
- on this episode, i invitetucker max the jam with me. (hip hop music) - [gary] you ask questions, and i answer them. this is the #askgaryvee show. - hey everybody, this is gary vay-ner-chuk and this is episode 207 of the #askgaryvee show. i'm excited. we've got a guest.
i'll let this wonderfulman introduce himself. i know a lot ofyou know who he is. it's post-memorial day butfirst and foremost and more importantly than anything else,i want to give a huge shoutout to my baby daughter,misha, happy seventh birthday. i will be running out of here ina second to go see you at school do the cupcake thing. very excited, i loveyou with all my heart. speaking about love, india.
- [india] hi. - it's good to see you.- good to see you. - how you been?- good. - you've beenaway forever i feel. i feel like i haven't seen you in years. did you go to thewest coast or something? - no, i was in dc forone night on thursday. - oh, that was cool. you have a good time?- yeah.
i went to see a movieat the white house. - was it fun?- it was awesome. - did you see the president? - no, he was out of town. he let me knowthough before time. - he let you know?- yeah. - for one night? you got the questions?- i got the questions. - ready for the show?
- i'm ready for the show. - alright, let's go toour guest, my friend. why don't you tell the vaynernation, actually i will eat this salad while you do this part, who you are and what you're up to. - alright, so myname is tucker max. i wrote a book called "i hopethey serve beer in hell" which spent like half a decade on thebestseller list and there is a movie made about it and whateverand now i have a company called
book in a box. - and what is book in the box? - we turn ideas in to books. if you have an idea for a bookand you don't want to sit at a computer for a year typing itout we have a process where we interview you, we position theidea, structure it and create an outline, get everything-- - is the interview processalmost like a version of ghostwriting which thenallows the book to be created?
- no so ghostwriting is likeif you're hiring a ghostwriter, you're hiring someone to writetheir version of your ideas in your book and you're paying themso you can put your name on it. - yes. - with us our process doesn'twork if you don't know exactly what you're talking about because it's all yourown content. we're adding nothing to it. it's almost like an algorithmbut a structured process where
great writers and editors areguiding you through it asking questions so itfeels like magic to you. all you're doing is talkingabout what you already know. - you know what'sweird about this? this is actuallyhow i do my books. - it's how you do your books.- yeah. i basically just talk and getinterviewed by steph and to me and then i don't know in yourworld this works and then i basically all the editing that ido is always basically my dream
scenario is that, a, shehelps me structure for sure. one continuous run, i'd have one long run-on sentence. that'd be my book. and two, grammar, and then any word scares the, i'm always petrified do i even say that? would i say that word? it's really just thetranscription of the conversation.
- we don't do transcription it'smore we interview because spoken word is different than written.- 100%. - so once we've got itstructured in the interview the job of the editor is tointerview you, get everything out your head and then once it is transcribed to translate that into written. - and how did this happen? was this a scenario where, it'sfunny, this is the first time we're meeting, right?- yeah.
which is crazy 'cause we have seriously hundreds of friends in common. - friends in common, yeah. what i know from afar is iassume what happened was you had this... actually, you know what let's take it there for a second. this book was a smash hit. - my first one? yeah. - right.
you definitely didn't thinkthat's what's gonna happen. - of course not. - how did you even get to thepoint of writing that first one? why did you write a book? - it's funny. i started i went tolaw school my friends and i went to different cities to work. - your law school friends?- yeah, right. all law school friends. i got fired--
- where'd you grow up? - kentucky.- love it. - total bfe kentucky.nowhere kentucky. - love it. - you love it becauseyou didn't grow up there. it's a terrible place.it's a terrible place. there's a reason everyone leaves. - got it. middle ofnowhere kentucky. and then wheredid you go to school?
- university of chicago forundergrad and then duke for law school. - impressive. nowhere kentuckytaught you something. - school is easy once youlearn how to hack the system. - i neveredfigure that part out. okay and so you go and do thatand so you think you're going to be a lawyer?- yeah. - that's like what's up.- mhmmm.
and then i got fired-- - from nowhere kentucky thatwas like holy shit you made it. - yeah, sort of. i came from a family, theyweren't really rich but pretty well known-- - in the area?- yeah. my grandfather was a doctor, mymom was one of the first women, sorry my grandmother was one ofthe first women to ever graduate from the university of kentucky so i came from
a family of achievers. my great great great grandfatherwas a us senator, maybe four greats. way far back. - so you needed thisbook to get into the game? - exactly. - so you go to law school youget some buddies, you guys are going differentplaces where did you go? what city? - i moved to siliconvalley to mountain view.
i was working for a firmcalled fenwick and west. - i know them.- right. of course. - i've used themfor some of my deals. - there you go.well, they fired me. - amazing.- and i deserved it though. they weren't dicks. i deserved to be fired. - because? - the reason i thought i gotfired was i got super drunk at this big law firm event.- yeah.
- there's like an auction and igrabbed the mic and i basically yelled at the other people whoare bidding on me for this thing and it was really funnybut it was kind of mildly inappropriate but not. i didn't quite cross the line.i thought i got fired-- - this was to wina date with you? - no, it was like the hiringpartner was driving people around for a night. you know, it was a charity auction.
it was some nonsense thing.- yep. - and i was blind drunk, likedouble fisting bottles of wine. i was a 25-year-old moron. - you were drinking wine?- oh, yeah dude. - i love that.- it was at silverado. it was at theresort, yeah, in napa. i don't know what iwas drinking though. i was hammered and i thoughtthat's why got fired but the real reason is actually becausethe senior female partner in the
firm propositioned me and idid the worst possible thing i turned her down and then i toldeverybody. if i had slept with her i would have beenbasically bulletproof. - and this is what happened? - and if i had shut up,i'd've been fine. right? - okay. - i ended up getting fired, it was both things combined. i was a recklessunguided missile. i had no businessworking in a law firm.
they were totally right tofire me but the real instigating factor was that. - what happens next?your fired, the next day. - then i go work for my dad, itwas kind of like a whole mess. i basically got blackballed fromthe legal profession 'cause i wrote my friendsan email about it. about the events,the drinking right? - yes.- that was like saturday. i ended up gettingfired wednesday.
so on monday i wrote this reallyfunny email, sent it to my friends, i get fired and ofcourse my friends are dicks so they forward thisemail to everybody. - what year is this? - this is 2000, 2001. - back when peopleforwarded to their entire list. - this is before myspaceor anything like that. - the originalsocial media, email. - exactly it was email forwards.- uh-huh.
- so i get blackballed fromthe legal profession because everyone gets this emailof me telling this story. - yep. let me ask you a real straightup question that i'm curious if it's ever been asked, how muchsubconsciously or consciously? - a lot. i know exactly whatyou're going to ask. - do people ask that?- no. - yeah, right, nobody's,everyone's scared to
ask you the right question. i'm not scared and i want to bring value. i'm listening to thisi'm like this guy-- - you're right.you're right. - do you actually knowthat you had this in you? did you think you're a comedian? did you think yourculture hacker? what do you think was brewing? you understoodsomething was brewing?
- yeah. - there's no way that you'rehere and have that, you see where i'm going? - so we were talkingabout this actually. she went to law school too and i think being a lawyer is a terrible job for the mostpart for most people. and i'm pretty high-energy,i'm pretty creative, i'm pretty entrepreneurial,
i like to do things different and that's the opposite of what you want to be. if you're a lawyer you're just following rules and you'resomebody else's paper monkey. - of course. - i think i realized that butquite honestly, dude, i don't think i had the courage todo anything about it or the emotional maturity toeven recognize that. that's where theunconscious stuff comes in.
i'm going to act out and forcethem to do something that i don't have the courage todo myself especially at 25. no way. - what happens next? - i went to work my dad. he owns a restaurantcompany in south florida. so i actually know a lot about wine, my other side of familyis restaurants. - that's cool.
- then he ends up firing me sixmonths later, my own dad fires me from the family business. - my dad fired my sister. actually here's an unknownfact, my dad fired me once. i was fired by sasha. that is a real thing. i who worked every minute of mygod damn life once asked in my senior year to leave at 7 pm,which was considered early, a 10 hour day, to go to a graduation party and
my dad said i wasn't committed to the business-- - you own graduation? - my own high school graduation. you don't understand, i workedevery day of high school, every weekend, every summer vacation. this weekend i spent time withmy family, we got a place and i'm like i finally understandwhy people summer so much 'cause i never had onesince seventh grade. and my dad fired me so i understand being
fired by your dad. and by the way i won that battleand dad you know it because i then was pumped i had two daysfree to myself in the summer. i was like wait a minute hung out with my friends, played wiffleball, i went toa baseball card show. i was not asking to comeback and then my dad had to say what'd he say? he walked in my room he's like, "i'll see you at seventhe morning."
i'm like alright. - i think that is a difference between you and me. i did get firedfor that stuff, man. i got fired because i was a jackass. i got fired fortotally legit reasons. the long, long story isbasically that my dad had a bunch of clowns working forhim and i was 25 and stupid and didn't understandanything about the world. i thought my dad has a greatbusiness, i know i can expand
this and i went in and i toldthe clowns working for him that they weren't good enough to workthere and i was going to get them fired and i wasgoing to build this business. - this is my socialintelligence at the time. and of course these people allknow office politics and my dad much better than i do.- yeah. - but i still thinkit doesn't matter. i'm right and my name's on thedoor obviously my dad is going to pick me. so then i also giveme all the ammunition in the
world by doing things like i'll meet some girl atthe restaurant-- - real quick because of this isthe important theme for them, trying to bring them value,again you think subconsciously? - yes. well here's what happens-- - let me ask you the questionthat's burning inside of me? did you know that you had thiskind of personality that you, did you literally think didyou understand the internet well enough at that point?
but did you think that youwere going to become famous or a personality? - the god honest answer is-- - like really? - i really honestly mostlylucked in to a lot of stuff. i lucked into a lotof opportunities. i picked up those opportunities and busted my ass once i had them. - did you think that you had a likable personality
to dudes and bros? - no, because i was nodifferent than my nine friends. the guys i went to law school,in the terms of intelligence or social ability or funny i wasdead in the middle at best. - right. right. - i had a lot of friendswho were funnier than me. i'm just dude who wrote itall down and the reason i wrote down, i get fired-- - is that what the book was?
they were stories? - the first like eight storiesin the book are the emails i sent my friends.they're emails. - actually real quick i know wehave questions 'cause this is being more of an interview thanthe #askgaryvee show but i'm enjoying it plus this islike eight years of pent up friendship.- exactly. - i just want to get some context, how did the book deal happen?
- i actually i tried to get published. so i wrote these emails to my friends about all thestories, the dumb things that i did that got me fired likehaving a girl i hooked up with some girl in the bathroom when i was on shift and all these sort of things. so i gave them all theammunition to talk bad about me to my dad. he fires me and i write emails about all the dumb
things i'm doing, drinking hooking up with thesegirls in south florida and those emails my friends are like "this is the funniest stuffi've ever read." you're not that funny inperson but you're funny emails. - were you getting an amazinghigh from the feedback of your friends reaction so much? making it self-populating. - it wasn't about writing, it was about making
my friends laugh.- mhmmm. - it never occurred to me thatanyone would think these emails were funny outsideof my nine friends. - after i get fired from bothjobs, one of my friends was like look man, you're not good atanything else but you're real good at writing these emails,this is what you should do. it never occurred to me be awriter at that point so i sent my emails every agent, everypublisher this is '01, late '01. maybe early '02, everyone i could find
100%, without exception, rejection. most people ignored it and thepeople that responded were-- - rude.- rude. - most of them arelike "dick face." - most of it wasjust form rejection. there were for three or fourpersonalized you're the worst writer i've ever seen. you need to go die. - i genuinely hate you. dear tucker, i hate you.
- right. i got into writing tokeep people like you out of it. - harpercollins.- seriously, for real. - so who published you? - so after that i ended upgetting this dude jeremie ruby-strauss who worked at kensington which was, still is kind of a small publisher. he found my blog, loved it. thought it was the funniest thing he ever read. - wait a minute, there's a little piece there.
you started putting thesearticles you know what i'm trying.- i got rejected from-- - this is a business show,what i'm more fascinated by you clearly knew what was happening with the current state of the internet during that period of time. you're doing emails that youknow are getting forwarded. you just went into a blog. if we're talking '01, '02what are you blogging on? blogger? typepad?
- geocities! geocities! - this is the part i thinkit is most interesting to me. - typepad! i wish. - right. to that point to mealways thinking about how to extract value such a big portion knows who are, read that book, things of that nature but so many don't.- right. - to me again, here's anotherperson that executed in a
platform that was underratedattention and used it to expand. - the thing is i get rejectedby all the gatekeepers, right? this is still '01, '02. i get rejected by all of them. - you go directlyto the consumer. - i didn't know what else to do. the internet, geocities wasstarting to blow up so i was like i'll just put my storiesout for free and everyone literally laughed at mebecause how could you do that.
you have to charge for writing. and i'm like i havenowhere else to publish this. - distribution. - and then it blew up ittook about 4 to 6 months. - what was it called? - it was called tuckermax.com.- even better. that's what i'd name it. - this girl ended up suingbecause i wrote about her. it was all true.
- did you say her name?- oh yeah. it was all 100% true and itwas a big first amendment case. she got this temporaryrestraining order issued prior restraint, long, long story. but blew my site up andthen after that it got all this traffic and i won the case'cause i was telling the truth and i was right. then publishers all came back tome and the guy i ended up going with was the guy who i hadthe best relationship, right.
- book didn'tcome out until '06. that was '02, '03. - why'd it take so long?you had more shenanigans. - it was a lot of bullshit. mainstream publishing all that stuff. - but the cool thing is, i bitmy email list the whole time. not even trying. i didn't really understand it. i just had the email listbecause it's the
easiest way to reach people. - and it's how you started. - by the time the book came outi had a 50, 100,000 people so i sold 6,000 copiesthe first week. literally zero reviews, no onetalked about this book anywhere. i hit the new york timesbestseller list out of nowhere. - and i was that first, my bookwas the very first one to go blog to bestseller.- love it. - very first.
- did you get a lotof coverage for that? - not really. that was still back when media was like "who are theseblog people? "these internetpeople, they don't matter. "they don't exist." - this is when?- '06, january 2006. - that's right when wine librarytv started. that's awesome. i remember your wine show was blowing up
about the same time mine was. you were just allthese different-- - genre. - all these people different kind of finding their waysin to things, kind of by accident. book kind of took off andthen went down and then built by word-of-mouth after that. people credit me for all i'vedone all these marketing things,
oh that's so smart. i honestly don't thinkany of that stuff mattered. i think the fact that i wrote agreat book that a lot of people love and toldtheir friends about. - and you referenced earlier first book, you've written more than one? - four.- four. - four in that genre. like the new york times calledit "fratire" which makes no
sense because i wasn't ina fraternity but whatever. and then now, i'veretired from that because-- - you had your run. - you can't act likeyour 20s in your 40s. - that's right.all right, india. that was fun.- [india] yeah, that was fun. the first one from taylor. - india's going to ask questionsand we're going to answer them. - shoot. let's do it.
- [voiceover] taylor asks, "whathas been the biggest key to your "creative process and the ability to tell stories "that connect people?" - that is a great question. the way i always frame it, andi think it started this way by accident and i've just stayedthis way, is i started writing because i was trying tomake nine people laugh. you know the saying if you wantto change the world, you got to start with one person eitheryourself or one person first.
i think the same thingis true for storytelling. if you can't make a small peoplelaugh or react in whatever way you looking to get--- you're dead. - you can't get a getbig group to do it. right? every time i write i alwaysthink consciously in my head who is my audience,why do they care? - super interesting. you guys have heard sally arkansas, his world would be like rick polo.
i imagine these people that i think that there's way more than nine of them. your nine buddies represent22% of dudes in america. - and that's why it's a bigaudience and that's what i think about here. even the way i interviewed inthe first 10, 15 minutes here. i'm like okay, i know who's watching. boy, girl, black, white, green,alien. they're entrepreneurial, they care about things as iwas listening and getting more
context on what igenerally know. this guy won anddid well in books. i'm like wait a minute, this guyknew, this guy knew with email forwarding andblogging very early. again, always trying to drillhome for them that white space. so that's what i do. i reverse engineer whatis the biggest value? wine library tv worked becausei spent 10 years in a wine shop and watched people come in andpeople that were like duke law
lawyers who are like - super intelligent about wine. - alpha males walking in thestore and i need a bottle, god wine world is sodouchey, so suppressive. in the same way i thinkabout entrepreneurship, right? now i just want to empowerpeople to be like who gives a shit when people, just do it. reverse engineeris very similar. go ahead.
- [voiceover] jonathan wantsto know, "last time i heard the "name tucker max i finished 'ihope they serve beer in hell'. "lots has changed.would you do it all again?" - of course.- it's what got you here, right? - i would try and do alot of things differently. - like what? what's the most, in a nobullshit way because i'm enjoying this.because i think you can-- - there is no other wayto be in no bullshit.
- knowing again back why youwere happy, i want to go to a place where i know you've beenon so many different things. in a very fucking real way,what's the one core thing you think you would do different? - i would realize a lotearlier that it's not about me. even though, i'm reallygood about that my art. my stories, even though they areabout me, if you read all four of my books you actually don'tknow very much about at all. you know a lot about things thathappened to me and
you've laughed a lot and you've really enjoyed it. but i don't burden the readerwith nonsense about me because people reading my bookswant to be entertained. they're not trying to learn deep about my emotions, whatever, right? but the what may i make business decisions, early in my career i wasarrogant and stupid and i made most of my decisions-- - because you thoughtyou have the leverage?
- there was a moviemade about my first book. that movie should have done$100 million or more at the box office and it didlike $2 million. - because of myarrogance and my hubris. - you wanted to impose certain things that you had creative control over?- yeah, man. it really was. writing is a very singular art. i don't need anyoneelse's help to crush a book.
to make a movie, it's awhole group of people. and even the smallestmovie ever is still 50 on it. - and you went into that placeof like look, "i love you"-- - this is about me holding tightand because of that i picked the wrong director, i pickedmost of the wrong production. - you picked yes-people? - no, if i picked yes-people itmight have been just my vision which would have beenbetter than what it was. - 'cause it became a frankenstein.
- it was half pregnant.- yeah. exactly. and i picked a lot of people whotold me what i wanted to hear early on but hadtheir own agendas. - sure. - i was blind to it and i was socaught up in myself and my own ego that i screwed up a reallymassive opportunity for myself. - sure. it was a game changer. if that goes for a hundo, different things. you know it's funny peoplealways ask me my biggest mistake
and i always try to come up withsomething because i don't like to think about my mistakes. i actually disrespectmy mistakes,-- - right.- it's a very interesting thing. i recognize them but igive them no fucking energy. - really, i'm like coolmistake you go over there. no question my biggest mistakeshave been the things that have passed on and haven't done.- yeah. - it was interesting to thinkabout and that happened but
i could have been ajudge on "top chef". i could've do all these other business shows. there's a lot of things i alwaysthat i always think about the things i that i haven't done.investing, right? i've done well but passing onuber twice was the clear one. - i did too.- everybody did. - i know.- everybody had an at-bat. alright, let's go. - [voiceover] daniela asks, "i'm an immigrant with
"an entrepreneurial dream. "all my parents care aboutis college which i hate. "any advice?" - that's tough. - did you get pressuredto be a good student? - no. i came from one of those families where it's just expected.- right. it was binary, right?- i came from one of those-- there wasn't even a conversation.
- no, it just wasn't even a conversation. i came from one of those weirdfamilies where high expectations were always there but my parentswere not very good at being parents so i was basicallyignored so i kinda had to raise myself.but unconsciously-- - you have siblings?- no. only child. - only child. - i think unconsciously iunderstood at a very young age that the adults werenever going help me.
no one was coming to help me andso i had to learn the system as it's presented toyou is bullshit. the only gift they gave me ofbeing terrible parents is that i was never fooled by thelies that the system tells you. like school. i learned how tohack the system. - you feel like early on youmade a decision that you weren't getting value from your parentsand thus every grown up during your youth you looked inthe cynical point of view?
- not just the grown ups but theactual systems that the grown ups are operatingand represented. whether it's work or whetherit's corporations or school. it's not that everything isinvalid, it's just that the face that they present isnever the reality. - it's so interesting, i on theother hand had amazing parents but came to that samerealization at a very young age. - it's so interesting differentpaths to get that place. it's really dictated my lifewhere i was like,
"oh my god, i'm not this. "i've got another," geez iwas in fourth grade for sure. i'm like, "crap, i've gotanother nine years of eating this shit." - you got out early, i'm like,"how do i break this system?" "how do i hack it andmake it work for me?" - yeah, you decided to win within it. i decided to literally go onvacation because i realized subconsciously i was nevergoing to be on vacation again.
- if we're talkingabout unconscious. i think i realized i had no other support, you had great parents. i have this otherworld i can go into. - you're like, "i need this."i respect that. - i need to win at this systemso that i have 'cause i don't have anyone else. - what's the person's name?- [india] daniela. - daniela, i'm going to giveyou very difficult advice.
i really do you need to havethe most honest and truthful conversation you've ever hadwith your parents and then react to their reaction. i don't know if you've ever gone there all the way where this is really ruining me. not like "hey mom anddad, i don't like school." it's like, "i'm suffocating andtruly believe my life will not be as good as it could beif i go down this path." watching your parents' reactionto those words verbatim
will give you a reallygood indication. because then you get tounderstand are your parents wired to really value you and where you are and what's in your best interest from your point of view or do they really care about their point of view andwhat their child's success means to them. i've become very fascinated. you might havebetter insight on this. i grew up in a way where ididn't know the fancy world so
bumper stickers of colleges oncars and parents telling kids to take on college debtat better schools. wait a minute, that's that theirinterest 'cause they get to tell their friends universityof chicago is real fancy. i'd be super pumped ifmisha and xander went there. i'm like holy crapthat's interesting. - i think that's fantastic advice. let me just add onesort of way to frame this. so when you go talk to yourparents, i think the way to
frame it is not here's myargument 'cause you're never going to convince someone with a compelling argument or very rarely. what you want to do isstart by asking them questions. do you care about me? how much do you care? what do you really care about? what matters the most to you? and what they're gonna say is,"we care about you being happy.
"we care about youfinding yourself." whatever, right? get them to commit to that andthen say alright if you really do care about me and you reallydo it doesn't matter to you that i am this happy, i'm going totell you i don't want to go to school because it makes a very,or college, it makes me very unhappy and trying these otherthings for a year or two is going to make much happier. will you support meas i do something?
and you can evenframe it as temporary. give me a year or two, supportme and if it doesn't work i'm happy to go back to college. - and support mementally, right? the financial part-- - that's totally what i mean.- i know that. - emotional.- i know that. i want to framethat up for people. and i would say the other thinglike look, there's casualties of
war and your parents are notgoing to be around for your casualties of what they think is in your better interest than versus you. the gift that i was given that i really wish i could stick into every god damn person is theaudacity and confidence at a very young age to justsay this is the deal. that independence is incredible. and that's a hardfor a lot of people. if you're asking me on thisshow, to me actions speak louder
than words if you publiclytweeted this and asked me and wanted me to answer your justlooking for somebody to push you over the finish line. many of you are watching thisand think it would but never tweet it publicly in fearthat your parents would see it. you're clearly this close andyou need somebody to nudge you. i'm willing to nudge you. i really do think there are realmoments in time to say go fuck yourself mom and dad.
and it's real and it's real not from a bad, cool like bro-ing out,from a this is it. this is a crossroads and a lot of people give forced into doing it. there are kids with massive debtbecause they wanted to appease their parents and they lose. they lose because they kicktheir 20s and don't take the risk reward things they shouldbe doing to just pay down the debt and they wake up at 34 anda just finally are at even from
something thatthey decided at 17. - because theirparents pressured them. - 100%.- yeah. - now that i've gotten older andi'm spending time with parents, in their parentsvested interest of vanity. - yes.- the worst. let's do one more. speaking of parents, i gotta run to misha's school. - hey gary, i'msteven from columbia.
i am 10 years old. my question is if i want to makevideos about cars, motorcycles because i love it or my life ingeneral, i mean vlogs because i love it too, what should i do? because you say that you workso hard until 30 and you say that people will respect you for your actions. i dream of being a successful entrepreneur and i want respect too. but hold out for results?or i should work in silence?
i mean, no camera?no social media? what should i do, gary please? i want to go all-in. i love you man and anybodyin this planet like you. sorry for my english. - english is amazing. much better to my spanish. - bye. - he even editedwith the subtitles.
- amazing. what's his name?steven? - [india] steven. steven, i'll jump in real quick and tucker please add anything you can to this. i want to give you a definition. i said that i built a businessuntil i was 30, 32 and then i talked about business stuffinstead of being a 20-year-old giving business advice.
you're a content producer. you're talkingabout your opinions. that's different. if you were giving advice asa 10-year-old, 20-year-old, 30-year-old about buildinga business or building a motorcycle business or thingsof that nature, that's very different than youpontificating, giving your two cents, adding to culture, socialcommentating so what i want to give you definition is my wholewait 'til you're 30 to talk to
the world, if you're going togive advice i do think it should be predicated on somethingadvice giving your two cents we're all entitledto our opinions. social commentating,we're all entitled to that. making videos and commentating,i think the journey of your life and your thoughts andthose things is super fine. you clearly, i mean, i would push very hard. what i just saw gave mea nice little tingle. keep pounding, produce content,use all the platforms,
use your youth and native ability on this world that we now live in musically, snapchat,produce for all mediums. get it out there. tucker.- yeah. it seems to me like he hasa lot of charisma, right? - i agree. - he totally can bea content producer. so then ask yourself what we talked about,
the very first question. what audience do you want to talk to and what do they care about? and there's a lot of young guys,i'd bet in columbia, who care about cars and motorcycles andthat stuff, if you become the guy who speaks to all them thatputs you in a great to start a lot of different businesses. - or i can tell,that's exactly right. or i can tell you another thing,there's a lot of people that are
actually just curious about youth life and culture in columbia is. i was watching thatlooking in the background. can i learn something what thekids, i actually just think your life is actually interesting toso many people and nobody, if you're not in columbia, you can't produce content around columbia so use your advantages that so many people think are disadvantages. - right, exactly.- my man.
- super nice, man. - you get a parting shot hereanything you want to ramble on and then a question of the day. this is a greatfocus group opportunity. so insight that youmay be looking for. there's a ton of aspiring-- - you want me to ask a question? - yeah. every guest gets to askthe question of the day. there's a ton of aspiring, i mean hundreds of people have
emailed me around writing abook and things of that nature. i know you guysare jamming on that. - any question about that or anyinsight that you're looking for. - i was looking on twitterright before you came in. - a bunch of people askedquestions about writing books? we actually wrote a book thatdetails our entire process. to hire us is really expensive.- yep. - it's like 20 grandfor book in a box. but we wrote a book thattells exactly what we do.
- let's definitelylink that up, staphon. - so just go tobookinabox.com/gary your fans can go there and they get a free copy of the book if they want it. and literally step-by-stepprocess to use our method to write their own book. it takes more time than if youhire us but it's the exact same templates, everything start to end. - super smart. data in exchange for good content.
that's great.- bookinabox.com/gary - good man. thanks for that.- 'course. - and now question.you get to ask any question. any question. could be silly, we'llsit here for 45 minutes. - you got a smartaudience who's good at media. so anyone who'sinterested go look at our site, bookinabox.com, what do youthink they we're doing wrong in terms of messaging or marketing.
- free analyzation. - our audiences are people whohave great ideas for books, who can monetize those ideas likecoaches, consultants, ceos, entrepreneurs, peoplewho've had success. what are we doing right andwrong to talk to those people? any ideas you have please sendto me, tucker@bookinabox.com, i'd would love to hear them. - tucker, thanks for being on.- thank you. - you you keep asking questions,we'll keep answering them.
what's up guys?hope you enjoyed the show. please do i get tolink it up anywhere? is it in here oris it down below? is it in print or in my video? - [staphon] it'll be down to your left. - it's here down to my left. right here, there's a button for them to subscribe to my youtube video? yeah it's thatlittle buggy thing.
that's right guys, click this. that's right, use that.