maybe ...

(ab) so what you have to do, you have to,when somebody is not peaceful you just ... have to give enough to themlike the way we give to the drunken man enough water to, to get the ... give themthe water to give them their thirst away. so that waythey become sober. so, that's what you do, you just give enoughto become peaceful, they're just likea drunken man. and that's how it is,but i have a question for all of you ... mr keshe talk about the soul and ...the giving and elevation. there was a discussion also last time ...you guys had, that in terms of giving ...

like somebody who's in,in distress, and mr keshe gave a example of a old manhe was saved, and another man, because the energy has to go someplace,and another man who had a family had to die. so, in elevation also ...mr keshe discussed today, that if's a loved, a loved one, a brother,a sister, a husband or a friend is in ... pain, and, we can give from our soulwithout even doing anything ... elevate their soul so the pain goes away.but the question is ... in both situation are we interf...when do we know are we interfering, or we sh...are we allowed to go in and do it?

because, sometimes these people have tolearn from the pain they're going through. ... are we allowed to goand get rid of the pain by elevation, or am i interferingor am i allowed? when can we do that? that's my question,for anybody who can answer it. (rc) well elevation may not necessarilymean removing pain for somebody that's ...in that position. they may relate to somebody (inaudible).(jn) i think ... ... do you hear me? (rc) yeah go ahead, hello?

(jn) i think that education isa part of the solution. and, when you hear about what mr kesheis teaching us, this is ... a real education. and, but the problem is that peop...with people today is... is, they are not educatedto clear their words. when they're studied, they're notsure they understand what you says but you will ask them, tell thema sentence ... with the word "ethos" and if they don'tknow what is ethos he could just decide by themselvesthat it does means this or that which is not at all the case.

so, the first thing you have to do, is toeducate people to clear their words before talking or for... in trying tounderstanding what we have, what we try to ...to make them understand. and this should be includedin the education system and ... i don't want to promote scientology ... but in scientology we have, we startto, to... with the first course i would ... (mk) excuse me,i have to stop you there. (jn) yes. yes.(mk) i have to stop you there. we, we have noconnection with scientology.

we set up a new courseand this has to stop. (jn) yeah scientology is the mostabusers in the world right now. (mk) not really, it'syour line of thinking. ... it's not and i, i say we do,i do not agree with this in whatever shapeor form whatsoever. (jn) but ... (mk) you, no no, we'retalking about different thing, you're talking about different thing. (jn) yes.

(mk) okay? yes, go got to, no, no,you got to stop this line of talk. if ... you have, you work,you've been part of scientology, that's... we respect itthat's your right. do not bring this things intothe work of the keshe foundation. (jn) yeah, but we have totalk about solutions mr keshe. (mk) solution, that's not a solution. they never had a solution. (jn) let's say ...(mk) scientologists never had a solution. (jn) yeah.

(mk) and we know the...the mind set which goes with it. i don't agree with it.please stop this line. (jn) that's okay ... (mk) thank you very much. can we have any other one...any other contribution please? (pw) yes hello ... it's pete from poland member of the universalcouncil polish language ... ... to answer azar's question ... i think you know we, we, we can't helpanybody until ... they're prepare to take.

so ... my intake on this wouldbe we always offer love, we always give unconditionally and thenwhenever the other party is prepared to take they take as much as they want, as muchas they eat at the given point in time. (ab) thank you. (gm) are there any other members of thecouncils would like... or to say something? even share their experiences, throughthis process of ... elevating our souls in order towrite a peaceful charter. (mr) this is mosfeq speaking ...can you hear me? (gm) yes mosfeq, go ahead please.

(mr) ... i'm with the universal councilrepresenting bengali language. one of the things ... gatuabrought up at the beginning is that... in order to achievepeace we don't make war, in order to achievepeace we make peace. and the guiding principles andyou lay down very beautifully, love, unity, wishing and giving. and, one of the ways this... these thingsmay manifest is through our conduct. the conduct is an expression ofour wish, the way we give and the love and it brings... it helps to bring theunity that we are trying to achieve.

and, we will achieve it. we become theexample as mr keshe said ... through this we become thesh...shining light, for example, that people are drawn to with... because ofthe proper field. and, so in a way... as opposed to misconduct, mis-conductdoing things that promote division conduct brings unity. unity for us...us to achieve the peace.

so... and it is also... becomes an example,a silent example for others to learn from. some may ... do itslowly, some little faster but it propagates,people are drawn to it and, this becomes a mechanismthrough which peace can propagate locally and through thefield universally. thanks. (gm) thank you very much ... mosfeq.are there any other responses rick that you can read or is there anybodyelse who wants to contribute? if not, i'll be summarizingvery soon. rick, are any responsesin the chat?

(rc) i'm just tryingto find some here ... gatua. i have some comments but i'mnot sure if they're relevant or not? ... (gm) okay, i can goahead on the summarize. ... i've talked aboutethos of peace, the way i understand it, after learningfrom mr keshe and being ... among the universal council,we discuss these things but ... what i have presentedhere is my understanding and ... ethos of peace we have tochange, we have to have a paradigm shift from thinking in terms of ...war if you want peace

... "prepare for war",that has to go out of the window. if we want peace we have to preparefor peace and how do you do that? we prepare for peace throughlove, love conquers everything. through unity, we have astructure that unifies people with on the languages they speakand why is this important? because, languages touch thesouls of those who's speak them. also, languages unify people in that,those who speak ... particular languages are not necessary confinedto a particular country or territory. like those who speak gikuyu forexample, are all over the world.

so, when i speak in their languagethey understand, their souls are touched wherever they may be. and then through wishing andwe have learned from mr keshe that our wishes are our commands.so, when we wish for something and especially, when we areunited in the... in our wishing, we ... we getstronger field-strength, because, even our words andour wishes for that matter, have magnetic-gravitationalfield-strength. so, the more peoplewish the same for peace

the more easier itbecomes to get peace. and through giving,giving is also loving. through giving,the more we give, the more we receive and themore we elevate our souls. and in elevating our souls,we also elevate other pe... other souls including those of plants andanimals, as we consider peace ... for all souls, for all entities ...that are created. so ... i also have a summary.i summarized what i went through in gikuyu the language that i representin the universal council.

and then, opened this discussionto others and i appreciate very much all the contributions of ... other participantsand members of the various councils. i thank you all very much indeed for yourparticipation and for listening. thank you. thank you very much, back to you rick. (rc) okay, does that ... complete this part,is that what you're saying ... gatua? (gm) yes, my part is completed ... but ...if people wish to continue discussing? ... i have finished my presentation.thank you very much. (rc) okay. thank you. ... mr keshe wouldyou like to come in now or ... ?

(mk) yeah, no problem, it's just about...can we hear from the earth council members? (rv) hello everyone, i am rodrigo vildosolamember of the earth council. i'm honored to speakto all of you about a few aspects of the charter we are workingon for the earth inhabitants. so, that we can open a discussionhere today of these subjects. it is important of all of us, not onlyto understand the charter, but to participate in its creation. it is not a job forthe earth council or united... or universal councilto create a charter.

think of us only as yourtools to put it together. the ideas have to comefrom all the people of earth. this is a time we we're waiting for. it is hard to conceive that in this day andage we still have wars going on our planet. we kill each other with guns, we kill andhurt each other with unkind words and hatred. we bombard each other withbad thoughts, as if no one can hear us. how do we get here? throughout our history, people werealways artificially divided by the powers to be. even to the color of their skin or their beliefs,or their position in society.

it is an acceptable practiceto kill in the name of god, just because someone elseis practicing a different religion. all of it was done to distract usfrom the awareness of our own power and as long as we standdivided there will be no peace. we share this beautiful planetwith other lifeforms, animal, plant, mineral kingdoms,the air around us, the water, the elements of the planet,the very earth we walk upon it. all of them are our brothers andsisters on this beautiful blue-green planet. the eu... the humans havedominion over all this lifeforms,

not because wewere better than them, but because we were gifted to speakand understand all of their languages. and therefore be the humble voicein united all of us together. it is in working together with nature thathumans find that inner peace with help, create harmony on earth. there's a lot to discuss, but firsti would like to keep you one thing in mind. when bringing... when bringingyour ideas to the table, please form them in such mannerthat you say exactly what you want it to be versuswhat it should not be.

a good example of that’s...of that is the ten commandments. one shall not kill. the creators of thosecommandments knew that the minute you say to people,"do not", do something the people most likely would the opp...... opposite or at least try it. therefore, there will beautomatically create sinners, who had to repent or to be punished. we don't want togo down that path. there, i just state exactlywhat we want to create on our lives.

now we gonna show some aspects,that we're discussing by... between the earth counciland universal council. if you allow me rick to ...to share the screen, please? (rc) okay are you able toshare there now rodrigo? (rv) thank you, thank you so much.yes, can you see it? (rc) if you can make it full screen(rv) okay.it would be better ... (rv) yes.(rc) obviously. perfect ... thank you. (rv) so, this is one of the...the discussion we were disc....

we were....presented by the earth council so, this is open for allof you to discuss it. it is time to alter humanity, to moveit to higher level of consciousness. and for all that, every individualshould be more aware of his own role on thisconstantly evolving unicos. advance...advancement for the future, it is time to be responsible for...for act... for our actions, allowing a deeper connection to our soulsand the elevation on our spirit. the future is in our handsand each one of us is responsible now,

not only for our own life and future,but also for the totality of the creation. it is a time to become partof the universal community and for that, we'll haveto be ready, to prepare. it all starts fromfollowing basic state... basis steps of the truth about ourselvesand the way the creation works. there must be a balance in everything,basically in giving and receiving. what we give out, it is what we give,we will... we'll receive in a stronger way. let's be responsible for our actions,feelings, beliefs and habits. the universe belongs to us andwe belong to the universe... to the universe.

so, it's open to discuss,to all of you. any comments? (lm) ... hi rodrigo, it's lisa.(rv) hi lisa. (lm) ah... rodrigo, i think thatthe most important ... aspect(mk) yes... sorry lisa, can you introduce yourself,who you are, please? (lm) ... sorry ... it's lisa and i'm theec member for australia and ... yes, i think that the...the most important part of this whole ... concept here,

is that the universe belongs to usand we belong to the universe. we are the totality and we are the creatorand each single one of us, is that. and so we have to...we have to look... see our role and... and understandhow we have to operate. ... if... if you do anythingthat isn't correct, you are hurt...harming yourself ... and... and that is the... the big part of this...that we haven't understood. that you... you can't do anythingthat isn't correct, because when you do, it... it always, it... it...it's ... it takes away from the totality.

and by taking a way from the totality,you're harming yourself. ... and... and that's a big aspect of,i think, what we have to learn (rv) do you want meto present the next one lisa? up to you rodrigo. so, any commentsfrom all of you? (rc) well there's several people withtheir hands up, that i'll invite in if ... no one here fromthe councils wants to speak. (lm) we'd love to hear fromother people please rick. (rc) okay.

(rv) as we said,this is an opportun... the opportunity for the whole earth,to participate. (rc) okay, so there is bonefice who ...should be a panelist there now... go ahead bonefice.(bc) thank you rick. can you hear me? (rc) yeah, yes.(rv) yes (bc) okay ... this is boneficea knowledge seeker from ... california. ... greetings to everybody and ... dr ... gatua's presentation,but i think it is applicable here too.

... if you don't mind me asking,or making a comment. ... in his presentation he...he made a statement, "if you want peace, prepare for war"and suggested that... ... "if we want peacewe should prepare for peace." and so it struck me... and then he alsogive is the ethos of ... peace. we're here to serve,and not to be served. it, it, it begged the question,i guess in my mind. do we even havea working definition for peace? i was trying to seeif i remember seeing anything...

you know throughoutthis ... work. and i couldn't recall, you know,a statement to that effect, i think ... when i have anassumption of what peace is and... that's what i've heard everybody talk aboutbut, i have not seen stated anywhere ... what our actualworking definition of peace is. even, though we ethos for peace,which we've stated. so, i thought that was interesting.... maybe, if somebody, ... has that they can share that?but... (rc) well we do have theworld peace treaty, which mentions ...

that we agreed to accept to lay downall tools of aggression and more. so, that would be part of it... (rc) and shall never think about(bc) okay getting involved, or incite war. or develop or use any tools of waron this planet or in space ... and to this we agree and swear... and so on. (bc) okay, that's good,so that peace (rc) ... guidance about ...the aspect of war versus peace, but what you're talking about mightbe different in terms of defining peace,

but not defining itin terms of war perhaps? (bc) correct. correct. so, i... i thoughtthat might be something... worth looking into, if we ... you know,draw... are drawing up a... a charter? and ... i also have another question... since.... if it's okay? august 3rd i recall mr keshe... requesting that the ... to complete the process we began...to ... send a communication to ... you know, to the ambassadors andindividuals we contacted before. ... and that the council was gonna draw upthis letter that we could send out. bro... it's ... august, september 7th right nowand i haven't seen any such letter,

so... have we given up on that idea,or what... what's the status of that? th... those are just my comments.thank you very much. (lm) i'd just like to say something aboutpeace, in terms of the soul aspect of it. and, i think peace means somethingslightly different to every single one of us. maybe because ... it's... it's ... it'san interpretation of... of your perception, but to my mind,peace maybe is. allowing the souls to be ... in a placewhere it can give unconditionally and it has the comfort to do so, without... anything impinging on the freedom to give where you would like to giveand where you can give unconditionally.

... a bit like the positioningof the magnets. (rc) okay, thank you lisa... we have ... (mr) this is mosfeq, i would like to answerthe second question about sending the letter. i know people have sent lettersand they wrote their own. this, it's a short letter, saying thank youor something along that line. (rc) excuse me, can you get a little bit closerto the microphone it's hard to hear you? (mr) okay, sorry. sorry about that.... i'm responding to the second question, which is ...writing the letter. i know people have sentout letters and they wrote it

... in their own language, thankingthe people that received earlier a letter and making them aware of,where the... where to find these peace treaties,that has been signed. and, so anybody... can write a forward letter and i don't think there is...it's necessary to have a format for it. or a some sort of format ... letters thatwe all send the same letter to everybody. so, i think it's anybody can do it,it's just a simple process. (rc) okay thank you ... we've gota couple more people ... here. there's ... chad.... would you like to ...say something?

hello chad? i see your microphone's open,not hearing you, maybe you have to turn yourthe mike on or something? ... i see your microphone is going up anddown but i'm not hearing anything, chad. yeah, well see if you can figure out thingsat your end there? [background noise] there's something now...hello chad? (cv) can you hear me? (rc) yeah we hear you now. (cv) okay (laughs) sorry about that...sorry about that everyone

... just little trouble setting upmy new system today. ... i... my... my comment, i have just...just a comment. like i think, this is really great,what is happening in ... in discussing peaceand trying to bring ... as i see it,trying to... all of us together, trying to bring peace to the planet, to the universe from...from our planet moving outwards and ... the... i mean,this is kinda basic, but it... it resonates with me, is that we...we each... it's been said...

and it's been said tonight,like each one of us ... has to become more loving and...and... and forgiving of our, of ourselfand of others. as i see it, that's...that's... that's the main ... way to bring aboutpeace on the planet. like through forgiveness of ourselves...... each one of us forgiving ourself for the ... the aggression that we've created,maybe and in thought or in action. depending on maybe,our job or... or so on, and.. and then forgiving othersas we've forgiven ourselves and...

and... and that's... that'swhat i wanted to contribute. (rc) okay, thank you chad, now we have ...(jg) can i come in rick ? (rc) jalal, yes i was just gonna mentionthat name and sure enough he appears! (jg) [laughs] good day rick , good dayeverybody, good day mr keshe ... there is one thingcome in ... to my mind, ... you know, there is... in arabic land, there is a tribe they call them the 'bedouin'who is living in the desert. these people, they take with themall their furniture, everything's ... all kinds of animals, what they areusing, all the time, everywhere,

when there is a grass,green grass they go to it. so they, like they aretaking everything with them. for every spot they go. and, if i visualize what mr keshe saidand, when you give, you take more and there is another frontierbehind this earth and everything. if i said, "i am sitting here,in... in a valley", and there is a mountain and comea beautiful soul like mr keshe and said "look guys,behind this mountain there is a huge beautiful thingsyou didn't see it before!"

and what i'll say is"okay i will go there". but this mountain needto be climbed, okay? "okay i will climb it!" but if i take allthe things with me; all my furniture, all my animals,my cars, everything in my shoulder, how i... how i gonnaclimb this mountain? so, what i will do? i will give this, all thesethings away, to climb and even my... in the end,even your clothes

you will... you will... you will giveit up to... to climb this easier. so, everything we have learned, this is burden on your shoulder. your body is even burdenon your shoulder! whatever you have is my, my, my is you'relike putting more kilos to your shoulder! how you gonna climb? so what you will...gonna do, you will say, "can you take this one from me?""can you take this one from me?" but, no one take because all the peoplethey have the same thing,

or maybe less or more.and then what you will do? you will wish that someonewill take that burden from you. this, all this heavy, what you ... took allthese years to, to put it on your shoulder. then you will wish,"i wish someone come and help me and take this one from my shoulderthat i will be little bit ... lighter that i can climb little bitmore meters." so my friends,peace is that! that you give outwhat you have, but, not all of them they will takefrom you, but what you will do,

you will wish andsincerely you will wish, that, i or rick or anyone else, thathe will take from you something to... to make youlittle bit lighter that you can climb faster. so, peace come with that. peacecome that you give everything without... because, behind thismountain, behind this frontier, there is more beautifulthings you can do. when you come to the world, you are asmall child, you don't have nothing! you only need the... the... thisnew burden ... what you learned!

it's enough you learned, you have ... learned how... how pain is,you learned how love is, you... you all of that you are learning and you can'tkeep it on your... on your... on your brain, in your physicality, in your...in your rna, you are already registered. so, you don't need all these things, this mycar, my house, my tribe, my family even! because, it's one... it's like a soul,one soul he cannot take ... so many with him,only if they are light like him. mr keshe he can...he can come down and say, "okay i can help you,i can pull you up."

but he can... he cannot pull10,000 people with all this furniture and all this burdenon their shoulder. he can pull 1, 2, 3.i can pull 1, 2, 3. rick can... can pull meor pull that one. if he is lighter, if he... don't have this,all this furniture on his shoulder. it's the same thing give up, give all thesething what you have, not... not in physicality,but what is in your mind. my... my country, even sometimes...sometimes i'm not satisfied what i'm saying,

"i am from iraq" thati am something unique. i'm... i must be unique.no, i am from earth! i am.. i am fromthis spaceship. if i go up there, i will say,"i'm coming from earth." i will not say, "i'm coming from iraq", "i amcoming from america" or canada or something i am presenting every human being here,every creature here, every entity. but okay in meantime,to make people understand to make people ... experiencewhat we experience, how we came here. okay, in the meantime, buti will not put it as a... as a law.

only tool, even your body is a tool to...to understand these feelings, these emotions to put it inside your dna and from dna goes to rnaand then to ... elevate your soul. it is beautiful thingto think in that way. but if, okay i will help, i will givebut how you will give? what you will give? you will give...can you give your arm in this moment? no you're not,because this arm is yours! no one can take it from you! but if you think youcannot goes from this hole,

because you have a little bit, moreyou're heavyweight, you're a little fat, what you will say? "i wish that fat isnot there". it's... it's... it's in your body! you... you want to be little bit slim,10 kilos of meat, of flesh... you will give it! please, please take it, you will buy eveneverything to... to rid of this ... more kilos. because you have aim, you have zealthere is something you want to go and why... why don't we... put that in mind? thank you (rc) okay, thank you jalal

... who else would like to go aheadthere's ... alper. alper, would you liketo say something now? (at) why not? (rc) [laughs] those are the 2 big wordsthat mr keshe always uses when you ask him ... "what if we do this projectand add this gans to this and that and this and....?"why not?" (at) [laughs] i'm closing my mouthit's just so, so funny. ... as i was doing, i was commentingand then trying to understand the ... the gentleman's words,

... it's all wonderful to...is.. isn't it like a self ... impression. and like, to be able tocover everything and it's just like... ... it's a momentary,like we're in the moment now, we're... we're trying to ... impressour environment, as we always do, ... it's in our nature to beable to attract and repel. and ... isn't it wonderful to be able to like self... oh, i don't know how toproperly put it in a place! but ... overall, we're all anindividual that we're inflicting and trying to understandas we are speaking.

speaking is, is so ... importantand so, im... im... important in terms of your understanding,it is very difficult to talk here. that's what it is,it has to be understood, it's very delicate to be able to expressyour understanding, never mind about yourself,it's just the insight of you're giving out of it. ... you're just letting it go. very delicate, believe it,more than you think as you're listening comfortablyon your chair there. and like, very, very relaxed,and gi... taking it all in,

and like wonderful but,giving is like a mirror effect. what we're, what the teachers are trying to,and the speakers they, the people are... who are trying to shareeverything, just wanting to be a mirror. not trying to teach intensively and ...like intensely l...l... very powerfully, and forcefully,but giving out. what is, what informationis going to hit me, and reflect me towards myselfto the others. this is like a...that's how i see it. i don't take it as a negative wayin every word but the input...

in... information,even his name, i don't even remember the peoplewho speaks here sometimes. ... i'm very sorry about that, but the informationis in my brain is being scratched. is more important thanthe person itself, therefore, the person shouldn'treally think after he told, he didn't get any feedbackor love or care, it doesn't matter, it's the...it's the totality of the whole pro... maybe, last five or ten or maybetwenty hours of the totality of the teaching, has come to a point where it is actuallyteaching to a people.

not... i mean i don't mean it,my... by my words but, ... mr keshe's understanding would come to,a conclusion after all those teachings. just by understanding, so,talking here is very significant. ... sir, thank you so much for letting me speak.... it's very special, i was very ... i was having a difficult timeto be able to... how i would be expressing myself correctlyin terms of my understanding, not with the attitude or any other aspects,... worldly, worldly aspects, but just giving the understanding. how, how can i be a mirrorto be able to reflect

all their understanding towards you,with my ... support. that is what is happening here,i'm not teaching actually, i'm ...we're not teaching. even mr keshe is just repeating himself, he,he's been repeating himself forever, and therefore, people see themselveswithin those words. that is the ... mirror effect,therefore, they find themselveswithin this knowledge, exist this is ... that's just the beginning of...with my understanding, and wonderful, i think it's beautiful,really more than beautiful,

more than beautiful to be able to expressevery detail, every persons effort in it. mr rick's, everyone's effort is,is so delicate. it represents not the way you look at it,it represents in terms of ... knowledge, energy. effort is energy and it's information,that is being reflecting towards us. every effort means in this time,what we're experiencing, means information for our benefit, w...we really have to get it... get it right. i, that's what i think. our, our responsibility,kind responsibility, when, i mean,

even though i come to terms invery powerful words, but it's all very kind. honestly, information is in itself,in its own reality, i'm not talking aboutour words. why after you, you stand up with those words,it goes through. that's a kind ... post you send,it's just within its cont... containment, no matter what the information is.what is going there is a very kind ... interaction. we're all very kind people,really ... in the end. (rc) okay, alper ...(at) i have... thank you so much sir.

(rc) it's probably good for now, thank you.(at) thank you, bye. (mk) can i come in to ...comment in regarding the, what we've setting upthe charter for peace? and what we...part of understanding of it is, to give freely, that ...we elevate the soul of the others. i think ... the good example of thisis the way the foundation has set upfrom the beginning. we shared knowledgeunconditionally. ... sharing knowledge is sharing peace.sharing knowledge is sharing love.

and, i think the ethos, the way all of usaround the foundation have worked, has set example for this ... by...you got to look at the backgroundof the knowledge, backgroundof the behavior, backgroundof the outcome, and the backgroundof the outset of the whole thing. when, from the beginning,we shared the knowledge freely, we did not give the opportunityto the others to steal, to get the knowledge. so, we already prevented a crime to happen,... misconduct to happen that the...

because you stole you have to... do whatever with it, or whatever youcould hide from it. the ethos of the foundation,is a ethos of peace, by its behavior,by its conduct, by its action. and this is what a lot of peoplehave not understood. we don't talk aboutbecoming a peaceful, and giving freely, that it let otherto elevate their souls that they find peace. we live by this ethosfrom the day we set out. we never pushed one thingor another.

we gave freely, we taught freely,188 teachings. unconditionally. the edge of knowledge. everyone of usdiscovered something, came and shared. this is... always been,the pattern of the people whoset an organization up or any structure. the people who fit into that structure,follow the same mindset. and this's become our mindset. the structure of the foundationis giving unconditionally. which is loving. when you give knowledge unconditionally,you inspire the other souls. when you share knowledge unconditionally,it's a way of giving, it's loving.

when you love your child,you share all your knowledge with him, that in the future,he might benefit by it. he might find salvation in it.and this is what we done. if you look at the whole,(thank you very much, thank you giovanni) ... the whole structure, is...is set that way. it's not ... preaching, but it's the way,the foundation work has been, which is a loving peaceful condition,the work of all of us. some of us can express our feelings,some of us can express our knowledge, some of us can express our work.

but, we've seen over years,people come in unconditionally, give the edge of science, whatever discovered,that it could be benefit to somebody else. somebody's microphoneis open in the background. so we, we have to come to understand,we have to see that, the work we set up from the beginning,has been unconditional love, unconditional sharing of knowledge. opening the patentapplication forms. giving the knowledge freely,the books freely to the nations who could not afford, allowing the peoplewho can not afford have the free teaching

this is all part of, not the talk,but it's the way for us in the foundation. it's a way of living,unconditional giving. unconditionally we share. and millions of us, unconditionallyteach the others or does something for it. this how it will bebecause not only me but us as people around the foundation,we don't talk about it, but we do it naturally. to us it's natural to find somethingand come and share straight away. we done this.go back over all the teachings. and those who wanted to stop the sharing

have created all sorts of problemsfor themselves, not for us. this is the way it will be going.this is the way when we speak about peace, we do not allow others to commit a crimeto get access to the knowledge. but, because is knowledge freely,when they learn they share. it brings them peace, and thenthey share that peace with the others. so, we have set up examplefor a peaceful organization, for a peaceful foundation,for a peaceful work. and, all of you in all our work we say, "the word 'love'means give unconditionally."

and this is... been the workof the keshe foundation, we have given unconditionally. and, because of that we touched the soulof those who are or receive it. we all are in that position. we are all in that condition. we are all in that pathof sharing unconditionally. so, the foundation has set example for how not to allowingothers to commit, what we call, a 'wrongdoing'by trying to steal.

by making it freely availablethey added more to the knowledge. this is what i say,"you give unconditionally to elevate the others, and thenby them elevating they bring more out." look how the foundation works,i teach freely, i've taught freely from when we set up the foundation2004 - 2005 onset. if i would have keptthe knowledge to myself, without teaching publiclythe way we done. i would have done afew pieces there, a few pieces there. but now look, look across the internet,look how many thousands,

millions of people are doing it,they've done it, they're testing it. they've seen the results of it,and the rest of it. then they bring the knowledge backin different shape or form; as products, as research value,as new understanding. and you've seen it's grown,and it's growing in huge dimensions. and at the same timeyou have to understand that is not hit the public media. through the work of the foundation,people said many times, "i just press something and it came'keshe foundation' ,

i don't know how i got it,but it just came". because it's the soulhas already reached the soul the physicality puts itfor it to be seen. how many of you'vebeen looking for something and out of nowhere, on your screenyou found keshe foundation? because, your intention of the soulwas correct, you wanted the knowledge and it was there. your physicalitydelivered for your eyes to see. these are not coincidences this is what the mindset,the structure of the foundation is.

we have set up peaceful organization,through science. go back in all our work,"knowledge in exchange for peace." free energy in exchange for peace. because, in a way wealready become a peaceful organization. we are headinga massive peaceful organization, and the world leaders are listeningto what we set up. and, this is why we aretaken notice of. the foundation runsin tens of millions. as we've been told, in china alonethere are 25,000 links

on the keshe foundation,or keshe technology, or use of the keshe plasma technology,in one nation. you got to realize, that we don't talk about peace, we have bysharing and giving freely the knowledge... have brought peaceto the soul of many. and that will bring itself would peacein another dimensions and directions. so, when you write about the ethosand how the humanity has to move, we, have alreadymoved that path. and we have alreadyshared the knowledge.

you were online,couple of weeks ago, when we had from africa thatthey wanted to get access, book. our team freely downloaded all the pdf'sinto university for it to be printed, as many as possible,freely, unconditionally. we don't think about it twicewhat's gonna happen. because now the scientistsin that university, scientists in that country, and thenthe others which are in touch with have received the knowledge. this is not philanthropistorganization.

this is organization, which understandshow peace can be. when you don't stealto get to the knowledge, then you don't needto do other crimes to hide it. because, you received it freely, openlyyou share the knowledge, from what you know added to it, and then somebody else addsto the knowledge you received. this is the waywe have set the course. a politician, i was recentlyi was talking to him, he said, "you know, mr keshe to me

i don't look for world peace,keshe foundation is the peace, because everything in it, is what mankindis looking for to find peace". it's now for us to lookinto what we can develop and learn from itand deliver from it. we put a doveas a sign of peace. within a short time to come, kf meanswhen you see the sign, it means it's a peaceful organization,it's time for peace. this is how we have to understandwe change. so, the ethos is sharing,the ethos, we have shared.

the ethos is, would you sharefor what you have received freely? this is the consequence,and this is the charter for humanity. unconditional teaching, unconditional lovewhich in turn it sells, teaches the others to do. yet nobody needs to kill for accessingpatents of the keshe foundation, or the knowledge.it's freely there. and this is something which all of ushas to encourage. that one of the conditionswe teach you freely is that you teach freely too,not to withhold back.

the elevation of the soul comesby removing the filters on it. because the soul is the sun,it always shines the same. is us which puts the filter of blue, green,yellow, crime, whatever stealing on it. by removing these filters we'll findwe receive the... the totality of the light, the totality of the energyfrom the source. and this is what we call, 'peace'. peace, finding peace, being part of peace,is the problem for humanity. because, he has not seennothing but war and killing. in space there isno such a word exist.

because, long time agowe solved this problem. those who became unconditionalto condition to the peace they found a solution for. the same is for humanity. the knowledge of the manhas reached the level that sooner or later it breaks into space. but it's better to bring the maninto space as a peaceful being than becoming a food for man,it becomes exactly like wild west, or when man went to africahunting for new animals.

there is no hunting in space,because you can have whatever you like. and the sooner the man learns,the easier it becomes for the transition into the peaceful structure if the society,planet and then universal community. the structure of ethos of the charter,should be peace and peace should be explained,as loving, as giving unconditionally. because, when you receive unconditionally,you don't need to fight for it, because it's thereas you need it. this is where we need,we understand and we comprehend. and the more and more peopleget touched by the technology,

the more wesee the diversion. we see diversion from wars, we seediversions from all sort of things. because, it's... it is...it is unconditional, is unconditional love,which is give everything. as i see fit, i teach because thenyou understand that you can use it. it's the same with the others. initially we saw a lot of people coming inand delivering a lot of knowledge. and then we saw subsidence, becausethose who are the enemies or of the peace, themselves start making all sorts ofproblems with themselves and the others,

but at the end we prevail. we have gone through the foundationhas found a way to reach in ... so many ways,new heights in sharing. new heights in understanding what isneeded by human race to be peaceful being. we have to understand,that is us who needs to teach to ourselves,to become peaceful. and through it we'll find,whoever wants to find a place to fighthas no one to fight with. by us becoming peaceful,we bring peace to the others,

because in that waywe find a solution. this is what we've seen in... in very recent past withthe behavior of chinese government. setting up to go... set up to go... it hasn'tenticed other nations to go in war with china. they just walk away from it. they show we can earn more,with more work, with more investment, with more bringing wealth to the nation.and the opposition just melts away. this is how we find so muchcommon ground with the chinese. because, they share what they have andat the same time because of it they receive,

more enlightenment,more ways of sharing peace. this is part of the structure whichwe have to as human race, to follow. find peacewith ourselves, find peacewithin ourselves, find peacein all the structures. but, not fighting... gone...policies gone, it's finished... in... in the house,we have to find a solution. where is the problemthat there is no peace? and then find outwho's causing the peace,

how much of it is the realityand was there anything to start it. or it's for someonejust to prove they exist. by elevating,by giving through the soul, but not by givingthrough the pocket to buy peace. you'll find out the soul accesses,works much easier, because then, there isno need for the pocket. we can and the way we set up,this way the foundation is set up with unconditional love in science, we havebrought the unconditional love with the soul. and we see the benefit of it.we see the changes of it.

you got to realise, a lot of people say,"where is... what happened?" it's taken 2,000 years,to bring christianity where it is. it took s... decades and decadesto even reach the first million. the foundation, just in a few yearshas passed tens of millions. but now,it's time to share more, to understand the purposeof why we share the knowledge. there is no preaching,is the enlightening. the more you give the people the freedom,the more they get enlightened, the more they leave the correct path,because they don't need to do anything.

as i've said many times, "i have a lot of patience"and in that patience i find a lot of solace,a lot of peace. and, where it is, to me andto those who follow my work, sharing knowledgehas to be sacrosanct, unconditionally. because with it,we find peace with ourselves and then,the others do the same, and then, too many othersbecome all one. we have to find a way forhuman race to write the charter of peace.

not trying to explain peace. when you have to explain how toachieve peace you have already failed, because you haveconsidered the path of war. in so many ways, when we talkabout creating condition for peace, is unconditional love,unconditional giving. some people mislead, some people abuse,but mankind will realise very soon. that the tide for peacehas become so strong, that the humanityhas no choice but to accept. by sharing knowledge,by financial restrictions

which are causing peoplenot to be able to, by whatsoever. the path to peace hasbecome, like a funnel with one hole and all that liquid will go through it. what we need is to share knowledge,to spread the knowledge, and when you spread ittell them one thing, "it's a gift, free.use it for peaceful application." the soul of the man has accessto all the souls of the universe, it's for man to find outhow he want's to challen... channel it, to the directionwhere he wants to go.

we all know, how and whereand the way our soul works. i heard last week somebody asked armen,and i heard from the other communications. what is the position of the soul?where can i find my soul? "my wish is my command." if you wish and you have achieved yourwish, it means you have found your soul. if one wishes and thenone sees the result of the wish, then you have found your soul. this is the position of your soul, your wishis the command for your soul to deliver,what was your wish.

and then, what we have learned,because of the lack of trust in ourselves, "i though of this, but it happened",as i said earlier on. the way of thinkinghas to change. the way we considerhas to change. not that, "i thought and it happened" but "it's my wish and it's my powerfor it to happen in a good way". the way it's supposed to. my wish is peace, but becausei wish the others who are of the same school of thought, receiveand because their wish and many others.

so we achieve,it's not coincidental. as i've said many times,"my wish is my command" and then the only wayyou see your wish comes, is when you command,which was a peaceful, wishful thinking, has manifest itself andwhere up to now, you always said, "oh it just happened.i thought of it" but lack of confidence has never allowed youto say "it was my wish and it's achieved." we see this, we've seen this in the past,with the members of the core team, the work we didaround the core team.

members of the earth council,gradually have to come to understand,that it's within their command. members of the universal council,you choose in you soul, to serve the language, which isthe path through your soul and many others. you have to listen to those who chooseand have the path of the language to use their soul through you,that you represent the whole. and they understand,through their soul you speak their language. the man who speaksarmenian in armenia, and the man who speaksarmenian in australia,

should have accessto universal council member soul, does not matterwhere they are positioned. the time of physical transferof verbal noises and pens is over. this is how man has come and this is howman has to start trusting in himself. this trust has been taken away from man,through the weaknesses of in belief, and in differentnames of religions. now that we understand,stand to a strengthen, stand to understandand develop, and understandthat we are the cause of peace,

we are the cause of the change,because it's our wish. the two points that i've said before,not knowing, where the soul of the man isthe center of the creation of the man, and the man trust in his soul tobe correct, has been abused in the past. and now that you are knowledgeable,you understand, you don't needto be abused, you won't allow the abuse,because, "it has to be correct to me." "if it's correct to me, that i serve,and i give unconditionally, then i have no problem,let them do whatever they like with it."

even, they want to use it the wrong way,will turn up to be the right way. "i made manin the image of myself." which is the soul of the man,in image manifested the man. but you have to go one step further. "i made the soulin the image of myself." which means the soul of the man,is the image of the soul of the creator. how can such a perfect being,do wrong? this is whatyou have to understand! in the teaching of last week and before,i explained that your image, your soul,

in what has manifested,as his physicality, applies the the samein the dimension of the creator. where the soul of the creator,in dimension, in transformation, leads to creationof the physicality of the souls. so, the soul of the man,is the image of the soul of the creator, and in dimension of physicality,in the strength of the soul. and then, when it dimensionalizesto matter-state, or visual-state,it become the body of the man. so, there is no faultwith the physicality of the creator.

even though, the filtersmight cause it to be, look like. everyone of usis part of the creator. everyone of us is perfectin attribution of the creator. it's us who has decidedto put something in between the soul and manifestationof physicality. if the soul of thecreator is so perfect, that he has created such a perfect soul,as the soul of the man, it's for man to follow that,that the physicality does not fail. then, we understand how peaceand peacefulness exists across the universe.

because of the beauty of the fields,the strength, and understandingof the work of the creation. why do we need to createdefense technology for space, for the peoplewe have never seen? where we create systems, that when we comeacross, we great, we give unconditionally. a man who gives is the strong one. the man who fights is a week man,because he has to have something, that he can eat,sturdy further out than himself. because, the man who’s correct,embraces.

and this is whathas not understood, by most of the humanityfor past thousands of years. we see that change in one nationand we embrace that nation, because,they understand the change. it's got to be understoodin a very simple way. and the fasterthe human race understand, the faster we walk away from this pathof destruction, in any shape or form. how can such a beautiful,perfect soul of the creator, which creates such a beautiful soulof the man,

become a wrong man?unless the man has chosen himself? which means by elevatingthe man's physical understanding, of the work of his soul, it bringsman on the path of correct conduct. as i always say, if i give it to you,is my prerogative. this is what i want to give,that by receiving, you have somethingthat you didn't have. but, if you put your hand in my pocket,to take what i was going to give to you, that is, you deprive from thepleasure of me giving it with my soul. because you only receivedthe physicality.

when a father gives anything to his son,is not the physical, is the love which is gone through thesoul, that the child feels that love too, is not physically receiving. then, the physicality of the entityis irrelevant. because the soul of the sonhas elevated, by knowing that he receivesthe love of the father, which is unconditional,that he learns in the future, he will do automaticallywith his children and the others, because the physical thing has norelevance. in time will not be there.

but the impression of the receivingthe emotion of the love from the father, will always touch. how many of youhave been in that position? that you don't remembereven what was given, but you rememberthe emotion of the love, the receiving of it, the pleasure of it,which touched your soul. the sooner the man walk in that path, thesooner we even will not teach history, because we made so much mistakes, but ina way because of it we are where we are, that we don't want to talk about,the mistakes of the past.

because, because of it we arewhere we are in a peaceful way. the progressin the development of the peace, comes to elevation... throughthe elevation of the soul of the man. as i've said before in the teachings. the lamb and the lion. the adam and the eve. adam is the soul of the man, the eveis the physicality of the planet earth. and the transformation, be itbe the energies of the soul, and manifestationof the physicality of the planet,

has lead to the structureof the physicality of the man, which in trying to feed the two, stealsfrom the other, and kills from the other, to be able to keep and sustainthe connection between the two. the sooner we understand this, thesooner we'll bring peace on this planet. because, we will bring the condition, thatthe physicality of the weaker strength, in transformation,in receiving from the higher, which is the soul of the man,does not create a conflict of stealing and peace. we have to mature to see the totality,and then we'll see the same. why does an animal kill?the soul is strong, the planet is weak.

in conversion from one to another,the entity of something in between, becomes the target of the twoto hold on the two sides, to both sidethe soul and the planet. once we understand this,and we eliminate the use to kill, to create and keep the energybetween the two, we can do it from the environmentof the universe, then there shall be no killing,then there is peace. remember, i am the messiah.i am the messiah of my soul and no one else's. because, if i understand that there is nodeviation from my soul to my physicality,

then i don't need... don't...no one to tell me what to do. i have salvaged my own soul,so i am the messiah. every single one of usfrom messiah, our own soul comein connection with our physicality. and then when we find that,then we find peace. and then with us,having no interference in between, we'll create the same conditionas the others, because then they interact with usin every level according to. we have to understandthe operation of our work, of our own life.

then, we can teach it. then, we canelevate the others. in the last week teaching,armen was trying to explain something, and not many people understood. as i've explained many times before,i do not need to carry anything with me, when i understandhow to make the filters, that my soulthrough the emotion of filter, gives to my physicalitywhat it needs, that the physicalitycan not do anything wrong.

water, shelter, food, anything else.if i can raise my hand out, and give and create the energywhich i need to have the joy of an apple, i will receive an applein my hand. when you speak aboutadam and eve, and when the adamtook the apple from the eve, that apple is the emotionof the man. and the faster we understand this,the faster you understand that apple, is the filter of crimeto the soul of the man, then we will commit no crime,then it'll be a perfect soul.

that apple becomes the apple of love,which means from the beginning to the end. this is what we have to understand,and this is the sooner we understand, we control the fields of our soulto create and manifest the condition which is perfect not for us,but those who receive the fields from us, then we have achievedthe essence of the creation, which is peaceful. which is when you have what you need,you do not need to do anything wrong. the soul of the man is the reflectionof the soul of the creator. so has to bethe physicality of the man. and this point,then you find peace.

this point, this is when you don't find division,but you find friendship and coalition. now writethe charter for peace. now write thebook of peace for man. now write the book of man,the ethos of the man. you'll find out all thesentences will becomes syllables and singularity of words. because, the word, "thy shall not steal,"does not exist, because you're a giver, you don't need to steal."thy shall not commit adultery." it's not the physicality, it's by throughthe understanding of the emotion.

when you are satisfiedit doesn't exist. these are all the attributesof the physicality, which has causedso much problem for man. and now we understand. and now we canprogress to the next step. and there is so many of usthat is getting elevated, that by natural process in one who understandthe ethos of the keshe foundation, in southern south americaand the one which is sitting in australia, and the one who's sitting in chinaand the one who's sitting in europe,

because you all work on the same ethos,understood the work of the soul, any soul in between gets elevated by the fieldswhich is crossing between you lot. in these teachings today, how many fromdifferent nations are across with us? fifty, sixty, hundred nations?by the time you listen to this teachings, most probably in every nationon this planet, who... anyone who listens and worksthrough the keshe foundation affect. my soul has reached your soul,and anything in between. you are the post to receive,and in between the others receive too. this has been the secretwhy we taught this way.

i reach you without evenyou know you've been reached, but it was your desire to be reachedto elevate your soul. and as we've seen, when a soul, a fieldof a magnet moves the other, he doesn't jump, it has a path to followand everything in between, it touches. so, when many of you listenand do the experiment or listen, and understand and the knowledgetouches your soul, in that process from here to your point,from my soul to your soul, you have touched the othersand elevate them. this is how the conditionhas changed.

this is howwe achieve peace. slowly, slowly everyone in the pathwill be touched. and this is how is not anymoresharing knowledge, is sharing the ethos of the soul,which is peaceful, and in you accepting to be of the same,you have created the lion. birds with birds,wolves with wolves. i have no wolf in me,but plenty of bird of love. and you receive it, and that birdwhen you flies from one point to another, there are many people watching it fly,and they get touch by its beauty.

and in that beauty, they elevate their soul,because it enlightens them. there is no need for reactors,and star formations. the star of loveis within the soul of the man. it's him who has to ?found? this power,not to wait to see its effect. we don't preach we enlighten.and this is the beauty of the keshe foundation. we touch the soul of the man,through any shape or form. i work relentlesslyto achieve peace. most probably in the past two,three months, i traveled more than covers the wholecircumference of this planet.

to meet, to discuss,to be able to put the technology across. to be able to speak to the menwho have condition of peace, they can create that condition.and this will not stop. i've heard in recent communicationsin some teaching, mr keshe is so tired,is not there anymore. mr keshe who accept three o'clockin the morning, two o'clock in the morning, five o'clock at night, to be in the teachingsor in the meetings. i wake up to be present.i'm not there to be tired. i work relentlessly to achieve peace,by sharing knowledge, by enlightening,

and by teaching,my way to myself. and what i teach myself in wordreaches you through the enlightenment. i work relentlesslyand i work day an night. but to me there is not much time,life of a man is too short. this is the process,this is how it should be. this is when you knowwhat you do is correct, you can achieve it, you work hard for it,you give from your soul. and this is the way i operate. and many of the keshe foundationfollowers do the same.

because, we have set an example,unconditional love through knowledge. it's in one part of thekeshe foundation website. this is keshe foundation,where knowledge reaches the soul of the man. or works with the soul of the man,or through the soul of the man. as is was the beginning,"we are here to serve not to be served." which means we give unconditionallythrough the knowledge. and those who follow my workhas to do the same. the minute you stand still to count,is the time you've failed. it means back to boardto account to the time.

i don't count becausewhat i need comes to me. be it the enlightenment of my soul,be it food on the table. we have to learn a new ethos,and that ethos of peace, means unconditionalgiving and love. and understanding.the minute we do, value it, is the time we fail,we're back to the board again. so, when you writethe ethos of peace, understand, and listento this teaching of this morning. i taught you a lot,if you understand it.

in the last, ... teaching of last thursday,the first half an hour. i sat in airport lounge,to teach, as i was travelingfrom one nation to another. for me to be present in this teaching is,ultimate, has to be done. because there is not enough time,because there's too much to share. i teach anywhere. most of youdon't even... haven't got a clue, the time and the places i get up,or i sit or i've... make sure i'm thereto be in teachings. we don't announce anymorebecause it doesn't need anymore.

those who take note,they know where we are. the whole team of keshe foundation,travels across the world. continuously doingwhat they have to do. in the past few months, we've spentmore time on planes, traveling to teach, to inspire, to work, to negotiate withdifferent organization and governments, than we sleep in our own bed. because we believe in one thing,"the time has come for the change." we have the knowledge,we have the technology, and we have the ethosand commitment to peace.

and the only way is, new knowledge,new science, new clothes for mankind. the clothes of peace. the new path of belief of peace,can be done and can be achieved, because we can deliver. we don't need to makeanymore announcements, where we're going to beor what's going to be. because, we got to the point that,the time has come, that we need to reachas many people as possible. workshops, teachings,knowledge seekers, universities.

all are taking shape themselves.none of you write to us to say, i'm going to present this.you are doing it themselves, because you received, you've been touchedwith the beauty of the knowledge. and that bring with self peace. (jg) mr keshe?(mk) yes. (jg) good day mr keshe, it's jalal here.can i ask you something please? (mk) please.(jg) yesterday, in the plasma reactor group, one guy he bring an issue, ... for iraq,because iraq have a special contamination, biological, chemical and nuclears...what can we do in this situation?

and i think you brought in your teachingabout ... this conditions. (rc) he is especially talkingabout the de... depleted uranium ... (mk) the depleted uranium heads,which were used by the american forces, to penetrate military hardware.(jg) yeah, the bunkers. (mk) yes.we are fully aware of this. it's for the american governmentto negotiate with the keshe foundation. (jg) as, as...(mk) it was iraqis... let me, let me to explain to yousomething very clearly. these materials are used and leftfor people long-term damage.

the process of decontamination fromdepleted uranium and plutonium and the others, it should be very easyfor the keshe foundation followers. i should be in middle eastin next two, three months. iraq, we are working throughour organization in baghdad. one of our directorswas in iraq last week. we understand the workin that nation. we understand the contamination in...it's not in iraq only. fifty percent of the waters in romeare nuclear contaminated. that's a governmental statistic.

fifty percent. this is italiangovernment statistics. through misconduct or mismanagementof certain materials. the same thing,the contamination’s rounds across, we have ... lakes in kazakhstan,which are nuclear radioactive. because nobody considered,the time of the russian time, "what are we gonna do with the wastewas dumped in the lake?" one day we'll find a solution. the overall condition and solution,will come through the new collaboration,

between keshe foundationand one of the major governments. it's our priority, is set for usand we deliver. you need to understandhow to deplete. you need to understandhow to link up energies. you can not destroy,but you can facilitate. nuclear weapon, nuclear war heads,nuclear ... or chemical weapons, or whatever, which hasbeen used in the past, there is a solution for it and it canbe done, we have shown it, it can be done. it's just finding a wayto organize to be able to rationalize,

not to destroyor trying to bury. these nuclear war headsplutonium depleted, used in bunkers or whateverby the americans, will have a worse effect, and we see theworse effects, on the american soldiers. many of them are coming backwith mental problems. many of them who fired these things,have received the first dosage themselves. many of them who watched it,i had a philosophy and i still believe in it. if you see the light of a nuclear bomb,or you feel the wave of it, my advice to you is to walk towards it,not to run away from it.

because, if the wave or the lighthas touched you, you already received it. it's a long life of misery. or you can walk into itand salvage in a different way, which brings to an endmuch faster, the physical pain. the same is when the americansused these depleted, or the... during the saddam hussein, your time,they deployed these nuclear or biochemicals, the... those who did, have alreadyreceived themselves the first dosages of it. long gone,or will go. the depletion comes by...cleaning up comes

by understandingthe gans technology. you have everything.this morning before i leave home, i had the documentsof fukushima in my hand, because of the situationwe have in... in another condition. and is very clear,go back to our dearest friend yukoko, when she went to tokyo,the measurements are there. it's done by us it's not done, not byoutsiders, by the governmental instruments. chemical side effects,chemical material which is used, there is a solution for all of themthrough, the right mixture of gans water.

you will not destroy it,the scientist will measure and say, "look the chemical is still there,"but tell them, "is the side effect there?" we saw that with the situation when we wascalled that it's just a water and nothing else, and very simple we said, "have youtested the water for alkaline-ness?" and we saw how the opposition and ridiculedied, with those who created it. because, is nota ordinary water. you have to understandwith the new technology, you reach a new dimension,which is the field, not the matter-state. you have aradiation contamination.

you have achemical contamination. understand the process and then,contain it with the fields of the gans. you don't destroy,you link up all the energies, to a new source which meansthe matter is there, you will see it when you test it,but the effects are not there. this is the beautyof the new technology. and the sooner the world of scienceunderstand this, the sooner we move onto the next step. they say, "no, the material,chemical," bla, bla, "is still there."

"yes, in the new plasma technologywe don't destroy," "we link up with the fieldsto contain." very recently, very recently...let me ask. is jon in the backgroundby any chance? can you see jon blivenfrom arizona research center? rick? (rc) ... just looking therenow mr keshe, i ... i... there's some other john'sbut not jon bliven, i don't see himin the list right now,

unless he's listening withsomebody else's name. (mk) ... in, in arizona they've donea new test and it's very interesting. i'm gonna share with you the screen.because if jon was there, he could have shared with us the video.i have it somewhere, for me to find it takes time. what has happened in the test,as you know the arizona has become, the research center for space technologyfor keshe foundation, is that the... they've done a test,they've run three reactors, with a star-formationon the top. they have this buzzer i call it,which goes bip, bip, bip,

showing the field,magnetic field. and what they've done,in this test is amazing, it's that, the beam makesbuzzing noise everywhere. but, the strangest point is that,when the buzzer comes in the center, there is no noise. to you, or to me, explaining itif you understand is, fields at this point are neutralized,even though they're still radiated. so is, if you have a plutoniumor uranium or whatever, in the vicinity, in the structure.

then in a wayyou don't destroy it, but still exists,but the fields contain it. and this is, not understoodby new world of science, which is in front ofthe old man of science. and, this is how you can, you ha,this is how you clean up these messes. we can not destroy, this is the old habit,to convert it to something else. we allow it to be, but we containits field that it has no effect. so, in... iraq or any part of the world,you can contain,

all the chemicaland nuclear damages. it's still there. you have to explain thisto the scientist who test it. but, its effect is not there because,to something to have a effect on you, it needs... doesn't comeand hang on to you. with the new understandingof technology, it creates a field connection to you,that with it you hold on to the connection. this is how you poison yourself,this is how you radiate yourself. now that if you canprovide another source which is stronger than the radiationor the field from the poison,

links up to that. it hasn't gotenough strength link to link to you, so you still see itbut has no effect. and this is the way it works,it's the way it does in agriculture. the way, when you water the plant,is not that co2 water which goes to the plant rootand the plant takes it. no way. it's the field which the gans watercreates around the plant, which changes the conditionof the growth for the plant. if you use a ch3 and co2mixture to grow plants says, "oh, this is a magic thing! it works."it means you haven't understood.

you have the carbon,you have the hydrogen, and you have the oxygenchain of amino acid, now you have created the dome, thatbecause of the three elements being available, attracts the nitrogen to createthe protein to sit on the leaves, and the new environment,new condition, new food. this is why yousee these. this is why yousee huge growth. this is why yousee a new environment. i have committedthe keshe foundation,

to change the conditionin one of the deserts around the world, in a very soon, in a very,very recent time you will see. because, i explained to the scientist,that ... then the scientistunderstand the totality. this is what we needto understand. we need... to be able to see the totality. this is part of the teaching, this ispart of the enlightenment. that when you work with the ganses,do not look that

i've put something in there,i gave him co2. look at the fields. in recent past i was with...in the... in the lab, with ... people who makekeshe foundation goods. and they showed me patches, "oh we're making patchesand we're selling patches very good." i asked and i explained to them."you can not sell one single patch." "when you sell a patch,you have to sell two patches." when you make the patches,you have to understand this.

one to have too much, two times moregans liquid than the other one. if you have a single patchand you put on, okay it has some fields. no problem,the fields reaches this depth. we know thisfrom the test done, for certification of the patchesof the keshe foundation, the belts andthe other thing. but now,when you use the ...what i call, the 'double patch',one in the front and back,

as this tries to reach this,and the field from this trying to reach this, wherever the pain is,is depleted. the pain is energy and now you seethe effectiveness. when you takeor you drink liquid gans, and then you have something,problem somewhere, the liquid gans goes through youlike this, the penetration is here. but if youmanage to put where the pain is, or where the problem is, a patch too,but the ratio difference,

you'll find outthe effectiveness. one weaker and the stronger,trying to feed each other, creating a linkbecause they're of the same. whatever is in between,which is everything, the pain is magnetic field,gravitational-magnetic field entity. is not something just that.and then you find out, as the field depletes,the pain is gone. because, youtransfer the energy and when the energy transferred,in the smaller or bigger

it's confined,and it finds that it's tapped off. why do you use a co2? because, link ofmagnetic field connection, allows the depletion of the energyof what you call pain. finito! this is the knowledge,this is the science. try to understandthe principle. try, because whenyou understand it, is not, "i have a leukemia,how am i gonna help leukemia?

understand thereason for leukemia. how i have a...a cartilage damage? understand what it is,how you can do it. if you as i said,if this is your body, and you leave... the whole thing here, and then you just put a... a patch onthe other side, hoping that it'll reach. yes, it will reach,but to what extent? but, if you put another patchon the other side,

you alreadyhave dictated the path. whatever is in there,will confine, it'll change. try to go through the process. it's not anymore a tablet,which goes in the stomach, and then has a chemical reaction,this is a field transfer across. and then change it to agriculture,change it to medicine, change it to food, change it toanything you want to name it, you find the strength of it which is there,then you will see the effect. (k2) hello mr keshe,this is klaus 2 from austria.

(mk) it's who? oh it's klaus.(k2) klaus. (mk) hi klaus number two. (k2) hello. ... for the radioactivity, you know,we have built two point, northern italy and in austria,and we went in two weeks, to the greece island of crete,to install a third point. and, what we see is the possibilityfrom the water and the soil to... for transmutation this elements,and i think it would be a great solution, and we give this to lisa and jimmyfor next webshop he prepared in october,

then we can makea little blueprint, to install some pointsall over the world. and we see,it works very well. (mk) can you repeat andexplain in depth please? (k2) okay. at first we installedone and a half year ago in austria, ... the northern part, a point,only with zinc and co2 liquid plasma. on special points, on the... on the earth,special magnetic points on the earth. and, we have ... access to some data'sfrom the government,

and we see that the... itscheint so (seems that) the radioactivity would be integratedin the water and the soil. and, ... last year we install ...the point near venice in northern italy, and we see how this two points in austriaand in northern italy work together. and now we want installthe next weeks, a point in greece. on the island of crete. yeah? and then we,we have to measure in austria, all the sensors what be ... availableto show the... the radioactivity. we have three hundred sixtysensors in austria,

and we can measure this. and, when they reading the fields...(mk) so, does it mean you gonna transfer, or measure, all the energiesat different points and see the reduction? (k2) yes. and, that we have to ... look forhow deep goes the radioactivity. and when the data are correct,then we can make some points, all over the world. to integrate ... integration pointsfor radioactivity. (mk) so we can measurethe changes through the same?

(k2) we hope so. i have the dataand we ... have to look at the data. it's... it's much, much ... informationand i need some young guys, who can integrate this data'sand bring it in a good form. (mk) thank you very much.that's very interesting. (k2) okay, thank you. (cv) mr keshe? can you hear me? (cv) mr. keshe, can you hear me? (mk) yes, who's speaking please? (cv) this is ... chad from victoria,british colombia, canada.

(mk) yes, good morning or good evening.(cv) and ... yeah, good... good evening,good morning. ... yesterday, in ... the reactor groupwith ... with ... rick. ... i asked a question and i'd... about... about iraq. and i'd like to refine itjust a little bit now, ... is there any possibilityin the near future, that the keshe foundation, or we the people,that are the keshe foundation, ... in terms of the doctors,might be conducting some type of test, where ... these peoplethat have been contaminated,

their urine is radioactive,and i was wondering, is there any possibility that the doctorsor a doctor, might be conducting a test, with the health unit, and a testwith just co2 gans plasma water, over a month or two months,or three months? i was wondering if this is a possibility,... in a near future? (mk) for what purpose?i don't understand. (cv) well, ... i was reading ...in the... the... transcripts, that you can get at the amazon,the ... the books. and i was reading in the year one,book one ... transcript,

that ... cesium 137was completely eliminated. the word 'eliminated' was used,and ... so, is... is it proven that ... somebody that's been contaminatedwith depleted uranium and ... and their urine is radioactive,that if they take co2 gans plasma water, or if they go intoa health unit, that the radioactivity disappearsand it can be measured? (mk) these test are done by governmentsand we have a lot of data's on it. and, ... the... the data, a lot of it iskept confidential because of the process. but ... there are the data'swhich confirm a lot of

... what we call,'absorption behavior'. is not the absorption, the material'sstill present, but no field effect. (cv) so, can it be said then that, ...they're no longer radioactive, the people? (mk) no, no, no, no... the radioactivematerial still exists within the body. sometime, depending on the structurewe see different behavior of disposal, or behavior of nu... radioactive...this what do you call it, 'radiation'. and, ... this is ... what do you call ...it... it's the linkage of the energy. is not destructionof the radioactive material. (cv) oh ... well that's interesting.

so it's... it's like a balancing,but the radioactivity is still there? ... the foundation...(mk) yes, yes that... that's what it is. ... you link up to the fields, you have to find their strengthfor the fields and you ... you... in a way, in theenglish language we call it, 'neutralize',but in a way you link up the... (rc) hello? (mk) hello yes (rc) i think we'd lost you therefor a minute.

(mk) no, no. i'm still here. (cv) thank you mr keshe, i was just...i was just ... it's been on my heart, like the people of fallujah ...there's so many birth defects and ... if there would be some waythat we could put a stop to that. i know there's political ...like the government itself, like, is a problem so...an issue. and ... there's just so many birth defects,it's just... it's horrific. (mk) yes, but the thing is,some of this has already become part of genetic,part of their body.

with the people who've been... within it. in the ... in the processyou can... ... you cannot decontaminate,but you can reduce the effects or totally eliminate the effects.but you don't destroy the material. at the same time ... with thesekind of process we see ... the material's used sucha long time ago, that... the changing it is impossibility, becauseit has become part of the rna and dna. (cv) thank you. we are doing a lot of workon this respect in the background ...

especially decontamination and... cleaning up of different chemicals and this is very important for... for our research. as you are aware wedo not disclose anymore any information inany shape or form anywhere. ... that we can carry on withour work without interruption ... and this is important for us. and, we go to the peopleto places where our work is needed and the information,technology transfer is very, very direct. ... this is unfortunate, because...because of... of what we've seen in the past,

where we used to bring a lot of newknowledge on a continuous basis in public. then we...we stopped doing it. but, our research developmenthas increased by many-fold. ... unfortunately ... as ...we develop these technologies it will stay within the governmentsand organizations we work with. because, ... we've seen it before,the behavior of the ... people. so, why should we go through the problemof bothering ourselves for the others. where we are working, when is neededand we deliver to... where is needed, instead of becoming a nationally,internationally knowledge.

it's staying in the local levelsand where we see it can we cross knowledgeto somewhere else, we are doing it. ... the sharing of decontamination withthe organizations and the governments is part of our workand we do it heavily. ... we have actually a section worksfor these section, these kind of things, they are ... the water,decontamination, water clean up and change of the characteristicsof different things is part of... we have aspecific section for it. but we don't need to discloseanymore to... to do...

but ... the chemical contamination,nuclear contamination.... decontamination doesnot exist for us. because it still is there,but through the new processes their effect will not be there. and, this is part of thebeauty of the work ... where we don't destroy the structures,technology is, you accommodate. any other question? (rc) thank you mr keshe. ... does anyone else of the...we have a couple of hand up here.

... i'll invite... i'll invite hassan in,he's made a number of comments in the q&a. (mk) we're still keeping to the...to 3-4 hours, rick? (rc) yes and we are threeand a half hours now, so. (rc) ... let's see is...did hassan coming in? we have him there.let's... see him in the list here. okay. ... is there anybody else in the panelistswho ... wanted to speak right now? we have ...one more attendee... peter .... heissenberg it seems like,i'm not familiar with the name. i can promote him if you want to...if you want to?

does anybodyrecognize that name? (mk) ... don't know... (rc) okay, we might have to...get some clearance on that first? (hh) hello? (rc) hello is that hassan(hh) yes hassan, do you hear me? (rc) yes we hear you well.what would you like to say today? (hh) yeah it was a little thing about the soul.the soul aspect of the teaching ... (mk) can you tell uswhere you are from please? (hh) yeah hassan halal , from senegal.we talked on tuesday, last tuesday.

(mk) yes, thank you very much.(hh) yeah...yeah regarding to the soul. ... i want to talk little bit about the... our shiabackground, muslim shia the background. i'm sure thatyou know a lot about it. yeah, we... we are more used to ...to be teached to fear the creator, instead of loving the creator. and ... the aspect of it, is that you,when you're... when you're raised with thatkind of mentality, you always fear death. but you bring ... the...the simplest way and ... unfornu... unfortunately it's so hard to...to believe for most of us.

i think that,that's why you say, maybe it will take a 1,000 yearsfor man to realise, or to wake up. and for some of us it will be ... easy.... in our muslim education they... they told... they told... teaches us that the...the... the... talked about jihad. the jihad, the... the best jihad as ...creators says it beautifully, is "jihad al-nafs." is that i think, it's like killing your ego,killing your physical ego and giving the trust to your emotional ego,so... i think that... that, that one would be the soul and ... and ... the... the...the problem in our education is...

is that they teach youthe fear of god. not the... the love of god and you bring...you bring it so clearly, so simply it's hard...it's hard to believe for most of us. and in our background, our shia background,especially in our families, even my, my, my nearest members of the family,they used to tell you're a kafir, because, now youdo not believe in god. we have that concept that hell... hell is... we... we are going to burn in hell. and when we make 5 sins,like listening to music is... is a little bit of...of kind of sins.

playing cards is a kind of sin... you don'thave to play cards with money or... or playing to ... playing lotto,trying your chance by lotto is a sin. so, all those stuffs...or drinking alcohol.... when... when you not in that kind of mentalityyou... your considered as a kafir. even if you pray or... or if you make the...the... the ramadan. so i've... i... i don't know how we can,easier ... reach those kind of... of souls. i know that you say ... if the soul is notready to receive we do not... we cannot...we cannot force. by wishing to elevate i...i know now...

i'm sure that we... we are helping,we are elevating, but ... sometimes you... you feel your... you.. you losing somuch energy when your trying to convince. it's easier to talk with peoplewhich souls are... are ready to receive. and it's like the... it's infused in themand when we met you... when you te... you... you... you talk about itsome minutes ago. it's because we... we have wished itso deep in our heart, to find the truth, to find the way... the way... when you found it...i... i... i wanted tell one small thing... and i... i think many of... of people withmy religious background thinks the same. when the first timewe met you mr keshe, we're like...

"is it the anti-christ or is it the one who'swant... want to turn us from our religion?" we're used to... to being told thatyou have to pray by bending ... ... but we... we're notused to be told to love and to... to...do not hurt is the key, to give whatever you canfrom your soul is the key, it's easy. thank you for bringing it so easy,but the trust has to be... has to be with,little by little. and we want tips,we want tips to make it easier. if we... you can give us some tips,some small tips

which can helpattain the souls. even the soul which are notready to receive, how can we? how can we reach thema little bit faster? (mk) you want a shortcut? (rc) i would suggest that there's... around ... 180 some odd,knowledge seekers workshops full of tips, every single one of them,is one place to start at least. (hh) okay, okay.yeah, yeah bro... (rv) if i may, a little comment?this is rodrigo.

in order to achieve that stateof consciousness and to change the world. we have to... first wehave to understand, how we have created chaosin our body, through emotions. we have created imbalance inour body to... to the pollutions. vaccines, pesticides, gmo food. we have begun to understandthis process thanks to mr keshe teachings. we have begun to solve it, making the gans,building the magravs, the health units. we have learned how to create anenvironment that brings balance to our body. i have been... seen it...

in my daily practicewe're using plasma technology and those peoplethat have developed diseases. in one way, cleaning or sweeping the pathof all the stones that blocks us. it blocks us from having contact with our... our higher self or with our soul. once we have access to...once we have that access, you can change the body in any conditions,"my wish is my command." i'm aware that we...we have... we have a lot to learn, but we have moving forward. we have to work together ina common... for a common good.

for awakening of the humanity,to raise the awareness of the all, to create heaven on earth, where allentities living in peace, love and harmony. i have seen people that are usingthis technology coming here to my place. and in... and starting developingdifferent skills of psychics, clairvoyance, incrediblebeautiful things happening. this encourages people toteach more people to do, to practice, to learn this technologyand encourage more people to do so. and just allow the plasma to do,to do this... this job. it's a beautiful job that is doing, this plasma.thank you.

(mk) thank you very much dr rodrigos. there is a important point for all of us(hh) thank you. (mk) ... to consider.is a lot of i... i understand ... your wayof explaining, in islamic religion. i was brought up through the beautifulcountry of iran which is an islamic nation. and understand the word of kafir means,"the one who doesn't believe in god." but, it is what we allow to becomeand what was the reason behind, which we have to analyze ourselves. now, not compared to what was said beforeand the reason was said before.

these words of, whatever you use,"they are not clean", you call it 'kafir', in jewish languagethey call it 'goyim.' the ... the in christianityin english language, english languagewe have different word for it. but at the end of it when you look is, "if we allow to do and understand moreof new things, then we can't control you. these words are wordsof control and that's all it is. but the freedom of mind, if you don'thave intellect, its us who decides. and, is us to where it fits us,where it suits us.

so, you can and you...you have the freedom to decide. and depends which sideof the fence you want to sit on. the knowledge ofunderstanding the totality for the first time isin the hands of the man. no one needs to interpret it,you are the user of it. you analyze,you benefit by it. for us as human racethere was a soul, we found something we couldn't understandand we knew is something controls us, something is there which feed us.

but we couldn't find,we call it the 'soul', we call it 'rå«á¸¥'. whatever we called itin different languages. and then, those who knewthis thing is not there they used it to becomeself-made intermediaries. and from it they create a scaresand scare-ism, and punishment. now that you are educated, you understandwhat you were afraid of is your own soul, is your own creator, and is youwho benefits by direct, you don't needto have somebody to tell you, to becomethe bogeyman in between.

and this is the beauty of it. because, in spacewhich bogeyman you gonna accept? because there are so many strange things,that you become a converter of a... to the new path and the belief,every second in deep space you see new things andnew man who teaches you more. this is the beauty of it. as is in the writing of bahã¡'u'llã¡h,bless his name, he says, "independent investigation of truth is thecornerstone of the knowledge if the man." is us who have to be independentlyinvestigating what we know.

does it fit us and is it beginning of us,not having a fear of? we see the same thing in thewriting of muhammad, bless his name. those who made other things out of it,was to benefit themselves. is not in the original writing of muhammad,bless his name, or moses. unless, this is the way of control. when you... some we call somebody, whatever.it means i can not control you. if you go there you see the truthand i have no control. so, i forbid you to go, because theni'm not the boss anymore. in english we call it repent.

we... why do we need to repent, if weconduct ourselves correct from the beginning. guilt has been on of the main waysof controlling man, human race. by punishment,we emphasize on the guilt, because the man who createsa punishment is the guiltiest of the all. because hewants to enforce his way. so, everything else is guilt. i explained this before,when you bring the word of "kafir" or the jewish call it 'goyim',which is a not believe... non-believer. i... i sat and analyzed my family,very closely.

both sides, the islamic side andthe jewish side and every other side. and it's very, very strange. i had a jewish aunt,which in manchester, not finding a kosher meat,could eat the halal meat and when, goes to london and herhusband goes to eat a halal meat, now he's a kafir,he's a goyim, he's non-believer. but when it suited her there, becauseit couldn't be any kosher, it was okay. and this is a puzzle,which we have created to control. because this way, he could tastesomething different that she couldn't make,

that then he knew that there isa better food outside than in the house,because she couldn't cook. this is how we control,this is... i... i gave a talk very recentlyabout... virginity. a man... a girl, a womenhas to be a virgin. have you ever stood still once...wonder, what's the reason behind it? why have we createdall these restrictions for each other. can you switch themicrophone off in the background? in a way, is a incompetenceof the man,

who has created this restrictions,for his incompetence not to show. we create these conditionsand we put punishment to it, because of our own lack of misunderstanding...lack of understanding. and misunderstanding, because thenwe have to change, not they have. when you have a problem you explain,to the other side or it gets explained to you, the way they see it,that you tried to match. you find a solution,a peaceful solution. when you can not and you try to dictate,then you put punishment for it. doesn't matter religion,government or whatever.

it's us who have to cometo understand from now on, we are the police of our own souland not somebody else's order. the policing has created religions,the policing has created punishment. when you understand, from 'a' to 'b',you don't need anybody in between. elevating your soul meansunderstanding the operation of the soul, understanding whereand how it gives and you make it, fine-tune it, to give betterand no more. this is the challenge forthe new human race in space. you'll find the strongest fieldswhich elevate the others faster,

for those to beworking much better. not trying to hide it,that the other ones can do. because, everyone reachesat the time, when is needed, it'll be in a strengththat it's needed. the biggest problemfor mankind from now on is to become the police of their own soul. somebodies microphoneis open. please. so, this is insteadof bending and praying, the policing now is in thehand of physicality of the man.

i always say, "go back...." ...covered. when the iranian priest,who's zoroastrian said, "we put the curtain on our eye,for our women to be free." "we police our conduct." i come from zoroastrian backgroundand i believe in entirely what it says. "think good, do good..." ù¾ù†ø¯ø§ø± ù†ûœú© ù¾ù†ø¯ø§ø± ù†ûœú© ú©ø±ø¯ø§ø± ù†ûœú©...."talk good" to understand it, is the touch,to act upon it is maturity. in my last visit to tehran,i went to zoroastrian temple,

because it waswhere i was educated. i asked the priest to allow me to sitin the house of fire, in the temple of fire with the greatest of pleasure i was takeninto the temple, to the room of fire and, the fire to meat that point, which is going for thousands of years in iran,that fire has never stopped. it wasn't the essence of the fire, it was a understanding the essence of the soulwhich touched, you could see. i'm connected, by those who over thousandsof years have kept this fire of truth up. we have to understand the truth through oursoul and then our physicality will follow.

then there is no intermediaries. we have to understand the operationof the space work, then there is no need for gansesand there is no need for whatever you want to put on it,to feed yourself, to clothe yourself. because in spacethere are no ganses. the source is your soul and thelimitation is the environmental fields which give you thedimension of the manifestation. and the sooner the man finds this,the sooner man will find peace. "i made the man in the image of myself."

if the creator is perfect,how can man not be? shall we call it a day? (rc) yes we're just about at our...our time limit here. there's a... a couple ofpeople still had questions but i think we can movethem forward to the next session. (mk) please, if we can do, becausethen we have to restart the livestream again. we've got a few minutes left. (rc) okay, thank you(mk) thank you very much rick, thanks for everybodythanks for everything

... the process of...(hh) thank you mr keshe. thank you everybody. (mk) thank you very much indeed.... the process of writing the charter ... will carry on on tuesdayafternoons ... and ... please participateto write this charter for humanity. this becomes the blueprint for peaceand man's interaction in space. the longer it takes, the more we understand,the more mature we are, the more ... the more understandingwill add to it. this charter would not finish writing,it'll be written for hundreds of years... will be added to it as we maturein the deep space knowledge.

but, is the beginning, we can writethe man's version till the man of space, show us another version,that we add to it, the way we understand it,to elevate our souls. thank you very much for today andthank you for everybody in the background. (rc) thank you mr keshe.so that'll be tuesday at 4 pm cet for the ... one nation, one planet, one race,for world peace. okay, let's end today's session.thank you everybody for attending and for the ...(mk) and as usual we go out with the music? (rc) yes that would be great. if ... flint canhave that ready, that would be fantastic.

(fm) yes, no problem. (mk) thank you very much indeed. flint i hope you have a good time withthe hurricane and you'll have no problem. (fm) thank you.(mk) thank you very much. (rc) we'll send a protectiveumbrella around you. (fm) yes. thank you very much. (mk) there is no noise?hello? (rc) flint? we're nothearing the sound there flint. (fm) sorry about that.

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