Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2019

schöne badezimmer ideen

schöne badezimmer ideen

and so many of you said morning routine. soi thought : ' why not!' but you guys know how i love my diys so today i'm not just going toshow you my typical weekend morning, but also 10 epic diy ideas that make my mornings happyand special. breakfast recipes, diy decorations, clothes, shoes, makeup, nail art and muchmore. check it out! oh god! what a nightmare! does it happen toyou that during the week when you have to get up, you would give everything for an extra10 minutes sleep, but on the weekends when you have no pressure to get up you wake upsuper early? well it happens to me a lot. and since i am awake, i decided to get upand make the most from this morning and you guys are coming with me. first i head to thebathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

my skin is super thin, sensitive and rosaceaprone. warm water usually makes me flare up a lot. although it calms down right after.on top of that my face is very dry so i have to put on some moisturizer. now it's timefor the food! on the weekends i like to work out in the morning so i usually have a properbreakfast after... but i have to eat a little something to give me energy for the workout,so today i'll make myself a smoothie. i just grabbed whatever fruit i have in my fridgeand some milk. i've found raspberries, strawberries and a banana. i really love making smoothiesbecause they are literally done in seconds and they taste delicious! and they are alsohealthy, which is a bonus. while sipping on my smoothie i like to check emails, answeryour comments and watch some youtube videos.

oh and by the way, i actually decorated this jarmyself and i think it looks so pretty! here's how you do it: pour some glue in a container - i am makingthree different colors, so i need three glasses. then simply color your glue using acrylicpaint or food coloring. give it a nice stir and voila! you have a glue paint which youcan use to decorate any kind of material. now you can put the paint into a squeeze tubeor a plastic bag and make a knot. this way you'll be able to draw with the paint justlike when you're decorating the cake. but seriously, how amazing are these colors. asyou may have noticed in my videos : i do have a tiny neon obsession at the moment. brightcolors just make me so happy! simply cut away

a tiny piece of bag's corner and you can startdrawing. i decided to make colorful hearts all over this jar. normally, i use my jarto drink but this can be a beautiful decorating piece too. use it for pencil holders on your desk,as a vase for flowers, whatever you wish. when you're done just let it dry for a fewhours and you have the most beautiful jar ever! oh and if you want you can just buythese glass paints and create super cool designs on your jars. here i making a fun landscapepicture with a shiny sun, clouds and flowers. these jars are completely safe to wash andwill last you many years. made a pink flower and now let's give her an orange friend soit won't be as lonely. these jars can also work great as a little gift to your lovedones. you can personalize it, make it funny

- the options are endless. when drawing ona glass just try to keep your hand steady and move slowly. resting your elbows on thetable helps a lot too! ok, after i drink up my smoothie it's timeto put on my sporty gear! during the workout i like to drink a lot of water and today idecided to make it a bit special so i am going to infuse it with a lot of fresh fruits. betterbe careful with that knife sara! i've got some strawberries, blueberries, kiwi and they go in the bottle. i love experimenting with different fruits, sometimes i add raspberries,mint, lime, whatever i find in the fridge. i drink a lot of water, about two to threeliters every day and this is a great way to spice it up a bit. to finish off i pour insome fresh water and i am ready to go out.

i live in bergen, where it rains a lot. onsuch days i like to make some strength exercises inside. but when the weather is fine as todayi like to take the advantage of it and go out for a run in the fresh air. running shoes- check, pony tail - check, windproof jacket - check and i'm off! taking half an hourin the nature really clears my mind and gives me energy for the day. the fruit-infused watertastes so yummy! seriously superb, you have to try it! so i like to run for a while untili get distracted by something like taking pictures or this cute little ducky. i playwith it for a while and then usually decide: 'sara you've run enough today!' and i head home. back home i need to take a quick shower firstand then i put on my favorite red robe, which

i basically live in. i brush my hair and latelyi have been loving the heatless waves, which are very easy to achieve. all you do is separateyour hair in two sections and twist each section away from your face to get swirls like can clip them, but i just leave them like this and swirl them whenever i remember. ifmy plan for the day is to chill in my apartment i normally just stay in my pajamas, not goingto lie. but i do have some plans for later so i decided to put on denim shorts and cropped top. i made this cute graphic tee myself and i'm going to quickly show you how. first you have to find or make a picture youwant on your shirt and print it to a transfer paper. i decided to go for this adorable elephantin heart with bunch of flowers and colors.

cut the picture out leaving about half aninch edge and just follow the instructions for your transfers, because these can be differentfor different producers. i had to iron the paper for a while, let it cool completelyand then i removed the paper to reveal this gorgeous mr. elephante picture on my top.this was actually the first time i made a graphic tee using transfer paper and i loved it. i willdefinitely make more of these on my shirts. alright, now it's finally time for my favoritepart of the morning, which is a big tasty breakfast! today i'm having avocado and creamcheese cracker plus, yogurt with granola and berries. you can just buy these seed crackersin the grocery store or you can easily make them yourself. take a big bowl and pour insunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and pines,

whole flax and grounded flax seeds, chia andsesame seeds, some almond slices, psyllium husk and salt. for the precise measurementscheck the info box. mix all the ingredients together and pour in 5 deciliters of water.stir well and put it on a parchment lined baking sheet. flat the mixture down with aspatula making sure it's nice and even. mine crackers will be about a quarter of an inchthick. place them in the oven preheated at around 300 fahrenheit or 160 degrees celsius.bake for 10 minutes, then shape your crackers in the desired pieces and bake for another50 minutes. keep checking them though, because you don't want them to get burnt. first traydone, let's cut these guys as well. here they are, all done and smelling delicious. you cannow store your crackers in a box or in a jar

and they make for a super healthy and deliciousbreakfast or a snack. i like topping mine with some cream cheeseand sliced avocado. besides that i am also making myself a berry and granola yogurt.time to add some delicious blueberries and pour in my favorite granola. add another layerof yogurt, and top the healthy mix with yummy strawberries. a lot of strawberries.. as muchas i can possibly fit in the jar! and finally i can enjoy my breakfast. while eating i liketo think about video ideas... or i would just check my social media and answer to you guys.let me just say... this berry granola is so good! and what i like about it is that youcan just make it at home, put the jar lid on and take it with you to school or work.oh and in case you wondered what kind of granola

i use – well i made it myself! pour in abowl: 3 cups of oats, half a cup of pumpkin seeds and pistachios, sunflower seeds andalmond slices, a tea spoon of salt and some cinnamon. mix it all together and add halfa cup of maple syrup and quarter of a cup of olive oil. mix well until all the ingredientsare nicely incorporated and pour the mixture on a parchment lined baking sheet. bake inthe oven at 300 fahrenheit for about 40 minutes. you can stir it every 20 minutes so that thegranola will be nice and evenly baked. i swear you guys, this is hands down the best granolai have ever tried, and on top of this, your house will smell amazing while baking can of course change the ingredients according to your preferences - add hazelnuts, walnutsor even dried fruit. place it in the air proof

box and you have a delicious granola alwayson hand. after breakfast i wash the dishes and i alwayswear protective gloves. this is super important if you want to keep your nails and hands healthyand pretty. detergents are usually very harsh, causing weak, broken nails and premature ageingof the skin. i don't paint my nails every weekend morning,but if i will be filming later that day and i happen not to have anything on my nailsyet, i would probably need to. so i just like to chill on my bed, listen to some music andpaint my nails. today i went for this purple shade on all the nails except my ring finger.for that one i applied two coats of white as a base. next i am dipping a q-tip intonail polish, and making big colorful dots

all over the nail. when the dots dry, i liketo go in with white and make slightly smaller dots inside the bigger colored ones. lastlyi am making small colored dots in the center of these rings. my mani too just ten minutesto make and it is looking suppa cute (yasss..slay those nails sara). by now my hair is all dry and i am ready toget rid of the funny swirls and get myself some nice beachy waves. for some texture ilike to spray on some beach hair spray and scrunch the hair up so that the waves getmore pronounced. oh and if you want to make your own beach hair spray, that's how youdo it. take a spray bottle and fill it half way with water, add about a tea spoon of seasalt, a bit of strong hold gel, some oil – i am using almond oil, but you can also usecoconut, olive oil whatever you prefer. if

you want you can also add some scent, i addedpeppermint extract and finally i dripped in some vitamin e drops. we know that packagingcounts so i wanted to make my bottle a little bit prettier by sticking on a bunch of colorfulhearts. now that's what we are talking about :) while this hairspray gives your hair alot of texture it also nourishes your hair with oils and vitamins. i am almost ready for the day. the only thingmissing is to apply my makeup. i don't wear makeup everyday, because i'm too lazy forthat, but i do use products with a bit more coverage when i film. first is mrs. foundationwhich i like to apply with a beauty sponge. then some concealer in the inner corner ofmy eyes, which i just apply using my ring

finger. for the eyeshadow i apply a mediumbrown shade in the crease and blend it upwards using a fluffy brush. then i pop some lighterchampagne shade all over the lid. i find that applying with the finger helps a lot withthe pigmentation. dipping my angled brush in dark brown, almost black color and i putit on my lash line as a liner. curl the lashes, apply some mascara, and sometimes i like tosmudge a bit of blue liner on my bottom lash line. this makes blue eyes pop so much moreand i love how it looks especially for the summer. final touch for the eyes is a bitof that same champagne color in the inner corner and below the eyebrows. and talkingabout them, i usually leave my eyebrows all natural. but i do like to give my cheeks somepeachy flush so here's that and lastly i put

on my favorite tinted lip balm, which surprisesurprise, i made myself. all i did is melt together a piece of oldlipstick and some vaseline. my lips are always chapped and i have to apply some sort of lipbalm all the time. also, most of the lipsticks dry my lips out, so this tinted lip balm isperfect for me. give the balm a little stir and then pour it in a container. i had todecorate mine with a little heart and that's it. lips are no longer dry and chapped, butsoft and rosy instead. here's my makeup all done, so i just have to put my shoes on andi am ready to conquer the world. but seriously, how cute are these sneakers?! and guess what,you can make them too! take a piece of denim fabric and a pair of sneakers, that you wantto pimp up. i love making such easy diy projects

outside, although the weather here in norwayhas been absolutely terrible so far this spring, rain and cold all the way. cut a bunch ofhearts out of the denim fabric. i am not using any stencil, because that's much faster andi really like how the hearts are all a bit different. of course you can be very creativehere and cut out other shapes, like circles and stars. here are my pretty little jeanshearts that we are now going to stick to the shoes using a fabric glue. apply some fabricglue and place them all over your sneakers. my hearts are quite big, so the sticking goesvery quickly. here comes the last one and i'm done. how gorgeous are they? love, love,love! now i am ready for the day! most of my weekendsi work on my videos, because i don't really

have much time during the week. i like tofilm outside as much as i can, when the weather permits. me and my boyfriend would exploredifferent beautiful locations, which norway surely has a lot to offer. on rainy days iwould normally stay inside, maybe film a nail art, edit and chat with you in the comments,which is my favorite thing to do. but whatever i'm up to, having a nice relaxed morning liketoday's always makes my day so much better. and this is how my typical weekend morninglooks like, i really hope you like the video and maybe got some inspiration for yourself.please give the video some love if you want more of such lifestyle tutorials and let meknow in the comments, which diy was your favorite. i honestly read all of your comments and youguys make me so happy. i have hands down the

sweetest and loveliest viewers ever. you guysmean the world to me. but yeah, that's it for today. thank you so much for watchingand i'll see you soon. bye! everyday is a treasure, let's see what thisone has to offer. bye my loves!

schöne badezimmer ideen Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
