Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2018

depot lounge set

depot lounge set

morning baby, it's a beautiful day outside,wanna come out? today's the day we're filming the van tour! it's like 8:00 i'm gonna makeyou lemon water, coffee welcome to our wandxr bus! we're jimmy and sabrina horel and after you guys requested it a lot we're doing it... ourvan tour! the last few years we've been wandering in a 1973 vintage veedub bus werestored it completely ourselves, knew absolutely nothing about renovatingbuses but we just knew we wanted to get out there and wander there was a lot of work and we learnedso much off of the internet we made a little home on wheels we've driven about60,000 miles 43 states in the u.s. 7 in

canada and this is only the beginningpretty soon we're leaving to baja and the adventure will continue... you guys mayhave noticed our shirts after a lot of requests were finally coming up with ourmerch so if you guys are interested check out wehave a bunch of different designs guys and the coolest thing is thatthey're made from our own photos so if you look really closely you can seeseepy in austin. hell yeah, this is our bus! they can be a beautiful reminder to you every day when you wear it yep! the goal of this project is to giveback and with every purchase you make at wandxr, we give 10% back to theplanet to people and to animals because

we believe that we live in a world whereeveryone should thrive and if we all just gave back a little and if we allhelped the world would be a better place we basically just wanted to find a wayout of the system and find a way to make money doing something that we love lifeis too short and we should live in the moment of the world's a better placewhen we do things that we love so our way through photography and throughvideos we want to give back to you guys and inspire youand show you that dreams can be alive and the world is a beautiful place andeveryone should get out there and wander two years ago we could our jobs andstarted self-funding this nomadic

lifestyle where photographers and videomakers for all of you who asks us how we make a living on the road and i actuallyjust wrote a new e-book called how to afford van life for those of you who areinterested i will include a link down below really helpful ebook foreverybody that wants to start a van life and know a little bit more in depth ofthe cost of living in a van and different ways to make money on the roadso check it out our website as well as those cool-ass t-shirtsso come on let's check out our crib welcome to our bus! this is our living room it's where mostof the action happens it also happens to

be our kitchen and our office ourbedroom. all at once! this will probably be a pretty short tour because as you cantell we don't have very much to show but we wanted to invite you guys in and showyou a little bit of how we live in this tiny home i'll show you a little bit howit works we're gonna start with the kitchen this is our stove it's a twoburner stove and it runs off a little propane canister then we plug rightbehind it and we recharge it every couple of weeks i love this little tablewe built on top so we can cook outside our cutting board so there's two hingeson the bottom side of each thing and a small little wood thing here where itconnects and it stays up and it holds

everything inside here we have utensilsplate pan and pots really the bare minimum because we don'thave a lot of space we always carry with us the nutribullet super small it fitsin our cabinet and we make all of our shakes we even make hummus really convenient. i'll leave a link down below for you guys if you guys want to check itout we have coffee mugs one pot one tea kettle and a nonstick pan it's basicallylike playing tetris to make it all fit became a game for us to put the dishes so this is my favorite part of the wholehouse our fridge we like to keep it stocked with tons of plant-based stuffyou know where everything in here is

completely vegan we have some yogurtsome hummus some milk creamer different types of vegan meats this is one of myfavorite some vegan hot dogs by filled rose to absolutely love it we have thislight life breakfast sausage which is amazing for breakfast like i love makingbreakfast burritos or eating it with some pancakes vegan pancakes andscrambled tofu we have this diaya cheese which i love it melts so nice we havesome more sandwich cheese we love our vegan cheese so muchtons of soy milk and almond milk for protein shakes two creamers because icannot live without my coffee and some water basically pretty simple and in thefreezer because we have a freezer to you

guys i love being able to have a freezerin the van i can keep my fruits frozen and when i need to make a smoothiethey're always there for me and yeah absolutely love iti don't know how some people live in vans without a fridge or like even withjust a nice box i couldn't do it we couldn't do it especially eating veganlike we have to cook a lot of our own meals so it's important that we alwayshave groceries and you know a reliable source of energy to power up our fridge up here you made this like tiny littlestorage space to keep some more food surprise surprise this is what i like tokeep our snacks it's super convenient

because if we're ever driving and i'mhungry like i can just reach over from the cab area and get us like a proteinbar or something we have these complete cookies ,they're vegan they're maybenot the best thing for you too we don't try to eat a lot of processed foods wetry to eat mostly raw plant-based diet but sometimes you just need a cookie youknow so might as well make it a complete cookie full with protein we also havedifferent kind of tea i have my vitamin b12 supplement the only supplement itake on a vegan diet but we also have a coconut oil which i use for everything iuse it for cooking for my hair for my skin for everything guys coconut iswhere it's aughts we also have some

granola some wheatgrass powder andprotein bars we've been putting off our van tour for thelongest time because i always felt like our van is not ready there's constantlythings that we're like adding and changing and i've always just had thisvision of having art all over our walls so recently i just added a lot of theseprints of our own photos and we're selling them on our website tooportion goes back to the planet animals and people so if you guys are lookingfor some new wall art or just ways to decorate your dorm yourapartment whatever like check it out i'm sure there's something that you likesomething that can inspire you make you

feel good yeah i hope you like it thisis our sink. it works with a very simple system it's a seven gallon water tankthat will go up to the faucet with an electric water pump just gonna turn iton and voila! we got running water and then the water falls down the drain into afive gallon water tank and then we empty it every so often we honestly don't usethis thing very much i don't really know how necessary it is but it is nice tohave like that running water if we're ever cooking if i'm making pasta orstill cut oats coffee like it's just really easy to turn on give the dog somewater and post it just kind of like makes it feel like home you know thefact that we have a complete kitchen in

here it's pretty cool i love waking upin the morning just fresh out of bed put some water on my face you can actuallyfind everything all those water tanks are easily found on amazon water pump bythe way you guys when you're building a van it's extremely useful to have amazonprime this is not an ad for amazon prime but like we relied on it so much andwe're building our fan because when you're looking for parts trying to getthem shipped like from other parts of the world or whatever like sometimesshould we can take two to three weeks or more so with amazon prime you geteverything you need in two days and that's why we yeah we recommend using itfor sure we have this storage here and

we keep some more food here because youknow the fridge and all the other cabinets are not enough we have thingslike rice cakes some vegan muffins tortilla chips we usually try to eatreally healthy but right now we're camping it's the weekend so you know yolowe have things like protein powder it's all vegan some coconut waterof course and this is also where we keep the inverter so everything that we plugin goes through here our fridge our laptops powered by the battery theauxiliary battery and also by solar power on top of the van 200 watts wealso have a blog post showing you guys how we set up our solar panels and youknow we have a youtube video so make

sure to include those links too. so you guysi got this question all the time and i'm honestly super excited to show youwhere i keep my clothes a little bit of background on us when we met webackpacked for a year in places like africa australia europe asia and welived out of a backpack just one backpack one camera a laptop bag andthat was it so getting used to like living with very minimal space andminimal clothes it was our thing and we were already willing to make thatsacrifice so compared to this living out of abackpack leaving in a van is like having a mansion we have tons of space for ourclothes and my sweet husband built me

this closet here's what i like to keep a lot of mycoats and dresses which i thought it was a necessity and a very important ideabut the truth is that everything just kind of wrinkles up at the bottom andwhen i take it out it so looks like shit but it is nice to have the extra storagespace and it serves me well we also like keep stuff in here like this curtainthat we use to hang here like before we go to bed or when we're just trying toget some extra privacy it makes it like a little room we have random shit inhere like lights and scissors and yeah whatever we need obviously my closet issuper small and this is where i keep

most of my clothes okay so here's wherei keep all my socks sports bras underwears all my blouses and likelittle gym shorts and stuff are in here here i have like mostly jeans andsweaters i also have a huge bag of bikinis in there there's a tentsomewhere in there and all my sweaters i kind of just fold up and keep them herecheck it out guys my new favorite sweater i can't wait to wear it i'vebeen saving it for filming so that i don't get a dirty and you guys can getyour own sweater if you do like just tag us on instagram and we'll shout you outin our stories i can't wait to see you guys wearing these i'm so excited thisis where i keep my clothes i keep all my

shirts in this big box from amazon- just like sabrina's and i like to keep my pants shorts and all workout clothesin this bag and it looks small like this but sabrina actually fit in there herwhole body in there i also have a lot of random stuff like a ukulele i have abackpack i have tools books for the van rice cooker yeah rice cooker i have anoil pan that i use every time i do my oil change that's pretty much it andthis is where we keep all of our shoes so you guys can probably see a littlebit better from the top jimmy's shoes take up a lot of thespace but we just work with what we have i have big feetso my shoes look like they take more

space but sabrina has more shoes than ido though. liars (laugh) okay let me show you that little table it's super cheap madeout of pvc pipe and old plywood that we kept from the build and this is how itworks basically kinda copies the westfalia system it swivels like thisyou can open it and set up your pizza while you watch a movie right here ifyou want a little desk while you work on your editing you ready heresabrina likes to put it up on the sink because it's super easy for her to chopup some vegetables and you know just cook and otherwise we like to put itjust like this up when we have guests oversuper easy bigger table for everybody to

eat it's cheap it works yeah works forand the best part is this back and you're ready to go in this littlecabinet here this is where we keep a lot of our hygene stuff so we have thingslike perfume and cologne body wash soap basically all of our toiletries are hereright here is our junk drawer like in every houses we have things like walkietalkies books headlights cords to charge lights andall the junk things we all keep in our house basically things that don't have aspace anywhere else we put them there nice little playing card deck and guys backhere i know this looks like a huge storage place but it's actually where wekeep our spare tires so most of the

space there is just for the tire nowlet's show you guys the cab area we did a lot of work ourselves we didall of these panels jimmy cut the wood he made what is it called i made asample and then i used the same sample for both doors 1/8 plywood from homedepot we also got some fabric and i worked with the seamstress so like sothese panels if you look closely to the van like nothing is perfect there's liketons of stuff that's wrong with it and it's probably because we did itourselves we made these seats which they were great until they started to likeyou know peel a little bit the vinyl here is starting to wear off ispray-painted this when we got the car

painted we added a new radio inside thathas an auxiliary in it it looks like an old school radio but it's actually likea pretty cool and we can plug our phone in and jam out when we're on the road wespent a lot of time driving here jimmy does most of the driving because helikes it and yeah you guys i know like i space is super small so there's not alot to show you but we just hope that this could show you a little bit morelike how we live in such a tiny space i honestly never pictured myself living ina van up until a few years ago so the fact that we do it is pretty neat and wewant to show you guys that you can do too i'm glad we get to show you after welived in it for almost two years because

now we know how it works and we're happyto show you how we do it we have the mandatory dream catcher okay this thinghas gone everywhere it's probably seen more places in the average person justthrow so much shaggin wagon in that groovy car man! we redid like the upholstery hereto give it like a nice white fresh feel kept a classic look and all the rearviewmirrors and headliners and sun visors we have heater and ac here that doesn'twork but it is air-cooled so if you just turn this on in the summer the the windwhen you're driving blow in the cab area yeah yeah what else we have blinkers that don't work we have a speedometer that didn't work for a long time we havea wipers that also don't work very well

we have a water pump you know like whenyou're like using the wipers it also doesn't work very well yeah that thingthat doesn't work very well glove box glove box where we keep all of oursunglasses because we always need sunglasses when we drive we have a cupholder here an e-brake that also doesn't work very wellyeah there's not really a lot to show you but it's just enough so last but notleast let's show you guys a little bit of our backyard / trunk / garage /whatever you wanna call it it's not big or fancy but that's really enough for usto enjoy a sunset a little dinner with my wifeso obviously you guys our band is not

this empty i wish it was because itwould be nice if we just had this face for a trunk all the time but what we dois like when we set up for the day like now we're just camping here we moveeverything to the front so if you look at the front right now it's a total messbut the important part is we have space where it matters this is our littlelounge area we love watching the sunset from here if you guys follow us oninstagram you've definitely seen like those classic trunk shots like beautifulviews it's what we live for and it's not the biggest we would definitely likesomething with a little bit more space we're jealous is like those really bigtrunks but it's the feel it's the

volkswagen feel the grooviness in thehippie vibe just sweating out of this van and that's what i love the most. it's sweating? i don't know how you guys say it here but you've heard itbefore and i'm telling you again hippies never die we're taking over theworld one van lifer at a time ah so amazing this is why i live in asmall space check it out you guys so we're getting ready for bed and nowall of this stuff is in the front we do this so that we can have all the spacein the back so that austin can sleep on the floor so yeah this is pretty mucheverything we own and we still try to be really clean and discreet because a lotof times we're staying in cities or

even just when we're camping we justreally like to keep it clean so let's make the bed austin are you thirsty, you want some water? we like to keep this area pretty clean because austin sleeps here into the bedwe have some towels on the floor like literally we use these so muchbecause we just spill water all the time and yeah it's really handy to have someof these in your van here we have our dirty clothes which like we keep it in abig bag but like it's annoying to take it in and out of the cabinet every dayto fill it up so you just basically leave it here until we can't take itanymore we have a gallon of water and of course austin's balls so yeah time tomake the bed

austin is sleepy because he was playingall day and so is seeping because her name is literally seepy god seepy you're justso cute you look like a tiny little doll why my little puppy now it's time to goto sleep yeah we're just ready for bed it'spretty late and i think all we want to do is watch the rest of star wars andeat some potato chips so that's probably what we're gonna do it's also saturdayjimmy's gonna drive me in bed and we'll just enjoy the rest of the night with adog typical saturday night vanlife and we really hope you guys enjoyed our tour pretty good snack roasted red pepperhummus and some vasa how do you

pronounce this stuff wasa?that's a wasacrackers so as you guys know we usually do most of the filming ourselves butthis time we got super lucky to meet rav who's a youtuber himself makes greatvideos and photos you guys should definitely check him out and he gave usa big hand on this video you're able to get so much more perspective than weusually do and i hope you guys enjoyed it it was a pleasure guys to help youguys out what you guys do what you do you guys are an amazing little hippiecouple actually are very talented when it comes to filmmakers and it was apleasure for me to get to actually watch

you guys thank you guys so much andhappy birthday tomorrow yeah thank you all right you guys so that's it for avan tour i hope you enjoyed it it's pretty small but that's all we gotyeah i hope you get to know much more about the wandxr bus and what we do andwhat our purpose is and hopefully you guys can help us along the way and helpsupport us i know you wanted a guitar brother. tomorrow is your birthday it's not much it was given to mei'm just giving it to you oh you'll get a better guitar one time youknow if it'll be good for photo props and stuff like that so sweet thank you so much all i ask is when you

get you're a real great guitar then justpass out and get that one to somebody else that wants to learn it's incredible thank youso that you guys that's so thank you so much. you're very welcome guys. that's it guys! i'm hungry

depot lounge set Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
