hi, i'm kat, and this tutorial's how to maketheses diy, slip-free hair combs. they've got a rubbery texture on the back,so they won't slide out of your hair. this one's a little gradient effect, withembroidery floss. this one is some fluffy yarn from one of martha stewart's collections.and i did another gradient effect one that i have in my hair.what i love best about these is that you can get these materials in absolutely any color,and they're fully customizable. for this you'll need your hot glue gun, andglue, your combs, i got a pack of 12 of these for $2.50 at walmart.some scissors, and your embroidery floss. i chose 4 different colors that fade fromlight pink to red. and you can get this much
embroidery floss for $.30-$.35 at any craftstore, including walmart. start by taking your comb, and putting a tinydab of glue on the back. and then grab your embroidery floss, and stickit into the end, and around the back. and you're gonna pull it around the side,and hold that little piece there, and wrap it around, maybe the fourth toothon there, and then wrap it up the side a tiny bit.don't pull too hard. wrap it around that same tooth.around the side again. wrap it around the next tooth, closer to theend you started on. you're just trying to cover as much of thatcomb as possible, with as little embroidery
floss as possible.and gradually work your way closer to the end.the corner is going to be the hardest part. so you'll want to make sure you freshen upthat hot glue. and you can either add more hot glue, or justheat up what's already there. be very gentle.and then you'll take it up and over the top. and now we can keep going exactly the waywe're going to do the rest of this. add a little glue to the back.and just keep wrapping it until the part that you wrapped around is just about at the middleof the space in between the next tooth. and then you're going to double back.alright, so i've gotten to about the middle
of that space there,so i'm going to move it over, and backtrack a tiny bit, to create a slight overlap.alright, and now i think i want to move on to my next color, because i'm going to tryand get four colors in here. so, flip that over, and then grab your nextcolor that you want to work with. i'm going to use the slightly darker pink.and i'm just going to tie that in a knot, and make sure that the knot is going to behidden in the back when i continue wrapping. and then trim it real close.you're not going to have to worry too much about pulling too hard on this, because evenif it were to come undone, you're just going to be wrapping it underneath other thread.so it's not going to be too much of an issue.
so put a tiny dab of hot glue there, and stickthat knot in the middle of it. try and get the ends in there. be carefulnot to burn yourself though. give it a second before you dab the ends in.alright, so that knot is thoroughly plastered in there.and from this point you'll just keep going. so now that i've gotten over the center ofmy next set of teeth, i'm going to overlap a little bit, just like i did before, andkeep wrapping that in there. and just keep wrapping your comb, and addingin different colors as you go, being careful not to add too much glue.and remember to just heat up your old glue, instead of adding more, and getting it reallybulky.
now when you've gotten close to the oppositeend, you can see i've tied on my last color. so, i'm just going to secure that.make sure that knot doesn't come undone. and at this point, i'm going to start wrappingup the end, because i don't want that to come undone.so, i'm going to put that over all the way to the second one.wrap up the side a bit. again, put it through that second one.and once i've covered up the end, i'm just going to continue my pattern through thatvery last set of teeth. and once i'm completely done wrapping all of that, i'll just put adab of glue to secure my last bit of string. let that dry for a second.and then when the glue's almost completely
dry, at this point it's not going to burnme, so i'm just going to smooth it over, and then cut off the excess.now, in order to keep the threads from wearing out, or risking getting the thread caughton anything else that's in your hair when you slide it in, i am just going to put abig dollop of glue all along the back here. and what this is going to do, it's going tomake a slightly rubbery texture when it dries as well,so that's going to keep your comb from wanting to slide out of your hair.so just leave that be for a couple of minutes, and let it completely solidify.and once the glue is dried, it's firm and rubbery,and that is not going anywhere.
and those are your finished non-slip haircombs.