Mittwoch, 21. November 2018

couch extra tief

couch extra tief

it's been nearly five years sincethe release of uncharted 3, ...and in that time,the last of us has been heralded... naughty dog's crowning achievement, ...propelling the studio intothe highest pantheon of quality. in its return to uncharted,the team met with controversial staff changes... ...and multiple delays.but now we finally have uncharted 4 in our hands. this latest tale may mean an endto this thief's adventures... ...but does it leave a legacythat the industry will never forget? several years after the events of uncharted 3,

...nathan drake is living a peacful, domestic lifedoing salvage jobs and sorting through his attic, ...but it's clear that he quietly yearnsfor the thrills of his treasure-hunting days. naturally, his situation is about to change. drake's brother sam, presumed to be dead,returns to give nathan an offer he can't refuse... ...and the stage is set for another globe-trottingadventure in search of vast riches. the relationship between nateand sam is just one layer... ...of the nuanced web of emotionsamong the key players. at its core,uncharted 4 is a character study, ...exploring intimate themeslike regret, love, and pride.

the cutscenes and conversationsblend seamlessly between gameplay, ...never truly removing youfrom the proceedings. the visuals are unquestionablythe best we have ever seen, ...further emphasizingcharacters' subtle intricacies. from far-off mountains to torch-lit caves, ...the variety of things to look atis equally impressive. like its predecessors, uncharted 4 utilizes the minutiaof its scenery to bolster its storytelling, ...filling locations with detailed detritusthat relays messages of history and character, ...and so much of it is simplyfascinating to examine.

during the sixteen-hour journey,drake and his companions... ...explore high-society auctions,the muddy foothills of madagascar, ...scottish ruins, and lush islandsformerly inhabited by pirates. while much of the game is still focusedon following the trail and forging ahead, ...some areas are broader thanuncharted has ever been before, you wide spacesto stretch your legs... ...and stumble across whatever you may. each location features numerousnooks and crannies to explore. optional treasures, journal entries,and side conversations litter each stage,

...and collecting them unlocksbonuses for subsequent playthroughs. in fact, even when thereisn't something to pick up, ...there's still so many sight to see,you may find it hard to progress forward... fear of missing something significant. nathan's trusty journal playsa more prominent role in a thief's end, ...serving as an entertainingcollection of notes and sketches... ...regarding the journey, as wellas a bit of humorous commentary. it also provides cluesto solving the game's puzzles, ...and while these aren't the mostchallenging to overcome,

...each is stimulating in its design. as the journey takes our heroescloser to the elusive trasure, ...devious traps raise the stakes... ...and make for a more sinister tone. throughout your search,rival mercenaries... ...will catch up with drake'steam and try to stop you... magnificent full-scale shootouts. combat plays similar to the previous games, ...but with a greater emphasis on mobility.

the new grappling hook makesnavigating the terrain fast and efficient, ...making it easy to get up closeon a lone gunman... ...or swing away when outnumbered. the arenas are large,encouraging constant movement, ...wether it's ducking behind coveramidst a hail of bullets... ...or striking from the shadowsto quietly even the odds. each weapon has strengths and weaknessesdepending on the situation. some enemies tend torush in guns blazing while... ...others tend to takecover in the distance...

...and throw grenades in an effortto flush you out. additionally, if you're too trigger-happy, may find ammo in short supply, ...forcing you to get the jumpon an enemy to acquire a new weapon. the feeling of exhiliration isrelentless during these firefights, ...and each new area isa joy to destroy. stealth has been tweaked considerably... ...and some players mayprefer the challenge... ...of clearing a guarded zoneentirely unseen.

tall grass can be used to subdueand hide unsuspecting victims... ...while the grappling hookoffers high-flying takedowns. if you manage to eliminatea group without being spotted, ...they won't be ableto call in reinforcements, ...rewarding your effortsfor playing cautiously. at times, you'll haveai companions in tow, ...but they won't blow your cover... ...and they do a fair jobof helping to thin the ranks. multiplayer takes advantageof the wide open spaces featured in the campaign,

...but also adds new weapons and abilities. similar to counter-strike,performing well in each match... ...earns you money, which can then bespent on mysticals, sidekicks, or upgrades. mysticals are powerful ancient artifactsfrom previous uncharted games... ...than can turnthe tide of battle in an instant. the wrath of el doradodeals damage to enemies in an area, ...the cintamani stonesinstantly revive teammates, ...while the spirit of the djinnlets you teleport. sidekicks are like personal bodyguards...

...that come equippedwith different abilities... the sniper, medic, or hunter. additionally, the grappling hookcan now be charged... perform a powerful melee strike. this all culminates to offera unique dynamic to each encounter... ...not available in the campaign. when teams go all in and usemultiple mysticals and sidekicks, ...the battleground becomesa chaotic and envigorating frenzy. it's still early in its life,but at this point,

...the maps, modes, and weaponsfeel relatively balanced. the shotgun needs to be usedpoint-blank to score a kill, ...while the sniper rifle needsto land a headshot for one-shot kill. there are only three modes at launch: team deathmatch, command, and plunder. command involves capturingspecific locations but... ...additionally, each team hasa captain with extra perks... ...and killing them rewardsbonus points for the team. finally, plunderis the most strategic mode,

...tasking each team to stealthe relic and deliver it to their base. picking up the heavy relic slows you to a walk,making you extremely vulnerable. also, most maps have gaps,forcing you to toss the relic, ...requiring you to coordinatewith teammates to move the relic upfield, ...or you'll risk it beingsnatched away by the other team. naughty dog has alreadyrevealed plans for more modes... ...and support commingbetween now and spring of 2017. so there's still a lot to be excited about. even now, multiplayeroffers a distinctive dynamic...

...that sets it apart from the campaign... ...and is a valuable additionto an incredible game. when you don't want tocompete against other players, ...trials offer waysto familiarize yourself... ...with maps and loadoutsin a less aggressive environment. completing these also earns youa generous amount of relic points... start customizing your characters. you can earn more relic points over timethrough matches and daily challenges... ...or, if you prefer to unlockcosmetic items more quickly, can use real money to purchasean equivalent amount of uncharted points. uncharted 4 isa landmark title... ...that anyone remotely interestedin interactive storytelling should invest in. naughty dog has once againraised the bar across the industry. thrilling shootouts,a staggering level of detail, ...breath-taking visuals,and emotional depth... ...come together to makeuncharted 4: a thief's end a must-play masterpiece.

couch extra tief Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
