Donnerstag, 19. April 2018

vitra eames plastic

vitra eames plastic

in this short video, you are going to learnhow to create your first eiffel program using eiffelstudio. make sure that you have installed eiffelstudiobefore viewing this video. let’s start by opening eiffelstudio. once this happens, you are presented witha dialog that lets you either create a project from scratch or open an existingproject. we are going to create a basic applicationproject and leave things using their default value. system name is the name of your project andthe default name of your executable.

the wizard is going to create a root class,the application class, that will be stored in the root cluster. `make' is the name of the creation procedurethat will be executed when your program runs. to speed up the compilation process, we makeuse of precompiled libraries. the first time you try to use a precompiledlibrary, the compiler has to build them and this isthe purpose of the dialog box. we are going to click yes to build it. you can always check the "do not show again" to automatically precompile libraries withoutprompting.

the precompilation process takes a coupleof minutes depending on the speed of your machine. like all eiffel compilations, it first compilesthe eiffel code by going through various degrees of compilation, and then starts the c compilation processto generate an executable. once the precompilation is done, eiffelstudiocontinues on compiling your project. you can click the information button to seesome information on your project such as the project configuration file andlocation. if you right click on the application class,

a context menu appears and you can chooseto edit the class in eiffelstudio. in this example here, the application classis a very simple application that simply prints helloeiffel world!. now you can launch the program by clickingon the run button in the toolbar. the message "press return to finish the execution" only appears when launching from eiffelstudio. you can press enter to terminate the executionand that’s it, simple as that. this is your first eiffel program. enjoy!

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