hi and welcome to art vlogs 260 and blahblah and welcome to my life will come to my studioi released yesterday at night their life content which was about the creative 100creative week which is this week has started today and you don't want believehow many things i have already created about this to commission stuffabsolutely zero i don't know if i'm too tiredam i too tired because of this weekend at car driving and blah blah or i havetwo more things in my head i really don't know it's just ridiculous i can'tget in the point actually i can't get in the point in the pointi can't i tried to create some skulls
you know skull and nothing is comingout i guess this is the part when you try to make a commission it designdesign ideas to turn them into commission so this is lot of pressureit's not like an artwork an art work you're just you're just doing it youhave not there's no question and nothing no worries about selling that thing andso on and it's quite weird i work on some schools you know and they turn to a regular nothing did not think there's also that holidays and stuff nothing came outthat's so weird i guess i'm tired should i take this day off youknow it's just when you promise something in that block so you aresupposed to do that kind of so this
gives you an extra pressure which is notso good i really was dreaming today aboutsome cool things and to start to make them you know going to that copy centerto get the enlargements and to start to glue some cardboards and stuff but thingthis is the worst part of vlogging to when you promise something and you'restill didn't do anything about that content what am i gonna do now by theway that thing is still there you remember the things over there i made itfor a friend he's quite busy you know he's changedhis country because of business bam he's here and bam he is there he is there i can't evenreach them as a very real friend of mine
but i can't even reach them so thisstuff is still waiting but we will bring it to him definitely to see his reactionokay one interesting point is this stuff in island bozcaada we will bethere as soon as possible that's correct but the thing is there is one hotelwhich i already made a lot of mosaics inside and stencils and everything andthere is an other hotel it's almost on same street so listen here's the thingin this hotel owners are hope there are not watching if they are watching thiswill turn to something terrible so these guys are good friends and oneof them has a hotel a lot of my stuff inside which makes that hotel unique atthat island is what they said to me
because and none of these hotels arekind of that kind of mosaics design is special forblah blah blah chosen colors everything style there are stained glass andbathrooms there are ceramic mosaic tile art in the rooms hang it you know thatangel things and stuff there are stencils stencil work catmad cat if you remember at the entry and there's another stencil at thefacade and so they said that this hotel is unique with all your stuff because ofyour stuff okay that's fine that's hotel is unique because also how to manageeverything it's clean and piko bello it's amazing cool but the point is nowhis friend which is building the hotel
right now a couple of blocks away fromthat hotel he wanna also have some mosaics bad if you know in home so thefirst hotel owner which i already worked with a long time for a very long time isalready good client of mine is paying his has respect all of my designsshowing respect of everything and there is this other guy which is his friend sohow we gonna do that so the first hotel owner he said just doyour business just go for it but i know in his mind he's going like whathappened if he made a lot of mosaics inside the hotel from his friends sothis two hotels home we become like on the same line so that first hotel willbe not unique anymore how are we gonna
do with that we have two ways to avoidthis kind of a problem the first way is you don't do it just say thank you tothat second hotel how you can do you can give him a very high prices likedouble it's a couple of times $4,000 just right for the 40.000 dollarsthat's the first rate but most of the time people are accepting this pricesjust to let u know them if it's more expensive it's more valuable so peopleare ready to buy it more easier than what it's cheap okay i'm gonna do thatthe second way this if it's if it will be a mosaic we can change the technicalway you know how we do that the style of breaking the tiles style of laying thetiles the style of colors shapes and
things like that we'll probably lookdifferent than the mosaics in that first hotel but this is still the nth effectwill be mosaic that's true so that's a problem actually i don'twant to let these two people you know have a fight because of this mosaicstuff but i only don't know i really don't know so there's lot of things tothink about this issue that's why i can not just jumped in ananalyzer photo incentive prizes as i said in yesterday's livestream in thevlog so this stuff is done today i really don't know how to act to thatthing what kind of technique i've already used almost everything in thefirst hotel how can we do in our style
of mosaics in there can use marble butmarble will be very hard to work with in the details it's almost impossiblebecause marvelous like when you break when you try tobreak a marble tile in a very small size it's almost impossible and a lot of painin your hands because it's a very hard material and it'll be quite heavy aswell no not much colors to use in marble so i really don't know how we're gonnado that so i will think about this one day more as the german said eine nacht drabber schlafen we need to sleep one night more to find a good solution forthat project that mosaic projects are what about the skulls and the harley davidsoni don't know i really don't know okay
the point is also should we makesomething very interesting actually not we have to make something which will beget sold very quickly this is what the owner wants actually you know if youcome up with the picasso and nobody is ready to buy that so this will not turnto your commission if you know what i mean we need something what people areready to buy . a skull form on a white like this thing here this white thingjust paint the cardboard in white by using brush to create some lines youknow to show that this is not sprayed just make by hand very randomly and thenwe can maybe spray a skull form in black or flowing colors and stuff itshould be interesting another point to
make it more interesting as make it bigthat's a quite important issue if you don't know about that i don't knowif you've ever been in the tate modern in london the words of rothko if youknow what i mean are just very simple colors you know like one color or notafter another color but that thing was huge they were so big that work of pollockit was so big it was the whole wall or cover it was covered with that work justone work so if you make it big it takes more it looks more interesting to peopleto buy something big for a good price so this is some technical stuff but sellingand about attrack people's tension if you know what i mean so it's almost iguess 2 p.m. or something there's still
nothing on the table i still couldn'tdidn't do anything but i try to i guess i'm too tired i'm really tiredi need a good sleep so excuse me for today i promise yes there's somethingtotally different but the week is not over yet yet the next vlog you