we are in the year 18 before christ the august stretch is the first emperor of the family julia claudia tears leads to contemplate a descent from 95 years to the maximum of deprivation taste comes to power after a traumatic civil war is a brilliant military that will establish the supremacy of rome
from the atlantic to the black sea from the sahara to the channel of the spot is a expansion that generates a wave of decadence against which the austere pleasure will fight throughout his life a particular feast celebrated by a wealthy financier called lion in honor of his august protector symbolizes this conflict
the historians of the seneca and plinium that detailed the food saw it as a moral tale which revealed the vices of gluttony and cruelty for the new rich of roma the excesses and extravagances on the table were proof of having reached the top of the page roasted lamb or snails in embroidery with
raw meat there are even flamingos on the menu however the fish is the treasure of the day usually it is the man who eats to the fish however this feast is different if going to give a man to eat at fish
-men? the feast took place in the luxurious estate from berio paul john next to the beach villa posillipo to a two day trip to south of rome the romans considered the bay of naples the most beautiful point of the coast western part of the peninsula on it and by they all wanted their farm there
preparations for the party starts very early floors with mosaics that show the riches of the empire and the good position of the house are swept with care glass vessels are cleaned will play an important role in the drama of this day felix ccoo lyon that i knew
a taste for a long time was counted among the true friends of the french emperor but if he received august to eat was not the visit of any old friend because eating with the emperor was always cheap and cash therefore the choice of food for the feast is fundamental
seneca says that he gave paul john no repaid expenses for your guest imperial the financier needed hundreds of slaves to govern their treasury for two of his servants the day start going shopping for one of they cato the day will end in a fight to life or death
the market is a microcosm of the empire music for a roman ricky simms the key to a great banquet is to spread over the table all the fruits of the empire friends and peaches from africa oysters of the north seas greg and the fresh bread is made of grain imported from north africa
mid-morning catã³n returns villa posillipo carrying a new amphora filled with virgin olive oil from the region and shopping cart today is a great day for another slave of home in a sense the most slave important of the roman meals is the chef is not about someone who
remains in the shadow is a character famous as the current chefs the romans complained about having to pay more for a good chef than for any other type of slave the retail includes well-known delicacies fresh oysters lamb roasted in the smoke of the fresh rosemary but other dishes are somewhat less
a cookbook author is now the most talked about in rome the distinctive dish of the master chef office is lorones stuffed with many roman kitchens are kept in cages where they are fattened with leftovers teacher instructions are very precise ladders need to be filled with chopped pork pepper and walnut is
then two must be given per person it's ok to start another recipe is that of the snails that can be feed with fresh milk but which according to apiece they know best if they are raw meat clog when they no longer fit in the shell snails should be slightly fried in oil and serve with a dressing
anchovy essence and dry white wine for the new rich berio polio correct presentation of the food in a banquet is vital that's why slaves like cathon know that any error can lead to a serious punishment exists as to the feast one moral contradiction that reflects the conflict between roman values
traditional and those of the new rich pãnãn the romans are a town of peasant origin and must subsist only with products of the field evidently who subsists on the basis of products from the field or wishing something more for the snow roman gastronomic essence of luxury and ends up being the soft meat point of
putrefaction but retain the original succulence helens the exotic fish grown in artificial ponds are the perfect demonstration of the new wealth that today is the ideal is to install a fish pond just under the estate was worth it and on the glorious estate
after long we find a dining room right in the middle of the stand with es impossible a fresher fish nearby from villa posillipo the remains archaeological of long wait show the obsession of the romans with the fish culture the favorite of half is the lamprey a scavenger similar to eel that not only
you can eat but you can train so that i devoured human flesh instead of a jaw with teeth has a round suction cup that sticks to the skin of its prey while scratching the meat with its tongued tongue or office the walls of the ponds are small or two made with mud where can breed and hide
tweet a lamprey needs darkness nicky hayden to look for the body in the artificial cavity and remove head & putt i find it strange to be devoured a cruel tomb of water waits for any slave who offends his master the arrival of the emperor to villa made it nervous
despite coming with his wife augusto has a reputation for affirming his authority both in the bedroom and on the battlefield when the emperor came to dinner or to be with us one of the concerns of your host now if he would try a flirt with his wife because that
generated a great tension in the house what to do in the case of medium there is no choice you have to smile and correct protocol at the banquet is essential in a good banquet there is a good choreography the most important of the label at the feast which is where everyone sits since according to the place on the table
and does not know his social position esther this is better if you are we have the state guest area which is called the consular locus since where you have a better view of all the rooms and immediately next to him right is the host old wine is consumed using very expensive objects newly acquired by
the medium itself crystal glasses are a technology which can only be seen in the more refined homes they were extraordinarily collectibles and this is how boasts of his latest acquisition max baucus is that one would break would be one calamity
the artists enter the scene and the wine a conversation is taking place festive between augusto and medio their tables free i did not see these lions are cool sne drunken iter um you're back drunk the wine allowed that easy coexistence so crucial in culture roman at dinner made us free and able to play well with us
all of us contributed to the feeling of coexistence and friendship towards essential in any good party to make room for more food and more wine is not strange that a guest leave the room to vomit exalead in full supper to vomit us it may seem disgusting and in fact
is but for the ancient romans no wearing the same social stigma theme was a widespread practice and when we we set ourselves in some of the menus that are they were not even more understandable pop with the party on your apogee there is even the possibility that a young slave satisfies the remarkably
active libido of the emperor for a seen roma rome is not the perfect end of a perfect feast like the deeds are about to prove to taste dominate the scene you hear honrubia there were all the guests they look at an old slave next to the remains of a glass vessel was the slave is terrified because he knows
that his owner his master the dogs of which punish the nails by throwing them at a pond full of devouring lampreys of male eels and one death horrible spot the devouring fever is about to untie for throwing a glass of incalculable value the clumsy slave caton faces
a terrible death to be devoured alive by killer eels for the host half polio in the glass is worth more than man only his guest the emperor august can prevent eels shatter their next victim in august health in person prevents this happens he is terrified of the behavior of polio daughters and
orders the pond to be emptied fish and break the other vessels of crystal to give a lesson to your friend between the catones survives the vessels not the history symbolizes a clash of moral cultures would like to reverse the current of opulence and cruelty that empire of the new rich
in times of the banquet at ease was fully aware that there should be reinforce morality and ovidio writes in a poignant stanza and the one comes to say that it would be wonderful that august looks at example doing and what you want others to do the support of the main poet's sheep of the time is accepted in principle
by august despite being himself a libertine the emperor introduce new moral edicts on marriage and the adultery and the new laws are only apply to the ruling senatorial class the lower classes are left out of their functions. exp. moral legislation so that people
he believed that he was on the right track that this was going to be the rome of yore who were going to assert their inheritance and to undertake larger companies historians do not know what effect had the law on moral climate dominant at street level the average roman is not really seen affected by the moral crusade against
aristocracy today was to see it like something good or something bad but there is not way to know what this new regime suffers an immediate setback from a football its author is or video and is called the art of loving contains practical advice on techniques of seduction and even sexual positions and places the principal
poet of rome in direct conflict with the emperor already as now the romance and the love was in the center of the search of pleasure in the love life of gods mythologies like venus mars and diana are found in the center of art and roman decorations often assumed the form of educational tales about the
deception and sadistic power eggs to help the simple mortals to find the true love the romanian writers composed we can optimists who carry the virtues traditional fidelity hope and beauty on your motor boom already written in the year 1 before christ or video is makes the arch of
love of video was the sex manual of his time must have read everything aristocrat who could be made with him he taught men to keep and teach women to teach women to attract keep and deceive to men is a very important work. important the sheep's advice the ones own
granddaughter of emperor julia whose scandalous sex life breaks flagrantly the new moral order or video advised that in bed the girl of mus the young and breasts perfect with the body towards the down to his lover tells him when he reaches that place where a girl likes touch her
do not let modesty keep you from caress the popularity of the manual demonstrates clearly that young people romans are resistant to the virtuous tone the emperor intends to restore the as augustus grew old, he became more and more conservative and at the same time time and as it looked like it was never going to died and the young people of rome began to
extremely tedious as these eternal moral obstacles of august that let see a game of everything less pure fruitis or video is a symbol of this thought it is even rumored that the poet follows his own advice maintaining an adventure with julia naturally in the largest of the secret poet roman doubts
present the food scene as prelude to the assignment to the meeting which will be produced later for lovers should wine together and exchanging the kiss glass the cup of the kiss was a glass of wine that the lover took from a slave and gave him a sip and told him the slave who was he would take her to his lover who drank from the
same place where she had lips fa cup to further fuel the flames of the love or video proposes the use of aphrodisiacs the romans actually believed aphrodisiac and other loving emotions methods to meet their sexual pretensions was the recipe for
ovide for the roman viagra begins with crushed pine nuts other classic ingredients include mustard white pepper and even onions cooked the thing is not free of complications it is believed that the foods that cause flatulence are natural aphrodisiacs the potion of love more powerful than a
woman can take is the sweat of gladiator this ingredient incredibly expensive is used in the option is for women desperate from rome to julia make-up is an essential part of prepare a great night out on feces of pigeons serve to hide moles and face grains
the crocodile excrement an article very precious remove the freckles in this season or video is already on its third wife so that if the poet and julia they live an adventure this is clandestine in place by definition outside of marriage is pure pleasure therefore it is important to take
precautions to avoid pregnancy the condoms of the time are made with sheep gut a solution practical but not overly attractive the art of loving details the best foretz amateur techniques for example video says women with long torso that it is in their interest to adopt the that man can see them and
admire their backs based on the sex manuals existing and of which we have fragments creates funny stories on the different positions that are they describe however the augustinian emperor did not sees the grace his moral reforms are seen destabilized by the arsenal of
poem recommends to the moments of the romano de augusto as the best place to to seduce a woman into a society in which the monuments represented the august military success and its program of restoration of values roman family nothing can be more insulting than we saw in south with tragic consequences
for the video august finally decides to act the success of the publishing house of art of love is blatantly undermining the attempts of the emperor by restoring family values own imperial house is famous for its depravity first taste exile swiss for their immoral practices
seven years later her granddaughter julia is also exiled from rome as the rumors have related or video with julia the fate of the poet is sealed a few months after her exile he is banished to the black sea or video write august passionate supplications looking for his forgiveness but not getting it because we will never know the whole truth
about the exile of the sheep, but he account that it was due to a poem and a error the poem was clearly the art of loving the error we know but yes we know he was exiled more or less for the same time as august exile his granddaughter julia for immoral 1 shattered video dies in exile
just nine years later however the old taste is swimming against the current of the amorality when archaeologists began to excavate the city of pompeii removing the volcanic dust that had it closed a thousand years ago surprised by the beauty and sophistication of the frescoes
they discovered were also left amazed by the deployment of themes erotic was pompey full of brothels or perhaps roman vice was different from the current vice examining the evidence of life in pompey scholars have rebuilt the answer the story they have to excuses or are at the same time cleared hours and
shocking to the romans pompeii no it was a special place is much more special for us for how well the bay of naples has been preserved it will be a holiday destination a place where the romans liked to go party on the inch nails eight is very of course when the roman elite i was looking for a place to relax
not a beautiful place was turning i guess at a crossroads between monaco more scholarships and viands legilsadores was the place to which to go where we had to see where be able to savor the pleasures of owners of pompeya estates they paid a fortune to the best artists to decorate their
walls the frescos show the luxury of rome. christ has surprised us very much luxury and wealth that we see in pompeya we were & hyde in his best level on a fabulous estate like the village of mysteries probably reached levels comparable to those of rome but one
the interesting things about pompeii are that we see what can be called an effect waterfall the luxury of the great elite rome extends downwards encompassing a broad sector of the society route the goldsmiths jewelers up to the acsi distillers we have discovered tombs of armpit predators luxury generates a lot of employment one
celebrates his good fortune by exhibiting that which gives you pleasure and that includes in contrast to our own society sex explicit images these images are in a lounge next to the kitchen a room that daily use of children and visit the use of sexual images in rome often shocks us and makes us think this
it's pornographic but the truth is that for the romans and the aesthetic representation of sex between two persons it was something i liked once that there was enjoy an adequate collection of images of an elite member includes kamasutra-style paintings showed the sexual postures and the
gods given to sexual activity about what we think today pornographic were all the houses were they saw one of the most notoriously found in the portal of the house of the bets and the god priapus is a favorite of the romans its image often welcomes the visitors to a house
the representations should by us may seem obscene but for the romans they were a form of ward off evil spirits its purpose was different to provoke laugh they like to laugh because they was a comic phallic deity but that laughter had a sense the romans not only possess an attitude
different from the representation of the sensuality but also towards the own act of love it is a patriarchal society in that counts the desires of men but not those of the great women roman males own the world and of the bedroom and 15 bands analyzed the roman sexual morality
we seem to see ideas in action roman on domain and power becky the key to roman sexual morality is that the roman man the head of the family could do what i would like when and with whom i would like were girls or women slaves crucial distinction is not gender
age but who is the participant active and who the liability this attitude is illustrated by the violation of the roman mythology said that 800 years before the city had been founded literally on an act of sex and violence the rapture of the sabines is a story
perfect for romans looking for their origins to propagate the new state roman and before the shortage of women fertile roman men raped the women of a neighboring city at the end of the story women are they submit and already husband their rapists so that the roman state the family was founded on an act of
violation that becomes an act of voluntary submission by the raped women for most roman men the sex is just a pleasure that should to enjoy and enjoy themselves in sex try to find a life that generates the greater pleasure and less pain possible to practice good sex was a
blessing not something that was made of guilty or associated with sin that others the truth is that the concept of sexual sin has no place in the mentality or the problem in sabadell prostitution is legal the word latin meaning bow sfor knicks which derives the word fornication
which means sex between people not married prostitutes often work under the arches the romans did not prohibit there were prostitutes in the main street there were brothels next to some of the most of rome was a form of maximize the benefits to the
percentage that earned the state in concept of prostitution taxes and also to channel energy sexual and without having to resort to respectable women but women of penthouse in la roma de augusto there are 32 registered thousand prostitutes and double unregistered more or less one of every ten people really liked
does not take into account prostitution according to marriage laws if a man practices sex with a prostitute is not adultery as well as whether prostitution in the exhaust valve that held the own law although adultery see for example in the graffiti on prostitutes in pompeya that a session
with a prostitute it will cost us two which is the price of a glass of wine prices and the higher price we found that it would be a glass of came very good, say the hernia the frescoes of pompeii brothels leave nothing to the imagination of the client special sheets that are used
for payment have similar engraving the oldest profession in rome is not limited to brothels i think it is very likely that the prostitution will often be associated with the bovine aplec elk places where drank and played where the prostitute was important despite the laws against gambling
these vice-style nightclubs wild west spread throughout rome are games like ours and similar things and webs only it was a misfortune to lose the own inheritance or the inheritance of a child chance and penalties per game were serious up to four times bet on the table opinions are
hairdresser's shops by low-class prostitutes those above prefer their pleasures be a little more exclusive than elite men used to own and buy male slaves and very feminine of them shot for their use sexual sue pompeya like any other city
of the region has its own slave market this is in the center of the city ​​next to the forum there the elite can buy slaves watching them parade the other side of a window sex slaves can be expensive which we can say was practiced
much sex between masters and slaves and also do not do it conscious because those slaves were bought in a public square c's these transactions are completely legal expenses well before deciding whether to proceed purchase is reasonable that the head of family examine the merchandise
the papyrus today it is popularly spoken of slaves were not specifically sex slaves because no slave could refuse any proposition however, buy a beautiful slave and not using it for sex would be like buy a mercedes and not drive the table did not make sense everyone used
your property as sears the object of desire could be one another sex exists a roman tradition very close physical friendship between older men and young men and a roman of then could travel through time the modern world would be astonished at discover that we divide sexuality into two groups according to the genre of the object
of desire we divide people into homosexuals and heterosexual the romans did not have that division are the beauty of the object of interest is more important than its gender but this is a period of great permissiveness for a young person between the adolescence and marriage in which
it is considered appropriate to explore sex with male and female partners hours the museum silver cup clearly shows in both sides a close relationship between two men and 66 two men one with beard below and others inverted above the pib this may seem shocking to us but the romans who valued the images
of the sexual act as if they were a gift of the gods would have appeared to them beautiful representation of young people having fun in south even more shocking for some was a discovery made in pompeii in 1986 when excavations of the more than a century had already been had discovered erotic images
but on a cold february day a workman extracted among the rubble some images that changed our idea of ​​roman sex forever we found the set of rooms with a cylindrical ceiling the suburban restrooms a full of public pool and restrooms the place was decorated with mosaics of
neptune and other aquatic gods however a wardrobe next to the main bathrooms told another story that of sexual taboos when you love when the erotic fresh from the urban baths of pompeii caused a wave considerable astonishment and astonishment and of the biggest surprises is that these
incredibly explicit scenes they painted in a room with the appearance of being very public of the type found in the typical roman bath the costumes which leads to the cold room although it leads to the warm room leading the room hot and not surprising to find pornography in pompeii we had already seen him in brothels
we had seen in many private rooms but this seems to be a deployment public bathrooms illustrates graphically practical deviations sexually prohibited by the romans the reasons for this are striking sexually explicit the suburban baths of pompeii only
have been open to the public since 2001 many find them shocking although its original purpose may to have been king we should not see pornographic character at all is more a form of humor because they are scenes painted on boxes with numbers as if they were the lockers to deposit the clothes and we can
remember where we left clothes because we remember the position of kamasutra to the which corresponds to a roman recalls these costume images because illustrate sexual taboos any use of the mouth for example it is forbidden but did not open the mouth should not be used for any sexual activity and the
reason is not the usual what happens is that the mouth is not only the mouth but the expression of a person and by extension the face of the roman empire probably the reaction of the romans to these images of the changing rooms was different from ours as they show what the romans
considered depraved behavior i think your intention is humorous there may also be another explanation it may be that the bathrooms will be used like brothel u and in the roma thought there is no very close connection between the bath and sex already in the times of tiberius the successor of august the bathrooms had been
become the perfect symbol of the roman enrichment the historian of the tacit age he described tiberius as his predecessor a cautious ruler and under which rome and its domains prospered the first century after christ was a remarkably rich period in the
history network for the first time after a century of roman wars was in peace peace however with peace and prosperity the relaxation of morale comes when tiberius who began as ruler authoritarian but benevolent comes to the 70 years leaves an example of corruption which opens a great gap in the regime
moral of augustus marks the beginning of a descent from empire to degeneracy total scene of your crime it's a millionaire's playground south of rome where the new fashion is born of the baths of the bay of naples is then confirmed as the destination of pleasure under the direction of a entrepreneur selected for
to fill the great hobby of the roma to the shellfish creates the first beds of artificial oysters of the exxon world with the benefits that gets invested in properties real estate starts to sell farms to the elite of rome and to attract an invention comes to mind spectacular hot pool
buzz large bathtub under which you will be lit a fire so that the grateful roman could in the middle of winter perhaps in the cold season of spring give yourself a nice bath in these warm waters and is now turning these brave ilyas bathtubs voters rescind you from any estate was luxury and not the
need the origin at the time projected large constructions using the new discovery roman concrete were built giant aqueducts to transport water the fashion of the bathroom impulse in large measure the romanian economy to bathe was roman
roman father and in every city appeared in a theater or a bathroom and a temple in how much the romans bought were in the brett favre field is already there was conquered by julius caesar and the best preserved roman baths found in baths west of england in most baths the water is
heated with the system is now under floor heating in these hot water comes from a natural spring at 45 degrees the pool was covered by a huge cylindrical roof 30 meters high bathrooms are an example of the best of roman culture means knowing how to combine plumbing engineering comfort and
elegance this particular luxury may mark the softening the mythical image of the roman as a hard man however the bathrooms serve mostly like a sports club a place to do exercise and see friends who should bathe in a cultural event the central moment of the day attended
business early in the morning from dawn and after finishing the most or less at two in the afternoon went to bathroom it is believed that games stimulate the intellect is a variation of the backgammon the ludus twelfth scriptorum literally the game of the twelve lines the bathrooms represent the
victory of health cleanliness and civilization on barbarism hair is important the barbarian exhibits in the woods the civilized roman wears short hair even make it starts bathrooms are also associated with vice their employees are often slaves who do not
they simply serve wine and reach towels but also offer much more personal toilet services wine and sex for the romans were three inseparable things today does not bathe to leave the body in a good state of relaxation sex is the following there is a excess
so although some massages are part invigorating a visit to the baths others are more playful these are public baths the rich and famous as tiberius have their own private baths the best for abandon yourself to your private fantasies fleeing from the pressure and intrigues of the cut in the year 26 after christ
the old tiberius retreats to his island private capri will rule the empire for eleven years more without going back to rome we must imagine an old tiberius and increasingly more than 70 years old for him it is very tiring to rule the empire of zampa build or less than twelve farms
these are the remains of a villa hobbies despite being at the top of a monte does not lack a great complex private bathrooms rumors of what is happening here they arrive until rome is rumored that the elderly emperor enjoys practices sexual and perverted sexual
even for a roman tiberius has gone too far 2 the baths of ancient rome represent luxury and progress nevertheless the emperor tiberio uses your private baths on the island of capri to satisfy their evil fantasies with small children
according to his biographer suetonius tiberius encourages to excite your fragile and low video water one of the things that in my opinion did not they surprise again and again of the romans is its lack of objection to the pedophilia sex with children was absolutely normal if only outside because the slaves were bought being
still good as chong however, it is not the behavior that is waiting for an emperor and less with so young children such conduct degrading disgusts its critics one way to criticize silverio and spanair mention in very detailed terms and sexual perversions and if one of which will be the use of minnows
coach and those little fish are kids small ones that swim in the bathrooms with him to excite and serve him as small fish scratching an old rock soul rock however the terrible story of villa hobbies is even worse according to born historian the extraordinary probation is
it turns into amazing cruelty this cliff next to the estate measures 300 meters height. acquires the same and sharp rocks when you get bored of abusing your the emperor orders the toss for this same amount or this wild act will have consequences unpredictable for every rome
of his successor caligula may even the nephew of tiberius take part in the death of the old man grouper the southeast has been said that the death of tiberius is facilitated by the prefect of the praetorian guard and by the presence in a young man's room caligula and does it with a pillow
during the next 30 years and from caligula the emperors will be the quintessence of vice in nevertheless the new emperor begins being a breath of fresh air when caligula ascended the throne in the year 37 was a very popular leader after the dry tiberius the people welcomed him with the arms and he had a series of
gestures to appease the senate and please to the people in ways that his reviled uncle he had not yet succeeded only takes a few months to succumb to power absolute emperor a supreme ruler of the world made the temptations will be and limit them and caligula is the first roman who took to the temptations and the opportunities that
provided the supreme molar to ends that ended up being legendary believes he has incestuous relationships with his sister drusila is imposed on any woman of the lot that attracts her whim rasd it even threatens to make a consul caligula horse is crazy is bad and it is dangerous to be known by yours
few tiberius minnows survive his death one option is to release them but caligula has other plans tickets gets rid of the tiberius minnows but not granting them the freedom or taking off sex but drown droz are killed for having performed sexual practices
historians believe that perversions of the adult caligula can proceed in part of your childhood movie grew in very difficult part of his adolescence with his grandfather tiberius who was any less fun thing on the island of capri the same caligula was one of the
hobbies the legacy of villa hobbies will have terrible repercussions the young and traumatized emperor trust anyone his three sisters become his drusila lovers is your favorite incest is presumably caligula surrendered to her sister could have two explanations on the one hand
which will act as a divinity and a divinity could do anything on the other hand and vi will act as a pharaoh as the egyptians used to hunt to pharaoh with his sister already deeply disturbed the year of his reign caligula fell seriously ill totally restores disease
crazy and power went out for epilepsy schizophrenia encephalitis any combination of them is not doubt that after the first few months of his reign things were much worse caligula he literally went mad according to suetonio when his beloved drusilla falls pregnant woman guts her to rip her off
the child god of her belly she dies after a long agony aft that is when it is delivered to the greater orgiastic excesses was caligula forces the wives of the aristocrats and the rich of rome parade next to your table while saying if i do not drink it i will not drink it
simple slaves there are few sexual taboos for dominant roman male but to force the wife of a patrician invited to dinner at committing adultery during dinner is without doubt one of them when caligula has finished with the unfortunate woman tells her husband until the last detail of the meeting
caligula mixes sex and violence in one quick succession kills his son adoptive twin to his father-in-law silano his prefect pretor macrã³n there is no record of the effect of this depravation over the people of a foot historians talk about life deprived of caligula the time of
last dominant morale in rome no picks up no street view u what we do know is that the caligula as the plebs love racing of chariots becomes very attached to their favorite horse punctures others incite your was one of the most famous horses of rome and had his special stable facebook appoints priest on your appointment
delivers a complete farm with marble and ivory walls to avoid bothering the animal forces the inhabitants of the environs of the barn to keep an oath of silence then caligula threatens to name incite your consul of rome me kinyo work with his horse even if it was a joke
even a bad joke oct this demonstrates the ability to do what it was liked and a like for the romans was almost the perfect definition of a power bad and uncontrolled and south for caligula likes to observe how administer justice to thugs during the dessert excuse the dinners with executions should be among their
favorite actors although i think what with this will be to promote the environment of fear and unpredictability in his queen was part of his technique of sntg nick management the technique includes brutality picturesque made one of the many stories told by his biographer suetonius is that of a man who is surprised
stealing feeling and haas you cut the hands opted for a rope around the neck and finally oblige to walk through the amphitheater with a sign hanging around his neck saying this is what is done with thieves phillips inscription spqr senatus populusque romanus of the monuments of rome denotes the capital importance of
senate and the roman people senators consider themselves guardians moral of roma may disapprove of the atrocities of caligula but neither they nor any roman citizen can stop them after four years in power casual provocation to one of his personal guards
magnicide at the end of caligula arrives when it offends the sexuality of time member of praetorian guard that simply kills it replaces it his uncle, claudio, who suffers from physical and mental deformation very pronounced and claudio had a very unpleasant tendency to drool when he was angry they were qualities
diametrically opposed to those expected in the public life of a elite roman must be known to control at all times therefore for leadership claudio is also a great drinker. a great reputation for dining and b12 also gave a lot of sex although i think he is the only emperor
completely heterosexual others seem to be bisexual but that he is not attributed to it apparently they liked only women and they would be his undoing his third wife mesaline is also her niece the female branch of the dynasty are depraved as the masculine according to tonio alternates first with
the thousand men of the praetorian guard mesalina is a nymphomaniac with a voracious sexual appetite emperor becomes the target of the gossip in the wake of his exploits the way you raise your children. children and the possibility of contributed to practice more sex and enjoy the pleasures to which
had access from the top of the roman political society civic se becomes the subject of many gossip much exams much speculation pacquiao is what would really happen in that roman house how the life asks the same questions as us we do about today's celebrities desalines 35 years younger than
awkward claudio on his back lies down with the most handsome men in rome and sometimes just to have fun with uglier for the roman moralists of his time his sordid exploits demonstrate unacceptable result of a woman who is takes an active role in sexual episodes an episode in particular
guarantees a place in the annals of rome and the mesalin vice visited a brothel in which you can as prostitute and accepts any client in fact participated in a competition with the main prostitute of the house whose name appears to be the whirlwind u left me ran out with this prostitute to see with
how many names can each be will be the most carnal competition infamous of the history of is the story of the nymphomaniac known from the history of rome the mesaline empress shows that the absolute imperial power corrupts absolutely rita the prostitute champion of rome one
competition who is able to satisfy even more men in one night as a married woman she had to be faithful passive and submissive mesaline is clearly uncontrollable an unpardonable vice for the elite of rome during the night clients succeed the prostitute and the empress go to peace at dawn with
the mark of 25 men each steele to the professional prostitute withdraw defeated the empress is according to youth historian sat a satya's skill is tired but still unsatisfied and at the end of the night according to our mesalina's sources are still looking forward to more men and return to the palace
imperial smelling of perfume and sex without to finish fulfilling your wishes is one perfect metaphor in roman term of what happens to a woman who absolute power uses that power to fill your most vague desires your sex destinations have limits even for roman lust just like mesalina caligula pays the
price of your depravity ethics to try to elevate a lover to rival claudio just executed in contrast to his hectic private life the emperor triumphs as a man of estado juris icloud i in a sense carries the roman empire to a new level with anpe makes the empire cross the seas
and conquer great britain the achievement that is celebrated in rome as a huge achievement of the new emperor moral legislation fifty years after its introduction the edicts of augusto se they have been forgetting rome is leaving becoming a melting pot of cultures with new services that
they come from the east promising a world of reprobations and secret pleasures participation in cults is largely a pleasure private in the roman world a series of cults developed a reputation for exhibit all kinds of behaviors reprehensible at least in the eyes of society
romans very often have the reputation of causing excess is the relationship between cults and sexual excesses was not new followers of the bacchan god believed in drink a lot and go to parties so vague is the god of wine but his name in latin so full libero means free name that summarizes the
human attitude towards and towards the wine makes us free i was like pliny wrote at the time infinite veritas the truth is in wine liqueurs like the brandy and the whiskey were still for invented wine was the most strong of the time the cult of bachelors encouraged such
licentious who got banned then he became clandestine became a secret society bales time full worship baco was divided into av cells small groups that met regularly at night nate in mixed groups of men and women causing me a huge
anxiety will inaugurate revered bach in a bacchanal the excess of wine inevitably leads to the loss of of self-control a cardinal vice in the ancient rome some of the most eloquent moments of the roman satire and are images of people who have let themselves be influenced excessively for bach or that end
dominating under the chair that force their slaves to clean what they are leaving because they are very capable of control their own functions bodily behavior repulsive for religious followers modern the devotees of the roman cults traditionally used to practice
animal sacrifice the emperor presided over the main state ceremonies ford and claudia existed but as roman offering sacrifice stayed in background and displayed the calmness i was expecting a person from his rank leaving others to kill animals photo of both the sacrifices of
animals in the ancient world meant the connection between gods immortals because the gods participated in the sacrifice with the being and participated in the banquet posterior indecisive blue if the gods are satisfied, there will be luck in the battle and a good harvest claudia also promoted a cult
oriental that until his reign was coming practicing only furtively the goddess cibeles will be a mother earth that promising fertility but in exchange for a price that astonished both the romans like us in this cult fgv for that the priest should be spent also to officiate the rip exist evidence of worship throughout the empire
this is a real trap of castration found in london we are ready to be a priest of cibeles had to perform a ritual of self castration using a piece of pottery a thoughtful food the priest once qualified can officiate a taurus bolio
the traditional initiation ceremony of cibeles that includes the sacrifice of a bull and ritual bath in his blood is to dig a well the start it descends inside and is covered with a iron 8 oct according to the prudent historian leads a huge fierce bull and scruffy with bouquets to the
sides and horns closed on the tables the initiate waits impatiently then the beast is killed by the enormous wound emits a river steaming with blood hot the initiate backward the face places the cheeks in the path of the blood and moistens the tongue until
to drink the dark liquid and then there was a feeling that literally covered with an offering to the goddess the initiate became more sacred and most dear to the divinity baby the use of blood is essential in these cults in the dominant moral climate are tolerated if practiced in private
in public in the arena the thirst for blood is celebrated nothing better illustrates the phase shift between modern interpretations and roman law of vice than death on the arena of the roman games are the symbol of the pursuit of the pleasure of the great importance of pleasure and luxury for the first century roman one period in which
buildings for entertainment amphitheatres and theaters all over europe western the roman bust extends over the empire the symbol of a world that is congregates around its action (applause] the crowd enjoys the cruelty of games women fantasize about the
gladiators but in times of claudio to the butchery show on the sand will be added a new twist is the year 47 to commemorate the 800 emperor's roma anniversary claudio organizes a show of three days secular games is about a celebration of rome as superpower
based abroad and prosperity at home the romans think confidently that his world is perfect the crowd is expected a festival of blood nothing better represents passion roman for pleasure at any price that the cruelty displayed on the sand for the elite chaos has its logic
as the empire expands roman class anxiety grows leaders in case the roman people i was talking when i was apart of violence and blood and savagery which had made great rum and so organize more and more gladiators to educate the people
roman chiqui remind you of its origin and its hunting duties is part of the traditional rome history and remember the crowd the simple pleasures of the field that's why the day starts with a hunt already animals struggle between yes although the big cats are very accepted rhinoceros elephants
wild boars and antelopes imported from africa at a high cost also calm blood thirst then it launches to creatures savages against human victims in tune with the plebs the more capricious is the cruelty most enjoy the sadistic emperor claudio liked contemplate public punishment
he used to condemn to die at the mercy of wild animals beauty beasts go to the condemned in the amphitheater most cruel of all penalties in day federal football top 10 clubs at the time of eating the condemned die imaginatively a death to lashes is always welcome but also beheadings combine the
capital punishment with the entertainment is the top of roman power is bound to normal convicts without fight against each other and the criminals fight each other without protection with the intention of kill oneself is a form of capital punishment that claudio was especially fond of
often the crowd was going to he stays for chats and after eat the main show the gladiator has category of icon the champions are very famous a mixture sports star and rock legend the plebs the games combine the emotion of a cup final with the rise of adrenaline of war
nor can we equate them with the people who buy peanuts and hot dogs they thought the idea was not only to sit and watch the show while mine but of animal to the killing to cheer death the fight is between a retreat with ready trident and a third with short sword the success of the gladiator also
connects with your sexual prowess a added emotion for the women of the plebe is sexually arousing at women gladiators are always very desirable to be a murderer's lover trained is the fantasy of many roman women gladiators were without doubt sexual objects in rome
imperial and it is easy to imagine why act before tens of thousands of people wearing little clothes and had a body very well formed and paris is known the rich women of roman society they always tried to go to bed with gladiators to the romans fascinated them sex and the death of the masseur the formation of a gladiator used to be
very expensive and its survival rate is much higher than the popular mythology nevertheless in these secular games makes it very difficult for the loser to leave with life very rarely roman gladiators they fought to death however claudia imposed on the
combat a very difficult condition very dangerous and very rare to fight to death it is said that he especially liked to see to die the retired aryans fighting with trident racing because they were not wearing helmet and you could see my face in the moment of death youtube yes the face the face of the tea
additionally the life decision or death is in the hands of the plebs sign for life is the thumb towards below indicating that the sword must to be buried harmlessly in the death is indicated by bringing the thumb to throat in these games the death of the loser has imperial guarantee
there is even a more imaginative cruelty the torches human the traditional version of the story tells us that the reign of claudio ended with a term of 60 days in vein served by his fourth wife agripine was an ambitious mother who paved the way to the highest
his son machismo nonsense and none much more ingenious explanation of his death is that it was not bound by the mushrooms a bell to the doctor dr first as a mushroom and feel something indisposed the doctor arrives and to help you to throw up a pen in the throat and in the pen is the poison and
with claudia died the powerful agripine installs a nerve in the throne is the year 54 a nerve of 16 years was an empire at the top of his power the julia claudia family since august up to nerã³n and created a society is thriving in the ancient mediterranean world in which a normal person did not have to fear
that an army march through its city ​​in which each one could attend his own affairs cities grow and trade expands despite the rarities and personal eccentricities of each emperor the system in general prospered the beautiful villa of oplontis near pompeii is a good example of
the opulence of art and architecture that are in charge in this period the luxurious house owned by the woman of nerã³n poppea even has a swimming pool giant if the roman aristocrat something was exhibited by the life of nerone rome service personified la relationship with his mother agripina is so who are believed to be lovers in
questions of personal morality is inspired by the greeks a culture known among the romans for its sophistication but also for its degeneration likes to contemplate greek fighters fight naked but homoerotic voyeurism is not the behavior expected of an emperor nerã³n liked the greek sport
wealth of the rich often practice it nudes and the romans believed that this leads to corruption as it does not fit with its image the bisexuality of the emperor is not in itself an important vice but it is their lack of discretion when shows in state with her lover watering pythagoras in public and has gone
too far away and lion carries a very public life his life has become public and its sexual acts and are public acts where the world no longer asks what has been of the moral legislation because the example of an emperor which does exactly the opposite and in public while i liked
hedonism would have done in private without limits of neron is put before the state issues aligning to the most vital of the sovereignty of roman power never paid attention during his reign to the most important people to retain power is to say the army was the first general not to
did not even like to lead the army nor showed any respect cameron is more interested in the show its error will have consequences disastrous for the romans they love the theater local as the theater of marcelo built in august times can accommodate 14,000 viewers
women even though not much better considered that prostitutes are often be a great success however behind the scenes find the same emperor and the slave of their art always have nerves before going on stage snow making money is a born star has cinema eye for the spectacle of
envelopes and pleiss and this makes tune in very well with the roma people with the masses because the able emperor to project spectacularly is visible and accessible by all verã³n sees himself as a professional inspired placards of metal in the chest to strengthen the diaphragm even follows a diet
strictly but acting in the theater is a severe bankruptcy of the imperial protocol and now fake cindy well adopt the attitude air is an actor with strength to the limit roman taboos actors are excluded from life the public is clearly one of the the lowest forms of life dedication of january in the show
deeply offends classes policies of rome unmoved by its disapproval and to win public the emperor fosters a kind of theater who knows that it will please the masses phenomenon that has been called charade fathalla and it is a spectacle that leads to the death of someone is the edge theme
he was first known for this we know for example of a hercules burned in life on stage can have been part of his image as man show by wearing this guy of verismo and realism to a public that he certainly appreciated this is nonsense show with much with the biggest show of
rome is the race of chariots here in the circus maximum 250,000 people crowded the stands on a day of emotions and falls car race the great sport of the julia era claudia attracts many more spectators even than the fighting the circuits measured 600 meters a platoon of up to 12 cars had
save 13 sharp turns to the left to win not happy with sponsoring careers were driving their own car iva the emperor on board a car must to be a spectacular curbelo romo opposed the plebs today they love the eccentricities of neron but this one again is breaking
social taboos although the race is a rich game the same drivers they are usually slaves of a form of describing the career of the chariot is rolls royce demolition race spence were vehicles tremendously expensive driven by very trained and with a high probability of not finishing the race with lives
what people like about racing is that goes hand in hand with the big game amounts of money some very large ones changed from hands but that was an important part of the fun of the race and no doubt they gained and lost fortunes of this veron way is so obsessed with this sport that comes to run in
greece at the olympic games the winner is known in advance univ i hope participated in the race with a 10 horsepower was able to control it and fell but that's not why the judges stopped giving the crown and eu in the psychopath like attract attention but it is very dangerous to make him angry his reign of
terror is about to start the dynasty julius claudia with the stretched or taste and its successors the pervert iberia the crazy manic sex caligula and his uncle the cruel claude represents the era roman decay and corruption amazing cruelty in all his sad gloria
with nonsense it was to reach the top of the the great man show shows a particularly cruel good about all with his own family and 11 00 a very dangerous relative and murdered his half british brother is said to poison made his wife execute ark famous for his assassination commission of his mother agripina to which she first tried
drown and when that did not work she was killed by the imperial guard and finally, but to his beloved wife poppea which is said to have kicked in the stomach in the middle of pregnancy january's appetite for brutality leaves his family circle until reach the public places the beheadings and crucifixions
they are always popular but also he will see the convicts of the sadly famous tarp rock her the people love to contemplate executions in venues like the one of pompe there the public humiliation of victims is fascinating and terrifying but also stimulating the emperor begins the round more
wild of executions following the fire of the year 64 that destroys the center of gaze raschle to warm otto but to 80 kilometers of distance after the burning of rome was guilty and took it with a group known for very little chip of the so-called christians juve dice pau christianity energy of judaism
to become autonomous fund in front of yuri is a typical mepshow fame of the opportunity to win the favor of the roman of foot making stopping to the christians of the city christians were unpopular because they did not participate in festivals religious like the others were very reserved
their meetings shall be secret and rumors about what was in them persecution will have consequences unexpected changes that will change the the history of roma to know little about christians these appeared as rare people they worshiped a man crucified for a roman magistrate for saying that he was god
they believed that he would rise from among died and ate one of them representation of the body and blood of this little deceased criminal of this can be appreciated by the romans they seemed like an easy company for january the bad thing is that the book was overdone or see his diabolical imagination does overtime is thrown at christians
to the lions to devour them it is clearly considered a way of entertainment sometimes they are attacked by a stake and a man to the animals whom he we must teach to eat human flesh these animals have been taught the sadism of the nerve is out of control money without money did not seem to enjoy
of the death sentences that he distributed seemed primarily entertainment for the emperor and the worst kind bull south and it even gets worse as nerve blames the christians start the fire to adjust the punishment to the order crime to cover some of tar and to fire them are used as human torches in enclosures and for
to light up a party in their gardens private behavior barbaric even for a roman he burned them meadows used them as torches to illuminate at night the contours of the roman hill for the roman people it was too much to run they had turned into something brutal south a donkey
to avoid death christians they just have to give up their faith their negative to it impresses many of fort hood christian signs the sand was so awesome that used to provoke conversions it is said that the blood of the martyrs so the sentence of the church and that is
in fact what happened and the spectacle of people willing to support both the name of his ceip was so inspiring that the number of conversions exceeded the vatican hill at present san pedro spiritual home of billions of catholics rise where nonsense
set fire to those first martyrs according to some historians san pedro was one of its victims but neither his perverse search for entertainment played a role crucial in the early days of the christendom also noted the beginning of the end
of the whole dynasty jul claudia miguel lifschitz money loses support of the people of rome after the great fire because it does not rebuild the city with so fast as they wanted their refusal dealing with the most basic matters of it also ends up aligning the senate and army will present a lot of problems together and the emperor country
busy in quad races tour concerts and plays so it loses popularity increased resentment against him the suetonius historian tells us when the people's full famine came a ship of alejandrãa bringing no grain as expected but sand for the greek fighters of nerã³n al
putting your own selfish pleasures to the public good to nerã³n he escaped {0}power of attorey.{/0} {0}â â â â â â â â â â â â â {/0} dewitt also to finish several commanders and is in part the nervousness of these controls which gives them moves in the end to take over the situation and rebel against the plots foreigners and conspiracies within
of rome applies in practice when the senate decides to hide believing it already an obstacle decrees that must be dragged naked by the streets hit to death with sticks and his body thrown from the rock from tarp to hear the horses approaching his captors
nerã³n commits suicide is the end of an era the period from augusto a nerã³n saw the best and the worst of roman civilization a remarkable depravity and an astounding brutality next to a category opulence world and an expanding empire constant for the romans this was not at all contradictory to their
concepts of vice and virtue were very different from ours on foot could to be a virtuous roman and have sex with all the slaves of the house he could be a virtuous roman and eat peacock tails and battered lithographs in poppy seeds and could be a virtuous roman and oppress and dominate other human beings in ways that
it's hard to imagine in the modern world although these excesses may seem to us the representation of rome and the video to roman eyes were still compatible with virtue the death of nerã³n caused chaos transitory rome had four emperors in a single year however under vespasian it will soon be
recovered and without losing his appetite for vice empire went ahead 300 years more e