Donnerstag, 19. April 2018

selber machen deko ideen

selber machen deko ideen

hi lovelies! today i will show you how i made these mini cakes with a chocolate decoration. i prepared a simple cake and cut out large circles using a cutter tool. i add a delicious buttercream between the layers and around the cake. this serves as an adhesive for the chocolate. i cut out some parchment paper. the width is pi multiplied by the diameter of your cake. i add an extra centimeter to the height and width. i have 200g of semi sweet chocolate. i melt 2/3 over a water bath. then i add the remaining 1/3. these will melt and bring the entire melted chocolate to room temperature. stir the whole thing for 4 - 5 minutes to allow to cool.

the cooler the chocolate gets (if still fluid), the easier it is to control piping. i add the chocolate to a piping bag and start decorating on the parchment paper. i move it up a bit, so it doesn't stick to the chocolate around it. then i allow it to cool for 20 - 40 minutes until it is no longer runny, but still flexible enough to bend. then i slowly wrap it tightly around the cooled cake. this goes back into the fridge for 30 - 60 minutes. i have another cake and more chocolate, so i repeated the process. now that the chocolate has cooled even more, it is easier to control. now i slowly remove the parchment paper from the chocolate.

to add a color contrast to the cake, i added some fruit on top. press thumbs up if you enjoyed these instructions. detailed recipes and instructions, as well as the tools used can be found on

selber machen deko ideen Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ika
